Tag Archives: Jesus the Messiah

Israel’s Belief that their land is the Messiah.

The world is in chaos: wars between nations and civil wars and adding to the chaos climate change the demise of our beautiful earth looms over future generations. The daily TV news feeds on the discord and moral decline of the rich and famous. Yet, despite all this there is hope in my heart that the pain and the suffering will cease as God steps into our world, in the return of the Messiah Jesus.

The Israeli – Hezbollah Palestinian argument as to who has historical rights over the land of Canaan. (Palestine). After the flood, the land (Canaan) took the name of Noah’s grandson, Ham’s son Canaan. Also, the land of Egypt, takes its name from Ham’s son Egypt. The land is still named Egypt today.   “The sons of Ham: Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan.” Genesis 10: 6.

Abraham’s origin is found in Genesis 11:27-29. Abraham the father of the Hebrew people. God gave his promise to Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation and to go to the land of God’s choosing.  Genesis 12: 1-3. “God said to Abraham, “And I will give to you, and to your descendants after you, the land of your sojourning, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.” Genesis 17: 8.

God’s Covenant with Abraham, The writer of Hebrews tells us that Abraham looked for a heavenly city whose maker and builder was God. “Abraham looked forward to a city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God. . . .But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.” Hebrews 11: 10,16.

King David’s looked for Abraham’s hope in 1 Chronicles, “For we are strangers before thee, and sojourners, as all our fathers were our days on the earth are like a shadow, and there is no abiding.” 1 Chronicles 29: 15. As God’s people their hope was to abide in God and live in the land where God dwells permanently, for eternity. 

Strangers and Sojourners

RSV Bible Study Notes Genesis 47: 9. “Scripture describes believers of every age as strangers, pilgrims, sojourners, and exiles. Believers are not of this world (Jn. 17: 16). Rather they: (1) look for the city whose maker is God (Heb 11: 16). (2) live in the fear of God during the days of their temporary sojourn (1 Pet 1: 17); (3) constitute a heavenly commonwealth (Phil 3: 20). Exposed to persecution by the world (Jn. 17: 14) they are not to be anxious about earthly concerns (Matt 6: 25). They are to lay up treasures in heaven (Matt 6: 19) abstaining from the passions of the flesh (1 Pet 2: 11) and shining as lights in the world (Phil 2: 15). Eyre & Spottiswoode RSV Study Bible Harold Lindsell. Zondervan 1971.

Jewish people believe that the land of Israel is the Messiah.
I was invited to attend the CCJ The Council for Christian and Jews Shoah Seminar at Menorah Synagogue in Manchester England May 5th, 2000, This day was in preparation for the first Holocaust Memorial Day in our area, which was to take place on 27th January 2001. ( Notes taken at the seminar) “Rabbi Fox of Menorah Synagogue spoke on the Holocaust, He said, Holocaust means ‘burnt sacrifice.’ He referred to the Jews that had been taken by the Nazis to the concentration camps fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy in chapter 53 ‘the suffering servant.’ He said that the people of the Holocaust were the burnt offerings for the atonement for their nation’s sin against God. Also, the Rabbi stated that God established the new covenant when the state of Israel came into being after the Second World War, and that the land of Israel, was their Messiah.”                                                                                                                                                          

Whilst I respect Rabbi’s interpretation of his own Jewish scriptures, as a Christian through the churches study of the Hebrew Scriptures, I see the fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecy of the ‘suffering servant’ in Jesus’ suffering and subsequent death on the cross fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy. Jesus being the sin bearer for the people of Israel and all humanity. Isaiah prophesied, “When he makes himself an offering for sin.” Isaiah 53: 10

Jesus’ body was not consumed by fire, nor was he corrupted by sin. The apostle Peter stated in his address to the crowd at Pentecost, “David foresaw and spoke of the resurrection of the Christ, that he was not abandoned to Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption. This Jesus, God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses.” Acts 2: 31, 32. Psalm 16: 10. 49: 9.    In his bodily resurrection Jesus did a complete work of redemption. Not only redeeming the believing Jewish people, but people from across the world, those who have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Messiah, the descendent of King David establishing his kingdom on the earth, as it is in heaven. Come, Lord Jesus, come. John 3: 16. John 17: 1-3,20 Matthew 6: 8-10.