Category Archives: Richness towards God

The Messiah’s Secret – Love for God

The Messiah’s Secret – Love for God

Lectionary Job 28.  Luke 12: 13 – 21

The deepest gold mine in the world Tau Tona, is in South Africa, it produces approx $ 2 million dollars in gold annually. it’s 2,4 miles deep with 500 miles of tunnels and employs 5,600 miners.        
Job wrote that people seek for earthly riches, they understand the value of gold, but the majority of people do not understand the value of true wisdom that comes from God.

Jesus showed great Godly wisdom in his conversation with the man who was disgruntled with his brother’s attitude towards him. His brother coveted possessions and money as a result he was keeping all the inheritance. He came to Jesus perhaps believing that the Messiah would be a man like Moses who inquired of God over disputes. Exodus 18: 13, 16. Deuteronomy 18: 15, 18-20.
But Jesus came not to judge, and he did not condemn people, he came to show God’s love and compassion in embracing the outcasts, his healing ministry and he taught the Hebrew scriptures with authority.
We know that after his ascension to heaven, Jesus mediates between us and God, bringing our prayers before God, his throne of grace.

In the parable Jesus was showing the lifestyle of a man who had accumulated wealth, but we understand by this man’s approach to life he enjoyed and loved possessions, living in luxury and he didn’t think he would one day be accountable before God for his richness towards God, his love for God. (I’ve prayed over many years to understand the meaning of ‘richness towards God.’)

I looked for examples in the gospels were people showed their love for God:  the widow showed her love for God when she gave more than she could afford putting her copper coins into the treasury. Jesus said, ”Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them; for they contributed out of their abundance but she out of her poverty put in all the living that she had.” Luke 21: 1, 2. 

Matthew gave up his job as a tax collector to follow Jesus. Matthew 9: 9. 

The Centurion in his faith he showed his love and trust in Jesus’ word. Matthew 8: 5-13. 

The Samaritan who had been healed of his leprosy came back to Jesus to thank him. “Then when he saw that he had been healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice, and fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving him thanks.” He loved God and gave thanks to him. Luke 17: 15, 16. 

Job showed his love for God even though he had lost all his children, his wealth and his health. He trusted and was dependent upon God for every breath of life. He did not blame God for his demise. Job 21: 22. 42: 10, 12 Blog  A Short Study of Job

Disciple Peter was asked by Jesus three times, “Do you love me Peter?” Peter had gone through a time of trial through his denial of knowing Jesus. In his conversation he responded saying, ‘he knew that he loved him’. Peter had repented when he realised his sin, he left the courtyard of the High Priest Caiaphas and wept bitterly showing his love for Jesus from his heart, his soul, his strength, his mind and will. Luke 22: 62

I do not think that Peter was half hearted, true repentance is not turning over a new leaf, making a fresh start for fear of punishment or saying words of repentance out of self pity. Repentance is when our conscious working with the Holy Spirit brings us to that place of recognition of sin against God and as a result we make a full turn, from the heart out of love for God. “You shall love God with all your heart, with all your soul, our strength, and with all of our mind, and to love your neighbour as yourself.” Luke 10: 27. 

We know Jesus’ generous love and we are able to love God. 
Jesus our redeemer died on the cross, suffering for the sin of the world. Jesus suffered the loss of everything material, to live for God in complete surrender to the Father he loved. He was crucified, laying down his life in his love for us, the future church family. “And looking around on those who sat about him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother, and sister and mother.” 

How do we show our love for God? When we are doing the Lord our God’s will, and when  in worship we express our love for God, lifting our hearts in praise, prayer and thanksgiving. As we share the good news about Jesus with others. Also when we talk to God in prayer, bringing our own concerns and those of others to him out of love for them.                                    
Going through our trials we show our love for God when we trust him and are dependant upon him, we lean not on our own understanding, “Blessed is the man who endures trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love him.” James 1: 12