Category Archives: revival in strangeways prison

The Messiah’s Secret – Jesus is Alive

The Messiah’s Secret – Jesus is Alive
 Last  week  Brenda gave me a book to read ‘Light Through Prison Bars’ It is about Rev Noel Proctor who had headed up Strangeways Prison Manchester Chaplaincy Team in the 80’s and 90’s.
There had been a rival in Strangeways Prison during the 1980’s hundreds of men had come to faith in Christ.”The revival was the talk of the Christian community in the North West. Christians around the region supported the work with house groups and by receiving a Prison Prayer Letter which Brenda still hands out each month.
In John’s first letter “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. “And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure,”  
The devil had been defeated as the Lord transformed the lives of the prisoners, and they were leaving prison walking in the light of knowing Jesus in a personal way and bearing witness through the change that had taken place within their lives, a high percentage didn’t re-offend. 1 John 3: 8, 9.
However, this was contested by the devil through the Strangeways Prison riot that took place on April 1st 1990. I remember seeing it on TV prisoners throwing slates off roofs and fires had been started in the buildings. It was the worst prison disturbance in the history of prisons.The Governor said that it had been an explosion of evil.
Noel saw all his work come to a sudden devastating end.
In his book he wrote, “A heavy weight was lodged around his heart, he felt guilty, constantly he asked himself whether there was anything he could have done on that morning of April 1st to stop the riot. He felt empty, as if nothing could reach him, he questioned his faith including the resurrection, shortly after the riot his wife died.
A friend told him that that he was experiencing the crucifixion of Jesus.
When Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, he was deserted by his disciples, they all fled, in fear of being arrested. Jesus went on to experience spiritual separation from God his Father.  He was heard to cry out, “My God, my God why have you forsaken me.” Matthew 27: 46.
The cross and the Christian intertwine, it’s were Jesus spoke of his followers taking up their cross daily and that means at some point on our journey, we will know the suffering of Christ in various ways. However, it’s important to say that there are more times of rejoicing than times of suffering.
One of those ways Noel was experiencing his ‘emptiness’ were the presence of the Lord seemed to have totally disappeared.
Other Christians who have experienced the same: C. S Lewis it was after his wife died, Mother Teresa at the founding of her missionary work and Martin Luther when he was a young monk, God allowed this to happen to them like Noel for a reason.
You may know someone who is going through a similar situation and the Lord wants you to show them Jesus going through it as well, so he knows how they feel.
In the book ‘The Inward Journey’ by Gene Edwards
Gene described how it feels to be completely empty of the Lord’s presence, “It’s not a dry period, nor is it having a hard time, it’s not personal illness or persecution and it’s not that you have forsaken the Lord, nor has there been any reason that should cause the Holy Spirit not to be there. It‘s as if God has walked off.  
But take heart he writes, no believer has gone through what some call the ‘dark night of the soul’ without one day coming into the joy and surprise of a bright morning of resurrection.”                         
Noel’s resurrection
Noel went to visit a former prisoner in hospital who he had known for a number of years. This man had made comments in the past to Noel saying that the resurrection was a fairy story. That day he shared with Noel his ‘near death’ experience where he saw a light in the darkness, in his thoughts he struggled to get to the light, when he was almost there about to enter into the light when a door slammed shut and the light was no longer there. At that point he woke up, having been resuscitated. He confirmed to Noel that he is now a Christian and believes in the resurrection, life after death.                   
The Lord used this former prisoner’s witness to give Noel a fresh touch of the Holy Spirit, his faith had been strengthened by what he had suffered and he rejoiced in the hope of the resurrection.                                       
Two types of resurrection
Coming to faith in Christ
Firstly for an increasing number of people who have no Church background, it’s when they hear about Jesus  and turning to Jesus in faith repent, and die to sin, they are raised up with Jesus in his resurrection into newness of life.  Colossians 2: 12
Secondly- when Jesus calls out his church we receive our resurrected body
Luke’s account gives us some insight into Jesus’ resurrected body
His body had substance, whereas, a spirit does not have flesh and bones. Jesus showed them the holes where the nails had pierced his hands and his feet. He wanted them to touch his hands were the nails had been.
One of the differences; no blood in his risen body, we would say flesh and blood, but Jesus said, flesh and bones. His body had no blood, his heart had been speared by the centurion, so to touch his flesh must have been cold.
He asked for their food to eat, grilled fish and he ate it before them. In all probability he did this for his disciples benefit, so they could identify with their own body and not a spirit.
Another difference was that his body could pass through walls and disappear from human view in a moment. Jesus resurrected body the first of a new creation. 
Luke 24: 36-43. Corinthians 5: 15-17                                                                                                                                                                       
Paul explained the resurrection to the Corinthians by the example of some creatures have fur, others scales, feathers, shells, celestial and terrestrial etc 1 Corinthians 15: 39, 40
We will receive our resurrected body when Jesus calls out the Church  
You can’t destroy matter so God will gather the dust, every fragment of our natural body bringing it together and it’s transform into an imperishable resurrected body.
Fulfilling Jesus words, “I AM the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me though they die yet shall they live,
This is where the dead in Christ  rise together with  those who are alive at the time of the call, as Jesus said, “and who ever lives and believes in me shall never die”  John 11: 25, 26.


Paul confirming Jesus’ word in his first letter to the Thessalonians,There will be a meeting in the air Christians those who have died in Christ, and those who are living on the earth. Our bodies will be changed at the twinkling of an eye. The whole church meeting with Jesus in the air. 1 Thessalonians 4: 16, 17.