Category Archives: Good Samaritan

The Messiah’s Secret – The True Messiah

The Messiah’s Secret – The True Messiah
             Daniel 12: 1-4 Mark 13: 1-8
Robots were invented 35 years ago this robot on the left is called Rodney Copperbottom.
In our Gospel reading Jesus spoke of birth pains but not in the usual way were mum will soon give birth to a baby.
In this ‘Robots’ DVD clip birth pains are in a slightly different way.
Robot Rodney Copperbottom was born in Rivet Town, his father was late for his delivery. A box of robot parts. The only pain involved was in putting the parts together. 
Rodney grew up to become an inspiring inventor. He travelled to Robot City to meet the celebrated Bigweld. Along the way he met other robots, a whole gang of new friends. Rodney found out that the evil Ratchet guided by his mother had taken over Bigweld’s inventions company and was denying the robots the spare parts that they needed. Rodney was a bit like Jesus, he could make the robots better by mending their broken parts and he saved them from the evil robot Ratchet.
 Bigweld takes back his company from Ratchet and the Robots get their spare parts.
 Here in Rodney’s box is Springer pup he is feeling much better now that he has been mended.                                                                              
Can you tell me some of the ways in which robots are used?                                                                                         
We have developed the use of robots in factories doing all kinds of jobs like painting, welding, installing various parts in the production of cars and computers, and even moving boxes around in warehouses. They are used were jobs are dangerous, so to prevent risk of injury to a person a robot is used.
Robots can’t think for themselves and they are not aware of God or the Bible that foretell the future.                                                                                                                                        
Prophesies Fulfilled. Mark records the conversation between Jesus and the disciples as they came out of the temple in Jerusalem. His disciples were admiring the beautiful stonework of the temple. Jesus probably stunned them when he prophesied that the temple would be destroyed. This prophecy was fulfilled nearly forty years later when the Romans invaded and destroyed the temple in 70 AD.
Jesus spoke of birth pains or labour pains, that lead up to the birth of a baby. The birth pains that Jesus alluded to is a period of a time of trouble on the earth. Many theologians who study the Bible say that this birth pain period started one hundred years ago and continues today.                       
What should we look out for? Jesus said that, “Many will come in my name and say, ’I am the Christ.’ There have been many false Messiah’s over the centuries. The most recent Porto Rican preacher Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda, he has an international ministry with a large following. To spread his bizarre doctrine he owns a TV station and has over 300 faithful pastors and he does not hide his intentions, he was reported as saying in a Miami newspaper,
 “My purpose is to close down every church so that the true church can begin.”                                       
Regarding wars and natural disasters. Many Christians believe that the labour pains began with the first and second world wars followed by increased unrest across the world.
Today, as I write this blog, we are sadly seeing and hearing about the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, It is only three years since the last conflict between them.
What came to mind on Sunday morning was the parable of ‘The Good Samaritan” the man who was injured by robbers on the Jericho road, this could be any person suffering from injustice, whether it is a Palestinian, Arab, Jew or Sudanese.
 In the parable the religious men who crossed over to the other side of the road to avoid contact with the injured man, are like many of us, who do nothing to help people who are suffering injustice.
I believe that Jesus portrayed himself as the Samaritan in the parable, he helped the injured man, knowing that the Samaritans were enemies to the Jews.
Jesus taught that we should love our enemies, do good to those who persecute us.  In the parable, the Samaritan said he would return to the Inn and settle the injured man’s account.
I see this, as the return of Jesus, settling with justice, first with the Jewish people, and the church of the tribulation. Following on with the battle against the antichrist and his allies. Luke 10:29-37.
 The Sketch. In our sketch the question of the sequence of events that lead up to Christ’s return were headlines in newspapers, which caused worry and misunderstanding. But one person in the family had wisdom to see that through it all, he believed the words of Jesus telling us not to be alarmed about what was going to happen, but to keep our eyes firmly fixed on him,
Some people would ask why would God put in place prophesy that allows suffering and wars.  At Pentecost the Apostles proclaimed Jesus for the first time as the Jewish Messiah, that was the time for the nation’s leaders to accept Jesus as the Christ, but they missed it. Their leaders of the council were Sadducee who did not believe in the resurrection and the Pharisees who must have despaired at the thought of the Messiah being defiled by the Romans and put to death by them on a cross. God in his justice knew that they had acted in ignorance, it was so that the prophesies concerning the death and resurrection of the Messiah were fulfilled.”For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3: 16.
Jesus in his compassion for us all, hoped to return with the angels within the life time of the Apostles. ” When he (Jesus) comes in the glory of his Father with his the holy angels. Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.” Mark 8:38. 9:1.  John 21: 23.
Peter preaching shortly after Pentecost to the Jews, ”Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus.” Acts 3: 19,20.(’Times of refreshing’  meaning the re-establishing of the land and throne of King David by the Messiah.) God knew in his foreknowledge that the nation of Israel would not recognize Jesus as their Christ at and after Pentecost. They are a stubborn people, the prophesies concerning the end times will bring Israel to the point of extinction, a remnant left, before they look upon the one they had pierced. A difficult birth. Zechariah 12:10. 
Other Birth Pains. We are experiencing the effects of climate change; the increasing intensity of earthquakes and volcanic activity,famine and floods. The changes to our weather patterns are causing disruption to harvests across the world.
 Daniel 12: 4 this verse points to the birth pain period, “Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”  Robots are part of the fulfilling of that prophecy the swift advance of science and technology the speed of communications across the planet.
On the 14th November 2012 it marked the 90th year since the birth of the radio. For many evangelists this was the opening up of the gospel reaching every part of the world, fulfilling Jesus’ words, “And the gospel must first be preached to all nations.” Mark 13: 10.

The birth pains lead to the birth of a baby, The’ baby’ Jesus was referring to the ushering in of the kingdom of God where Jesus will rule over all the earth.(Pre-Millennium Blog Saved by the Blood)
Christians have access into the heavenly kingdom of God now through faith in Jesus  From the time of Jesus’ ministry he put in place his ‘Baptism.’ Water Baptism whether it is by sprinkling or immersing in water, it includes the whole family. Acts 16: 33. It is in making an outward expression, a public declaration, of accepting Jesus as our Saviour for ourselves and our children.
There is a true story in the Bible approx 1500 years before the birth of Jesus. It was a prophecy of Jesus’ baptism.
600,000 Israelites after crossing the Red Sea began their journey towards the promised land of Canaan. After travelling through the wilderness of Shur for three days they had run out of water. When they came to Marah, they found to their dismay, that the water there was bitter and undrinkable. Due to this they murmured against Moses. He cried out to God for his help. God told Moses to throw a tree, that lay nearby into the water and the water became sweet and drinkable.  Exodus 15: 22 – 25.

The bitter water represents sin.
The tree that Moses through into the water, represents the cross where sin was dealt with by Jesus.
The sweet water represents sins forgiven.

It is like washing up, to wash the pots in just plain water the stubborn dirt will remain. However if I put into the water a cleansing agent, it takes off the dirt and leaves it clean.
The water and the cleaner working together is like water and the blood of Jesus’ cross working together cleansing our hearts, removing our sin and its causes. 
Further to that Jesus puts a fizz, a sparkle into the water and that is the Holy Spirit. He stays and lives within our hearts and helps us to know and follow Jesus by revealing him in the words of the Bible or through other people.
This is known as being crucified with Christ and being baptised into his death and raised up in the likeness of Jesus’ resurrection.

If only, I had a robot, so that after the dish washer has washed the pots and pans, it could put everything away into the cupboards.

What Jesus has done for us is a finished work of salvation.
Jesus told his followers that he was going to leave them to be with his Father in heaven, but he would return. As the birth pains increase every Christian is praying for people to realise that the Bible gives us insight into these events that are taking place in the world and that Jesus is the fulfilment of Biblical prophesies. He is the Saviour of the world.  

25th November 2012 We give thanks for the cease fire that is holding between Israel and Gaza.


The Messiah’s Secret – Community Issues – Why does God allow suffering?

The Messiah’s Secret – Community Issues 3 Why does God allow suffering?
Evening Service Lectionary Job 4: 1. 5: 6-27. Luke 10: 25-37.

Since Biblical records were established thousands of years ago mankind has sought to understand as to why does God allow human beings to suffer. The Book of Job gives us insight into this question.

In the Book of Job and in parable of the Good Samaritan, the main characters Job was suffering with a disease and the man was suffering having been injured by bandits. Both were victims of circumstances that were beyond their control.

Job lived in the land of Uz and the events recorded in Job took place during the patriarchal age. Job did not worship the stars or anything terrestrial; he worshipped the same God as Abraham.
The Lord saw Job as a man who was blameless, true, Godly, abstaining from everything evil and no one like him in all the earth, God blessed the work of his hands and set a hedge about him to protect him from Satan.

The cause of human suffering.
In the Book of Job we get a glimpse into the spiritual world, we read of Satan walking up and down, going to and fro upon the earth, he’s never still, having no rest. The scriptures reveal that there was a rebellion in heaven. Satan claimed equality with God and some of the angels sided with him.
”How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of the Dawn! (one of the many names of Satan)How you are cut to the ground, you who laid the nations low! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit in the mount of the assembly in the far north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High.’ Isaiah 14: 12-14

Satan was defeated and evicted from his heavenly home. The words of Jesus in Luke 10: 18 “Jesus saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven.”
After the creation of the earth Satan sought to undermine the fellowship between man and his creator. God created man out of dust and then he breathed into Adam his blood, giving him life. “The life of the flesh is in the blood.” Leviticus 17: 11.
Moses in his God inspired writings wrote about Adam and Eve’s encounter with Satan, who lied to them when he offered them a way to be like God knowing good and evil. They accepted his lie and as a result their lives fell under Satan’s influence and sickness and disease entered the world.

In the Book of Job Satan came amongst the angels into heaven where he challenged God to allow him to test Job. Satan believed Job would cease to serve God and deny his allegiance to him. God allowed this to take place and as a result soon afterwards Job’s children died, he lost his home and his possessions, but Job did not denounce God.

The patience of Job
Satan came again before God a second time and challenged God, asking if he could touch Job in his flesh he was convinced that he would renounce God. A condition was put in place by God that he had to spare Job’s life. Job 2: 6.
Satan attacked Job’s body with a disease; (Elephantiasis a form of leprosy)

One of the causes of ill health, Satan afflicts a person with dis-ease or illness. Another cause of affliction to our bodies when a person is assaulted like the injured man in the parable or have an accident or another cause old age were our bodies begin to wear out.
Praying for the Lord’s touch on a person’s life for healing, praying from the position of knowing that we are the children of God and we claim the Lord’s victory, that he won for us in his death and resurrection, over all personal ill effects on our being.

Job went and sat on the village ash mound or dung hill. In the warm and dry land of the East, the dung was not mixed with straw, but was carried in baskets to a place outside the village where it was regularly burnt. The rains reduced the ashes to a solid hill of earth, the inhabitants of the village used it as a watch tower and a meeting place.
There on the ash mound Job remembered how he came into the world with nothing and therefore he does not deny God.
Job’s response to what was happening to him was truly sincere, in trust and love for God. Job did not blame God for his loss of family, possessions and his ill health.

Jobs situation his three friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zopher came to the mound where he sat in a forlorn state. Accused by his friends of his failure to acknowledge sin in his life. (See blog ‘A Kept Secret)
The First of Job’s three friends Eliphaz spoke out in his usual candid way. He said, “Job you have instructed many in their pain, now it’s your turn and to remember your own advice, ’Trust in the knowledge of God, men reap what they have sown.’” Job 4: 7-11 He thought that Job was a sinner like everybody else therefore he should accept God’s chastening upon him so he should ‘Go back to God.’
Bildad was regarded as his humble friend. In his conversation with Job he used the “if” word. If Job had sinned his suffering then would be as a result of it.
Zopher said to Job, “Should a man who’s full of talk, be justified. Job 11: 1, 2, 13. 12: 3
“Cry to God and be forgiven.” Job replied, “I am not inferior to you.” Zopher was making him a laughing stock. Job said, “Do you not think that I am too proud to admit my sin, but I have not sinned.” Job saw their ignorance against him.

Job thought that he cannot say how a man is justified before God, yet in his heart he believed that he ‘shall be justified.’ He would thrust himself upon God. As yet he had no clear assurance of the life to come after death. Job 14: 14.

Job believed that he was being wrongly accused his life was blameless before God.
Job had a vision where he saw his redeemer, the living one, who would justify him. Job 19: 25, 26.
This word Justification has come down several millennium in scripture.

Justification – Declared not guilty of sin before God.
(See blog ‘Saved by the Blood)

The parable of the Good Samaritan

The lawyer came to Jesus in order to test him, what may have provoked the lawyer into doing this was perhaps because Jesus healed people on the Sabbath day and it had been noted by the Pharisees, Scribes and others who had shown openly their displeasure.
In Luke 6 the Pharisees and scribes confronted Jesus about his disciples having plucked and ate some heads of grain on the Sabbath Day and also Jesus healed the man with the withered hand on the Sabbath. Luke records in chapter 13 after he had healed a lady of her infirmity, the ruler of the synagogue complained to the people saying that there were six days were he could heal people and not to do so on the Sabbath. In their eyes Jesus was out of step with the law of Moses. On another occasion Jesus told them that it was right to do good on the Sabbath, he was justified by healing on the Sabbath day.

The Lawyer who came to Jesus with the question, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life,” was he looking for grounds to convict Jesus of breaking the law? A person could only enter into eternal life through keeping the law. Psalm 69:28. Daniel 12: 1 Revelation 3: 5.
Jesus’ replied to the Lawyer, “What is written in the Law?” The lawyer quoted the commandment, “Thou shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all thy soul and with all your strength and with your entire mind; and your neighbour as yourself.” Jesus responded, “You have answered correctly, do this and you shall live.”

The lawyer could not argue with Jesus’ response pointing to the law.
In order to justify himself he asked another testing question, “Who is my neighbour?”
Jesus gave the lawyer an example of being a good neighbour in the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Jesus pictured a scene that maybe was familiar to his listeners. Jericho was the city of the priests, every month they travelled along this road to perform their duties in the temple at Jerusalem. The Jericho road was desolate in places and was notorious for the bandits who preyed on unsuspecting travellers.
Jesus said that a man on his way to Jericho after being attacked and robbed by bandits lay injured on the road. Jesus then brought into the scene travellers who were going along the same road and he gave their reaction when they saw the injured man.

The priest who probably thought that the man was dead, and having no wish to be defiled by contact with a corpse, “Passed by on the other side.”
The Levite actually approached the body, but finally decided that he too might be in jeopardy if he lingered too long in vicinity where bandits were active.
The two men represented the merciless law that the lawyer kept that would rather see people suffer than be healed on the Sabbath Day.

The injured man and Job were innocent men in their suffering.

Jessie Penn Lewis’ book ‘The Story of Job’
“It is sometimes necessary to leave someone in the hands of God and encourage them to believe their way through the path of trial, because maybe God has allowed sickness as part of his purposes for that person.”

Why does God allow us to suffer?
Suffering as in the life of Job is to bring us closer to God,to teach us something and to leave ourselves in the palm of the Lord’s hands.

In the Book of Job Elihu heard the conversation between Job and his friends, he joined in and spoke of the redeemer as the ransom, the one who would be gracious to him, and deliver him from going down to the pit, not on the ground of his own integrity, but on his faith and trust in God. Job 33: 24.
This was prophetical of the Saviour, the Messiah.
Jesus was the ransom, he paid with the price of his life when died on the cross, suffering for the sin of the world. Jesus suffered: the loss of everything material, the broken will, to live for God in complete surrender. He was crucified, laying down his life for our justification and was raised from the dead on the third day
For us Jesus our redeemer paying the price of the ransom, in his life laid down, the one who would be gracious to us, and deliver us from going down to the pit, not on the ground of our own integrity, but on our faith and trust in Jesus.

Job was later restored by God to health and blessed with family and flocks and herds. He lived for a further 150 years after the time of his trial.

In the parable Jesus portrait himself as the Samaritan, he was seen as having neighbourly mercy and he fulfilled the requirements of the law. When he saw the injured man, he threw caution to the wind and did what his conscious demanded. He took out of his bag oil and wine to bathe the injured man’s wounds.
The introduction of the Samaritan would have raised a few eyebrows amongst his listeners. The Samaritans were considered unclean by the Jews.

After tending to the man, the Samaritan put him on to his donkey and made his way to the Inn.

The Inn would have been a refuge for many priests. The Samaritan asked the Innkeeper to take care of him as he had to continue his journey and whatever it costs for this man’s care, he would repay when he returned.

On many occasions Jesus went out of his way to heal people. The Samaritan went the extra mile in taking the man to the Inn which was out of his way and took time to do it and he would make a point of returning, which would again take time and he showed generosity above the call of duty he didn’t expect the man, when he was better to pay the Innkeeper, he realised he had been robbed of his means to pay.

Jesus asked the Lawyer, “Which of these three was the neighbour,” and the lawyer replied, “The one who showed mercy.” Jesus then said, “Go and do likewise.”
The lawyer understood what Jesus was saying that the Samaritan showed mercy fulfilling Jewish law.
The love of Jesus breaking down the barriers of a closed society making us realise how all embracing the gospel is.

The Jews in the parable were full of pride; the injured man might have died. God sent along the Samaritan to his aid, he sent his Saviour to him.

The Samaritan gave some money to the Innkeeper and said that he would repay his costs on his return, reimbursing him in full. What a prophetic word from Jesus indicating his return returns with the angels.
Jesus told his disciples that he was going to leave them and he also indicated that he would return and settle accounts revealed through the parable of the talents.
The ministry of the Innkeeper to the injured man reflects the ministry of the disciples who were to continue Jesus’ ministry and through the church in healing the broken in body and soul, and standing the cost of ministry until Jesus returns. Standing alongside of those who are poor in body and soul can mean personal suffering too.

People who are poorly
Father God, we remember before you the people in our churches and community who are poorly at this time. Lord you have assured us that when we pray in faith, you always hear us.
Gracious Lord, we thank you that we can pray for your healing touch on our lives, for the healing of our bodies where they are worn and tired and where through no fault of our own we become unwell. Thank you for all those who work for our wellbeing, for the prayers and the medical treatments that make us better.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer
Lord we have the assurance that you hold us in the palm of your hand,
God of the present moment, who in Jesus stilled the storm and soothes frantic hearts, bring hope to those who are living with cancer and the treatment of it. For the family members who are supporting and caring for them. Bring hope that will make them equal of whatever lies ahead.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer

Jesus you know our weaknesses as well as our strengths, it’s often when we are weak that our dependence is upon you, especially in times of distress, illness or when burdened.
God of power, you are strong to save and you never fail those who trust in you. Keep under your protection all who suffer as a result of debt: help them through their time of darkness, give wisdom to all who seek to help, bring them to know true freedom in your Son Jesus Christ.
Do not look forward to what might happen tomorrow; the same Everlasting Father who cares for you today, will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either he will shield you from suffering or he will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then, put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer

Blessed are you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You made the world in your love, You redeemed the world by your love, You sustain the world with your love. May we ever abide in your love, And give ourselves to you in love, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We lift up to your throne of grace heavenly Father those who share in the ministry of care, counsel and comfort, and those to whom they minister: the sick, the sorrowful, the aged, and the lonely.
For those who work in hospitals: nurses, doctors, surgeons, consultants, and all of the supporting ministries.
For those who have the care of children and young people, in schools and youth organisations.
For our civic leaders and those who maintain the health and safety of the community; for the social services and the industrial life of our communities.
May they walk in the love of our Lord Jesus being able to rise above all situations that would normally cause fear and anxiety. May the Holy Spirit give wisdom to those who are seeking a way forward or making decisions that will effect many lives. May the peace of the Lord transform situations and bring an abundance of blessings. In Jesus’ name. Amen