Category Archives: bread

The Messiah’s Secret – Running the Race

The Messiah’s Secret – Running the Race. Above Gold Medal

In London the Olympians have a great passion for their sport, their talents are fine tuned, trained to perfection. They listen to their beating heart and the pounding of their feet and labour for a gold medal that is their reward their crowning glory for all their hard work and effort.

The people of Jesus day were toiling, labouring, striving to please God through keeping the law of Moses in order to attain the prize of their names written in the book of life.
Daniel 12: 1. Revelations 3: 5

Christians for having taken part in the race and more importantly finishing it are looking to receive a crown from Jesus.

John 6: 24-35.
In this morning’s reading some of the people who had experienced the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 were searching for Jesus, they had experienced a great miracle, yet their hearts were hardened, they did not discern the connection between Moses and God’s provision of the manna and God’s provision of the bread and fishes.

In our sketch Jay found that he had not listened to God’s word to him, or discerned the movement of  the Holy Spirit. As a result the God’s word was over-ruled by Jay’s own desires quenching the Holy Spirit’s nudging. His eyes had been fixed on earthly glory. He was glorying in his achievements.
(In the sketch God’s direction, his will for Jay had not been heard by him, he was instead showing off his medals before God and his fellow Christian Eileen)
Eileen had heard God’s word to her and her actions were in response to her faith in Jesus.

Another example of a Christian listening to God and in faith acted upon Jesus’ words.
Eric Liddell became well known for being the fastest runner in Scotland. He had a nick name, the “Flying Scotsman” many newspapers who followed his progress, in their articles stated that he was a potential Olympic winner.
The 1924 Olympics were hosted by the city of Paris. The schedule of races had been published several months before the Games took place.(In the film ‘Chariot’s of Fire’ he heard as he set sail for Paris)
Eric who was a devout Christian, had decided that he would not race on Sundays, the Lord’s day. As a result he withdrew from the 100-metres race, his best event. His decision did not please many people and he suffered as a result, his friends tried to persuade him to run, after all he had the potential to win three gold medals for Great Britain.
Eric spent the intervening months training for the 400 metres. When the day of the Olympic 400 metres race came, Eric went to the starting blocks, where an American Olympic Team masseur slipped a piece of paper into his hand with a quotation from 1 Samuel 2:30: “Those who honour me, I will honour.”
After leading the race from the start, he was challenged all the way down the home straight but held on to take the win. He broke the existing Olympic and world records with a time of 47.6 seconds.

On this video clip from the film ‘Chariots of Fire’ we hear Eric sharing his faith with the crowd.


Eric spoke of the power within each Christian.
The power within is the bread of life. Jesus described himself as bread, he pointed to his words as being living bread,
Scripture verses that confirm this view
“It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh (his body) is of no avail; the words that I have spoken to you are Spirit and life.” John 6: 63
Jesus being the word of God clothed in the flesh. 1 John 1: 1.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1: 1

God had set his seal on Jesus.
Seal – to give one’s authority or assent to. (Chambers Dictionary)
We read that Jesus had the seal of approval from God his Father. The voice of God was recorded by Mark in his gospel as saying, “This is my beloved Son, listen to him.” Mark 9: 7
Jesus is recorded as saying in the previous chapter that they listened to Moses and so they should listen and believe in his words that he received from God his Father. God’s word to Moses, “ I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren and I will put my words in his mouth.” Deut 18: 18

Jesus’ words inwardly digested will nourish our inner self and his words empower our natural gifts giving us encouragement to step out in faith, confirmed with a words of scripture and the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit stepping out into the unknown out of our comfort zone as we are totally reliant on Jesus answering our prayer.

Eric Liddell acted upon the word by keeping the Lord’s Day.
Jesus established the New Covenant were the laws given to Moses are fulfilled in love and are now written into a believer’s heart through faith in Jesus. Jeremiah 31: 33, 34. Hebrews 8: 10-12  Ephesians 2: 13-22.
The early church put in place Sunday as ‘the Lord’s Day.’ A day set aside for focusing on worship and fellowship.
Paul wrote that the love of God is the fulfilling the law and embraces far more of the nature of God.  Romans 13: 10
“Love is patient and kind, love is not jealous or boastful or rude. Love doesn’t insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in the wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

Eric listened to God.
After the Games Eric went back to China as a missionary, he continued to compete now and again. On one occasion he was asked if he ever regretted his decision to leave behind the fame and glory of athletics. Liddell responded, “It’s natural for a chap, to think over, all that sometimes, but I’m glad, I’m at the work, I’m engaged in now. A fellow’s life, counts for far more at this, than the other.” His work as a missionary took priority over his achievements as an athlete.
In 1932 he was ordained and later married Florence Mackenzie. He died in a prison camp in China on 21 February 1945 he was 43 years of age. According to a fellow missionary, Eric Liddell’s last words were, “its complete surrender” in reference to how he had given his life to God.

The kingdom within us ensures that Christians after running the race receive a crown.
Sketch: In our sketch, both Jay and Eileen received a crown, the victor’s crown, these crowns are given to us for having taken part in the race and more importantly finishing it.
There are not any losers in the Christian faith, no medals either only a crown. But we have this glorious treasure within, the eternal bread that will last for eternity.

We are all in training to witness our faith on life’s journey.
Once a year at Whitsontide on either Friday or Sunday the members of the Churches in the town walked around their Parishes. At the head of the procession there was a brass band, followed by a large banner with the name of the church and a picture embroidered on it relating to the name. It was usually followed by the clergy and choir after them the Sunday School and following them the members of the congregation in the organisations that they belonged to within the church. We all came to together at the town square where we had a short service. In 1976 my two years old daughter, tired by the walk, when we arrived at the town square she said to me, “Mummy, my legs are out of breath.” I’ve never forgot her words, especially now thirty plus years later she takes part in Triathlon ‘Iron Man’ events around the world.

Paul used the opportunity of the Isthmian Games of his day to give encouragement to the churches at Corinth and Ephesus. “Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable wreath.” 1 Corinthians 9: 25.

At the London Olympic Games the athlete’s years of preparation and dedication for the few is paying off.  Having kept strictly to a planned diet and exercise, measuring the amount of protein, vitamins and carprohydrates at every meal and having a good night’s sleep. Observance of these are essential to help the body realise its potential.
Along with the diet is the routine of daily training, spending two to three hours out running in all weathers and exercising at the gym.

St Paul wrote, “The Christian exercises self-control in all things,” I believe Paul was referring to us having a disciplined life that daily spends time in prayer and tasting the goodness of the spiritual food, in the study of the Bible, and as our mind and will working together with the gifts of the Holy Spirit to equip us for meeting the challenges of the day ahead.

On Track
My daughter uses a GPS Tracker when she is in a triathlon race. It is much bigger than a watch, and is worn on the wrist. Through the Tracker she is able to monitor her heart beat, pulse, steps, calories, speed, distance and a map of her route that she is about to take and she can stop on route and it will pin point the exact spot where she is. It is amazing technology.

‘Christ in us’ is like wearing a tracker, it shouldn’t be surprising to us when the Lord knows our every movement, our thoughts, and he knows the condition of our body and our planned route the schedule of events in our life.
In our relationship with the Lord, we are called to walk by faith. It means being reliant upon God to respond to our prayers. For us to listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit for guidance.

In the race all the training and bodily fitness comes into its own. I’m told that in a triathlon race that after completing three quarters of the race the body needs extra impulsion. The runner relies on their own strength this comes from the disciplined mind to overcome the strain on the body, as tiredness and cramps kick in. The athlete’s discipline is kept up because of the motivation of the challenge and the prize of being successful.

On our Christian marathon the daily discipline finds its fulfilment: when someone may ring or email to ask us to pray for a family member or a friend who is about to undergo an operation. We may bump into someone on the street who off loads their problems, we become a listener, a shoulder for them to lean on, as they unburden themselves.
In all kinds of ways the Lord will direct our paths to help someone and for us to receive from others. It may be that we need help from another Christian to fill in a form or help in writing a letter.
On occasions we may struggle, it is as we persevere in prayer to keep on the track of faith and with the Lord’s help as we stand on the word of God we are strengthened to win through whatever the circumstances.

For the Olympic prize winner they receive a medal, to commemorate their achievement. The Christian looks forward to receiving the prize of eternal life, and a crown of everlasting glory.

Jesus the Living Bread

The Messiah’s Secret – Jesus the Living Bread

When Jesus said,”Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood,” he was referring to the partaking of his sacrifice for the sins of the flesh, which he accumplished on the cross. Signifying a change from being under law to grace which means unmerited favour from God.

Using the Revised Standard Version (RSV) Bible.

Visual Aids are used in this series of talks.

A Cross is made of textile material large enough to accommodate items on the following list.
Find material large enough to accommodate the largest object. (see picture above with two sizes of crosses, the larger accomodates the large doll, ‘the bride.’

A piece of cloth is cut to form two crosses and then sewn together.
Leave open the four ends to enable the objects to be placed inside the cross and pulled out at the appropriate time.

Loaf of bread
Small Bible
Two keys
Picture of Peter’s vision
Picture of sun set with a rainbow.
Picture of Ascension window (St. Alkmund. Whitchurch. Shropshire)

These are placed inside the cross.
Each one is pulled out in turn and its significance explained.
The verses of scripture can be handed out and read at the appropriate time.
The cross a place of change, a cross roads.
Life is often described as a journey and at some point we may be challenged to take a step of faith in the direction of Jesus.

It has become a habit before I go out in my car, I pray for a safe journey and a place to park. I’m always amazed when I arrive to find some one is just leaving their car parking space. Faith in the little things encourages us to trust the Lord in all things.
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11: 1

Jesus the Living Bread

The Jews wanted a sign from Jesus like the one Moses gave them the ‘manna’ from heaven. In response Jesus declared himself to be the Living Bread from Heaven.
In John’s Gospel Chapter 6 verse 49 – 51 “Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. This is the bread which comes down from heaven that a man may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.”

The manna was given to sustain the Israelites on their wilderness journey.
The miracle of the manna, it had a limited shelf life, it only lasted a short time before it went mouldy. The people had been instructed by Moses to gather only enough manna for that day. Those who did not listen to Moses and kept some over for the next day, they found it had worms in it. But amazingly when on the sixth day they gathered enough for that day and the following day, the Sabbath, it had not decayed. Exodus 16: 12 – 20.

Jesus the Bread of Life.
“The Jews disputed among themselves saying “How can this man give us his flesh to eat? Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly I say to you, unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood you shall not have life within you. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me and as I live because of the Father, so he who eats me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven, not such as the fathers ate and died; he who eats this bread will live for ever.” John 6: 52 – 58

“Many of Jesus’ disciples, when they heard it, said, “This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?”
Even some of Jesus’ followers couldn’t accept these words and didn’t follow him any more. John 6: 60, 66
For Jesus to suggest that they should eat his flesh and drink his blood was against the laws relating to food.
Under Law they were not allowed to eat shell fish, pork and other foods that would make them unclean. No meat could be eaten without first draining the blood from it, because life is in the blood. The blood removed from the meat made the food spiritualy sinless and clean. Food was spiritually part of them. Leviticus 11: 1-end 17: 11

The sacrifice that was made at the temple to atone for breaking the food laws. Jesus became that sacrifice ending the spirituallity relating to the food laws. Nolonger has food any spirituallity.
At Holy Communion the bread and the wine are symbols of Jesus’ sacrifice of his body and blood.

Jesus declared that all foods were clean.
On another occasion Jesus said that it wasn’t what you ate that defiled a person, but what came from the heart, the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Thus he declared all foods clean,)”
Mark 7: 18, 19
Jesus informs us what the word flesh means in Mark 7: 14-23. It is not what we eat that corrupts a person, but it’s what comes out of our heart and mind: fornication, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. Jesus bore these sins that defile a person’s heart for us on the cross.

When Jesus said ‘unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood’ he was referring to the partaking of his sacrifice for the sins of the flesh, which he accomplished on the cross. Signifying a change from being under law to grace which means unmerited favour from God.

Purification by the water of the Word. Ephesians 5:26, 27
Jesus went on to say, “It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh is no avail; (profits nothing) the words that I have spoken to you are Spirit and life.”
John 6: 63.

Jesus the final sacrifice for sin against a Holy God
The Messiah’s Secret page 93
“At the last supper Jesus introduced the New Covenant through his body and his blood, his life laid down for the final atonement, for sins against a Holy God. When a Jewish person made a sacrificial offering for sin, an offering of an animal, fowl, or meal, was brought to the temple, were the person would place their hand on to the head of the animal to be sacrificed, their sin was transferred by prayer into the sacrifice; its blood was then sprinkled upon the altar to make atonement, a covering for sin. This was repeated time and time again. Leviticus 1: 4. 3: 2
This offering would be accepted to make atonement, reconciliation, and pardon. This meaning of the word atonement is ‘to cover.’ The transfer of guilt to the sacrifice, brought forgiveness to the offender. The sacrifice was regarded as a person’s substitute for breaking the laws of Moses.”

Today, when we turn to Jesus in repentance saying sorry to him for our sins against God. Jesus becomes our substitute taking our sin upon him on the cross, so releasing us into the freedom of God’s forgiveness through his resurrection.

The Ascension

At the base of the window we see the disciples looking towards heaven as they watched Jesus ascend into heaven.

Jesus prophesied his ascension
“Jesus heard their murmurings and said to them “Do you take offence at this? Then what if you see the Son of man ascending to where he was before? It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh is no avail; the words that I have spoken to you are Spirit and life.”
John 6: 61 – 63
It was after Jesus’ ascension that he fulfilled the promise of sending the Holy Spirit into the world. The Holy Spirit gives life to the eternal words of Jesus, the living bread.

Jesus the Word of God, the living bread.

The apostle John wrote in his gospel and his letters about Jesus being the Word of God.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” John 1: 1
“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of life. The life was made manifest, and we saw it, and testify to it, and proclaim to you the eternal life which was with the Father and was made manifest to us.” 1 John 1: 1, 2.
Jesus wants us to eat the bread of his words which sustain every believer, providing food for the heart and soul. As we listen to them being read, inwardly digesting the words they have the power to transform a person’s life.

A word I was given on 30th May 1996 was that, “The disciples were setting up the kingdom in at the beginning of Acts.” It was as I understood to be in preparation for Jesus’ return with the angels of God. Mark 8:38


“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 16: 18, 19

The Messiah’s Secret pages 113 and 118
Jesus had given the keys of the kingdom to Peter, at Pentecost he opened the door of the kingdom to the nation of Israel
When Peter visited Cornelius he opened the door of the kingdom to the Gentiles.
Peter’s Vision.

The Lord confirmed in Peter’s vision that the laws relating to food were ended.
After Pentecost the apostle Peter was staying at Simon the tanner’s house at Joppa. Whilst Simon and Peter were preparing the evening meal, Peter had a vision, he saw the heaven opened, and something descending, like a great sheet, let down by four corners upon the earth. In it were all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds of the air. And there came a voice to him, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” But Peter said, “No, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean.” And the voice came to him again a second time, “What God has cleansed, you must not call common.” This happened three times, and the thing was taken up at once to heaven.”Acts 10: 9 – 16
While Peter was still pondering the vision, three men arrived at the house and asked for Peter. They informed him that the centurion Cornelius had been visited by an angel. The angel directed Cornelius to send for Peter who was lodging at Simon the tanner’s house at Joppa.

Peter quickly realised the meaning of the vision; it was God’s intention for him to go and associate with these people who were not Jews. This would also include eating food from their table. Peter accompanied the men to the home of Cornelius at Caesarea. Peter related to them all about Jesus, “God had anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power; how he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. And we are witnesses to all that he did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They put him to death by hanging him on a tree; but God raised him on the third day and made him manifest . . . To him all the prophets bear witness that every one who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.” While Peter was saying this, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word. Peter and his companions were amazed; God had shown no partiality between Jew and Gentile.” Acts 10: 38 – 45.

Two other scriptures confirm that all foods are clean.
“The heart is strengthened by grace, not by foods which have not benefited the adherents.”Hebrews 13: 9.
“Therefore let no one pass judgement on you in questions of food and drink.” Colossians 2: 16.

Peter initially opened the door of the kingdom to the Gentiles. It was Paul who was commissioned by the Lord to go to the Gentiles with the good news. “I have set you as a light to the Gentiles.”
Acts 13: 47.

The Messiah’s Secret page 126 Paul a Pharisee“Paul, a Pharisee, strictly adhered to the law. God had shown him that circumcision and the rituals and sacrifices of laws of Moses had come to an end, and the Holy Spirit would now write God’s laws into the heart of a person through faith in Jesus, the New Covenant. Paul’s beliefs had been turned upside down.”

Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus explaining the cross.“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace he has broken down the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law of commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby bringing the hostility to an end.” Ephesians 2: 13 -16

In the temple at Jerusalem stood a wall separating Jew from Gentile (a dividing wall of hostility) Within the Jewish courts the rituals of the Laws of Moses took place.

Through Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension the ceremonial law and the law of commandments contained in ordinances (regulations) were removed.
By ending the Mosaic Law, Jesus formed one church of believers Jew and Gentile.

Oneness in Christ

An onion is made up of several layers making up the whole onion.
“I do not pray for these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word, that they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. . . . Father, I desire that they also, who you have given me may be with me where I am, to behold your glory which you have given me in your love before the foundation of the world.” John 17: 20, 21, 24

Jesus prayed for two things:
1. Oneness with himself and Father God, not just for his disciples at the time when he said this prayer, but for Christians, centuries later, who believe in their eye witness accounts, written in the Gospels and Letters.
2. Jesus desired that the disciples would be with him and see his glory, where he was before the foundation of the world.

The onion
1. Each layer of the onion represents a person and the whole onion the church.
When I begin to remove the brown outer layer, a very strong aroma is released, so strong that tears come into my eyes. This reminds me of when I started going again to church after a twelve year break. On hearing the Gospel I felt convicted that I needed to repent and get my life right with the word of God.
Repentance, saying sorry to God for wrongdoings will often bring tears, tears of sorrow.

After removing the brown outer layer we find a white layer. This reminds me of receiving forgiveness from God. Forgiveness brings our oneness with God the Father, and Jesus the Son of God.

In between each layer of the onion there is a fine silky membrane. This reminds me of the love of God between each believer.
In God we have three persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit; all three are persons in their own right, but are united in love and form the three in one.
Each Christian is saved by grace through faith in Jesus, personal salvation and united by the love of God in the fellowship of the church.
“So we though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.” Romans 12: 5

2. The second prayer point verse 24 in two parts.
a) Jesus was looking back to the time before he came to the earth and he’s praying from the position of the second person of the Trinity.
b) Jesus desired that the disciples would see his glory where he was before the foundation of the world.

a) When Jesus prayed his prayer he was looking back to where he was with his Father before he came to the earth to fulfil God’s plan of reconciliation in uniting all things in heaven and on the earth through his death, resurrection and ascension.
After his ascension Jesus sent the Holy Spirit into the world to make it possible for us to see his glory.
“Yet to all who receive him, who believe in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” John1: 13.

Jesus prayed his request to God, from his position as the second person of the Trinity. When we pray we should remember our position in Christ, we are children of God.
“We have been blessed in Christ with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places.” Ephesians 1: 3.
“Christ is all and in all.” Colossians 3: 11.
“Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all we can ask or think.” Ephesians 3: 20
“We are seated with Christ in heavenly places.” Ephesians 2: 6

b) Like the disciples we too as children of God shall see his glory.
The Lord’s Glory as seen by Ezekiel
“And above the firmament over their heads there was the likeness of a throne, in appearance like sapphire; and seated above the likeness of the throne was a likeness as it were of human form. and upward from what had the appearance of his loins I saw as it were gleaming bronze, like the appearance of fire enclosed round about; and downward from what had the appearance of his loins I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and there was a brightness round about him. Like the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud on the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. Such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord.” Ezekiel 1: 26 – 28.

When I thought about Ezekiel’s vision of the glory of the Lord, I imagined the figure full of fire, being like a setting sun, with the sky the colour of sapphire and with a rainbow running through it.

The church was in the mind of God before the foundation of the world.
Paul wrote that we the church are a heavenly people, “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth.” Colossians 3: 1, 2. 1 Peter 1: 20
“For he chose us in him before the foundation of the world.” Ephesians 1: 4.

The Jewish people are an earthly people they are from the foundation of the earth. Luke 11: 50. Abraham was the founding father of Israel. The Jews are looking for the Messiah’s reign on earth.
“Then the King shall say to those on my right hand, “Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Matthew 25: 34.
Jesus will return
Today many Jewish people are recognising Jesus as their Messiah, Christian Jews and I’ve noticed how their knowledge of the Torah brings to light more hidden truths concerning Jesus.
When Jesus returns with the angels of God, and all the saints, the remnant of the nation of Israel will recognise their Messiah, Jesus Christ.
“So that he may establish your hearts unblamable in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.” 1 Thessalonians 3:13
”And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of compassion and supplication, so that, when they look on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps over a first-born.” Zechariah 12: 10.