All posts by Dorothy
The Messiah’s Secret – Baptism of Tears
In our reading Abram (Abraham) was called by God to leave the security of what he knew to a new land. Genesis 12: 1-4.
The writer of Hebrews points out that Abraham set out for the Promised Land not knowing where he was to go, he looked for a heavenly city whose builder and maker was God and his descendants were looking for God’s promise to Abraham to be fulfilled. “These all died in faith, not receiving what was promised . . . They had seen it from afar, a better country, that is, a heavenly one.” Hebrews 11: 8-9.
David the shepherd and court musician a descendant of Abraham was favoured by the people and as a result due to the jealousy of King Saul was pursued by him throughout Israel. 1 Samuel 18: 28 – 30.
“Hear my prayer O Lord and give ear to my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears! For I am thy passing guest, a sojourner, like all my fathers.” Psalm 39: 12. David looked for the coming of God’s kingdom.
Tears of repentance & Forgiveness of sins
Professor Rendell Short in his book ‘Wonderfully Made’ writes, “Why emotion should stimulate the lachrymal glands is not clear.” It is not understood why we cry.
A lady I know received the gift of tears at a Quiet Morning. She said, that tears began to flow and she could not understand the reason why.
God tells us in his word that he keeps our tears in a bottle.
The Psalmist wrote: “Thou hast kept count of my tossings (concerns) put thou my tears in a bottle! Are they not in your book?” Psalm 56: 8 So precious are our tears that God remembers them, makes a note of them.
St Paul’s gift of tears: in his second letter to the Corinthians.
Jeremiah’s gift of tears
“But if you will not listen, my soul will weep in secret for your pride; my eyes will weep bitterly and run down with tears, because the Lord’s flock have been taken captive.” Jeremiah 13: 17. In his prayers he was moved to tears as he prayed for the people who at the time were going through a period of prosperity but were turning away from God.
My prayer is that the Lord would pour out his tears through his people, the church, to feel a compassionate love for the people on our road, avenue, street, in our town and in our nation, tears for those whose heart the Lord longs to touch, who do not yet know him, our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ.
The Messiah’s Secret – New Start
We can call on Jesus to help us to subdue our anger and take it from us. it is as easy as pressing a button to call on Jesus. Just as a button gives access to our computers and phones we can access God by calling on him in prayer.
Readings: 1 Corinthians 3: 1-9. Matthew 5: 21 -37
The Bible covers all aspects of humanity and gives us examples: ‘Anger’ had lead Cain to take Abel’s life and King David in his seducing of Bathsheba took Uriah’s life.
Adam and Eve’s sons Cain and Abel brought a gift offering before the Lord. Cain a tiller of the ground brought the produce from the land and Abel a keeper of sheep brought a lamb from his flock. Abel’s offering was pleasing to God, the blood of animal’s were later used to cover the original sin, whereas Cain’s displeased God, the ground had been cursed by God. Cain was upset and angry; he was warned by God that if he continued to be angry he would fall into sin. Cain could not subdue his anger and with his hands murdered his brother Abel. Genesis Chapter 3 & 4: 11. This is the first murder recorded in the Bible. It came so soon after Adam and Eve were driven from Eden.
In Jesus’ day, just as today people quarreling would end up insulting each other and in some cases one will take the other to court.
Pilate had quarreled with Herod, however, during Jesus’ trial Pilate realized that Jesus was a Galilean so he sent him to Herod to be examined by him. Herod questioned Jesus, but he answered nothing. Herod sent him back to Pilate. As a result of this we read,
The Greek word ‘moros’ is translated ‘reprobate’ and also ‘a rebel’ It depends on the context in which the word is written. ‘Foolish for Christ’s sake’ is in the context of being a rebel. Youngs’ Analytical Concordance. 8th Edition.
Universal love
God is love and in him there is no sin, due to the fall when sin came into the world the love that we are all capable of sharing is sadly now tainted with sin. The love that Jesus fills us with is holy love, pure as he is pure, without sin.
When temptation gets the better of me, I will remember that I can activate the button ‘New Start’ and through prayerful repentance I know that the Lord always hears me and if you use a computer you will know, that the restore button reverses the error that you have just made and takes you back to where you were before. Thank you, Lord, Amen.
The Messiah’s Secret – Jesus the First-born
Evening Service Luke 2: 22-40. Hebrews 2: 14-18.
Waiting for the promise of Jesus’ return to be fulfilled.
The Messiah’s Secret – Jesus the Vine
1 Kings 4: 25
Jesus described himself as the true vine and said that his disciples are branches of the vine drawing and receiving their life and strength from the root and stem of the vine. The branches are tended, cared for and pruned by the Father and are called to abide in the vine. Jesus said, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you.” John 15: 7.
This word “if” speaks of making a choice to either make Jesus the Lord of our lives or to put ourselves as Lord of our life. With Jesus the Lord of our lives we are called to abide in his words: to read, and study/meditate on the words of Jesus, also of putting his words into practice, prayer is an important integral part of it.
We make these choices daily when we decide how to spend our time. Some days are busier than others, how we are feeling etc. To get through any day, it is best to bring all that we are hopefully going to do and hope to say before the Lord in prayer. Very often the word of scripture that we have read will give guidance, assurance and a blessing as the Lord walks with us.
Our prayers often lead us to bring Jesus’ promises into focus, “ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you,” Love (Jesus) intercedes and contends on our behalf to fulfil his promises to us. God given promises to us can be like Christmas presents that are given to us, but for some reason are left unopened. When in response to hearing the Lord’s call we take that step of faith to share the good news of God’s love with another person. In doing so we are opening the gift of the promise of salvation and afterwards share in the joy of their entrance into God’s kingdom.
Last week’s visit to the opticians opened up an opportunity to make Jesus known. In conversation with the optician I explained that I had been studying and reading a great deal. He asked me what I had been studying; I explained that I had been studying the Bible, Jesus being the Messiah and the book that I was updating. By his reaction he was surprised, but listened.
The branches are totally dependent upon its life’s source from the main stem and roots and we need the care and attention of the vine dresser to help the vine to produce good fruit.
A branch is complete, all that is required of it, is to grow and bear the fruit of its own harvest and it is equal to all the other branches in its composition and description. The fruit of the vine the grape is widely used to make wine as it has more spirit content when fermented than other fruits.
The Messiah’s Secret – The Samaritan Woman at the Well
Where would Jesus the risen Lord be standing in this conflict between Palestinian and Israel? I believe he would be saying to both people, “But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons and daughters of your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5: 44, 46.
The ministry of reconciliation as we are aware starts with us in our churches, many of our inner city churches are learning to welcome people from all over the world as they integrate into our society. Our new Bishop of Manchester Bishop David Walker at his enthronement service said, “It is the Churches job to facilitate belonging to God. Our Churches should be a place where people can grow in their sense of belonging. When people who start to come to Church should not be confronted with ‘this is how we do things here.’ They should expect, to be asked to share with us what they have and we should share with them. The Church is a place of welcome with hospitality at its core.”
May the love, the height and the depth of Jesus shine out from our hearts over this coming year. Happy New Year! Dorothy
The Messiah’s Secret – Advent of the Star of David.
My view on this explanation is that this triple conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn may have had the appearance of a star, but wasn’t in fact a star.
Dr Robert Cockcroft, manager of the McCallion Planetarium at the McMaster University in Ontario says a nova is “a good candidate” for the star of Bethlehem. BBC Website
Astronomers have discovered how stars are born, they begin within clouds of dust, through turbulence deep within these clouds some of the dust sticks together to form a mass, a star is born. At its center it begins to get very hot and the gases hydrogen and helium begin to work together, fusion takes place and as a result the star begins to shine. (Stars Wikipedia)
Romans 1: 1-7 Matthew 1: 18-end
Paul in his letter to the Romans wrote confirming the prophecy that Jesus was the Messiah a descendant of King David. Romans 1: 3 Both Mary and Joseph were descendants of King David. Mary the daughter of Heli. Luke 3: 23
So God does an amazing transformation of us. Just as the droplet of water is transformed into ice, the Holy Spirit acts upon the words that tell us about God’s love in sending his Son to bear our sins upon the cross, through taking our sin upon himself, Jesus redeems us, forgives us and we receive a free pardon which transforms our heart, soul and spirit we are born again. As a result we can now see how God has delivered us from the darkness of living our lives without God.
The snowflake picks up rays of light.
We can be faced with a choice that God has brought us to, in order to make that decision it is advisable to wait on God and to share our situation with a trusted Christian friend and pray for the Lord’s guidance.
We are changed, born again like the drop of water into a snowfake, when we accept Jesus as our Saviour.
Snowflake – no two are alike.
The snowflakes have different patterns with 6 points which reminds us that and we are all different in having our own DNA and our own individual finger prints, however we have one thing in common Jesus.
Like the snowflakes lighting up the darkness, Jesus uses his light of the good news in us, to give light to others.
Note. Adding story lines to Biblical events has always been discouraged by the church, so as not to undermine the truths of scripture for future generations.
The Messiah’s Secret – A Short Study on Predestination
Predestination – to determine beforehand; to preordain by an unchangeable purpose.
Under LawIn the Hebrew Scriptures when God had a particular task for a person the Holy Spirit fell on them. They were singled out and filled with the gifts, whether it was to prophecy like Zechariah the father of John the Baptist, ”And his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit, and prophesied, saying “Blessed be the God of Israel, for he has visited his people,” or
like Mary who was chosen by God to bear the Son of God, the archangel Gabriel said to Mary, “Hail, O favoured one, the Lord is with you. . . . “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there will be no end.”. . . The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.” Luke 1: 26-35
The men in the synagogue were filled with anger as Jesus had intimated that he was the Messiah. During his ministry Jesus fulfilled this prophecy when he opened the eyes of blind Bartimaeus, freeing the oppressed mad man at Gerasenes setting him free from the demons that possessed him. Many thousands of people who were healed of their illnesses and diseases, and the dead were raised like Lazarus.
Updated two days after publication.This morning while continuing to think about it, I realized that the writer of Hebrews was enforcing the ‘Ruling rod of iron’ the Apostles were setting up the kingdom in expectation of Jesus’ return within their life time. “It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and puts his servants in charge, each with his work, and commands the doorkeeper to be on the watch. Watch therefore-for you do not know when the master of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or at the cock crow, or in the morning, lest he come suddenly and find you asleep.” Mark 13:34-36. They had been told to be about their masters business until he returned. Parables Pounds and Talents Luke 19: 11-27. Matthew 25: 14-30. Jesus hoped to return within their life time Matthew 16: 27, 28. Mark 8: 38. 9: 1. Authority given to disciples to retain or forgive the sins of people. John 20:23. Peter retained the sins of Ananias and his wife Sapphira. Acts 5:1-11. Here in Hebrews verse 4 he wrote ‘For it is impossible to restore again to repentance . .” which would suggest sins being retained. ( for more study on the Messiah’s Secret)
I cannot see how, ‘Whatever virtue appears in men is the result of election” before the foundation of the world could in any way add to our salvation in Christ. Jesus did a complete work of salvation in his death and resurrection.
The Messiah’s Secret – The Messiah’s Secret Revealed
Yesterday saw the launch on line of my updated book ‘The Messiah’s Secret Revealed.’
Heavenly Father,
I pray that you would pour out your love by your grace on all who read it, so that your name would be lifted up in our nation and the world.
For those who seek you, will find you and come to know you as Lord
and Saviour. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.
Ladies Fellowship – Jesus the Cornerstone
Children’s nursery rhyme:
“Ladybird, Ladybird fly away home, your house is on fire and your children are gone.”
Children are encouraged not to hurt Ladybirds as they are God’s creatures and they work hard in our gardens helping the gardener to keep plants healthy.
In the gospel reading the disciples were admiring the beauty of the house of God, the Temple in Jerusalem. Luke 21: 5-19 RSV Bible.
Josephus a first Century Historian In his book ‘War of the Jews’ Chapter 5 verse 6
1 Chronicles 17 v 12-15. 2 Samuel 7 v 11 – 16.
Ephesians 2: 13-22
False Christ’s
To pray and seek the Lord’s way forward for his church to spread the good news. Yun reminds us that Jesus is alive and he loves us and to tell the people who we know and meet.