The Messiahs Secret

The Messiah’s Secret

On the 30th May 1996 I was having my afternoon break. Thinking about my pottery the orders that I was in the process of completing. When I was rocked in my chair, even though the chair didn’t physically move. At this moment the words came immediately into my mind were, the disciples were setting up the kingdom of God at the beginning of Acts.

Almost two weeks later, in the morning of the 11th June, I awoke with the words, “ Jesus could only be received as the Messiah after his death, resurrection and ascension.”

The two words came together; the disciples were setting up the kingdom of God in preparation, anticipation of Jesus’ return with the angels of God.  This prompted me to write it all down which was the start of the ‘Messiah’s Secret.’ About a month later I had a vision of a door opening into a room full of new furniture. A new settee, a table and chairs, new curtains and wallpaper, everything was new. I discerned that it  was in reference what God was revealing to me in the scriptures.

I like millions of other Christians had been taught that the nation of Israel had rejected Jesus as their Messiah before his death. It is shown in this book that it was impossible for the leaders and nation of Israel to have received Jesus as their Messiah until after his death, resurrection and ascension.

The Jewish people were taught from the law, that when the Messiah came he would remain for ever, “The crowd answered him (Jesus), ‘We have heard from the law that the Christ remains for ever.’ “John 12: 34.

The Jewish people did not expect the Christ/ Messiah to die. Jesus hung on the cross the people passing by shouted, “Save yourself and come down from the cross! the scribes said to one another, “He saved others; he cannot save himself. Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down from the cross, that we may see and believe.” Mark 15: 30 – 32.

The Messiah’s Secret proves that the time for Israel as a nation to accept Jesus was at Pentecost and after.

18th March 2020, (At the beginning of the Covid Pandemic} I heard the audible voice of God. I awoke with the thoughts of the activities of the previous day, then to my surprise above the noise of these thoughts, I heard just one word “Finish.” The next day I understood it was about ‘The Messiah’s Secret.’ The scriptures opened up as they had in 1996. ( this website on hold till publication of ‘The Messiah’s Secret Revealed.)