Thomas wanted evidence that Jesus was risen from the dead.

The life of Jesus is bracketed by two impossibilities: a virgin’s womb and an empty tomb. Jesus entered our world through a door marked ‘No Entrance’ and left through a door marked ‘No Exit’.

Today, many people look to science to have the answers to things that seem unbelievable like the resurrection of Jesus, but science can’t explain it, no one has ever revived after being dead for three days.

Thomas, who was one of Jesus’ disciples when he heard from the disciples that Jesus was risen from the dead, he doubted, he wanted evidence, to see the risen Jesus for himself. John 20: 19-29.

We have evidence that Jesus was raised on the third day when Cleopas and another disciple told the stranger (Jesus) on the road to Emmaus that it was the third day since the crucifixion of Jesus. Cleopas reported to the stranger that the women who came back from the tomb that morning, amazed them and told everyone in the house that Jesus was risen. Cleopas continued to say that some of Jesus’ disciples went to the tomb, but they did not see the risen Jesus. Luke 24: 21.

John records that on the evening of the day of Jesus’ resurrection the doors were shut where the disciples had gathered, for fear of the Jews. They were afraid and anxious of being arrested for being his disciples.

When Jesus entered the house his first words were, “Peace be with you.” Jesus knew their anxiety and he gave them His peace.

Recently after having my vaccination and the hope of soon getting back to normal. I didn’t think I was stressed about covid, that was until I had a day of fasting and prayer, as I focused on prayer and study, I noticed how I had become so relaxed and at peace in my body. It was then I realised just how tensed up I had been.

From John and Luke’s accounts of Jesus’ resurrection,   Jesus didn’t just appear, he spoke to them, he showed them the marks of where the nails and sword had pierced his flesh. He was keen to demonstrate that his resurrected body needed food, we read he ate some grilled fish.

That night Jesus anointed his disciples when he breathed on the disciples the Holy Spirit, fulfilling John the Baptist’s prophecy ‘The Messiah would baptise them with the Holy Spirit. Luke 3: 16. 24: 36-43.

We observe through the accounts of the resurrection that Jesus’ resurrected body was different, he could pass through what we know as solid structures even though his body consisted of flesh and bones, but Luke didn’t mention his resurrected body having any blood in it. I believe Luke purposely didn’t mention his blood because Jesus’ blood was poured out when he died on the cross to make atonement for our sins against God. Luke 24: 39.

Thomas questioned what the disciples had seen, he wasn’t afraid of being honest. Many people today will not believe in Jesus unless they have evidence by experiencing God. However, those who encounter the risen Jesus are few, the evidence comes after we turn to Jesus in faith. God becomes real through God’s love touching our hearts.

Thomas didn’t walk away because of his doubts, eight days later Jesus addressed his doubts. Thomas was there in the house with the disciples and followers, when Jesus appeared again before them. Jesus asked Thomas to feel the wounds that had been healed and to see the marks on his body. As Thomas touched his body, in front of those present he declared Jesus as his Lord and his God.

Jesus responded saying, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.”

Maybe, you have doubts concerning Jesus’ resurrection, if so, then talk to God and you will be amazed when the Lord answers.

Thank you, Jesus for being true to your word, your words are Spirit and life.

Note on fasting – abstaining from eating food concentrating on prayer, the word and reflection on the words of scripture.

For some Christians on medication, it’s not advisable to go through a day without having a meal and I believe the Lord understands every persons situation. For others to miss one meal is fine etc. However long or short the fast, it is a must to drink plenty of liquids.

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