Tag Archives: The Church in Ramsbottom

Christians Together Haslingden – Go and Tell the Nations

March 9 2

Jesus’ instructions to us is to go and tell the nations about him.

A local Priest and Rabbi were fishing by the side of a road. After some discussion they thoughtfully made a sign saying “The end is near! Turn yourself around before it’s too late!” and showed it to each passing car. One driver that drove by didn’t appreciate the sign and shouted at them, “Leave us alone you religious nuts!” Shortly afterwards they heard a big splash. They looked at each other and the Priest said to the Rabbi, “You think we should just put up a sign that says, “Bridge out of order” instead.”

The ‘Churches Together’ leaders in Ramsbottom were inspired by Pastor Phil Burns #doyouknowHim? Campaign which took place in Skipton last year, to hold it in Ramsbottom. They also contacted Capernwray Bible College for some of their Students to help as part of their syllabus. They were with us for the first ten days during which they ministered in schools, youth groups and play groups,

27th January the Launch Service was held at St Paul’s with Bishop Mark spoke on Acts 9 Ananias’ witness to go and tell the feared Saul (Paul) of Tarsus  about Jesus, who had spoken to him on the Damascus Road. Bishop Mark and Phil Burns commissioned all taking part: the 8 Bible College Students, the Church in Ramsbottom leaders and volunteers. Before the start we’ve had a Training day, 24/7 prayer day and a prayer morning plus weekly prayer meetings. The campaign started 23rd February and ends 28th April (10 weeks.)

The emphasis throughout the campaign is that all Christians are ‘the church’ in Ramsbottom and knowing Jesus in a personal way. it’s great to meet brothers and sisters from other Church Fellowships. Every Sunday each church focuses on the same readings from the Bible.

In response to Jesus’ word, ‘To go and make disciples of all nations’ Matthew 28: 19.     Saturday 26th January Training Day for witnessing on the street.

 Pastor Phil Burn spoke from his experience, he gave us lots of pointers on the way to evangelise: he said, do not fear evangelism. there will be each week a theme to engage people with. and for us to enjoy and get excited about evangelism.

Phil noted how today people are burdened: the media concentrates on problems: Family strife and the breakdown in society values. He realised how they welcomed good news about Jesus, and so we are offering a message of hope.

Phil said, the art of connecting is with your story. We all have a story of coming to know Jesus.

Jesus’ disciples after being sent out twice: the  first occasion when only the 12 went out and later with the 72 so when they took the message out at Pentecost, so they were already experienced at evangelism. The difference was that at Pentecost the authority came from the Spirit of Jesus within them and the Holy Spirit empowering them and so it is with us today, Jesus’ love reaching out with the anointed words. Luke 10: 3. Acts 2: 14.

On Saturday 23rd February we gathered at St Paul’s Church for 9.30am for the briefing and prayer. We took out ‘Bags of Blessings’ .  A bag with several items in it. The label explained what the items represented in our relationship with Jesus.

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A plaster – to remind you that God wants to heal your hurts.

A love heart – so you know how loved you are.

String – because wants to help you hold it together in tough times

Rubber – to remind you God forgives your mistakes and offers a fresh start

Star – to remind you that God will guide you forward.

Paperclip – so you are always organised

Kiss – so you know that God’s love is here to connect with.

We were sent out in two’s and three’s, the conversations with people varied: We engaged with a man from Nottingham, offering him a bag of blessing from the Church in Ramsbottom. He said that he was hoping to come and live in Ramsbottom. I mentioned the visit of Charles Dickens to the town and in his novel ‘Nickolas Nickleby’ it’s said, that he profiled the Cheeryble brothers on the Grant brothers of Ramsbottom. They built Square Mill and St Andrews church, where I attend and where I made my commitment to follow Jesus. The conversation was interrupted by the lady arriving to pick him up. Some refused the ‘the bag of blessing.’ But we had several opportunities to share our testimony with people and 20% were Christians.

(‘The Country and Church of the Cheeryble Brothers’ by William Hume Elliot)

Our witness to knowing Jesus that comes from a sincere heart, and can move a mountain of unbelief.

On the second week the theme was’ leaves of change’ We were to ask people about what changes would they want to see happen in the world and to invite them to write it on a leaf and if they were a Christian what changes to their life would they make during Lent.

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I’ve found that various aspects of my story fit in with certain conversations that I’ve had on the street. For instance: Two young women late teens early twenties, when I offered them a pamphlet they were very anti-Christian, but very polite. I was able to recall to them, when I at a similar age and feeling very anti-Christian having had a car accident where a drunk driver hit my car from behind, while I was waiting to turn right. After that car accident I began to be ill with my nerves. Some years later, a man at work who had a healing ministry, he was a Baptist Minister, invited me to attend an evening Bible study at his church, that night I was prayed for and I was healed.    It made a great change to my life, one experience is worth a thousand arguments Jesus can change our nation, and our lives, The best had yet to com 3 years later knowing Jesus as my Saviour.

The change to the Christian Community in our town were the churches are united on this campaign to fulfil Jesus’ words, ‘They shall be one’ in Christ.  

Week three. Finger Puppets – Telling the story at a Puppet Party.March 9th Campaign

Last Saturday we gave out invitations to the ‘Puppet party’ at the Community Church (Pentecostal Church) located opposite the Library.

Even though it was cold, windy, with the occasional shower most people were friendly and stopped to converse and were given a finger puppet for their children with the invitation to ‘drop in’ at the ‘Puppet Party.’ It was well received  many went to the church where various types of puppetry gave opportunity for children to ‘have a go’ with the puppets and watch and listen to the Gospel story being told by the puppets and their puppeteers.

Others speaking to people on the street had been asked, ‘Who is the ‘Him’ that the hash tag refers to?” and with great delight witnessed their story of knowing Jesus in a personal way.

On the street, it was cold and windy I heard in the distance the steam trains whistle as it stopped at the station bringing visitors into Ramsbottom. Nothing could dampen the joy I held in my heart at being part of this witness #doyouknowHim? Campaign


Lord, thank you for the opportunity to witness our faith, to meet people on their life’s journey and offer them the word of faith. 2,000 years ago it was made known to the world and that knowledge can’t be revoked that God’s love for us is revealed in Jesus where on the cross he took our sin of separation from God upon himself and through his resurrection we receive forgiveness and reconciliation between ourselves and God.

May many over the next 7 weeks through our turning to Jesus in faith and recognition of their sin against God and others, will ask God for forgiveness and enter into the Fellowship of the Church in Ramsbottom.  In Jesus’ name. Amen