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Street Ministry – In Jesus the Fulness of God

The Colossians were discovering and learning new things about God through having a personal relationship with Him. Paul in his letter to them was helping them to navigate the deep waters of the human spirit, in relation to the discernment of true faith having received the union with the Holy Spirit’s conviction and revelation about Jesus: in Jesus the fulness of God,  his mind and Spirit within them. But there were those among them seeking to include deities and practices from other religions, who they would say that they belonged to the same God.

‘Introducing the New Testament’ by John Drane.

“In Paul’s letter to the Colossian Church Paul deals with false teaching by emphasizing again that Christ believers can find all they need. Some of the Colossians had been suggesting that they needed other supernatural agencies and that Jesus was just one of several possible manifestations of God. Paul firmly asserted that in Christ all the fulness of God was pleased to dwell. Colossians 1: 19. That in Jesus the whole fulness of deity dwells bodily. Colossians 2: 8, 9. The Colossians claimed they needed to experience something deep and mysterious, this mystery if they were to find full salvation.”

See to it that no one makes a prey of you by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe, and not according to Christ. For in him the whole fulness of deity dwells bodily.” Colossians 2: 8, 9. RSV Bible

Philosophy: the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence.

At the beginning of his letter to the Colossians Paul declares that Jesus is the image of God, the Son of God. We have the knowledge of God, his character, and his power manifested in Jesus. Jesus said that he said and did what he heard from his Father. John 5: 19, 20, 26.

The Jewish traditions had been fulfilled in the life and ministry of Jesus and in his death, resurrection and ascension a completed work of redemption from the power and elemental spirits of the prince of darkness. Colossians 2: 13-15.

Gateway ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BIBLE  “The term also came to designate personified beings or “elemental spirits.” These could be simply personifications of natural forces, or could be individualized as demons or, possibly, as angels. Recent scholarship has tended to interpret the language of Colossians 2:820 in this way. Some interpreters have so understood Galatians 4:39 as well.”

Elementary spirits will bring to our minds: confusion and strife working against the Holy Spirit’s presence and his gifts given to us.

Talking to many people on the street, I have become aware of Christians who are not discerning, like some of the Christians at Colosse of the spiritual difference between our human spirit, the Holy Spirit and elementary spirits.

The Bible tells us that we are created with a human spirit, that is that the life within our soul is spirit as well as our conscious mind and will.

‘Healing the Human Spirit’ by Ruth Hawkey.

“We may not understand how or when we receive our human spirit, but we do know that each of us has one, as well as a body and soul. It is part of us that makes us completely different from every other person. It is the essential ‘you’ that is totally unique and special, that part of you that ‘speaks’ with others in a very deep and meaningful way.”

The Holy Sprit’s coming into the world is received when we accept Jesus as our Saviour and Lord. He quickens our human spirit and transforms our nature to be like Jesus. Romans 8: 11 KJ Bible

 Personal experience of ‘quickening’ when the Holy Spirit came in power into my life. It was like the ‘quickening’ takes place when a baby in the womb moves for the first time.

Ruth writes, “I would suggest that our human spirit also ‘mirror’ or ‘image’ the Holy Spirit in being facilitators of God’s purposes, to a lesser extent. It is, of course, only the Holy Spirit’s work within and through the human spirit that brings in the kingdom of God. Nevertheless, we as part of the body of Christ have a role to play, which is led by the Holy Spirit and allow Him to work through us (that is through our spirit) in order that we might ‘work the works of God.’ It is our spirit that we receive the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit, which God means to flow through us in order to bring evangelism, healing and deliverance to a needy world.”

A Toe in the Door.

A Christian lady in conversation with her friend told her that she was not feeling very well. Her friend offered her a free reiki massage treatment with perfumed oils and the placing of stones on the relevant areas of bodily pain or discomfort. Neither of them realised that they are opening a door to elementary spirits. The reiki practitioner would claim they’re using earth’s energy, natural forces, or could be … astral or spirit sphere.

A Christian friend told me of her concerns, in her ignorance she had accepted to undergo reiki treatment at the local hospice. But she was alarmed when the reiki practitioner left her in the darkened room as part of the treatment. The Holy Spirit in her discerned that a door had been opened that would allow the opposing spirits into her life. We said a prayer of repentance and claimed back the ground given to elementary spirits in the blood and name of Jesus.

Reiki practitioners soon run out of the energy coming from the earth for healing purposes and to top up their energy they use: symbols, stones, incantations or gestures.

True Christian energy and healing comes from the Lord our God. Colossians 1: 29. Mark 16: 17, 18.


Lord Jesus, please make us aware of the spiritual enemy that prowls around looking for unsuspecting Christians to deceive. May we, through Jesus’ triumphant victory over the enemy in your love for us, we ask for forgiveness and claim back any ground that we may have given to the prince of darkness. Direct our path and to keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. In his name, we pray, Amen.