Tag Archives: Liberated ministry

Christians Together Haslingden – Liberated by God

Liberated by God in areas of our life. 

Our Saviour Jesus has liberated us from: sin and condemnation.

Set free to worship God in Spirit and in truth. Free to give him the glory of his saving grace    Free to walk with him till the end life’s journey.  Free to bear the fruit of his love. Free to love and serve him, in this world,  in fellowship with heaven.

There are areas of our life that most likely haven’t been liberated yet.

Paul’s Letter to Philemon.    RSV Bible

Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to Philemon over his concern about Philemon’s former slave Onesimus. Paul was under house arrest when he wrote this letter, Onesimus had come to faith and was helping and serving Paul at the time of writing.

Paul spoke highly of Philemon’s ministry

Paul appealed to Philemon’s ministry of refreshment to his fellow Christians, refreshment meaning helping Christians who perhaps were going through difficult situations, where they needed prayer and practical support.

Paul wrote as a mediator between Philemon and Onesimus.

We understand that Onesimus had run away from Philemon’s home where he lived as a slave. But when he left, he stole from him.

Philemon was probably angry and hurt when he did this to him. Slavery was the norm throughout Ancient Egypt, and Greece as well as Roman. All slaves and their families were the property of their owners, who could sell or rent them out at any time. Their lives were harsh slaves were often whipped, branded, abused or cruelly mistreated, their owner could kill them for any reason, facing no punishment. 

Onesimus became a Christian

After leaving Philemon’s home he came in contact with a Christian and he received Jesus as his Saviour and like us today, through faith he died to sin with Jesus and was raised up with him in the power of his resurrection.

We know that we are changed, and we begin to walk in newness of life. Instead of selfishness – love for other people, instead of fear – courage, instead of weakness – strength.

Onesimus was a free man in Christ, just as Philemon and we are, free in Christ

When we see this liberty in the life of Onesimus, his past sins forgiven, but the Holy Spirit maybe convicted him to get right with Philemon. Therefore, Onesimus was repentant and forgave the injustice he had suffered in Philemon’s house.

Paul was like a father to Onesimus, he expressed how much he loved him, “he was sending his very heart.” Paul suggested to Philemon that God had allowed his former slave, to be parted from him for a little while, so now he could have him back for ever. Meaning he’s entered eternal life, so now he’s his brother in Christ.

Paul appealed to him to set him free from being his slave and he would reimburse him on behalf of Onesimus.

Paul seemed concerned that Philemon’s old nature might arise and make him a slave again “That your goodness might not be by compulsion, but of your own free will.” Perhaps he had observed that he kept this area of his life excluded from his faith. Do we tell all our friends that we are a Christian? Do Christians separate business areas of their life from their faith.

Paul also put it to Philemon that Onesimus could stay with him and serve him on his behalf, so fulfilling his obligation as a slave. But Paul wouldn’t take that decision upon himself. He was hoping that Philemon would forgive him and take him back as a brother in Christ.:

If he forgave Onesimus it wouldn’t have been a stamp of approval for what he did. But to forgive him would heal his own hurt and anger and that would be liberating for both of them.

Certainly, Paul didn’t want Onesimus to return to slavery to become a man’s property, now he belonged to Christ.

Wilberforce opened this area of people’s lives to apply the words of faith and brought liberty to slaves.

William Wilberforce for 18 years he regularly introduced anti-slavery motions in Parliament. Many Christian Victorians had bought into the slave trade, they owned slaves. After slavery was abolished in 1807 many would lose money buying and selling slaves; in 1833 slavery owners on the plantations were compensated.  It shows that still for many Christians that this area of their lives where closed to God.

Modern Slavery

The  Manchester Evening News reported on 7th Nov 2018 that 10 potential victims of slavery were liberated.  Some were Polish, Czechs and British.  The sting took place in Levenshulme Manchester at ‘Drive & Shine’ Car Wash.

The definition of Modern slavery involves the movement or recruitment of individuals using threats, deception or other means for the purpose of exploitation.

When we experience God’s liberation on areas of our life, it fills a person with great joy.

God liberates us from fear, danger, enslavement of sin and brings us great joy, peace and fills us with his love.

Christian Unity Week Theme ‘Only Justice.’

God of all, you have shown us the path of justice.

You are the Father of the orphan.

You are the constant companion of the widow.

You are the friend of the stranger.

In each of these, may we meet you and recognise the wind of your Spirit, moving us towards the need for justice.

In all that we do, may we know your grace and mercy and offer healing and justice in your name.
