Tag Archives: indentifying the cause and the affect on us

Released from Behaviour Patterns

Galatians 3: 26-28

Stephanie, mum of 2. Onetimethrough.com “One day I was at the book store flipping through books, my husband was occupying my daughter (I thought) when he later showed me this picture, she was standing just like me, flipping through a book. I had never seen her do that before!”

Behaviour that we adopt from  others

Paul writing to the church at Galatia was concerned that having received Jesus as their Saviour by faith, the Jews among them had reverted to living under Jewish law again and their influence was on the rest of the church.

To the Gentiles who had become Christians Paul informs them, that through faith in Jesus they were one with Jesus. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave or free, there is neither male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

God’s family is made up of people from all over the world, who have left behind world religions, and cultures. The Holy Spirit’s ministry at Pentecost we read that the disciples in conversation with Jewish people from various countries shared the good news in their native tongue.

The Samaritan women at the well who after speaking with Jesus went back home and began to tell her fellow country men  that she had met the Christ, the Messiah. Everything that should have separated her from Jesus by tradition and the political divide had fallen away.

”Christ in You” Colossians 1: 27

 “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” Galatians 2: 20. Through faith we died to sin with Jesus and raised up with him in the power of his resurrection.

We know that we are changed, and we begin to walk in newness of life in the Spirit of Jesus. Instead of selfishness – love for other people, instead of fear – courage, instead of weakness – strength, instead of deceit and lust – righteousness and purity.

Our old nature will try to restore old behaviour. 

“I would be grateful if the member of the congregation who keeps calling out, “Praise the Lord!” would kindly cease and remember that this is the house of God.”                Church Chuckles’ Phil Mason                                          

We are born into a human family with its genetic traits e.g. boys/girls with red hair, twins etc. As we grow up we identify a characteristic with a parent or a relative. However, it’s quite common for a child to imitate a parent’s words or mannerism.

Onetimethrough.com “I’m not exempt from admitting that my son has imitated my husband’s and my “less than desirable behaviours” when my son was at an early-years drop in centre and was driving a play car and shouted, “Get out of my way, idiot!” at some other children.” 

From my own study of Peter, in Paul’s letter to the Galatians he recounts the behaviour pattern of Peter the Apostle on his visit to the church at Antioch. “For before certain men came from James, Peter ate with Gentiles, but when they came, he drew back and separated himself fearing the Circumcision Party, and with him the rest of the Jews acted insincerely, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their insincerity.” Galatians 2: 12,13.

Before Paul came to faith, Peter had taken the good news to Gentile Cornelius.

Peter had a vision where a sheet descended from heaven bearing all kinds of creatures, the angel told Peter to ‘Kill and eat.” Peter alarmed by this said he had never eaten anything that was not (Kosher) specified by the law. Three men came to the house and asked for Peter, they told him that Cornelius a Centurion who feared God, had been instructed by an angel to send for Peter he had a message from God for him. Peter must have realised that the vision was in association with Cornelius’ request. He went with them to the home of Cornelius and there he told them about Jesus’ ministry, his death, resurrection and that they were his witnesses. While he was speaking the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word. Acts 10 All that had separated Peter from the Gentiles fell away through their faith in Jesus.

Afterwards Peter was criticised by the Circumcision Party for eating with Gentiles. He shared with them the vision and the spirit told Peter to go with men to Cornelius’ home ‘making no distinction.’ Peter said, “The Holy Spirit fell on them just as on them at the beginning. “When they heard this they were silenced and they glorified God, saying, ‘Then to the Gentiles God has granted repentance to life.” Acts 11

Even though hearing his account had silenced them and they even glorified God, Peter wasn’t free from their condemnation. At Antioch Peter was still affected, fearing the criticism of the Circumcision Party. That’s why he drew back and separated himself, and his behaviour then influenced the other Jews with him.  Galatians 5: 17

Peter’s released from his behaviour patterns 

Peter’s second letter Chapter one verse one the Lord showed me that he had been healed, he writes “To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours.“ This shows that he has accepted the Gentiles as his equal in Christ. He elaborates by going on to state, “And become partakers of the divine nature.” His way of saying ‘One with Christ’ and ‘Christ in you’. It’s the truth that has set him free. At the end of his letter he comments that some of Paul’s words are hard to understand.                                                              

Peter points out what makes up the divine nature: supplement your faith with virtue, knowledge, self-control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection and love. “For if you do these things they will keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  2 Peter 1: 1-11

Peter was released from being spiritually under law.

Even though Peter knew Jesus as his Saviour he had been under law regarding the Gentiles. Paul taught the Gentiles were one with the Jews in Christ. Peter couldn’t see it spiritually, that was why he separated himself from the Gentiles at Antioch. When he did see and understand what Paul was saying, he must have known that his fear and condemnation of what the Circumcision Party might think, stemmed from his former stance under law and as a result made him ineffective and unfruitful, I don’t think he would have used those words if he hadn’t experienced it for himself,

It’s important for every Christian to be free from being under law, not looking to rules to set our behaviour patterns. Colossians 2: 6. 2: 4-6.

Peter’s guidelines: add to faith virtue – moral behaviour, knowledge – knowing God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, self-control – spiritual integrity, steadfastness – faithful, reliable, godliness – reverence towards God, brotherly/sisterly affection – comforting presence of the Holy Spirit and peace(shalom) –  love – patient, kind 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7.

As believers we are led by the Holy Spirit in fellowship with one another. Praying seeking to do God’s will for where the Lord wants his gospel heard. The Holy Spirit acts on our witness, as we make Christ known.

Recently I’ve been studying ‘ Keys to Freedom ‘ a course designed to help people with behaviour problems .  Mercy UK

Continuing the theme of behaviour patterns.                       .

Doc Martin’s behaviour pattern

A popular TV drama series Doc Martin, the main characters Dr Martin Ellingham played by Martin Clunes and his wife Louisa played by Caroline Catz.

The programme revolves around Ellingham’s interactions with the local Cornish villagers. Despite his medical excellence, Ellingham is grouchy, contentious, and lacks social manners.  His direct, emotionless manner offends many of the villagers, made worse by his invariably unpleasant responses to their ignorant, often foolish, comments. They perceive him to be hot-tempered and lacking in a bedside manner, whereas he feels he is performing his duties in a professional and by-the-book manner, not wasting time chatting. He does not smoke and has no hesitation in pointing out the risks of unhealthy behaviours, both in private and in public gatherings.

Good side to Doc Martin  

Martin’s skill as a doctor shows medical excellence  

Performing his duties in a professional and ‘by the book’ manner.                                                                                        

Martin doesn’t smoke Tabaco


Serving others.

Martin had compassion for people when he was called to respond to an emergency.Doc Martin and Louisa had therapy sessions with Rachel Timoney and he sought advice for his blood phobia.              

Let’s not be modest – work out what are our good points.___________ 

Martin’s less favourable points

He is grouchy, abrupt, confrontational and lacks bedside and social manners.

He is direct, emotionless, hot-tempered, not wasting time chatting to patients.

In public or private gatherings, he points out the risks of unhealthy behaviours.

It’s important that Martin recognised the cause of his behaviour patterns

Doc Martin’s and Louisa’s therapy sessions identified a major cause of Martin’s  behaviour problems: his relationship with his parents. His parents had a distant, cold relationship that affected Martin growing up. He wasn’t cuddled by his mum when a cuddle is an expression of ‘I love you, I’m here for you.’ Rachel recommends Martin and Louisa should have a hug every day.

God’s healing love worked out in our life.

Family or friends can reveal to us what our behaviour patterns are. If we recognise things that we need to change, and this may lead us to bring them before the Lord in prayer. The release from our hurt can bring about physical healing as well.

 “Prayer must surround everything we do, whether we’re sad or happy, suffering or cheerful. Prayer that is based on the fact that the Christian stands at the overlap point of heaven and earth.” “The person praying stands with one foot on earth in the place of trouble, sickness and sin and with the other foot in the place in heaven of healing, forgiveness and hope.” Tom Wright’s Study on ‘Prayer’

What influences can we relate to in our behaviour patterns?____________________

We are one with Christ, the power of this behaviour pattern is broken through faith in his name Jesus Christ our Lord. “Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you.”         Galatians 5: 1. Message Bible


Lord Jesus, you bore on the cross every cause of sin and sickness, and in your resurrection,  we find release from cause and effect of behaviour patterns in our lives. As we have received you into our life through faith in Jesus’ blood we have been forgiven and we are called to forgive those who sin against us.

I pray for forgiveness where I have sinned and I forgive those who have sinned against me. As a child of God, I am able to stand and claim Jesus’ victory over the cause_______ and affect________ of this behaviour pattern in my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

 “If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will and it shall be done for you.” John 15: 7

Jesus said, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have already received it and it will be yours.” Mark 11: 24.