Tag Archives: climate change – humanity depends on the seasonal changes

The Dynamic Christian Cycle

Dynamic means – A force that simulates change within a system. (Online dictionary)

Christians believe that God is the dynamic force.

The seasons of the year run in cycles and within that cycle Christians beklieve that God is the dynamic force and changes take place: from Winter’s death, into Spring’s resurrection of new life. Summer brings forth fragrant flowers to produce Autumn fruits.

Another cycle the days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

We put in place on certain days of the week things that we do regularly like going to church, a weekly Bible study, the supermarket, or visit a friend.

Christian belief cycles.

In our lives, we put in place structures that give a pattern or process that formulates our beliefs.

Many Christians believe that good deeds are required to be a Christian, and we must keep the commandments as a structure, a set of rules to be assured of our place in heaven. However, we have the example of Jesus that reveals that keeping a set of rules will not give us a place in heaven. Jesus broke the rules, he demonstrated to his disciples and to us today, that it is by faith in him we obtain a place in Heaven.

Blind Man healed   Pool of Siloam John 9: 1-41.

On the Sabbath day, Jesus, and his disciples where walking past the Pool of Siloam, when they noticed a man who was blind sat by the pool. He was hoping for someone to put him in the pool, because when God stirred the water, the people in the water were healed. He hoped to be healed of his blindness. Jesus without hesitation, spat on the ground and  mixed his spittle with the dust and made clay. With it he anointed the man’s eyes saying to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam.” So, the man felt his way to the edge of the pool and washed his face in the water and straight away as the clay fell from his eyes, he could see.

His neighbours when they saw the man could see, they were amazed. He told them what had happened at the pool, and they said to him, “Where is he?” He said, “I don’t know.” His neighbour suggested that he should tell his good news to the Pharisees. The Pharisees asked how did he receive his sight? He told them what had taken place that day at the pool. But they were not pleased, the man should not have made the clay to anoint his eyes, as all manner of work was forbidden on the Sabbath day. The Pharisees did not believe that he had been born blind, so they asked to speak to his parents to prove he had been born blind. The man’s parents confirmed his story.  Exodus 31: 12-17.

The Pharisees spoke to the man again inquiring how had he received his sight. The man in his frustration asked them, “Did they want to be his disciples? They replied that they did not know this man or where he had come from.

When Jesus found the man, He made his identity known to him, He was the Son of Man, the Messiah. The man went and told the Pharisees that it was Jesus who had healed his blindness.

Below the Disfunctional Cycle and the Dynamic Cycle.

A disfuctional cycle

The Disfunctional Cycle on the left.

The Pharisees kept the commandments as a set of rules. By following this pattern, they earned their place in heaven by keeping the law of Moses, with its rituals and sacrifices.                                            Jesus making the clay and placing it on the blind man’s eyes, broke the Sabbath day laws. Deuteronomy 5: 13, 14. Jesus was peeling away the Pharisees added rules to the laws given to Moses by God. Jesus’ actions did not make him popular with the Pharisees. They were blind by keeping a set of rules. Before and after his resurrection they did not recognise Jesus as their Messiah.

The Dynamic Cycle on the right.

Jesus believed that it was right to do good on the Sabbath Day. Luke 6: 9 Jesus proved he was right by his ministry being sustained by God on the Sabbath day. He demonstrated compassion for the outcast in society, like the blind man at the pool of Siloam. Jesus revealed his identity to the man. By his achievements he was showing the true interpretation of the Laws given to Moses by God.

Below: A Christian’s  Disfunctional Cycle and the Dynamic Cycle

A dynamic christian cycle

The Disfunctional Cycle on the left.

Many Christians believe that we are accepted by God as we declare our faith by doing good deeds. Our faith is not sustained by the gospel message being hidden out of sight. Christians today are blind by keeping the commandments as a set of rules. A Christian that wants to be identified with success rather than failure. The need to achieve to satisfy the need to be accepted and the cycle starts again.

The Dynamic Cycle on the right.

Our place in heaven does not depend on us being a good person doing good deeds, it is by faith in Jesus what Jesus accomplished in the process of his death and resurrection.

A person is accepted into God’s kingdom through their faith in Jesus. When Jesus died on the cross, he broke and removed the barrier of our separation from God. The Bible tells us that we are created to have fellowship with God. Moses knew this, when he wrote in the first book of the Bible ‘Genesis’ his inspired story of Adam and Eve. They were created immortal, but succumbed to the devil’s temptation, as a result mortality entered humanities cycle Winters death separated us from knowing God to knowing about God. John the Apostle tells us that Jesus knew he had been born as one of us to restore our fellowship with God. John recorded Jesus’ prayer, “Jesus prayed, “This is eternal life, that they know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” God wants us to know him and have the continuity of fellowship for all eternity. For this to happen Jesus bore on the cross all, everything that stood against us blocking us to know God in a personal way. Jesus’ resurrection is like Spring, he rose from the dead, he won the victory over all that separated us from God. So, we cannot earn our place in heaven by doing good works. It is through having faith, our belief in Jesus. He is like the fragrant summer flower, from him we receive as a love gift from God our place in heaven our eternal home. Autumn’s fruit stems from our faith in God and Jesus, we receive the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit. John 17: 3. 3: 16.

Christians follow Jesus’ pattern by acting in faith in our fellowship with God.

Faith is like the process of posting a letter.

The Post Office require a stamp on the envelop along with the address. We post it in the post box. The postal worker collects the letters and take them to the sorting office, from there the letters are delivered to their destination. If we expect a reply from the letter we sent. We have faith that in due course we will receive a reply, a letter through our letterbox.

Christians follow Jesus.

The Holy Spirit acts on our faith in Jesus’ recorded words that are living words. It is often as we apply Jesus’ teaching to a situation we are facing, faith, works within our heart,(Spirit) mind and will, as they come together in agreement, to convict us if it is the right or wrong decision we are making. John 14: 15-21, 17: 20-23.

It is through faith working in our heart that enables God to write his law in our heart.

God transforms our nature so that we feel how God feels about sin, it is aberrant to us. Our faith enables us to yield ourselves to God’s will. It is like the tree that bends its branches in the direction of the wind, as we reciprocate our love towards God. Jeremiah 31: 31-34. Hebrews 8: 8-12.

Faith in Jesus means we become dependent on God.

Every young child looks to the adult to take care and provide for his/her needs. Our Father God wants us to look to him for our needs. Faith believes when we pray bringing our requests to God, we access those spiritual blessing in heavenly places through God’s love for us. Ephesians 1: 3.

Our famers work with the patterns of the seasons. We are more aware now of the importance of the seasons, with the earth’s temperature rising, through our use of CO’2. Droughts and floods are increasing, sea levels are rising, the realisation that the food cycles are being damaged and lost, and how humanity depends on those cycles of the seasons to sustain life on earth.

Bible prophesies assure us that life on earth has a future.