Tag Archives: Bush tucker trials

Jesus Releases us from Fear

1 Sam 17: 32 – 50 Mark 4: 35- end

Bush Tucker Trials

I’m a celebrity, ‘Get me out of here!’

Hollyoaks actor Jamie Lomas came face-to-face with some of his worst fears.        He has admitted that his list of biggest fears include “bugs, spiders and cockroaches crawling all over my head.”

The challenge for the bush tucker trial;

Drink –    A delicious ‘Earthworm/Cockroach Shake’BT Trial 2

It contains apple juice, green food colouring, and melted marshmallows.                 (With a plastic cockroach.)

In our reading David wasn’t afraid to make a stand for Israel, to confront Goliath. He had been prepared by God to do the business. His training in the field among the sheep, he trusted God to deliver him from the lion’s mouth when he rescued the lambs in his flock from the lions. He knew his strength was in his sling shot, he had practised it defending his sheep from wild bears. He wasn’t afraid and it worked he killed Goliath and God was glorified.

Finding Stars Amongst the Slimy WormsBT Trial 3
Spaghetti, oil, food colouring, spiders, cockroaches, giant ants… (none real, unfortunately), feel for the stars, not knowing what else was in there. It was the FEAR!  Find a stars

But the disciples in the boat on Galilee in a storm were afraid of being sunk. They looked to Jesus to save them, Jesus wouldn’t be afraid. Jesus stilled the storm and their fear.

Third Trial – Box containing locusts and spidersBush tucker trial

Standing inside the box, the locusts are poured into the box, find the stars among the creepy crawlies .OOOOOOh aaaaaahhhh!

How many stars collected 7

We often develop fears at an early age, these fears we might term as being Goliath’s in our lives. Going to the dentist was my fear for a long time, I used to give myself a treat after going, so I could look forward to that, and when I took my children I took them for a treat after they had been. My fear shaped their lives.

Jesus releases us from fear, he healed me of that fear nineteen years ago, at an evening healing service at St John’s Baxenden, a lady on the row in front of me said that she had a pain in her left upper jaw and asked if anyone present had a similar pain.  I put my hand up, they prayed for me in faith, to release me from the pain. It worked not only did the pain go, but later I discovered the fear of going to the dentist went with that prayer.

The disciples were afraid of the turbulent waters so they woke Jesus up they were terrified that the boat would sink beneath them and they would all drown.

Jesus said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?”

Mark records how their faith grew after that storm: they had witnessed Jesus healing many people, and he sent them out in his authority with the message of the Kingdom and to heal the sick. Then we read Peter’s faith had grown to the extent he had faith to get out of the boat and take a few steps walking on the water.

God may want us to step out of the security of where we are, to do something for Jesus led by the Holy Spirit. God gave his disciples the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who would be with them when he wasn’t there, to still the storms in their lives.

Jesus had only been with his disciples for a short time, but the Holy Spirit would be with them forever. Jesus was going away and the Holy Spirit would be with them. God had faith in Jesus when he was sent to us to redeem us from sin, Jesus had faith in Holy Spirit to continue his work with his disciples. All three have put their faith in us, who believe in them, to tell people the good news about Jesus.

The Holy Spirit’s presence in their lives made them fearless.

Genesis 1: 2. The fearless bold Holy Spirit, “The earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness, and the power of God, (the Holy Spirit) was moving over the waters.” Good News Bible

So we like the disciples have received the fearless  and bold Holy Spirit. He is continually teaching and revealing Jesus to us and by his tender, compassionate leading, he will help us to walk with God and release us from fear.

 In Acts 4: 13. The disciples Peter and John were arrested and came before the members of the Sanhedrin for questioning, they  were amazed to see these uneducated men Peter and John boldly witnessing Jesus’ resurrection.

First Bush Trucker Trial

God has called us to be fearless

  1. How bold and fearless Stephen was to drink the delicious Cockroach shake

Roosevelt said, “There is nothing to fear, but fear itself,” which means fear makes things worse.                                                

Many of those who come to the Job Club have genuine fears of the result of not having a job, they worry over paying bills, buying clothes and food.

Some are ashamed of their circumstances and take it as they feel inadequate and useless. They have only the Social Services and the doctor to turn to for help.

But we have to offer them the good news in times of crisis to turn to Jesus for God’s help: like the disciples who turned to Jesus when the waves were crashing over the sides of their boat.

The Holy Spirit’s ministry is to comfort, and release us from our fears. Perfect love casts out fear, the Holy Spirit disarms fear. The Holy Spirit fills that empty space within us,  like the earth it was empty and desolate he turned darkness into light working with the word- when God said Let there be light and there was light.

 God wants to fill that empty space within us, with the Spirit of God’s love.

Our Second Bush Tucker Trial

Sue’s hand searching for the stars among the slimy worms and insects in the bowl these represented   the people who are searching to find the meaning of life and they can’t  find their way, they need our help

In our third bush trucker trial the fear of insects and flies.

In some countries a swarm of locusts is bad news, these flies eat the crops and the farmer can’t do anything about it, so there is a real fear of a swarm of locusts.

Joel the prophet relates the swarm of locusts to the last days Joel Chapter 2: 6 – 11.

Joel the prophet saw a vast army describing them like the locusts in their swarms blocking out the light, from the sun, moon and stars coming against Israel and then he saw the Messiah coming and defeating this vast army.

The disciples assumed that this was imminent then, they had the evidence the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. At Pentecost they witnessed to strangers on the street about Jesus, and were able to communicate by speaking to them in their own language.

Joel wrote about the Bridegroom had yet to leave his room and the Bride her chamber. The Lord being the Bridegroom which Jesus spoke about in his parable the ten virgins, but what the disciples didn’t realise that the Bride was not Israel. Verse 16. The Bride is the church, and had its beginning at Pentecost. Matthew 25:1-13

Today the powers of darkness will try to block out the light of Christ’s body, the church.

The Holy Spirit releases us from the fear of death and helps us to stand for the truth about Jesus and make him known

Through his fearless church.


Heavenly Father, we lift to your throne of grace the Church the Bride of Christ. Will the Church be ready for the Bridegroom’s call? Help us by raising up Watchmen and women, intercessors to alert your people to be ready for his call. In Jesus’ name.