Tag Archives: Built up in Christ

Jesus’ Healing Ministry in the Church Today

RSV Bible

Actor Anthony Hopkins in an interview with Piers Morgan, Hopkins described his alcoholism: “It was like being possessed by a demon, an addiction, and I couldn’t stop.  And millions of people are like that. I could not stop.”

At an AA (Alcoholic Anonymous)  meeting a woman said to Anthony, “Why don’t you trust in God?” Anthony said, “The woman’s idea almost seemed to simple to work, as he considered himself an atheist at the time.” Anthony took the woman’s advice and the desire to drink was taken from him, “never to return”. He has held fast to his faith ever since.”

When a person comes to Jesus in faith for healing, we are reminded of what James the Lord’s brother wrote, “The prayer of faith will save the sick man/woman/child, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” James 5:15.

A prayer of faith

Jesus said, that they knew how to discern the signs in the sky, they had faith to believe those signs.

We are created with faith, it’s God given and we all have faith in some measure, the Holy Spirit is seeking people to use their faith when they’re challenged like Anthony Hopkins or simply hear the good news about Jesus in whether to believe in him or not.

Life in Christ brings forth God’s faith in the Christian working with the Holy Spirit’s gifts of knowledge and discernment that equips the Christian to pray in Jesus’ authority and name, to overturn and expel the source of addiction: the prince of the air and his associates, the robbers that use deception and seduction. Matthew 21: 12, 13.

The Christians who prayed for Anthony Hopkins releasing him from alcoholism in the name of Jesus.

‘Just mention my name’

“Jesus said, “ Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father, he will give it to you in my name. . . . ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”  John 16: 23, 24

What a fabulous promise, God our Father knows our needs before we ask and the Lord will answer according to what his will is and what’s best for us.

The Holy Spirit distributes the gifts in the church, so that every believer’s gift functions with other Christians.

Jesus has given his church power to make the truth of God’s word a reality in our world today.

The church receives from Christ: strength, energy, courage, boldness to make him known among the nations and to bless people with the gospel of faith in Christ through the evangelist, pastors, teachers and preachers, healing ministry, hospitality, helps and many more wonderful gifts. I Corinthians 12: 1-31.

Christians witness to the world of Jesus’ continuing presence to heal as we journey through life. Built up in Christ , in his word.

Christians today through their faith in Jesus are entitled to be free from the things that would harm us, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, using the God given gifts to us by the Holy Spirit, enables us to do the same things that Jesus did during his ministry on the earth.

The Lord protects his childlike believer, like a parent watches over their child. The Lord ministers within the church using the gifts and it’s up to us to ask for prayer. When we are called on to serve others using the gifts of the Spirit or the anointed natural gifts it’s a real blessing and fulfilment of Christs’ love and word to us.

 “And Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation . . . and these signs will accompany those who believe in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16: 15-18.


The church being God’s abiding presence to carry on the ministry of Jesus Christ, continues to pray for the person healed and to helps them find out more about Jesus.

It’s mainly by hearing the Bible expounded and scriptures taught in fellowship with other Christians, we are built up in Christ, A person healed should know that it’s their responsibility to put something of God in their lives.

Jesus said, “The price of this world cometh and has nothing in me.” Luke 14:30, 31. 15: 10.

Anthony Hopkins responded in a positive way, because what he had suffered was real and when he was healed that was real.

He didn’t walk away like the 9 of the 10 lepers who were healed only one came back to Jesus in faith and thanked him. Luke 17: 11-19.

it’s as we abide in Jesus by spending time in fellowship with the Lord Jesus every day: reading his word and in prayer we are built up in the word and grow closer to God in the Holy Spirit.


We humbly come before you Lord our God and give thanks for your healing of Anthony We pray for all those who are seeking a way to be free from addiction, that they would seek the Lord and come to Jesus in faith to be prayed for.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

On 28th September at ‘The Bridge Church’ Bolton Barry Woodward of ‘Proclaim Trust’ are holding a day where people can come and be healed of their addiction through faith in Jesus. Day Registration closed – Evening Celebration 6.30pm – 9.30pm