Encouraged by the Lord

Encouraged by the Lord

I asked the Lord in prayer at the beginning of this week if he would give me a word of encouragement and I’ve been given several words; Jesus was a common name, but it’s the meaning of the name ‘Jesus’ being ‘Saviour’ as to why God gave him this name.

Great Encouragement 

During my study of Isaiah 7: 10-16 I’ve looked in my Bible Dictionary to find out more about Jesus’ name. While I read through several pages of information, I came across the author’s critique of William Wrede’s book ‘The Messianic Secret’. I’ve deliberately not read William Wrede’s book, so that I could honestly say the Lord opened the New Testament scriptures when he gave me the word in 1996. On 30th May I was sat having my afternoon break when I was gently rocked from side to side in my chair, the chair didn’t move. My thoughts were on  the pottery order that I was working on. The words that came into my mind, ‘The disciples were setting up the kingdom of God at the beginning of Acts’ and two weeks later I woke up with the word ‘Jesus could only be received as the Messiah after his death, resurrection and ascension.” The two words came together; after Jesus’ ascension and soon after Pentecost the disciples were anticipating Jesus’ return with the angels of God and it was a national calling.

There was so much evidence in the Gospels, I put these scriptures under headings. I soon realised that I had to write a book.

I had found nothing in any of my concordances about this view of Jesus being only received as the Messiah by the leader’s nation at and after Pentecost. I took the manuscript to the Bishop of Blackburn Alan Chester because I thought it was something important for the church. I was asked by the Bishop and Canon Galilee had I read the Messianic Secret by William Wrede I replied, “No, I haven’t.”

Two people I had shared with: Rev Mark Ireland who I was in training with at his church St John’s Basemen and Canon Richard Spurin my Tutor on the Reader’s course; they both said it was the messianic secret revealed, they had obviously read William Wrede’s book.

Bishop Alan Chesters wrote my ‘Foreword’ he wrote that it was the work of an apologetic. I understood this to mean – a defence or explanation of Christianity. I went ahead and published in 2001

This week through reading Unger’s Bible Dictionary pages on  the reference to Jesus Christ, I now understand why the Bishop wrote that it was the work of an apologetic:

Unger’s Dictionary states “Men like Wilhelm Wrede (Das Messiasgeheimmis in den Evangelism,1901) deny the mystic consciousness of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels, particularly in Mark. Wrede contends that mystery attaches to the problem of ‘Jesus’ Messiahship, and he uses the term ‘Mystic Secret’ He declares this was a dogmatic invention of the primitive church. He holds that the church had no real proof that Jesus himself held to or declared himself to be the Messiah. Consequently, Wrede maintains it superimposed this dogmatic invention upon the traditional account of Christ’s life in order to explain the silence of tradition on the subject. Wrede forgets that the phenomena he cites are explainable as simple historical facts rather than an artificial invention forced upon the accounts. Unger’s Dictionary page 583

The Messiah’s Secret by Dorothy Newton 2001 updated 2013 on line www.messiahs-secret-revealed.co.uk

I give proof in my book that Jesus knew he was the Christ, and why he kept it a secret. Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do they say the Son of man is?” Peter answered Jesus’ question saying that he is “The Christ.” “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus told his disciples that God had revealed this to Peter and he told them to tell no one.”  The Son of man and the Christ and the Son of God are titles of the same person, and the reason not to tell anyone. Matthew 16:  13-20

the Jewish people expected the Messiah when he came to remain forever and establish ‘the times of refreshing’; the restoration of the land and throne of King David. Peter informed the crowd that if they repented Jesus would have returned and restored King David’s kingdom. John 12: 34. Acts 3: 19, 20.

God had hidden from the Jews the death of the Messiah.  Just to make sure that the Jews condemned Jesus to death, Caiaphas who was high priest that year had a prophecy from God, “that one man would die for the people and that the whole nation would not perish.” John continued by saying “He did not say this of his own accord but being high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus should die for the nation.” John 11: 45-51.

Jesus opened the minds of his disciples to understand these scriptures concerning his suffering and resurrection on the evening of the day of his resurrection. Luke 24: 46

I’ve had the best word of encouragement from my Lord God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Thank you, God

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