Crisis of Faith – The Risk God took of Jesus not going to the Cross

Good Friday –  Hour at the Cross

‘The risk God took of Jesus not going to the cross.’ (Part 1 of 3 )

There was a crisis of faith going on in Jerusalem, the leaders and people expected the Christ Messiah to bring in a day of wrath. God’s judgement on sin.

Jesus knew this: Luke 12: 49, 50. “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed!”

The fire of judgement would not happen until after the Baptism of his death, but the people had been taught from the law that when the Christ came he would live for ever, and so the disciples believed this. John 12: 34

When Jesus said that he would be killed at Jerusalem and be raised on the third day. Peter rebuked Jesus, “God forbid Lord! This shall never happen to you.” Peter had been taught that the Christ, the Messiah would not come and die, but that he would remain for ever. Matthew 16: 22

God had hidden his suffering and death from the leaders and people so that Jesus would be the final sacrifice for sin.

God had given Caiaphas, the Chief priest a  prophecy, “One man would die so that the nation would not perish,” Caiaphas was the head man of the council. John wrote that Jesus should die for the nation. But Caiaphas did not believe in the resurrection, he was a Sadducee. John 11: 47-53

So from that day on they took council how to put him to death.

So it was God’s will that Jesus should die at their hands to fulfil the Jewish Law given to Moses by God. Only they were ignorant of the reason behind it. Acts 3: 17. 13: 27

Cleopas and the other disciple were devastated they too had been taught that when the Christ came he would live forever, “We had hoped he was the one who would redeem Israel.” Luke 24: 21.

The crisis in the Garden of Gethsemane was the greatest risk

But God’s faith in Jesus his Son was upheld, Jesus wrestled with his thoughts about not to go to the cross, he prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.” We read that he could have asked God to send 12,000 legions of angels to his aid.  Matthew 26: 39, 53 RSV Bible

But would God have responded if he had asked? That would have been a crisis of faith for God.

Jesus spoke to those following him as he made his way to Calvary. He said, “Daughters of Jerusalem don’t weep for me,” He went on to indicate the future suffering of the nation. He was the offshoot of the stump of Jesse the tree that had been felled, the dry tree, and he was the green tree with new life. He was to redeem them from the curse put on tree of death and punishment, the cross. Luke 23: 28-31. Isaiah 11: 1

Another high risk was when Pilate asked the crowd to decide who should be set free Barabbas or Jesus. They freed Barabbas. Luke 23: 18

The real freedom from punishment of sin came through Jesus going to the cross 

The risk at the cross

On the cross we understand Jesus was separated from God when he cried out, “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” this is where Satan was sifting him like wheat to find sin in him,  to accuse him before Father God, in order to reject his blood having the power to cleanse humanity and the whole creation. Matthew 27: 46. John 12: 24. Luke 22: 31.

After his death the soldiers could have broken his legs, that would have broken the chain of prophesies fulfilled on that day. Dake’s Atonement Study Bible 55 prophesies had been fulfilled which was 36 trillion to 1 (more than one prophecy in a verse)

God’s plan of redemption through Jesus laying down his life, dying on the cross for the sins of the world Satan could find no sin in Jesus, he was defeated and disarmed. Jesus completed his calling, God the Father of Jesus raised Jesus from the dead.

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