Category Archives: weather warning.

The Messiah’s Secret – Get on Board

The Messiah’s Secret – Get on Board

Tuesday 24th April 2012 Mothers’ Union Meeting St Anne’s C of E Edgeside M U

A man lived by the river; now and again the river would rise above its banks and flood the man’s garden. On this occasion the flood waters kept on rising, the man’s neighbour came and suggested to him that he should leave his house and go up onto higher ground. The man refused saying, “God will look after me.” Steadily the waters kept on rising, so again the neighbour came to his house and beckoned to the man to get into his boat, but the man refused. The weather grew worse and his neighbour feared for the man’s life, he saw that he had climbed onto the roof, so he called for a helicopter to rescue him. But still the man insisted that God would look after him.
Sadly the house could no longer stand the strain and the walls collapsed and the man drowned. When in heaven he asked God why he hadn’t looked after him. God replied, “I did, I sent your neighbour to you on three occasions: for you to go with him onto higher ground, secondly he came with his boat to pick you up, and thirdly he sent a helicopter to rescue you”. But he did not recognise they were from God.

The Pharisees did not recognise the signs of the times.
“The Pharisees came to him asking for a sign from heaven. “When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red’. And in the morning, ‘It will be stormy today for the sky is red and threatening!’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” Matthew 16: 1-4

Signs of the Times in Jesus’ day
The Jewish people were in great expectation of the coming of the Messiah. Luke records the people expressing this expectation, on the occasion when men came to John the Baptist and asked him if he was the Messiah. Luke 3: 15
Another sign is the prophecy of Moses were God would raise up a prophet like himself. Deuteronomy 18: 15-18.
The Pharisees were looking for the Messiah to be a great leader like Moses and give them a sign in using his power to rid them of their Roman invaders.
The Romans had invaded Israel in 64BC so it was nearly 100 years that they had been under occupation. The Romans allowed the conquered nation to continue with their own religious beliefs.
It is quite likely that some of the Jews would try to please influential Roman officials to gain from it. Whilst a few would totally object to the Roman occupation. Others would try to please both Roman and Jewish authorities.
“So the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered the council, and said, “What are we to do? For this man (Jesus) performs many signs. If we let him go on thus, everyone will believe in him, and the Romans will come and destroy both our holy place and our nation.” John 11: 47, 48.
It is quite possible that Jesus had noticed how Roman culture and spirituality had infiltrated into Jewish society when he called them, ‘An evil and adulterous generation.’

Discerning Signs of the Times Today
Spring Council Saturday 21 April 2012
Guest Speaker Chief Executive of Mothers’ Union Reg Bailey

Reg Bailey, described the founder of the Mothers’ Union Mary Sumner as a lady who prayed, campaigned and enabled the women of her day, to speak with one voice on family issues, based on Christian principals. The Victorian era was not the golden age for the family, poverty, disease and lack of education was prevalent amongst the majority of the population.
These steadfast structures of prayer, campaigning and enabling are the basis of the Mothers’ Union today.
Praying in faith for our nation’s family life has been a high priority amongst the members of the M.U. As a mum myself it has been heart breaking to see the decline in Christian family values across the nation. The Lord in answer to all our prayers calls us to act by putting our faith into practice and to get on board, and support the ‘Bye, Buy, Childhood’ campaign.

This campaign came into being, when concerns were raised at a meeting in York among MU members about the commercialisation of children and from the discussions that followed, the name ‘Bye, Buy, Childhood’ was given to the campaign.
The aim of the ‘Bye, buy childhood ‘campaign is for every child to enjoy their childhood without the sexualisation and commercialisation of their young lives

Mothers’ Union believes children should be valued as children, not consumers. However, childhood has become a marketing opportunity worth £99 billion in the UK. Marketers target children’s natural inexperience, through methods such as celebrity endorsement, in order to reach not only children’s pocket money but also the household purse. These commercial pressures encourage materialism which negatively affects children’s wellbeing, family life and peer relationships, and can encourage values that Jesus taught against. The use of sexualised content and the imposition of sexuality on children to market and sell goods are particularly concerning. Families can feel overwhelmed by this commercialisation of childhood and unsure how to challenge powerful marketing initiatives.

10 Downing Street
MP Sarah Teather Minister of State for Children and Families contacted MU Reg Bailey and asked if he would attend a round table meeting at Downing Street, and give the views of the MU on tackling the commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood. The Prime Minister and Sarah Teather, hosted the meeting, seventy people attended.
The out come of the meeting Reg Bailey was asked to produce a report.

The Government asked Reg to look into this issue because they wanted a common sense approach to the concerns of many parents, who feel their children are under increasing pressure to become consumers, and that the world they live in is a more sexualised place than when their parents were growing up. Reg was asked to put forward recommendations to address the high levels of public concern, taking into account particularly the views of parents and the business community.

The report dealt with the real concerns that became apparent through the interviews.
1,000 parents and 600 children from 7 – 19 years of age were interviewed by Reg and his team. Along with children’s organisations and commercial companies.
This 99 billion market effects; values, aspirations and health.

Children interviewed:

Children are not aware of being exploited. Some children are on-line brand ambassadors they were paid to wear brand names on clothing, and fashion accessories on ‘Facebook Wall.’
A child said that there should be on the TV control another button beside the red one to blank the picture.

The majority of children when they were asked what they would like to be when they grew up, they wanted to aspire to be famous, a celebrity.
The TV Talent Show ‘Britain’s’ got Talent’ the lyrics of Rihannas song caused hundreds of people to complain.

PM’s wife Mrs Cameron was appalled when she heard her daughter singing Lily Allen’s song from her album ‘It’s not me, its you.’ the words of the chorus shocked her.

In most adverts the teenager in the picture has been hair brushed to have the perfect skin and proportions. Reg pointed out that children are not immune to low self esteem.

Parents interviewed:
80% of parents interviewed were concerned about inappropriate clothing but were afraid of their children being bullied by other children for not wearing the right clothes.
Concerns were raised regarding adverts on street advertisements on Bill Boards, Screens on buildings and in Bus Shelters.
Parents were unsure as to which organisation to complain to.
Music videos are not age rated and some of these videos are pornographic.

The responsibility for parents to make their children aware:
The pictures they take on their mobile phone are not private, they become public property.
Kids are media savvy: for some what they see and hear bounces off them, but for others they take it seriously and are damaged by what they see and hear.

The publication of Reg Bailey’s report enables our nation to protect our children from sexulisation and commercialisation of childhood.
On October 11th 2011, a number of the organisations responsible for taking forward these recommendations were invited to provide an update on their actions. Individually they were interviewed by Prime Minister David Cameron and were asked directly for details of their progress on implementing the recommendations and areas where they expect to take further action.

The supermarkets have complied with the recommendations of the report, to either cover with a modesty board the front cover of Lads Mags that are displayed at I metre height or to put them on their top shelves above the eye level of a child.
40% of children’s clothing retail sector have now signed up to the guidelines including Argos, Debenhams, George at Asda, John Lewis, M&CO, M&S, Next, Peakcocks, Pumpkin Patch, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and TK Maxx.

BT, Virgin, Sky, Talk Talk in their packages give an ‘active choice’ on whether or not the purchaser wants to install parental controls. Parents will quite often leave the setting up of their computer to their children so this choice is left to them.

New code on public advertisements, the Advertising Association announced a voluntary ban on under-16s being employed to act as ambassadors for brand names or in peer-to-peer marketing campaigns.
The outdoor advertising industry also announced a voluntary ban on advertisements near schools for lap-dancing clubs and similar adult services.

Watershed – General Viewing Public. A consensus of opinion coming from the adult population. Ofcom issued new guidance on pre-watershed TV content to ensure programmes aimed at a family audience are always family-friendly and suitable for children.
Reg said that Ofcom has a new parents panel they have put in place a really tuff code.

Get on Board and take action.
If we see in our local shop that they have not yet complied with the recommendations of the report regarding ‘lads mags’, we should express our concerns to the appropriate person in the shop and if nothing is done we can complain to the newly set up on line ‘parent port.’
Ofcom joined with six other media regulators (the Advertising Standards Authority, Authority for Television and Video on Demand, the BBC Trust, the British Board of Film Classification, the Press Complaints Commission and the Video Standards Council) to set up and create the ParentPort website which provides a single accessible interface for parents to express their views and concerns about material they feel is unsuitable for children across the media, communications and retail industries. (extract from Sarah Teather’s letter to the Department for Education)

Age rating for music videos is under consideration as the industry look for evidence to support this call for the introduction of age rating.

The government has asked to Reg and his team and all of us, to take an active role in working with voluntary groups like; Mumsnet and Netmums to hold business, organisations and Government to account.

God brought Jonah to account

Jonah had been given direction by God to take a message of repentance to the city of Nineveh. But Jonah did not want to go so he boarded a ship going to Tarshish. Due to the violence of the storm the sailors began to off load the cargo. The storm grew worse the sailors cast lots and the lot fell upon Jonah, he owned up to have been disobedient to his God and he volunteered to be cast overboard. When he landed in the water a huge fish swallowed him whole. After three days the fish vomited him out on to dry land. He knew hat he had been resurrected.
The conviction to take the message to the city of Nineveh was uppermost in his heart, so this time he went willingly. The people and King of Nineveh repented when they heard God’s message from Jonah. Jonah Chapters 1-3

God cared about Jesus and in his love for the people of the world, he sent him with a message for us to change our ways and believe in him.
When we take up Jesus’ cross and feel the pain of sin, as he felt it, and die to it by saying sorry to God our Father, we enter into the freedom of Jesus’ forgiveness. God raises us up into a newness of life.
We continue to take up Jesus’ cross day by day as we experience Jesus’ love reaching out to others. That is why Reg Bailey of Mothers’ Union cares about the children and parents of our nation. Jesus’ love touching the hearts of politicians, supermarket executives, company directors and advertising agencies, they have recognised the need to give our children their childhood.

The restraing work of the Holy Spirit.
“And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. The mystery of the lawlessness is already at work; only he who restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, and the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth and destroy him by his appearing and his coming.” 2 Thessalonians 2: 6-8
Through Reg and his team along with the Mothers’ Union’s 4 million members across 83 countries in the world, are slowing down restraining the revealing of the antichrist. Along with other Christians are like salt that restrains the corruption of food, until it ultimately is corrupted. The Holy Spirit’s work in the church is about making Christ known until the coming of Jesus whose feet will stand on the Mount of Olives.