Category Archives: parable of the two sons

The Messiah’s Secret – Coming from Within Jesus, ‘The Word of Truth’

The  Messiah’s Secret – Coming from within Jesus ‘The Word of Truth.’

This morning’s visual aid –  A Bible Cake

The Bible – The Word of God. 
(expounded by Gerry and Janice) Summary below
Ezekiel ate the scroll the words that were sweet to the taste like honey, words that he had to give to Israel that were not pleasant.   John in his vision was told by the angel to “Take and eat it.(the little scroll) It will turn his stomach sour.” John prophesying to the words of judgement on people and nations.  
Jesus’ words saying that it’s what comes from out of us is unclean, also could be described that is sour: anger, envy, greed and malice etc Ezekiel 3: 3.  Revelation 10: 10. Mark 7: 15
God wants us to feed on his word so we are able to share his word with others, not just to keep it to yourself..
Followed by ‘Bible Facts’.

James 1: 17-27. Mark 7: 1-8, 14, 15, 21-25.

The Bible is the only book where the author is present
James called Jesus ‘The Word of Truth.’
Jesus the second person of the Trinity came into the world, born of a woman, to reveal the truth of God’s word. His thoughts and intentions that came from within his own heart, and mind revealing the goodness of God, his all embracing love in his actions and his deeds.

Jesus often said, ”Truly, truly, I say to you” he was emphasising the truth to his words one example below:
John 5: 24.”Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears my word and believes him who sent me, has eternal life, he does not come into judgement, but has passed from death to life.”  

John 6: 29. “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.”                                                                                                             
Jesus’ words with promises John 14: 23, 26   “If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home within him.”                                                                                 
“The Counsellor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”

Whether a person was rich or poor, Jesus responded from his heart, to their need, he taught the scriptures and healed all who came to him. 

Jesus looked at the person’s heart, Mark 7: 6. He discerned that many honoured him with their lips but their hearts were far from him
The Pharisees and scribes chose to follow the traditions of men that was not compatible with the heart and will of God. Cleansing pots and washing hands had no affect on the thoughts and intentions of their hearts.
In Jesus’ parable of the two sons, their father asked them to go and work in the vineyard
The first son said that he would not go, but afterwards he repented and went. The other son said that he would go, but he did not. Jesus then said to those listening, “Who did the will of their father?” Those listening replied “The first son.” Matthew 21: 28
The first son thought about it and changed his mind, he would go as he loved his father. The second son having said he would, rebelled against his father and did not go.
The rebellious nature that Jesus died for on the cross.

This is what James meant in his illustration of the mirror image it reflects human nature were our basic instinct is to look to ourselves rather than look to God.
We can not please God through our own self goodness, we have to be willing to let the cross do its’ work within us, to die to our self rule our rebellious spirit, in order for us to do our Father God’s will. For us to be like the tree that bends in the wind, we bend our will to do the will of God.

James pointed out  that we can discern a Christian’s sincerity of heart by them putting their faith into action.
 A week last Thursday  we went on a visit to Howarth, North Yorkshire, the main street was quite crowded and as we were leisurely walking up the street when from among the crowd a young man appeared, wearing a billboard, on it the words ‘The end is near’ he passed quickly by.
A lady just in front of me said, “How can he believe that all his life.” I chipped in, “It does work.” She turned and looked at me and hastily they moved on up the street.                                                                                                        
We were taken completely by surprise, I thought afterwards I could have said something better, but I thanked the Lord I was able to support the young man, he had planted a word in that ladies heart. James called Jesus the ‘implanted word’ that is able to save the soul.

Implants are used when a person’s organ fails. The flawed Mosaic Law has been replaced by the perfect law that gives freedom, liberty, and righteousness of life. James called it ‘The Royal Law,“Love your neighbour as yourself.” James 2: 8 Galatians 6: 2.

Over recent months we have been witnessing a huge migration of people from eastern countries to Europe, escaping the extremes of Islam and civil wars.
These people are looking for the safety, security and freedom that derives, in my view from the freedom that our faith in Christ gives us, freedom coming from within a person, as we feed on the word of God guided by the Holy Spirit. It is the transforming power that works through nations and people.

The migration of people, it is a difficult problem but as James challenged the Christians of his day, our faith in Christ, calls us to ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’