Category Archives: Naaman

The Messiah’s Secret – A Stone Rolled Away

The Messiah’s Secret – A Stone Rolled Away

Evening Lectionary   Matthew 28: 1-10, 16-20. Zephaniah 3: 14-end. Revised Standard Bible. Picture – A typical tomb with a huge stone to cover the entrance.                                                                                                          
Seeking Jesus. 
Matthew wrote that the women wanted to see the sepulchre, they were grieving and probably wanted to be near Jesus. When Mary Magdalene and Mary arrived at that tomb, an earthquake occurred and at the same time an angel rolled the stone away from the entrance to the tomb. Matthew 28: 1-10, 16-20

Stony Hearts. 
We can have a stone covering our heart, until it is removed by the operation of God.   John Wesley heard a reading of Martin Luther’s preface to the Epistle to the Romans, and penned the now famous lines “I felt my heart strangely warmed”.   His heart of stone had become a heart of flesh. John Wesley had made the connection were his head knowledge became heart knowledge.  His heart, his soul transformed by the operation of God.  Luther taught that salvation is not earned by good deeds but received only as a free gift of God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ as redeemer from sin.                                                                                  

Paul made the connection with Ezekiel’s prophecy in his letter to the Corinthians and his own experience, “And I will give them one heart and put a new spirit within them; I will take the stony heart out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 11: 17-20  How he must have rejoiced in realizing that this prophecy was being fulfilled when he wrote to the Corinthian church.  

“Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, as some do, letters of recommendation to you, or from you? You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on your hearts, to be known and read by all men; and you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. 
2 Corinthians 3: 1-3.           
The letter contains the life in the Holy Spirit taught by Paul and each Christian evangelizing the personal knowledge of the resurrection in Christ. 

Paul knew that Ezekiel’s word was referring to a person coming out from under the law to being under grace. From being motivated by doing things by a set of rules, to the rules becoming part of us, the law written in the heart. The law encourages us to be self righteous by looking to ourselves to fulfill God’s laws, but we fail we can’t keep the law, the system breaks down and we are convicted of our sin by our conscious bearing witness of our creator’s laws.

Smith Wigglesworth in his book “Ever Increasing Faith” wrote, “There is a great difference between a pump and a spring. The law is the pump, the Baptism is the spring. The old pump gets out of order, the parts perish, and the well runs dry. But the spring is ever bubbling up and there is a ceaseless flow direct from the throne of God. There is life.”  

The cross is where Jesus changed us from working like a pump unable to keep God’s law, to being able to keep God’s law through the nature of God being at the centre of our being. 
God’s love for us payed the cost, the price for our sin in Jesus’ death, and changed us from being under law to being under grace in his resurrection. The new order of life in Jesus’ resurrection; we are constantly being filled with the spring of eternal living water straight from God’s throne.

Jesus’ Baptism of the Holy Spirit pointed to in the Hebrew Scriptures.   
 “Then Moses led Israel onwards from the Red Sea, and they went into the wilderness of Shur; they went three days in the wilderness and found no water. When they came to Marah, they could not drink the water of Marah, because it was bitter; therefore it was named Marah. And the people murmured against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” And he cried to the Lord; and the Lord showed him a tree, and he threw it into the water, and the water became sweet.” Exodus 15: 22-25. 

The desert with its desolation of life it is like having a knowledge of God but not knowing him. The dryness that seeks to quench its thirst is like a person that is seeking Jesus.
The bitter water represents the sin that weighs us down, like a stone. 
The tree represents the cross were Jesus’  death on the cross pardons us from all our sin against God
The sweet water representing forgiveness and the receiving of the Holy Spirit. 

From having a distant coldness between ourselves and God, to having a loving heart for God, with his nature, his way of doing things in our hearts. The Lord’s concerns being ours, we will to do the will of God. 
The new life in the Spirit that Paul taught and from the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence, we love to do the things that are right, pure and holy and we shudder at the things that are wrong. The devil will tempt us and we may fall, but he that is in us is greater. In falling we learn how to stand against the principalities and powers.

Faith and Grace in receiving the Good News about Jesus.
The angel was a messenger of good news telling the women that Jesus was risen from the dead. And he asked the women to tell the disciples “Go and tell the disciples that Jesus will meet them at Galilee.”  

The women became the messengers 
The disciples went to Galilee to the mountain where he had directed them. When they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. 

Today we are messengers of the Good News, God can change the hearts of the doubters. 

Moody’s Stories.  
“On his visit to Scotland Moody met a man who wanted the people who he employed to be reached with the Gospel, so he invited them to go and listen to Moody.  One of his employees who he invited declined, as he did not like what he had heard about Rev Moody.  

Moody wrote: “Several times this man was asked by his employer but every time he refused, until after we left town and went away up to Inverness, the employer had some business up there, and he sent this employee to attend to it, in the hope that he would attend some of our meetings. One night I was preaching on the bank of a river, I happened to take for my text the words of Naaman, I was trying to show the difference between men’s thoughts and God’s thoughts. 
This man happened to be walking along the bank of the river he saw a great crowd, and heard someone talking, and he wondered to himself what the man was talking about. He did not know who was there, so he drew up to the crowd, and listened. He heard the sermon, and became convicted and converted right there. Then he inquired who was the preacher, and he found out it was the very man, that he said he would not hear – the man he disliked. The very man he had been talking against was the very man God used to convert him.” 

Moody was trying to show through the true story about Naaman the difference between men’s thoughts and God’s thoughts. God used someone who was his enemy to be the means of his healing of his leprosy.
Israel under Assyrian occupation were enemies of Syria.      ( Syria had recently rebelled against Assyrian rule and had gained their independence.)  Naaman the Syrian Commander had captured an Israeli girl on one of his raids into Israel, and she became his servant and was one of the messengers to Naaman, from her he heard of great healing taking place at the hands of Elisha. 2 Kings 5: 1-16. 

 God acted on Naaman’s faith and by grace he would be healed through the prophet Elisha’s ministry to him.
 In faith Naaman sought permission from his King to make contact with Elisha. The Syrian King could have pointed out that they were enemies with Israel, but that stone was removed by grace. 
The King sent Naaman bearing great gifts of gold, silver and festal garments along with a letter to the King of Israel asking him to heal Naaman of his leprosy. Even though the King of Israel was affronted by this request, by grace Elisha hearing about it, stepped in, convincing his King that it would be good to let the Syrians know that there was a prophet in Israel. 
In faith Naaman went to Elisha’s home he expected to speak directly to him, but instead Elisha sent his servant to him with a message. (another messenger to Naaman.) He was instructed to go and bathe in the river Jordan seven times and his flesh would be made clean. Naaman was angry and at first and refused to do as Elisha suggested. However, he relented persuaded by a servant and he went down to the Jordan and dipped seven times. To his amazement he was healed. Naaman offered a gift to Elisha but he refused to accept it. By grace Naaman was blessed by his enemy, who wanted nothing in return.

I knew a man who had a wonderful Jesus -like gift of healing, I thought of him as a walking Bible, he used to say often to me,“The power’s in the Word Dorothy.” I used to ring him up when I wasn’t well and he would pray for me over the phone and it always worked, as I had faith in his ministry, just like the girl who told Naaman about Elisha.                               
 Mr Oldham died in the late 1990’s, then I had to look to the cross for my healing as I didn’t know anyone with the gift of healing. I take the words that Matthew recorded from Isaiah 53, “He took our infirmitives and bore our diseases”and also he bore the sin of humanity that nailed him to the cross and more importantly Jesus winning the victory over them by God raising him up from the dead. By my faith I expect, my healing through the operation of the Holy Spirit working with the Word, as God my Father loves me and wants to restores my well being. 

A month ago at our evening Communion service I brought a problem that I had to the Lord. I waited until the receiving of the tokens, the bread and the wine I visualized Jesus bearing my problem on the cross and as I handed it over I thanked the Lord for my healing through the victory in Jesus’ resurrection and it worked problem resolved.Matthew 8: 17

This reminds us of Zephaniah’s prophecy. Zephaniah 3: 14 end
“The King of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; he will rejoice over you in gladness, he will renew you in his love.  . . . “At that time I will bring you home, at that time I will gather you together; yea, I will make you renowned and praised among all the peoples of the earth, when I restore your fortunes before your eyes,” says the Lord.”

Zephaniah prophesied that God would gather together the Jews under the King, the Messiah. Their king having such love for them. It was expressed in his ministry, in being mighty to save.
At the time of Jesus Jews from every nation where dwelling in Jerusalem. Those who came to faith and joined the community in Jerusalem, after the dispersion of the Christians Peter wrote to the exiled Jews of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, encouraging them in their suffering as they looked forward to Jesus’ return. 
 Acts 2: 5, 8-10. 8:1.    1 Peter 1 :1.  Zephaniah 3: 14-end.  

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”
Zephaniah had prophesied that their King would be praised among the nations. For the last 2,000 years the message of the good news about Jesus has been received among the Gentile nations. Every generation witnessing to the resurrection of Jesus. He is risen indeed.                                                                                                                                                                                                         

The Messiah’s Secret – The Way

Some of the changes I’ve experienced over my life time:

Decimalisation of our currency.
Bible written in modern language.
The computer age- This has meant learning a new way of communication involving the computer itself, how to operate it using its functions like emailing to another computer or looking up pages on the web.
Sat Nav – On screen map with voice giving directions to the programmed destination.
Mobile phone having access to the web and a camera as well.
Moving towards the future widespread use of the electric car.

Gospel of Change
2,000 years ago a major change was imminent, Jesus was teaching under God’s ruling authority the end of the Law of Moses as the people knew it.
On the mountainside Jesus was teaching a crowd of Jewish people, “You have heard it said, ’An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” Matthew 5: 38
Jesus has quoted from what Moses wrote in Deuteronomy 19: 15-21.
When a charge was brought against someone it could not prevail unless it was confirmed by two witnesses. If one of these witnesses gave false witness against the accused, I quote from Deuteronomy, ‘that person you shall do to him as he had meant to do towards his brother, so you shall purge the evil from the midst of you. . . .Your eye shall not pity; it shall be a life for a life, eye for eye, tooth for a tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.”

The severity of the law.
Even today 2011 in some countries of the world, some crimes are punished by the removal of limbs. A friend of ours lives and works in Dubai she says it’s a very safe place because the laws are so severe anyone found stealing, the law punishes them by cutting off their hand, and there is no leniency.

Liberated from the Law
In February 2011 when I saw on TV the release on the faces of the people of Egypt from their laws, it brought it home to me that Jesus’ teaching must have been so liberating, releasing the Jewish people from fear and the harshness of the law. God was making changes to the laws he gave to Moses that would liberate his people from their way of life and ultimately the world.

(Matthew 5: 29 Jesus made the point and used the law ‘pluck out your eye if it causes you to sin ‘metaphorically’ to demonstrate how God feels about the sin of adultery to make it clear to the listeners so they would understand.)

Jesus making the change to the law of the false witness, “But I say to you, do not resist the evil one.” Don’t contend or struggle against the person who bears false witness against you, turn away from them, as Jesus says ‘turn the other cheek.’
Jesus was arrested and taken to trial before the chief priest Caiaphas and the ruling council. They brought false witnesses against him, the witnesses couldn’t agree. Jesus’ response he was silent, he turned away, and he turned the other cheek.

The Way
Jesus founded in himself the way of love, love fulfils the law.
‘The Way’ was the name given to the early church because it professed a way of life that followed the teaching of Jesus.
The Apostles remained in Jerusalem after the dispersion of the community of believers from Jerusalem. The structures of the church were put in place by the Apostles and Elders of the church in Jerusalem and all the churches came under its authority.
Saul and Barnabas on their first ministry tour after establishing a church they appointed an Elder. On there return to Jerusalem they told the apostles about the gentiles accepting the good news.
It was decided that a letter should be sent to the churches, telling them to abstain from food offered to idols.
Peter as one of these leaders was mentioned by Paul in his letter to the Corinthians, on a visit to the Corinthian church he baptised member’s there.1 Corinthians 1: 12. 15: 5.

Paul as a member of ‘The Way’ came under the authority and was accountable to the church leaders at Jerusalem. Acts 15
In Paul’s first letter to Timothy he described the offices: Bishops, Deacons and Elders. “If anyone aspires to the office of Bishop, he desires a noble task.” 1 Timothy 3: 1 These offices are part of the gifts given by the Holy Spirit. “Tend the flock of God that is in your charge, not by constraint but willingly, not for shameful gain but eagerly, not as domineering over those in your charge but being examples to the flock. 1 Peter 5 : 2, 3.
Paul was taken to trial before Felix he spoke in his defence about, ‘The Way. “But this I admit to you, that according to the Way, which they call a sect, I worship the God of our fathers, believing everything laid down by the law or written in the prophets, having a hope in God which these themselves accept, that there will be a resurrection of the just and the unjust.” Acts 24: 14,15, 22.
Felix was aware of this branch of Judaism known as ‘The Way’ Paul emphasises its beliefs: in the God of Israel, the writing of the prophets and the hope of the resurrection.

Jesus continued his teaching telling the people there and us today how to respond to the demands of people for example someone who borrows.
When I was a child growing up in the 1950’s I remember how the neighbours would borrow from one another, soap powder, sugar, butter etc. Now and again things wouldn’t be returned, but as I remember it wasn’t held against anyone.
The basis for this attitude was in loving one another. Jesus taught that we should not with hold anything from some one in need.

Jesus went on to say “You have heard it said, ‘You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’” Matthew 5:43
Jesus was maybe referring to this incident on the Israelites exodus journey from Egypt as they made there way towards the Promised Land. Moses recalled how the Ammonite and the Moabites would not go to meet the Israelites and give them bread and water. As a result they were not to seek peace with the Ammorites or the Midianites all the days of their life, for ever. Deuteronomy 23: 3-6
These people were afraid of the Israelites so they treated them as their enemy, their rivals.

There tends to be a lot of rivalry between football supporters. There are a small minority that take this rivalry to its limits by their attitude and actions they bring the whole game into disrepute.

Paul writing his first letter to the Corinthian church made the point that their support of various leaders had led to arguments, falling out with each other had brought the whole church into disrepute. He reminded them that the church was founded in Jesus through faith in him, nobody else. 1 Corinthians 3: 11.

“Jesus went on to say, “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Matthew 5: 44.
We have an example in the Old Testament in 2 Kings 5: 1-16 concerning this, it also points to Jesus and the church.

A young Jewish girl was taken by a band of Syria raiders into captivity in Syria; she became servant to Naaman’s wife. Naaman was a general in the King of Syria’s army.
The Israelite girl noticed that Naaman had leprosy so she told her mistress about the healing ministry of Elisha the prophet. As a result of this girl’s concern for her enemy, Naaman went to the King of Syria and told him what the girl had said about Elisha.
Naaman was not deterred by the two nations being enemies, his faith rose above it. The King was pleased to give Naaman a letter of introduction to the King of Israel.
However when the King of Israel received the letter he was displeased, “Am I God, to kill and make alive, that this man sends word to cure a man of his leprosy.” He saw it as blasphemy, to indicate this and he tore his clothes. He was being asked to make a decision whether this man lived or not. He also thought the king of Syria was seeking to quarrel with him.
When Elisha heard about Naaman’s situation he wanted to help him, he saw the bigger picture. It was an opportunity to glorify the God of Israel and so Naaman was invited to Elisha’s home. On his arrival he was met by Elisha’s servant who delivered the prophet’s message to him saying that he should go and wash in the Jordon seven times.
This wasn’t what Naaman expected and he became angry because Elisha had not met him in person and he decided to leave.
Naaman’s pride caused him to become angry, his self importance became a stumbling block and I feel that he might have felt persecuted because of his leprosy. In Judaism lepers were separated from other people, as they were regarded as unclean.
Naaman’s servant convinced him to do what Elisha had said and so he relented and went and washed himself in the Jordon seven times and amazingly he was completely healed of his leprosy. Naaman wanted to give Elisha the gifts that he had brought with him. But Elisha refused to accept them. Naaman rejoiced having recognised that the God of Israel was the one true God.

The Jewish girl had shown love, respect for her enemy.
While she was held in captivity, she had sown a seed of faith, hope out of love, respect for her captor Naaman. She must have prayed for him to be healed of his leprosy and rejoiced when she heard that he had been healed through the ministry of the prophet Elisha and by grace he now believed in the God of Israel.

We can see the bigger picture of God’s love for all of the nations. Naaman was a gentile, who had integrity and humility and he had faith, in the God of Israel, believing that he had the power to heal him through his word to the prophet Elisha.

Isn’t this what we believe today? The Lord our God reaching out through his people to the unbelievers in our communities pointing them to ‘The Way’ to find a change taking place within themselves in the heart through faith in Jesus. Where they will find inner peace, joy, love, hope and truth in our Jesus.

The Messiah’s Secret page 148
“The Ministry of the Holy Spirit after Pentecost.”
“The promise of the presence of the Trinity within a person, Jesus said to his disciples before his death, “If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make their home with him.” The apostles and followers were the first fruit of the resurrection having received from Jesus the Holy Spirit. The combination of Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit made those who believe ‘Christ-like,’ Christ in you this was the mystery that Paul spoke of in his letters through faith in Jesus, God has made those of faith sons and daughters, children of the living God. Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask anything in my name, I will do it.” Love, joy and peace are the nature of Jesus Christ. We are called to abide in his love, that his joy and peace may be in us. John 14: 12-14.
The promises that are made by Jesus are part of the divine nature of God. 2 Peter 1: 4.
A Christian empowered by the Holy Spirit manifests the life of Christ in the world. The graciousness of Jesus, abundant kindness, patience, humility, gentleness, longsuffering and faithfulness.”