Category Archives: Moses’ rod

Christians Together Haslingden – Jesus the Strong Arm of God

Christians Together Haslingden
 Jesus the strong arm of God  

 policeman stopped the young speeding motorist. “I’ve been waiting for you coming,” The young motorist said, “Well, I got here as fast  as I could.”                                                
The Policeman  as he gave him a speeding ticket said, “3 of these and you get a bycle.”                                                                                                           
The word the Lord gave me for today  Isaiah 63: 12 “The Lord who caused his glorious arm to go at the right hand of Moses.” The strong arm of God held the rod in Moses’ hand. 

The rod was made of almond wood, and it was used to demonstrate the power of God in defeating the Egyptian gods and when he lifted up the rod the Dead Sea parted.                                                                                                                                                      
So the strong arm of the Lord is where God takes hold of a situation and uses his almighty power to bring victory.   

’The arm of the Lord,’ is one of a number of titles of the Messiah, “To whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed,” Isaiah 53: 1
Jesus is the arm of God. 
He demonstrated his power over the spirit behind the idolatry, in the wilderness he was tempted by the devil to worship him. The devil offered him all the kingdoms of the world if he would fall down and worship him. Jesus responded, “Be gone Satan! “For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.” Matthew 4: 8-10. 
Jesus the arm of God has the power to heal, “And the crowd sought to touch him, for power came forth from him and he healed them all.” 
The woman with a hemorrhage, it ceased when she touched Jesus’ garments. “And perceiving in himself that power had gone forth from him immediately turned about in the crowd and said, “Who touched my garments.” Mark 5: 25-34. 
In saying that Jesus was the strong hand of the Lord, Isaiah wrote that the Christ would be gentle and kind. “A bruised reed he wouldn’t break.” In his ministry his power was used to witness that God’s hand was at work, to bear the fruit of love. But the Jews were expecting the Messiah to bring in the ruling rod of iron. 
Psalm 2: 8 “Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron.” 

Isaiah 11: 4 “He will smite the nations, with the rod of his mouth.” 

Psalm 98: 1-9 “His right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him.” 

Due to this expectation the Jews were dubious about Jesus.”How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ tell us plainly.” John 10: 24. 

John quoted from Isaiah 53: 1 “Who has believed what we have heard? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed,” John 12: 38. 

The Messiah’s Secret Revealed. The Jews had not understood what Jesus was about, it was hidden from them. 
Paul wrote in his first  letter to the Corinthians 2: 7,8 “But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glorification. None of the rulers of this age understood this: for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” 

Jesus is the strong arm of the Lord; He was God’s means of victory over him who held the power over death, the devil. He bore all the sins of the world and was victorious in his death and resurrection.                                                                                                                                                   
The church the body of Christ, Jesus the strong arm of God lifts up the crucified church.  
The wooden cross like the rod of Moses has been used by God to do the most amazing thing that could happen to anyone. Through repentance and faith in Jesus crucified, we receive sins forgiven and the door to eternal life opens. The Holy Spirit is working in the world drawing people to hear the message of the cross.                                                                                                       
Lord, inspire us in ways that will bring people to faith in Jesus, open a window of opportunity to tell of his dying love, his faithfulness, his abundant blessings and our hope in eternal life. In Jesus name. Amen
Messiah’s Secret Revealed Continued 
The strong arm of God was seen in action in the life of the early church.  
On the evening of the day of his resurrection in the upper room Jesus breathed on his disciples the Holy Spirit and he gave them authority to retain or forgive the sins of any. John 20: 23. 
Sins retained was carried out by Peter when Ananias and Sapphira lied over the proceeds of the sale of the land. They had agreed to give the proceeds to the community at Jerusalem. They in turn came before Peter and fell down and died at Peter’s feet. (Adam and Eve of the New Testament) Acts 5
Was this the ruling rod of iron? Jesus had left his servants in charge until he returned. Mark 13: 34 
The early church had this expectation that Jesus would return soon after Pentecost bringing in the kingdom of God taking up again with Israel and rule the nations with a rod of iron.  
Jesus had said, that there were some standing here who would see the kingdom come in power. He also said, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Mark 9: 1. 13: 32  

His return was dependent on Israel’s leaders accepting him as the Messiah after Pentecost. Peter standing outside the Gate Beautiful with John said to the crowd, that they and their rulers had acted in ignorance when they crucified their Messiah and if they would repent their sins would be blotted out and he would bring in the times of refreshing and the appointed Christ, Jesus. Acts 3: 17-21.                                                                                                                                                                                                   
The times of refreshing the restoration of the throne and kingdom of King David the year of the Jubilee.

The Jews today are in the year of Jubilee and are celebrating Passover this week.

Clearly the early churches expectation did not happen Jesus did not return within the life time of the apostles and the ruling rod of iron is not part of the churches ministry today. 
John in his book Revelation wrote of Jesus’ return accompanied with “The armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, followed him on the white horse. From his mouth issues a sharp sword with which he will smite the nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron.” Revelation 19: 14, 15.  This has yet to be fulfilled.

The Messiah’s Secret – The Septre

The Messiah’s Secret – The Sceptre
“At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” Philippians 2:10, 11.
The anointing that takes place at a King or Queens’ Coronation acknowledges that they are coming under Christ’s authority. 1 Samuel 9: 17.

The Christian anointing is the most sacred part of the Coronation ceremony as it represents divine confirmation of the people’s choice. It was first recorded in 785 AD in England when Egfrith was anointed and crowned King of Mercia. (England)
In the Abbey at Bath a stained glass window depicts the Coronation of Edgar in 959 AD. He is about to be crowned and he is holding the Orb and the Sceptre.

1/ The King’s Crown symbol of supreme authority Jesus King of Kings
2/The Orb represents Christ’s dominion over the world.
3/A Sceptre is a badge of authority it signifies kingly power and justice.

The Sceptre
In the picture the Queen is holding the sceptre in her right hand, it is made of gold surmounted by a magnificent diamond-encrusted cross with an emerald in the centre. Below the cross is a superb amethyst and below that is what is believed to be the largest cut diamond in the world. it is known as the Star of Africa.

The sceptre is a symbol of the rod that God gave to Moses.
“And you shall take in your hand this rod, with which you shall do the signs.” Exodus 4:17.

In our Old Testament scriptures we find that Moses used the rod on a number of occasions. Two of these occasions we find in the book of Exodus. Exodus 17: 1-13

The people of Israel complained to Moses that they were thirsty, they had no water to drink. Moses prayed to God and God told him to take his rod and go and strike the rock at Horeb and water would come out of it. Moses did as God told him he struck the rock and as God promised water came out of the rock and everyone’s thirst was satisfied.
In the New Testament we find that one of Jesus’ titles is God our Rock, the Rock of our Salvation. This water is in reference to the Holy Spirit. On the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles Jesus stood and proclaimed, “If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.’” John the Baptist pointed to Jesus the Messiah as being the one who would baptise them with the Holy Spirit. Through faith in Jesus our spiritual thirst for God is satisfied. The Holy Spirit is available to all who ask in faith and is given to us as a gift. 1 Corinthians 10:4.
The Holy Spirit bears witness to Jesus. We are here this morning because the Holy Spirit has revealed Jesus or God to us. We all have a story to tell as we travel together on this journey of faith.

Following on in this Chapter Moses again used the rod in power, over Israel’s enemies. It is also a picture of the Trinity.
(3 children to act out this story in Exodus)
The Israelites were under attack from Amalek and his men, so Joshua took with him, his men to fight them off. And whilst he was doing this, Moses went with Aaron and Hur and stood on top of the hill. (child playing part of Moses) Moses lifted up the rod, this rod was the same one that God had given to him to strike the Nile and like he did on that occasion he held the rod up with his right hand. When he held it aloft, Israel were winning the battle, but when he lowered his arm Amalek began to win the battle so Moses had to keep his hands lifted up. We read that Moses grew weary; standing there for hours, (the two other children play the part of Aaron and Hur) Aaron and Hur took a stone and put it under Moses and he sat down and then both of them held up his hands, Aaron on one side, and Hur on the other side; and so they stood together as one and eventually Joshua won the battle.” Exodus 17:8-13.

Moses, Aaron and Hur they stood together joined as one this is a picture of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, the three persons making up the whole of God.
In this true account these three men were working together, and as a result it made them stronger and more likely to succeed in their task in upholding the authority of God over their situation, defeating Amalek and his men.(children go back to their places.)

It is the same for us when we have a problem it’s good to ask for one or two Christian friends to pray. We are stronger in unity and our prayers and witness will break through tangled threads of unbelief. Jesus said, “That were two or three are gathered in my name, I am in the midst.”

In the stained glass window behind me there is a picture that illustrates the Trinity; God in the middle embracing the whole with the three names of the Trinity surrounding joined together.

To illustrate the Trinity: I’ve brought with me not a rod but a stick of rock.

This whole stick rep the three persons joined as one.
On the inside of the stick of rock we can see blue lettering and surrounding these letters the white rock and around this is a pink peppermint layer.
Look at it another way the blue lettering which reads ‘St Mary’s Rawtenstall’ representing us, we are the people that belong to Jesus here at St Mary’s Church.
The church family like the Windsor Royal family we united by our blood tie, we are born of the blood of Jesus; we have his characteristics and gifts.
The white part of the rock which surrounds the letters is like the Spirit of God’s love uniting us all together.
The pink coating is like God our Father putting his arms around us, embracing us his church.
The flavour of the rock is peppermint and this reminds us of the church being the bride of Christ. Every bride holds in her hands a bouquet of scented flowers. The church a fragrant bride, pure and holy full of grace and truth.

On the label it says a gift from St. Mary’s. It’s a gift to you to remind you of the Trinity.
The Trinity working together is an example to us and like Moses, he needed the support of Aaron and Hur to succeed in the tasks that God had planned for them to do.
It is the same for us we are strengthened by working together in the purpose of making Christ known in the world.