Category Archives: Melchizedek

The Messiah’s Secret – God Appointed Positions

The Messiah’s Secret –  God Appointed Positions

C S Lewis wrote, “The work of Beethoven, and the work of a charwoman (a woman who cleans houses)  become spiritual on precisely the same condition, that of being offered to God, of being done humbly “as to the Lord”. This does not of course, mean that it is for anyone a mere toss-up whether he should sweep rooms or compose symphonies. A mole must dig to the glory of God and a cock must crow.”
In our reading this morning: Mark 10: 35 – 45 James and John were looking to be appointed to sit either side of Jesus in his kingdom. James and John were certainly close to Jesus, he had singled them out on three occasions to support him, but Peter was always with them:
When Jairus’ daughter died Jesus asked Peter, James and John to go into the room while he prayed for the little girl, his prayer was answered, God raised her up. At the transfiguration all three watched as Jesus was transfigured before them and in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus called on all three to watch and pray with him. His suffering made him shed tears as he cried out in prayer to his Father who was able to save him from death. He fell on the ground and prayed that, if it is possible, the hour might pass from him. Jesus said, “Abba, Father all things are possible to thee; remove this cup from me, yet not what I will, but what thou wilt.” His Father always heard him and realised his son’s suffering in his Godly fear. Mark 5: 21-43. 9:2. 14: 32-36.

Looking at the other reading in Hebrews 5: 1-10 we realise why Jesus gently let James and John down, as he knew that those appointments to sit on his right and left hand in his kingdom were chosen by God.

I think it’s true to say that the disciples only saw Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah they did not know at that time that he was the High priest of God.  
In the TV series of ‘Dad’s Army’ in one of the episodes sergeant Wilson kept it to himself that he would inherit his father’s title. When Captain Mainwaring   found out he was most upset; because it lifted Sergeant Wilson above his rank. The disciples were upset with James and John when they heard that James and John were seeking these prominent positions.
Jesus the Son of God was appointed high priest, by God his Father to be the mediator between God and humanity, after the order of Melchizedek.
The writer of Hebrews wrote of Melchizedek, “He is without father or mother or genealogy and has neither beginning nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God, he continues a priest forever.” Hebrews 7: 3 Melchizedek part of the eternal priesthood. Jesus is the high priest of the eternal priesthood
We know that Jesus laid down his life which was the perfect sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin. Jesus as high priest brought his sacrificial offering of his life down to God, God accepted his offering. From the depths of the grave, God raised Jesus up.
As high priest of God he intercedes on behalf of a person’s faith for both sins forgiven and as intercessor for every Christian, he presents our prayers to God the Father.
Husband and wife were in car discussing prayer. The husband said, “I do my best praying while I’m driving.” His wife replied, “I too, do my best praying, while you’re driving.”
As far back as the Book of Genesis we find the prayer of a man like James and John, his name was Jabez in his prayer he wanted God to bless him.
This was the word that the Lord gave last week,  If we humble ourselves and pray, the Lord will enlarge our boundaries”. I couldn’t remember where it fell in the Bible and as I was leading the service I hadn’t time to look it up.
It’s in 1 Chronicles 4: 10 in the middle of Judah’s genealogy list Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my border!  And that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not hurt me.” And God granted his request.”  RSV Bible.
Like James and John Jabez asked God to bless him and enlarge his border.

Jabez had a relationship with God in humility, His prayer, “O that you would bless me.” He sought God’s face and favour. He was dependent on his blessing, he didn’t look to bless himself, he couldn’t, and his heart was turned towards the heart of God. Jesus says to us, “Look to me, I love you, my heart yearns for you to pray, so I can bless you.”

Jabez asked God to enlarge his border – to be lifted up from a lower place to a higher place.  
Jesus gave the example in a parable of going to a wedding, don’t go and sit at the top table where the special guests of the bride and groom are appointed to sit. Go and sit elsewhere, so that you might be asked to go and sit at the top table and therefore be honoured before all the guests. (humility in action)  
“For everyone who exalts himself will be  humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 14: 7-11.                                                                                                                                                                      
To extend our boundaries  
To  pray, not looking to what we can do, in our own strength, but what the Lord wants to do in our lives, in our church.  
Jesus entered a world through a door marked no entry and left through a door marked ‘No exit.” We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Philippians 4: 13                                                                                                                                                                       
Jabez said, “That your hand might be with me,” he didn’t assume it was his right because he was a descendant of Judah; he sought God’s love for him to help him and lead him, and to support him.
We look for the Holy Spirit’s leading; he separated Saul and Barnabas to go on their first missionary tour. 
For us to pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance  to reach out in our community to make Christ known.

A Disciples’ CV. Supporting all that we do in prayer it’s the role of the servant; we are all servants of the Lord. In verses 42-44 James and John found out what the appointment of a disciple required: it was to be a servant: To serve having a gentle, tolerant, and humble disposition, not ambitious, to be prepared to suffer and die for Jesus.

And Jesus said to be the leader among the disciples: it was to be like a slave: a slave in Christ is completely owned by the Lord. In practise to be poor in Spirit: empty of self, obedient in serving God and others as Jesus has done and to be prepared to suffer and die for him. As many are doing in the world today.                                                                                                             
Jabez ended his prayer, “Keep me from harm so that it might not hurt me.” trouble and sickness and grief, he was aware of his own frailty.

Jabez was totally dependent on God and we read that God answered his prayer.  He prospered with God; he put his hand in his and kept close to him.
God blessed him, in that the people named a city after him ‘Jabez.’ 1 Chronicles 2:55.                                                                                                                             
And so to end with a prayer. 
Heavenly Father, forgive us when we assume our divine right for our prayers to be answered, and help us to stay close to you when our life in the world demands our attention. May we be blessed as we seek your hand to guide us in order to bring people to faith in Jesus and keep us by grace in your loving care. 
In Jesus’ name, Amen                                                                                             

(This week we have interviews for Priest-in-Charge of St Mary’s and St Paul’s) 

The Messiah’s Secret – Jesus the First-born

Jesus the First-born       
Evening Service Luke 2: 22-40.  Hebrews 2: 14-18.

Waiting  for the promise of Jesus’ return to be fulfilled.
In our present day most Christians are looking to the fulfillment of the prophesies concerning Jesus’ return: the increase of knowledge, the communications through computers and satellites that take the gospel to every part of the world. The changing climate due to damage to the ozone layer. Daniel 12: 4. Matthew 24 All point to his return.

Simeon and Anna were waiting for God to fulfil his promises to them, like the prophesies from Isaiah, “For to us a child is born. to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David, and over his kingdom to establish it, and uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and for evermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.” Isaiah 9: 6, 7. These words were familiar to Simeon and Anna and they were looking for their fulfillment.

First Simeon followed by Anna they discerned that this was the Christ –child the one who would redeem Israel.
When Mary and Joseph came into the temple with their offering for Mary’s purification.
In the reading they offered either a pair of turtle doves or two pigeons signifying that they were too poor to offer a lamb. Leviticus 12: 6-8
 They were also presenting Jesus their first-born to the Lord, “Every male that opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord.” Luke 2: 23, 24.
 “God declared “For the first-born are mine.” Numbers 3: 15
Jesus the Fist-born of all creation.
 “Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation.” Colossians 1: 15
Mirror image of God Tom Wright ‘Paul for Everyone’
 “If there is somebody sitting in the next room, I can’t see them because there is a wall in the way. But if there is a mirror out in the hallway, I may be able to look out of my door and see, in the mirror, the mirror image of the God who is there but who we normally can’t see.”
Jesus is the Son of God revealed in the flesh, born of a virgin woman Mary, her first-born son.
Under Jewish law the first-born belonged to God.
 The first-born were consecrated to the Lord .  This was in memory of the preservation of the first-born Israelite and the death of the first-born Egyptians.
On the eve of the Passover the blood of the lamb was brushed onto the door-posts and lintels of their houses saving them from the angel of death slaying the first-born man and beast.
The first- born in every Jewish family were consecrated to God for service in the temple.
Two years after leaving Egypt after the construction of the ‘Tent of the Meeting’ God instructed Moses that the Levites first-born should now serve in it instead of the first-born from the families of every tribe. The first-born of the other families were consecrated to God, but paid a redemption price for exemption from serving in the temple, 5 shekels.
 “And the Lord said to Moses, Number all the first-born males of the people of Israel, from a month old and upward, taking the number by names. And you shall take the Levites for me – I am the Lord – instead of all the first-born among the people of Israel, and the cattle of the Levites instead of all the firstlings among the cattle of the people of Israel. . . . And for the redemption of the two hundred and seventy three of the first-born of the people of Israel, over and above the number of the male Levites, you shall take five shekels apiece; reckoning by the shekel of the sanctuary, the shekel of twenty gerahs, you shall take them, and give the money by which the excess number of them is redeemed to Aaron and his sons.”  Numbers 3: 40-48.
It was no co-incidence that Joseph and Mary could not afford to purchase a lamb for her purification; God had made that provision in Jesus the Lamb of God, in his sacrifice paying in full the requirement of the law for purification rites and the redeeming price for the first-born.
Jesus was born as one of us to accomplish total redemption for the sins of the whole of humanity
“Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself like wise partook of the same nature, that through death he might destroy him who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong bondage.”
Hebrews 2: 14, 15.
Jesus grew up strong and filled with wisdom and the favour of God was upon him. Luke 2: 40.
In his ministry he showed compassion, honesty, dedication to his calling as he had the heart of God and the signs that he manifested showed the power and sovereignty of God in his life.
God had prepared a body
Jesus in his humanity defeated the devil, in his death and resurrection. The sinless life of  Christ brought in the new covenant, the old covenant  had been brought in by angels. Hebrews 10: 5. Deuteronomy 33: 2. Acts 7: 53
Jesus was from the line of Judah not of Aaron or Levi.
The writer of the letter to the Hebrews reveals to us that Jesus was a high priest after the order of Melchizedek , who had no beginning or end.
 “This becomes more evident when another priest arises in the likeness of Melchizedek who has become a priest, not according to legal requirement concerning bodily descent but by the power of an indestructible life. For it is witnessed of him, “Thou art a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek. Therefore he had to be made like his brethren in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God.”  Hebrews 7: 15-17 Psalm 110: 4.
Jesus holds his high priesthood permanently, he has an indestructible life.
As High Priest Jesus made the sacrificial offering of himself.
Jesus was prepared to take all sin, against God, upon himself on the cross, thereby taking the penalty of sin which leads to eternal death and In his resurrection the forgiveness of sin and newness of life.  Death had no more dominion over those who in faith confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
 “He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the first-born from the dead.” Colossians 1:18
Jesus the first-born of the church, his risen body  .Every believer bears that title of being ‘first-born ‘children of God because we are in Christ, his living presence within each believer.
Just as the Israelite first-born  served in the Temple, we serve Jesus in the temple of his body, the church. We are a heavenly people.
Paul wrote to the Ephesians 1: 3  “We are blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places.”
“The eyes of our hearts have been enlightened, that we may know the hope to which he has called us.”
We may have to wait to see its fulfilment of what he has called us to do.  
The promises that we receive on our Christian journey we may find ourselves waiting for them to be fulfilled.
My sister Irene a number of years ago she believed that the Lord was calling her to live and work in Ainsdale.    After she qualified as a chiropodist she went to Ainsdale looking at properties there, but at that time she found nothing suitable. Irene still has it upon her heart, it has yet to be fulfilled.
“Also we may know what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.”  Ephesians 1: 3, 18.
Under Law the first-born received double inheritance. Deuteronomy 21: 15-17
The prophet Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask what I shall do for you, before I am taken from you.” And Elisha said, “I pray you, let me inherit a double share of your spirit.” Elijah consented.
After Elijah was translated into heaven, Elisha using Elijah’s mantle struck the water and the water parted proving that he had received a double share of Elijah’s spirit.” 2 Kings 2: 9,10, 14.
Our inheritance under grace
 We receive a double share receiving both the Spirit of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We inherit all that belongs to Jesus, we receive his nature: love in all its diversity, knowledge, wisdom, discernment, counselling, healing, prophecy, administration, anointed skills and bearing responsibility of doing the Lord’s will.
Under law the first-born as head of the household 2 Chronicles 21:3
The first-born according to patriarchal custom was expected to provide for his mother and sisters if they were unmarried.  Unger’s Bible Dictionary page 368.
Jesus fulfilled this duty of the first-born when on the cross said to John, “Behold, your mother,” and he said to his mother, “Behold, your son!” John took Mary the mother of Jesus to live with him.  John 19: 26, 27.
Under grace the Lord looks after us and in one of the many ways is shown to us in our reading.
 “Through Jesus’ suffering and being tempted, he is able to help those who are tempted”.
We may be tempted to give up on waiting for God to fulfil his promise to us.
Don’t give up on God, he will not give up on you