Category Archives: label reveals the truth

The Messiah’s Secret – The Way, the Truth, the Life

The Messiah’s Secret –   The Way, the Truth, the Life 
Last week we heard Martin told us through the parable of the sheepfold that Jesus was the Shepherd and were his sheep, our way into the kingdom was through the gate of the sheepfold.  
The way was through belief in Jesus and Jesus knew his (sheep) children and called us personally by our name.
This theme continues this week but with the emphasis on Jesus’ identity. 
Children’s visual Aid
We expect what’s on the label to be inside the tin. What’s on the label? Answer Carrots 
(Child opens the tin with the pull ring.)
Inside the open tin we find carrots.(tip contents out)

Now if we take off this label, the label underneath tell us what’s in the tin. ‘The Trinity’ Father Son and Holy Spirit.

Turn the tin around, this outer tin represents God the Father,
 inside we have two tins:
Jesus (pull ring) and inside that one is another tin with the Holy Spirit on label

What it says on the tin we find is true that God is made up of three person’s Father Son and Holy Spirit.
God created the Universe all things by his word. God said, “Let there be light”. Genesis 1: 3
 Jesus the word of God clothed in flesh and blood. He was the word of God that said,”Let there be light.” Jesus is also called the Son of God and also the Christ and we know Jesus as Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit directing the word gave life to creation. He also directed his disciples where to go and who they should go with.   Acts 13: 2. 16: 6
When we believe in Jesus, we receive into our heart all three person’s of the Trinity:

Our sketch focused on finding the way to heaven. The way, the Truth and the Life.

John 14: 1-14      Acts 7: 55-end    
Every day for three years  the disciples were walking alongside Jesus they must surely have become very religious men and very close to him.                                                           
At the end of the previous chapter when Peter heard that Jesus was going away, he wanted to go with him and Peter said that he was prepared to die for him, Jesus told him that he would shortly deny him three times and where he was going they could not follow him, they were all troubled.
Probably one of the reasons they were troubled was because from the teaching that they had received from the chief priests, lawyers and scribes they claimed that when the Messiah came he would remain for ever. “The crowd answered him,” We have heard from the Law that the Christ will remain for ever.” John 12: 34 This is another aspect of the Messiah’s secret, they did not expect Jesus who they believed was the Christ would go away and leave them, unfinished business.
The human heart when troubled can quickly become disquieted; Jesus thought that they knew where he was going to, but Thomas indicated he did not know. “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, show us the way.”                                                                                                 
He was going to heaven to prepare a place for them in his Father’s house,  
Jesus indicated that by following him, he would show them the way to get to heaven.

For us today Jay’s sketch shows us that the Bible is our map and compass it leads us to Jesus.
Jesus has reserved  our place in heaven having bought it with a price of his life laid down,  that cannot be sold or handed over to anyone else, a mother would dearly love to share her Salvation with her child, but we can’t do that, we each have to find the way to heaven through the cross for ourselves. Proverbs 23: 23

Right up to eight daysafter Jesus resurrection Thomas was still not convinced of knowing the way to heaven, he would not believe that Jesus had been resurrected until he saw where the nails  had pierced his flesh and the sword his side. Thomas found out the truth when he saw his risen Lord. Thomas exclaimed, “My Lord and my God.” He recognised Jesus as his Lord (master) and God.

Jesus said to Thomas,”Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.
My mother was brought up in the Unitarian Church, she was taught as a Christian Universalism. Universalists believe that Jesus was not God revealed in the flesh. They also  teach that there is one God over all world religions 
How ever, we believe that Jesus is God made visible in the flesh and only way to find God is through Jesus. Jesus declared, “I am the way, the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except by me.”

How my mother rejoiced in the truth when she too could say “My Lord and my God.” When she came to know Jesus for herself. Her life in Christ brought her physical healing. The emergency doctor was called out to my mum. He diagnosed that she had Parkinson’s disease. I took her to the hospital at the appointed time and they confirmed the diagnosis. Her shaking was quite bad. I suggested to her that I would take her to the house prayer and Bible Study meeting that I attended at Mr Oldham’s home, the Pastor at Winton Baptist Church, Eccles. My mother was healed that night of Parkinson’s disease, she stopped shaking and a few months later her doctor confirmed that she no longer had Parkinsin’s disease.

What it says on the tin Jesus heals today
You get what it says on the tin Jesus wants to bless us in having an abundance of life.
 Philip joined in the conversation and said “Show us the Father and we shall be satisfied.”
Jesus replied, “Have I been with you so long and yet you do not know me, Philip? He who has seen me has seen the Father.”

The Incarnation means Jesus being both man and God. Jesus’ Father was God,  giving him his divinity and Mary gave him his humanity.

Jesus said to those present: believe in God and  believe in me” and  that he and the Father were one of the same.
The Church of the fourth Centurymet together at Nicocea in 325 AD they took Jesus’ words in John 14 and  put together to form  the Nicene Creed. Making it clear to the world what Christians believe : Belief in God and Jesus being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.               
We also say in the creed: “He ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.”

Jesus ascended into heaven from the Mount of Olives.
 His ascension also fulfilled Daniel prophecy of 70 weeks of years from the completion of Zerubbabel’s temple 515 BC on the 69th week the Christ would be cut off from his people, which was fulfilled when Jesus  ascended into heaven, leaving what seemed unfinished business. Daniel 9: 24 end.( verse 25 7 weeks + 62 weeks)

Stephen witnessed that he saw Jesus in heaven. Acts 7: 55

Daniel prophesied this would be followed by followed by wars, famine, earthquakes and floods ‘a troubled time.’.  In  AD 70 the Jerusalem temple and city were destroyed.

What has yet to be fulfilled: verse 27 the last 7 years of the 70 weeks, this period will begin when the antichrist  appears and make an agreement with Israel followed by three and a half years of peace followed by what is called the great tribulation where the antichrist turns against Israel and her allies” 

So when will Jesus return? 
Paul in his first letter to the Thessalonians 1: 10 he writes that Jesus will call out his church to the marriage supper of the Jesus and his bride, the church before the start of the tribulation. Revelation 19: 7-9.
 In John’s  Vision in the book of Revelation 19:11-21 Jesus returns with all the saints and his heavenly armies and defeats the antichrist and his allies. Jesus takes up with his people again and rules the nations with a rod of iron.
And Christians reign with Christ in our place prepared by Jesus in his kingdom.