Category Archives: Joshua and Caleb. Hosea

The Messiah’s Secret – Entering into God’s Rest

The Messiah’s Secret – Entering into God’s rest.
Joshua 14: 6-14.  Matthew 12: 1-21.
Through the conquest of Canaan the Israelites expected to enter into God’s rest.

The Israelite Conquest of Canaan took place over three thousand years ago.                                                                  
On the first occasion when Joshua and Caleb returned from spying out the land of Canaan, they suggested that all Israel should go up at once and occupy the land. However, the men who had accompanied Caleb spoke out against it saying that the occupants of the land were too strong. The sons of Anak were giants also known as Nephilim.
As a result the people were afraid of entering into the land. On account of their disobedience Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land of Canaan. Numbers 13: 30, 31. 20: 12.
After the death of Moses, God instructed Joshua to go and possess the land that he had promised them. Joshua reminded the people that Moses had said that God was providing them with a place of rest, and he would give them this land. Joshua 1: 13.
After forty years of wandering in the wilderness, Moses’ prophesies were fulfilled for Joshua and Caleb, who were the only two from the original 600,000 Israelites to enter the Promised Land. Numbers 14: 34.
Caleb had wholly followed the Lord his God. He knew in his heart, that the Lord would fulfil Moses’ promise to him, that the land he had spied out and his feet had trod would be his and his descendants inheritance, the city and lands of Hebron. Caleb drove out the three sons of Anak from Kiriath-arba  or Hebron and the inhabitants of Debir and took the land. Joshua 15: 13-19.

The Day of God’s rest.
When Israel entered the land and settled there, that was not the rest that God was referring to. The land of Canaan has been continually fought over right up to our present times. The writer of the letter to the Hebrews wrote, “For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not speak later of another day. So there remains a rest for the people of God; for whoever enters God’s rest also ceases from his labours as God did from his.” Hebrews 4: 8-10.

The Lord’s rest is not found under law.
The Pharisees watched Jesus’ disciples pick and eat the corn on the Sabbath Day which was forbidden; they brought it to Jesus’ attention. In response Jesus paralleled himself and his disciples to David and his men: The disciples were unlawfully eating the corn on the Sabbath day from which the bread was made.
In reference to David, Ahimelech the priest responded unlawfully to David’s request gave him the bread of presence which was only for the priest to eat. The twelve cakes of bread were kept always before the Lord on the table of the Shrew bread in the Holy Place.  1 Samuel 21: 6.

Other parallels.
King Saul pursued David he wanted to kill him because he felt threatened by David’s popularity. Jesus was pursued by the Pharisees in verse fourteen the Pharisees were out to destroy Jesus.

Mercy not Sacrifice
Both Jesus and David brushed aside the rules of the sacred things and were guiltless through the Lord’s mercy.
Jesus went on to say that he desired ‘Mercy not sacrifice’ the understanding of these words is found in Hosea.  “Steadfast love and not sacrifice and the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.” Hosea 6: 6.   1 Samuel 15: 22.
Jesus came into the world not to condemn the world but to save the world.  In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus referred to himself as the physician bringing reconciliation to the outcast, the broken hearted, desiring mercy not sacrifice. Matthew 9: 10-13.
They would not have condemned the guiltless had they know the God’s redemption of mankind through David his descendant Jesus. David was a man of the Lord’s heart. 1 Samuel 13: 14. 

Someone greater than the temple was in their midst. The one who instituted the temple. Jesus the bread coming from heaven, the bread of life.

The Messiah’s Secret.
Jesus the grain of wheat that had to die before he could redeem the people of the earth and all creation. “Unless a grain of wheat fall into the earth and dies it remains alone, but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” John 12: 24.

Rooted in Judaism.
It is important that every Christian knows the origin of their faith in Jesus Christ.
Jesus fulfilled the prophesies in the Hebrew Scriptures concerning the coming of the Messiah or Christ, both names mean the same, ‘the anointed one.’
Moses inspired by the Holy Spirit wrote about mankind’s separation from God through the account of Adam and Eve, their disobedience led to the corruption of the human nature.
The Laws given by God to Moses reveals to all people, God’s nature and how the soul/spirit of mankind strived to conform to them, but failed. The law put in place a means (A blood sacrifice) to atone (cover) mankind’s failure to keep the law.

Jesus taught his disciples the process of coming out from under law. (blog Law and Grace) I realised this, when Mary of Bethany was nourished with spiritual food coming directly from the living Word himself, Jesus. He had removed the veil of the law of Moses from Mary. As she sat listening looking into the face of Jesus nothing separated her from the love of Jesus.
Jesus was looking to beyond the cross when he said to Mary “which shall not be taken away from her.” The cross is the end of the law of Moses. (blog ‘Removing the Veil)

Gentiles need to understand the process of coming out from under law, as we are derived from God’s revelation of himself through Judaism.
Under law for a Gentile means that we try to keep the Ten Commandments as a set of rules. We also try to train our soul/spirit to subdue its longing for contentment: methods of meditation, striving to make it work, but the effects do not last long.

What the law could not do was to transform our corrupted nature of our soul. Our soul’s pride, self survival with all that pertains to it.                                                                                          

Our soul/spirit is discontent until it is transformed by Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, his redeeming work in our soul that brings contentment, peace and rest.  

Hosea prophesied the church.
“And I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love, and in mercy. I will betroth you to me in faithfulness and you shall know the Lord.” Hosea 2: 19, 20.
Prophetic of the New Covenant the relationship between the Lord our God and his bride the church. Jesus paid the dowry for the bride. Jesus loves us, both Jew and Gentiles so much he became the final sacrifice for sin and the causes of sin against God when he died on the cross at Calvary.
The righteous love of God paying the price for our sin that separated us from God. After his resurrection and ascension Jesus sent the Holy Spirit into the world. When we come to Jesus in repentance and faith, his love and forgiveness goes into action as the Holy Spirit transforms our soul/spirit. Afterwards the Holy Spirit gives us knowledge of God, revealing Jesus to us in scripture.                                           

In our union with the Lord Jesus we enter into the rest of God.

“All things have been delivered to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and any one to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. Come to me, all who labour and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11: 27-29.
The rest of God has nothing to do with the physical body.  It is resting in God’s favour, the Father loves the child, nothing can separate us from the love of our Father. God’s steadfast love and in his love he continually forgives us. The Holy Spirit empowers the Christian to be Christ-like.

A young man said to his father at breakfast one morning, “Dad I’m going to get married.” How do you know that you’re ready to get married asked the father, are you in love?” “I certainly am” said the son. “How do you know that you are in love?” asked the father. “Last night I was kissing my girl friend good night, her dog bit me and I didn’t feel it, until I got home.”

This reminded me of in the churches mission. The dog, Satan is snapping at our heels trying to separate us from our beloved Jesus in order to disturb our rest in him. But we know that we have entered into the rest of God, even if we do not always feel it. We have the Lord’s word.