Young People’s short talk.
In our reading Jesus tells us not to get angry. On the screen I put a young man whose expression was of anger. We get angry when someone does something against us like being deliberately tripped up (picture on screen) or a class mate telling tales over us.
We can call on Jesus to help us to subdue our anger and take it from us. it is as easy as pressing a button to call on Jesus. Just as a button gives access to our computers and phones we can access God by calling on him in prayer.
I have put a button on a card (milk bottle top and chocolate buttons)with a reminder on them when we feel angry to call on the Lord and rest in his promises.
Readings: 1 Corinthians 3: 1-9. Matthew 5: 21 -37
A couple drove several miles down a country road, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led them to an argument, and neither wanted to concede their position. As they passed a farmyard of pigs and mules, the husband sarcastically asked, “Relives of yours?” “Yep, said his wife, in laws.
The commandments are spiritual,(Romans 7: 12, 14.) In our reading Jesus elaborated on the sixth and seventh commandments: “You shall not kill” and “You shall not commit adultery. “ He makes us aware of the things that tempt us that may if unchecked cause us to sin like: anger, insults and seduction.
The Bible covers all aspects of humanity and gives us examples: ‘Anger’ had lead Cain to take Abel’s life and King David in his seducing of Bathsheba took Uriah’s life.
The Bible covers all aspects of humanity and gives us examples: ‘Anger’ had lead Cain to take Abel’s life and King David in his seducing of Bathsheba took Uriah’s life.
Adam and Eve’s sons Cain and Abel brought a gift offering before the Lord. Cain a tiller of the ground brought the produce from the land and Abel a keeper of sheep brought a lamb from his flock. Abel’s offering was pleasing to God, the blood of animal’s were later used to cover the original sin, whereas Cain’s displeased God, the ground had been cursed by God. Cain was upset and angry; he was warned by God that if he continued to be angry he would fall into sin. Cain could not subdue his anger and with his hands murdered his brother Abel. Genesis Chapter 3 & 4: 11. This is the first murder recorded in the Bible. It came so soon after Adam and Eve were driven from Eden.
In Jesus’ day, just as today people quarreling would end up insulting each other and in some cases one will take the other to court.
Under law after a Jewish person had been insulted or had insulted someone covering justified anger and unjustified anger they would take a gift to the temple to be placed before the altar to make amends(Peace Offering) before God. Jesus said, before making a gesture to God, speak to your accuser while going with him to court and settle the matter. Alfred Edersheim ‘The Temple’
In Matthew 5: 17 Jesus said, “Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come to fulfill them.”
We have the example of Jesus fulfilling the law, he was the Gift on the altar.
Pilate had quarreled with Herod, however, during Jesus’ trial Pilate realized that Jesus was a Galilean so he sent him to Herod to be examined by him. Herod questioned Jesus, but he answered nothing. Herod sent him back to Pilate. As a result of this we read,
Pilate had quarreled with Herod, however, during Jesus’ trial Pilate realized that Jesus was a Galilean so he sent him to Herod to be examined by him. Herod questioned Jesus, but he answered nothing. Herod sent him back to Pilate. As a result of this we read,
“Herod and Pilate became friends with each other that very day, before this they had been at enmity with each other.” Luke 23: 6-12.
Jesus’ life laid down fulfilling every ritual and law, he brings healing and forgiveness to all who come to him.
Jesus endorsed God’s commandments
“For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished.” Matthew 5: 18
Until all is accomplished – meaning the commandments written in the heart for ever, certainly untill he returns to bring in his kingdom.
He also spoke of the future consequences of ignoring them. In verse 22 “Anyone says ‘you fool!’ or ‘reprobate’ shall be liable to the hell of fire.” What Jesus was saying the people listening would understand. On the out skirts of Jerusalem in the Valley of Hinnom is where the inhabitants of Jerusalem burnt their rubbish, a continual fire burned. Jesus alluded to it as a place described by local people as ‘hell’ a burning lake of fire. Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible
The Greek word ‘moros’ is translated ‘reprobate’ and also ‘a rebel’ It depends on the context in which the word is written. ‘Foolish for Christ’s sake’ is in the context of being a rebel. Youngs’ Analytical Concordance. 8th Edition.
The Greek word ‘moros’ is translated ‘reprobate’ and also ‘a rebel’ It depends on the context in which the word is written. ‘Foolish for Christ’s sake’ is in the context of being a rebel. Youngs’ Analytical Concordance. 8th Edition.
The seventh commandment
King David saw Bathsheba from the roof of the King’s house and he admired her beauty and desired her, however, she was married to Uriah the Hittite. David committed adultery with her. He later schemed against Uriah sending him to the front line of the battle against the Ammonites where he was killed. Afterwards King David married Bathsheba. 2 Samuel 11
King David could not resist the temptation his eye had wandered.
Humanity hasn’t changed, hasn’t evolved, and hasn’t improved over the millenniums. I can relate to a situation in my life, were my Auntie Fay was told by her husband he was leaving her for another woman, the shock and hurt within seconds she collapsed and died, my grandmother who lived opposite to my aunt and uncle heard that there was trouble across the road, and when she got there and saw and heard, she had a heart attack and died. The shock and horror of it all, I remember going to the double funeral.
Jesus makes us aware that we need to resist the temptations the thoughts, eye or the hand that leads us astray.
When we do fall to temptation God knows our circumstances, and he knows that a person with or without Jesus, may not have the spiritual strength or inclination to resist temptation especially were a person is unhappy in a relationship.
Universal love
God is love and in him there is no sin, due to the fall when sin came into the world the love that we are all capable of sharing is sadly now tainted with sin. The love that Jesus fills us with is holy love, pure as he is pure, without sin.
Universal love
God is love and in him there is no sin, due to the fall when sin came into the world the love that we are all capable of sharing is sadly now tainted with sin. The love that Jesus fills us with is holy love, pure as he is pure, without sin.
1 John 1: 8 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Jesus God’s gift to us in bringing reconciliation between us and God. Allowing us to make a fresh start through faith in him. We can call on the Lord our God at any time through our faith being worked out.
The Holy Spirit begins the work of gradually peeling away our unspiritual (carnal) thoughts, so that we develop the mind of Christ.
At Corinth in their infancy the Christians had fallen into sin. It seems they were following the person who had baptised them either: Cephas, Paul or Apollos, they were being pulled in three directions, this resulted in jealousy and strife. Paul had heard from Chleo that things were not as they should be. In response Paul’s letter stepping in before matters grew worse.
Paul described them as followers of the flesh they were putting these leaders in the place of Jesus in their hearts.
For every Christian then and now our faith is in Christ alone.
The Commandments are fulfilled in Jesus, so as Jesus lives within our hearts they are written in our heart and so we feel how the Lord our God feels about sin.
Reminded by the button
When temptation gets the better of me, I will remember that I can activate the button ‘New Start’ and through prayerful repentance I know that the Lord always hears me and if you use a computer you will know, that the restore button reverses the error that you have just made and takes you back to where you were before. Thank you, Lord, Amen.
When temptation gets the better of me, I will remember that I can activate the button ‘New Start’ and through prayerful repentance I know that the Lord always hears me and if you use a computer you will know, that the restore button reverses the error that you have just made and takes you back to where you were before. Thank you, Lord, Amen.