Category Archives: Holy Spirit’s ministry

Godly Wisdom

Godly wisdom

1 Kings 10: 1- 13. Acts 13: 1 – 13. John 6: 24 – 35.  RSV Bible

Have you had one of those conversations where you hear about a place where there is a movement of the Holy Spirit going on? The last one that I heard of was at ‘The Victory’ Church in Newport, Wales. Godly wisdom always checks out the information. I went on line to investigate. A number of people had been healed and hundreds of people were going to substantiate what they had heard.

The Queen of Sheba had heard of the Godly wisdom of Solomon she travelled from East Yemen to Jerusalem to find out first hand if the reports were true.

The Queen sought some answers to hard questions, the Jewish Midrash, suggests that these questions were riddles, but maybe they were the problems she faced, the things that would impact her rule over her kingdom.

We read that Queen Sheba noted Solomon’s wise administration of his kingdom, the way he structured his governing body of officials, their seating and dress code. The people were happy in their day jobs; she discerned they respected his leadership. She was pleased with the outcome of her visit; they exchanged gifts from their abundance of wealth: gold, precious jewels, and goods.

Our nation needs Godly wisdom at this present time. The outcome of the complexities of the ‘Brexit’ negotiations will I pray be fair and just.

Jesus remarked on the Queen of Sheba’s visit, she travelled far in order to hear the wisdom of Solomon. Significantly he said, ‘Someone greater than Solomon was here.’ Luke 11: 31

People in Jesus’ day flocked to hear his words and to see the miracles and healing.

In John’s gospel we read that Jesus questioned the spiritual integrity of the people as they were seeking signs from him.

The late Derek Prince said about Jesus, “In the Old Testament you will find prophets who healed and raised the dead, but Jesus was different he cast out demons, he did what no one else had previously done and so many wanted to see this new sensational ministry. He had a great following” YouTube Derek Prince “Spiritual Warfare’

Word of wisdom

“When you get tangled up in our own problems, be still, God wants us to be still, so He can untangle the knot.” Author unknown.

In Acts 13 Paul and Barnabas have been sent out to visit the synagogues with the good news proclaiming the resurrection and that Jesus was the Christ. On the island of Cyprus Paul and Barnabas were asked by the proconsul Serguis Paulus to visit him and share with him their message. At the meeting another man was present Jewish magician Bar Jesus and Paul discerned that he opposed their message, and tried to stop the proconsul from turning to faith. Paul responded and directed his words to disarm the spirit of the man. He found himself unable to see for a period of time. The proconsul when he saw what had occurred, for he was astonished at the teaching of the Lord.

Jesus’ word of wisdom

Jesus’ wisdom being greater than Solomon’s, for example: Jesus in conversation in the synagogue at Capernaum said, “Do not labour for food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life which the Son of man will give you; for on him has God set his seal.”

What kind of food perishes: the words coming from religions that promise eternal life through the sayings and teaching coming from idol worship, atheists are people who deny the existence of God and humanists who have their own ideals of a pinnacle of self -expression, a self- actualised state, they can fix everything themselves.

The food that lasts for eternity

“The food that endures to eternal life which the Son of man will give you”.

This ‘Food’ he refers to as the bread coming from God and not from Moses.

When Jesus said that he was the bread coming from heaven, the people listening took his words literally, when he said, “I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.” John 6: 51 He continued saying that they should eat his flesh and drink his blood was against all of the laws relating to food, ‘as food was spiritually part of them,’ as a result: some were appalled as they kept Kosher laws especially not eating the blood. So even some of Jesus’ followers couldn’t accept these words and didn’t follow him anymore. John 6: 52, 66

Spiritually part of them’  Paul wrote in his letter to the Roman church said that the law was holy and spiritual and we can understand this when Jesus fulfilled the law in himself. As a result where the law couldn’t change our nature, but through faith and grace his death and resurrection,  his indwelling spirit is in every Christian, the spirit of the law is written in the heart. Romans 2 29. 7: 12, 14. 8:10, 11. Hebrews 8: 10-12.

Jesus fulfilled the law: the bread of ‘Presence’ the Shrewbread that was baked for the priests to eat in the temple. Leviticus 24: 5-9.

Mark recorded hearing Jesus say that wasn’t what they ate that made them unclean in God’s eyes, it was what came from the heart, “What comes out of a man is what defiles a man. For within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, fornication, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. These are what defile a person. Thus he declared all food clean.’” Mark 7: 14-23.

God’s wisdom to Peter in the vision in Acts 10  

And there came a voice to him, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” But Peter said, “No, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean.”     
Soon after Pentecost the apostle Peter was staying at Simon the tanner’s house at Joppa. While Simon and Peter were preparing the evening meal, Peter had a vision, he saw the heaven opened, and something descending, like a great sheet, let down by four corners upon the earth. In it were all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds of the air. And there came a voice to him, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” But Peter said, “No, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean.” And the voice came to him again a second time, “What God has cleansed, you must not call common.” This happened three times, and the thing was taken up at once to heaven.

We read that Peter was perplexed as to what the vision might mean, while he was pondering the vision, three men called at the house asking for Peter. The Holy Spirit had spoken to Peter (in his inner ear), to go with these men. They told Peter that Cornelius a Centurion had seen a vision of an angel who directed him to send for Peter. Peter went with the three men to the home of Cornelius. On their arrival he remembered the words in the vision, “God has shown me not to call any man common or unclean,” he told all who had gathered there about Jesus, as he was telling them the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word. Peter’s companions were amazed that Gentiles had received the Holy Spirit.

Following on we read, “Peter went up to Jerusalem and the circumcision party criticised him, saying, “Why did you go to the uncircumcised men and eat with them?” Peter began and explained to them in order.” When they heard this they were silenced, and they glorified God . . . “ Acts 11: 2, 3, 18.

Peter had discerned that the Gentiles he met had fulfilled the vision. Also we discern that Peter had been given the keys of the kingdom; here he used the second key to open the door of the kingdom to the Gentile, the other nation. At Pentecost with the first key he opened the kingdom to the Jewish nation.

Paul wrote about the law being written in the hearts of Gentiles, “When Gentiles who have not the law do by nature what the law requires, they are a law unto themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that what the law requires is written on their hearts, while their conscience bears witness on their conflicting thoughts accuse or perhaps excuse them”. Romans 14, 15.

God’s wisdom is hard to understand.

From my own experience when God gave me a word to start a pottery business for the church, my immediate reaction, ‘the church doesn’t have businesses.’ I asked two ladies to pray with me from my church and soon afterwards I found myself going to evening class on pottery at the local college. The end result was that I bought ready glazed china mugs and decorated them with floral transfers and Bible verses. I stepped out in faith and over ten years ‘The Decade of Evangelism,’ I worked voluntary full time any profits went to my church and local charities. The pottery was a success with 400 going into Londonderry Northern Ireland during 1994 when the peace process was going on.

God has set his seal of approval on his plan of salvation through His Son Jesus 

Jesus saying “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and me in him,” he was referring to the partaking of his sacrifice becoming one with him laying down his life for sin and the food laws.

Having been sealed with his atoning sacrifice by Jesus the bread that came from heaven sustains human life, through his death and resurrection.

Paul wrote in his first letter to the Corinthians;

22 Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23 but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24 but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 1 Corinthians 1: 22-24

At the Holy Communion the bread and the wine are symbols of Jesus’ sacrifice of his body and blood; it’s in the wisdom of God that we are reminded of God’s saving grace in the communion. 

Jesus pointed to his words as being living bread.
Jesus went on to say, “It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh is no avail; (profits nothing) the words that I have spoken to you are Spirit and life.” John 6: 63.

The joy of giving and receiving the word of God spoken in love acted on by the Holy Spirit is the best thing ever, to see a person’s whole life change, their demeanour change, their manner, attitude and appearance, and conversation; it’s like a flower opening and their fragrance filling the air.

The Messiah’s Secret – The Rich Man and Lazarus

The  Messiah’s Secret –  The Holy Spirit’s  Ministry

This morning at Church we heard about the work of the Bible Society and its’ history. In 1804 it was founded and called the British and Foreign Bible Society. Its main work of translating the Bible into languages, so that everybody across the world can read the Bible in their own language. The Bible is both an historical book and it gives us the key to life.

In our Old Testament reading this evening, it is about a true event that took place approximately 458 BC. Ezra was appointed by the Persian King Artaxerxes 1 to reorganise religious affairs in Jerusalem. Nehemiah 8: 9-18

Ezra was a descendant of Aaron a scholar in the Law of the God of Heaven.’ He read it aloud to the people in Hebrew, a group of priests (Levites) then ‘gave an oral translation in Aramaic the official language of the Persian Empire. When the people heard the word, they wept, grieving for their sin. However Nehemiah pointed out to them that they should not weep but rejoice, he wanted them to rejoice ‘For joy is the strength of the Lord.’ God had given them atonement, a covering for their sin through the sacrifice made at the Temple.
Brother Yun a leader in the Chinese Church in his book ‘Living Water’ he wrote this.” If you have allowed the devil to steal your joy of the Lord from you, then you will feel weak and powerless. If you learn to praise Jesus Christ regardless of your circumstances, you will find inner freedom and joy, and you will have the strength to overcome whatever you are faced with. The joy of the Lord is such a key, because Nehemiah said.”The joy of the Lord is my strength,” when the joy of the Lord returns, you will be strong!”

In our Gospel reading Jesus said this, “They will put you out of the synagogues; indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. And they will do this because they have not known the Father, or me.” John 16: 1-11.

Brother Yun spoke from his own experience, yes, he had broken the Communist law, he had been arrested for preaching about Jesus and he refused to deny his faith in Jesus, as a result he was imprisoned and tortured. In his prison cell he was downcast at first about it, but he began to praise the Lord for being able to suffer for the sake of the Gospel. The joy of the Lord filled his heart. Yun said that he forgave the soldiers who treated him badly.
Jesus also in this passage of scripture spoke of the Holy Spirit’s ministry: The Holy Spirit would convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgement.
The Holy Spirit’s ministry working in Yun convicting the people of Henan Province of the sin of unbelief.   

In Nehemiah 8: 13 the following day Ezra read to the Israelites about Israel’s Feasts, as it was the 7th month, they must have noted that The Feast of Tabernacles took place during the 7th month the 15th Tishri. 
This 7 day Feast commemorated the Exodus from Egypt were God instructed the Israelites to make booths in order to shelter them from the desert winds and the scorching sun.


This prompted Nehemiah and Ezra to tell  the people to go and  gather branches of palm, myrtle, willow and make booths to celebrate the ‘Feast of Tabernacles’ or ‘Booths’. The booths were erected on their roofs, in courtyards by every family. It was to remind them of the Lord watching over his people
Another true story from Yun’s book of one of his friends being imprisoned for his faith. In prison he was severely mistreated by the guards, but he escaped, instead of running as far away as he could, the Lord wanted him to returned as a visitor and encourage those men who were in prison with him, so after only a few hours of his escape he went back. At the prison gate he showed his identity card which had his name on it, but the guards did not recognise him. Inside the prison he sat and spoke with a prisoner encouraging him. 
The Christian prisoners must have rejoiced to see his courage and the Lord’s hand upon him. He left the prison showing his card. Shortly afterwards the guards realised who he was and the alarm sounded, but he got away.   
God watches over his people.

Another element of the Feast of Tabernacles
 The pouring of water in the Temple.
From the Pool of Siloam a priest carried a pitcher of water into the Temple where the high priest poured out the water into a basin at the foot of the altar. From another pitcher wine was poured into a basin at the base of the altar. These mingled together as they flowed through special pipes at the back of the altar into the brook of the Kidron.
Victor Buksbazen in his book ‘The Gospel in the Feasts of Israel’ wrote, “It was prophetic and Messianic in its hope, looking towards the outpouring of the Holy Spirit not only on Israel but also the believers of all nations under the reign of Messiah King.”
The 7thday was called The Day of the Great Hosanna
The outpouring of water on the seventh day was accompanied by a trumpet blast on the Shoffer, the waving of the lulav and the singing of the Hallel. It was on this day that Jesus stood in the Temple and cried out: “If any one thirst, let him come to me. He that believes in me as the scripture has said, out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.” John 7: 38
John recorded Jesus’ words and added that the Holy Spirit wasn’t given until after Jesus ascended into heaven. The Holy Spirit was first given to his disciples and followers and since that time all who believe in Jesus receive the precious gift of the Holy Spirit. 
The Lord gave his disciples and us his Spirit and the Holy Spirit testifies to the righteousness of God of how much God loves the people of the world by sending his Son to die for us, to take our place, to take upon himself the dirty rags of our sin and cleanse them with his blood, and replaces them with white robes of righteousness.

Zechariah’s vision 
In the vision Joshua was standing before the angel of the Lord clothed with filthy garments. And the angel said to those who were standing before him, “Remove the filthy garments from him.” And to him he said, “Behold I have taken your iniquity away from you, and I will clothe you with rich apparel.” Zechariah 3: 3,4.
This vision was prophetic of what Jesus has done for us on the cross. Our dirty garments representing our sin washed clean in the blood of Jesus (the Lamb of God) now whiter than snow. We put on the garments of Praise, robes of righteousness. When God looks at his children he sees the righteousness of Jesus in us.

The Holy Spirit’s ministry working in us showing to the world the righteousness of God: in our actions and in our words. 1 Corinthians 2: 12-15
The Holy Spirit ministry he looks at our heart and judges our thoughts and intentions; he uses his sword to pierce us to separate the flesh from the Spirit. 
The flesh I see as having the fear of speaking out the Gospel. Whereas, the Holy Spirit directs us and gives us the words to speak out the Gospel in making Jesus known. I’ve witnessed it a number of times when a Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit and they go and tell everybody they meet, they are so wanting to share the good news and want the same for others.
The Church in the West Drowning in a Sea of Despondency.
Yun sees the church in the West as steering its own boat instead of Jesus and Christians are in fear of drowning as Jesus seems to be asleep in the boat. He urges us to take out the Gospel regardless of the consequences.
To pray and seek the Lord’s way forward for his church to spread the good news. Yun reminds us that Jesus is alive and he loves us and to tell the people who we know and meet.


Father God you love us so much that you wait for us to come to the end of ourselves in our striving to spread the good news about Jesus. Help us to realise that you want to direct our work through your Holy Spirit’s ministry in our lives. May we be obedient to do your will? In Jesus’ name. Amen.