Category Archives: fixed orbits

The Messiah’s Secret – The Existance of God

The Messiah’s Secret – The Existence of God
Earth is part of the bigger picture of the universe.

We notice that the sun, moon and the earth have fixed orbits, it takes the earth a year to orbit around the sun and it takes a month for the moon to orbit the

 On the left the orbits of the earth, sun and moon
Do we know why this important to us – Life on earth depends on this for its seasons to grow crops.
It is not by chance scientist have discovered how these natural laws work governing the universe
 It took the Rosetta spaceship 10 years to reach the meteor, the achievement was described as like ‘a fly landing on a speeding bullet’.
The nuclear energy being used enabled it to increase its speed so as not to be pulled by gravity into the orbit of a planet. (nuclear energy only used in long distance space exploration.)
The spaceship was named after the Rosetta stone, because archaeologists discovered how to translate the meaning of hieroglyphs; on the stone the same words written in three languages: Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Demotic scrip and Ancient Greek.
Scientist make discoveries about the things that have been created by a supreme deity. In our reading this morning verse 20 “Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible nature, namely his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made.”
When Einstein split the atom he discovered nuclear energy.
Eric Sauer, in his book, “The King of the Earth” page 42 “What an abundance of energy is hidden in every gram of matter, in every fragment of stone, in every piece of wood.” The atoms when dematerialised into fuel, nuclear energy, a single gram in a car could travel 400 times around the world.
“Two hundred truck loads of coal have the same calorific value as one gram of dematerialised matter.”

We use nuclear fuel in our power stations and in defence as a nuclear deterrent.

If we look at the picture on the left we can see the different layers that surround the earth.
The Troposphere – where we live
The Stratosphere – this is the ozone layer which is a naturally occurring gas that filters the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. 
The Mesosphere – where meteors and obsolete satellites burn up.  Travelling at speed, the friction causes the air in front of the object to compress and heat up rapidly, in some cases to temperatures can reach more than 3,000°F!
The Thermosphere – where the International Space Station and satellites orbit the earth. The Aurora Borealis refers to the Northern Lights.
The Exosphere a thin outer layer that is the beginning of outer space

.It’s not by chance that these layers are in this particular order they have been fixed in position by God.
 Moses wrote, “In the beginning God made heaven and the earth”. Moses had his encounter with God in the burning bush and like Moses when we meet God we come to know the existence God
Chorus –  Indescribable God on DVD  ( Music Leader)
From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation’s revealing your majesty
From the colours of fall to the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings
All exclaiming

Indescribable, uncontainable
You placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
6 months ago Tim Peake and Tim Kopra left earth on a Soviet Rocket to join the International Space Station that is orbiting the earth.
Once the astronauts left the atmosphere of the earth they enter into a different world, its environment having no gravity, causing weightlessness so their bodies floated, and space is very cold.
The Station has all the facilities air and food etc. When they went outside the space station they wore their spacesuit to protect them from the harmful effects of radiation in space. 

A young boy wore a spacesuit.
The return to earth

The Module enters the Mesosphere

On their return to earth in the Soyuz Module was protected by the metal that can withstand these high temperatures. I wonder how hot they were inside the module.

A parachute opened to slow down their decent to the earth.
 It took a few days for their bodies to recover from being in that different world.
This breaking through the heat barrier reminds us of how Jesus broke through the barrier of death that separated us from God. And how we discover the God of all creation, I remember making that discovery and feeling part of the wider creation.
In Jesus we see the existence of God.
In Paul’s letter to Titus Paul interchanges the references to God as Saviour and our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Titus 1: 10, 13.
We can understand that God embraces the whole of the universe
Scientist Eric Sauer wrote, “All creation radiates in its own fullness of life and yet at the same time living and moving in God.
In a harmonious rhythm of degrees and ranks, in an organic unity of acons and spheres, the whole cosmos is a great symphony of indescribable beauty and eternal harmony.
 A mighty organism of the most differing worlds bound together in all its parts by the same creative concept.


The whole universe is a ceaseless song of praise, a psalm of creation displaying millions of variations, yet bound together by the same basic theme. “For of Him and through Him and unto Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.” Romans 11: 16