Category Archives: Dunkirk miracle

The Messiah’s Secret – Hidden in Christ in God

The Messiah’s Secret –  Hidden in Christ, in  God.

Evening Lectionary: Exodus 14: 5-31.  Matthew 6: 1-18                                                      

Hidden in Christ in God: visual aid.

 Large doll – God
Medium doll – Jesus
Small doll – Christian

Small doll  – in Jesus Christ

Both Jesus and Christian in God

When the Israelites knew Pharaoh was coming after them with his army, they were afraid. Moses prayed and the Lord responded telling Moses that he would fight for them and to be still. The result God stood between the Israelites and the Egyptians in the form of a cloud, protecting the Israelites.

Moses used his rod to part the Red Sea and the whole of Israel crossed over on dry land, the Egyptians followed them Moses lifted up the rod and God allowed the sea to return to its normal flow where Pharaoh’s army were left to their own devices to save themselves.

The Israelites by being still allowed God to deliver them without having to fight the Egyptians, it is an example of their lives being hidden in God. Hidden in God they did not have to strive in their own strength.

Jesus life on earth was hidden in God fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy  
He will not wrangle or cry aloud, nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets, he will not break a bruised reed or quench a smouldering wick.” Isaiah 42: 1-4 Matthew 12: 18-21.                
The crowd threatened to kill Jesus on a number of occasions: At Nazareth after he read from the book of Isaiah; “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has appointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” He went on to say “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”  “All the people in the synagogue were furious when they heard this. They got up and drove him out of the town, and took him to the brow of a hill on which the town was built, in order to throw him down the cliff. But he walked right through the crowd and went on his way.” Luke 4: 18, 19, 28-30.
For saying, “Before Abraham was, I AM,” that he and the Father were one of the same, they would have stoned him, but Jesus hid himself and left the temple. God protected him. John 8: 20, 59 10: 31. His life was hidden in God; he was doing God’s will with his care and protection.

Jesus had a loving gentle disposition.  
Unlike the Pharisees he was not pious, He did not need to draw attention to himself by shouting out his message, his presence was enough. He was forgiving and kind, gentle and lowly of heart. Jesus always spoke the truth and illustrated what it meant for his and their lives to be hidden in God, God fighting for them and his provision as well.  Matthew 11: 28- 30.                                                                
In the same chapter verses 25, 26 God’s provision they were not to be anxious about what they shall eat, drink or wear and he gave the examples of  God’s provision for the birds of the air, the lilies were clothed with amazing splendour and Matthew goes on to record Chapter 14 Jesus meeting the need of the 5,000 and the 4,000 people by a miracle manufacturing bread and fishes on the spot. Matthew 14: 13-21. 15: 32-39. 10: 29, 31.

In Matthew 6 Jesus taught what it meant for his disciples and us today for our lives to be hidden in God
Our holiness is hidden in what we say and do: to give a word in season and acts of kindness that is appropriate to the need.
His followers to give alms in secret, what we give between ourselves and God.
Jesus went to pray in quiet places where he talked to God in prayer. He encouraged his disciples to do the same. To pray in private, praying for others as well as our own situations.                                  
The reward  
Paul spoke of the secrets of Christians being revealed at the judgement seat of Christ, secrets in the doing of God’s will: telling people about Jesus, helping someone in some way, a record kept in heaven and will be rewarded by receiving our inheritance as children of God Romans 2:16                                                                                                          

Jesus’ prayer that he gave his disciples “The Lord’s Prayer” embraces our lives hidden in God, because we are children of God.
Jesus used this personal term ‘Our Father’ that we may see and revere God in this special way as he embraces all who become children of God in his heavenly kingdom.
Jesus united heaven and earth at his ascension, we pray to seek his will be done.   “If then you have been raised with Christ seek those things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on the things that are above, not on the things that are on the earth. For you have died, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Colossians 3: 3
Our lives hidden in Christ in God

The provision of the living bread, the word that nourishes the soul that breathes forgiveness and healing.

In our gospel reading Jesus was fulfilling the law, therefore, forgiveness here is conditional on forgiving others, under grace Jesus gave the example of ‘the prodigal son’ who was forgiven before he returned home, his father went out to meet him.

While we are in the world we will go through trials and temptations. 
God will not allow us to be tempted to the point of no return, there will always be a way through, and victory over the evil one.               

Our nation was in a similar position as the Israelites when the German forces surrounded our army at Dunkirk.
Our present Queen’s father King George V1 during the last war in May 1940 God inspired him to call the nation to a week of prayer for the evacuation of our troops from Dunkirk in France.  
It is recorded that it was so successful due to the weather conditions that prevailed in the English Channel. The calm seas enabled thousands of privately owned boats to make that sea crossing picking up the troops off the sea shore at Dunkirk. 319,390 troops English, French, Belgium and Canadian were saved. Winston Churchill called it  “A miracle of deliverance.”  I would think that many Christians included fasting on that day. Fasting in secret accompanied with prayer for the right reasons, help us focus on the Lord and the situation.                                                                                              
Yesterday morning another aspect of being hidden in Christ in God came to mind, ‘God our Father determines when I die.’ Two hours later Freda rang me with her concerns about the assisted suicides debate in the House of Commons on Friday 11thSeptember.  She said that it was the second reading of Rob Marris Bill and could I put it on the News Sheet to make it known for people to pray.

Following this at the end of sermon, we discussed various points on the Bill that I had downloaded from the internet. All indicated that they were against the Bill, including a young doctor in the congregation.

I enter into the debate on the grounds that my life is hidden in God, and my Father in heaven will take care of me, even in suffering, to the end of my life on earth. 

I have since emailed 3 Members of Parliament with my concerns regarding this Bill.