The Messiah’s Secret – Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
Daniel 2: 1-11, 25-48. Matthew 5: 1-12. Revelation 7: 9-end
Approximately 600 BC the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem. Jehoiakim the King of Judah, was captured and taken to Babylon.
Daniel may have watched the rifling of the temple at Jerusalem and afterwards taken captive to Shinar in Babylonia to serve in Kings Palace. God gave Daniel and his three friends: Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah of the tribe of Judah, the understanding in all visions and dreams.

Daniel consulted with his three friends: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. (These were the names given to them by Ashpenaz the chief eunuch to the king.) He asked his friends to pray for the revealing of the King’s dream and its interpretation. The mystery of the dream was revealed to Daniel in the night. Daniel also known as Belteshazzar went before Nebuchadnezzar and told him his dream and gave him the interpretation of it.
First Kingdom Babylonian Empire
Head of Gold – King Nebuchadnezzar

Second Kingdom Persian Empire
The breast and arms composed of silver.
Third Kingdom Greek Hellenistic Empire
The belly and thighs of bronze
Fourth Kingdom Roman Empire
Legs of Iron
Feet – ten toes of Iron and Clay mixed
The stone cut from the mountain, falls and breaks the image
and the wind blows the pieces away.
The stone fills the whole.
Imperial Roman Empire includes the return of Jesus and the tribulation period.
The title given to the Emperor in Rome – Caesar
In 364 AD Emperor Valentine divided the Roman Empire
East Constantinople and West Rome
The Two Legs
Rome fell 476 AD and the Holy Roman Empire moved its centre to France and later to Germany. The Imperial Kings title – Kaiser or Caesar.
In 1453 AD the Turks invaded Constantinople, the Romans fled to Russia and they set up Roman Imperial Government the Kings were called Zars or Caesar.
Nebuchadnezzar’s statue the ten toes.
The toes are constructed of both iron and clay which indicates weakness and strength.
Daniel’s vision gives us details of the meaning of the ten toes, they are ten kings. Daniel’s Vision Chapter 7: 1-28