Category Archives: ambition

The Messiah’s Secret – Fall and Rise

The  Messiah’s  Secret  –  Fall  and  Rise
        Readings Acts 5: 27-32  John 20: 19-31.

Humpty Dumpty.
A 17th Century Rhyme. The melody commonly associated with the rhyme was first recorded by the composer and nursery rhyme collector James William Elliott in his book of National Nursery Rhymes Nursery Songs published in 1870.                                         
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the Kings horses and all the Kings men,
couldn’t put Humpty together again.
Visual Aid.     
Humpty Dumpty was happily sitting on the wall watching people scurrying by, but something caused Humpty to fall off the wall. 
Was it a gust of wind? (Ask the children to make a sound like the wind.)
Was it the rain?  (Pita, pata)
What do you think could have made Humpty fall off the wall?
Someone may have pushed him off the wall. 
(Humpty fell off the wall by pulling the peg out, parts stuck on with blue tack)

Someone may have been upset by something Humpty had said or done.
The king sent his soldiers to put Humpty back onto the wall, but they couldn’t because he was in bits. (Holding up the arms and legs of Humpty Dumpty.)

When we feel hurt and down hearted because of what someone has said or done to us, there is someone who can help us and that is Jesus. He can mend our hurts and fears when we ask him in our prayers.

The *astrick I have used to indicate the parts left out of the sermon.

The rhyme speaks of the rise and fall of nations and people.  We think of the rise and fall of great Empires like: the Babylonian Empire, the Persian, Greek and Roman Empires and in more recent times the British Empire.  

Politicians Rise and Fall
People in political life rise up to prominent responsible positions: Richard Nixon rose to become the President of the United States of America only to fall when he was implicated in a scandal. The book ‘All the Presidents Men’ was made into a film, echoing the rhyme, ‘The king’s men could not put Humpty Dumpty together again.’  
The film is about the ‘Watergate Scandal’, referring to the failure of the Presidents staff to repair the damage once the scandal had leaked out. 

The Fall and Rise of the Messiah    
In the Bible Simeon prophesied concerning the Messiah it is the opposite, he would fall and rise.      
“Behold this child is set for the fall and rising of many in Israel.” Luke 2: 34.   
The fall is where Jesus died on the cross and was placed in a tomb. 
The rise is on the third day after his crucifixion and death, God raised Jesus from the dead. 
The prophecy also includes others in association with the Messiah like the disciples.

Later on the day of the resurrection the disciples were gathered in the house at Jerusalem, I suspect that they were broken hearted, confused, and afraid. A sign of their desperation the doors were locked, they had fallen into despair.                                                           

*The disciples were certainly sceptical of Jesus’ resurrection when earlier in the day they heard from the women who came from the tomb telling them that Jesus was raised and they didn’t believe them.   People today are slow to believe, not sure if the resurrection really happened. Taking the word of people who lived 2,000 years ago is questioned by the logical mind.  However, one experience is worth a thousand arguments, we find out that resurrection of Jesus is true when we experience it for ourselves in this life. 

*We understand why the disciples did not believe the women when we read Luke’s account of the evening of the day of Jesus’ resurrection. Two disciples left the house to go to Emmaus, as they travelled along the road, they met the stranger. In their conversation with him they told him about Jesus who had been crucified at Jerusalem and that day was the third day since these things had happened and they had hoped he was the one who would save Israel.  
From these words it would seem that they did not expect the Messiah to come and redeem them on a cross at Jerusalem. Their vision of the Messiah was typified when the crowd hailed Jesus as the Son of King David “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel.” John 12:13. Luke 24: 21. 
The two disciples invited the stranger to stay with them at the village, so he went with them and when they sat down to the evening meal, he broke the bread and they immediately recognised that the stranger was Jesus. Now they believed just like the women who had reported seeing Jesus to them earlier. They returned to Jerusalem, and as they were telling the disciples all that had happened.*
In their fallen state of doubts and fears, Jesus came and stood among them saying, “Peace be with you.” He showed them his hands, his feet and his side. The disciples seeing Jesus lifted them up, setting them free from the fear of falling into the hands of the Romans, and the Jews.

Jesus breathed on them the Holy Spirit. Jesus fulfilled John the Baptist prophecy, “He (the Messiah) will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” Luke 3: 16 
Similarly in our fallen state we can find that Jesus is alive and we too can receive the Holy Spirit from Jesus. We come just as we are to Jesus in prayer, reaching out in our fears, maybe confusion or in having doubts and ask the Lord to make himself known to us.

*On the same evening Jesus by the giving of the Holy Spirit opened their understanding of the scriptures concerning Jesus’ suffering and resurrection.* Luke 24: 45 

Jesus gave them his authority to forgive or retain the sins of people.

Acts Chapter 5 reveals the rise and fall of people in the world and were the Apostles were witnessing their faith in their fall and rise.  

At the beginning of the Chapter we have an example of sins retained put into practise by Peter: Ananias and his wife Sapphira. 
*Ananias and Sapphira. (I think of them as the Adam and Eve of the New Testament.)
Rise –They joined the community at Jerusalem having been baptised and received Jesus as their Messiah. Signs and wonders were done among the people by the Apostles. The community shared all their wealth and possessions. Along with others they sold a piece of land with the intention of giving the proceeds to the community.  
Fall – However, after they had sold it, they decided to hold on to some of the proceeds. Maybe like Thomas they had some doubts about what they believed and decided to keep some money just in case they left the community. When Peter asked what they had received they lied. He discerned what they had done and said to Ananias, “You have not lied to men but to God.” He fell down and died on the spot. Peter asked Ananias’s wife did they sell the land for so much and she said ‘Yes’ and she too fell down and died.   Even after a person is saved, the devil will sow seeds of doubt. Read the parable of ‘The Sower’. Acts 5: 1-11. Mark 4: 13-20.
*The Messiah’s Secret   
The Apostles were setting up the kingdom of God being about their master’s business until he returned. 
The ruling rod of iron of sins forgiven or retained. Psalm 2. Rev 19: 15. 
They expected Jesus to come with the angels and bring in his kingdom. Mark 9:1. 13: 32-35. John 21: 21. Acts 3: 17 end 
The disciples will judge the twelve tribes of Israel.  Matthew 19: 28.*  

Disciples arrested 
The Jewish council clearly wanted the demise, the fall of the community that had risen up in Jerusalem, so they arrested the Apostles and put them in prison.
During the night an angel open the prison doors telling the Apostles to witness about Jesus in the temple. The captain of the guard went to the prison to bring the men before the council for questioning. He found the sentries on guard and the doors were locked but there was no sign of the prisoners in the cells.

A puzzle to unravel. 
Hand out the box chained and held securely with a combination lock. Clues to the number that will open the lock. There are two numbers in the RSV Bible Gospel reading John 20: 19-31. The numbers 1& 8 other two numbers are 0. Find the combination.  

The Captain heard that they were teaching in the temple, he found them and without violence brought them before the council. They were told not to teach in the name of Jesus. But the Apostles spoke boldly to them saying, ”God exalted him (Jesus) at his right hand as Leader and Saviour, to give repentance to Israel forgiveness of sins.” and that they must obey God rather than men. 

The Lord used this situation to give the assembled high priest and members of the ruling council of the nation the opportunity to bring the nation to repentance. Jesus had given the leaders a sign he would be like Jonah three days and nights in the heart of the earth. The King of Nineveh repented when he heard Jonah’s message. The acceptance of the Messiah was a national calling. Matthew 12: 40, 41. Jonah 3. 

The council had a problem they were perplexed and were unable to stop what they had brought about by crucifying Jesus and they were clearly afraid of the people taking the side of the Apostles this could have led to their downfall. 1 Peter 2: 8. 

Rise and Fall of False Messiah’s 
A member of the council the Pharisee named Gamaliel a teacher of the law, he suggested that these men should leave the room while he had a private word with the members of the council. He reminded them of Theudas who rose up with about four hundred followers, but it came to nothing. Also Judas the Galilean arose and drew some of the people after him, but again it came to nothing they were scattered after his death. Gamaleil’s advice to the council if it is not of God it will fade away, but if it’s of God, the council may be opposing God. Acts 5: 33-39  
The council responded to Gamaleil’s words, they beat the Apostles and told them not to speak in the name of Jesus and let them go.    The Apostles left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonour for the name of Jesus and they continued to teach Jesus as the Messiah.  

The rise of the community continued.  

Today’s Christian’s fall and rise.  
I had a phone call on Easter Monday afternoon from a friend she was wanted to share with me her good news. Her daughter–in-law has become a Christian. 
Her daughter-in-law had been very down at a low ebb. The family seemed to go from one problem to the next problem. Like many people today suffering as a result of our economic situation.   However, on Easter Saturday evening at a meeting at her mother-in-law’s church, that was to change. After hearing the message from the guest speaker she responded by taking a step of faith and accept Jesus as her Saviour. She fell into repentance and was raised up into the Lord’s forgiveness.
Like the disciples at low ebb, she had fallen into despair and like the disciples when Jesus came into their midst he breathed on them the Holy Spirit and their lives were changed. The Lord on Easter Saturday breathed on her his Holy Spirit. 
It is just the beginning of a journey now she will be raised above the storms of life; even in the troughs when things are at their worst she will be strengthened to overcome the situation. 

Despair is a Desperate Companion. 

Despair is a desperate companion for facing the unknown. 
Much rather the funny, dancing loving partner of my journey,
 the spirit of sparkling hope to lighten my load and wash away my tears. 
Perhaps I’m searching in the wrong place; asking the wrong questions. 
O God, midwife of my life, deliver me from anxiety, dispel my fear, calm my racing heart, bring hope to birth again. 

Kate Mcllhagga from the Book ‘Praying for the Dawn’ Ruth Burgess and Kathy Galloway. Wild Goose Publications.    

*Followers of Jesus. 
When we make a decision to accept Jesus as our Saviour, we look to his teachings in order to follow him.   
In the parable of the marriage feast Jesus taught us that we should humbly seek the lowest place and God will raise us up in order to fulfil his work in making Jesus known in the world.
By seeking the lowest place we won’t fall into ambition, were our humanity takes over the Lord’s work. Luke 14: 10 
It is so easy in all sincerity and being zealous to be doing what the Lord Jesus has called us to do, to move from being in that lowest place where we are walking closely with the Lord, in not moving to the left or the right without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To where through being successful we become ambitious for the Lord’s work in anticipating what should happen next. This brings us under law as we find we have reverted to move forward in the power of self and start to run ahead of the Spirit.*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

The Messiah’s Secret – Criminal Saved

Short Sketch – EXCESS BAGGAGE taken from sketches ‘Beyond the Pale’ by Peter Cosmash with David Milne and Andy Walton. Published by Moorhouse Publishers.

This sketch illustrates how we can try to follow Jesus still hanging on to: Pride, ambition and loose heart because these things weigh us down.

Jesus would ask us to let him deal with our pride, ambition and let him take care of our heart.

Jeremiah had Godly Pride
Soon after King Solomon died, the nation was divided Israel in the north and Judah in the south. God raised up Jeremiah as a prophet to Judah and Jerusalem during the following fifty years he saw both good and bad kings.
At that time King Josiah reigned over Judah, he was regarded as a Godly King, a good shepherd. During his reign Judah prospered and God was at the centre of Jewish life. After his death Jehoahaz succeeded to the throne, he was not a Godly King; he was soon deposed by the King of Egypt and taken prisoner there. The Egyptians allowed Jehoiakim to reign over Judah, but he was lukewarm towards God. Matthew Henry wrote,” the crimes for which he was reproved were pride, and affection and splendour.” Jehoiakim full of pride, self esteem, built himself a mansion with no expense spared. He had affection for material splendour.

This reminds me of the neighbour who parade their worldly wealth by having the most recent new car parked on their drive and demonstrates to everybody the latest gadgetry. Flaunting their possessions putting value on what they have rather than the person.

Jeremiah had Godly pride he saw through the king’s decadence, he spoke out for God. He saw in the almond blossom, God watching over his people.

Through the pot boiling over he saw in that God’s anger towards them in their self indulgence.

Jeremiah prophesied that Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar would plunder and burn the city of Jerusalem. God would allow this to happen because of the unfaithfulness of king and people. He advised the King to repent and set a good example so that the people would follow his lead, he ignored his advice. Jehoiakim later banned Jeremiah from delivering messages in public at the temple, so he gave his massage to his friend Baruch to read them out in his place.

Three of Jeremiah’s Prophesies.
• The Babylonian King conquered the land of Judah and later destroyed the temple exiling many of its people as slaves into Babylon for 70 years.
• The exiles returned under the occupation of the Persian King Cyrus.
• The raising up of the ‘branch’ the Messiah, the descendant of King David.

Jeremiah saw the day when the Messiah would come and reign over Jerusalem and its people.
Jeremiah a holy man he had a Godly ambition he was looking for the sovereign rule of the Messiah over God’s righteous kingdom. He knew in his heart that through the Messiah God would make an end of sin and lead the people like a shepherd into green pastures.

Today every Christian looks forward to seeing the righteous Kingdom of God filling the whole earth.

Jesus lived at the time when the Roman’s occupied the whole of Israel.
After the death of King Herod around 6BC Herod’s three sons: Archelaus, Philip and Antipas ruled over Israel. The land was divided up into three areas: Herod Antipas was king over Galilee and Perea.
After Jesus was arrested Pilate sent him to Herod Antipas for questioning. His accusers: the chief priests and scribes went with him; they vehemently accused Jesus of making himself their king. Jesus did not answer any of Antipas’ questions.

Jesus afterwards was taken back to Pilate and from there he was taken to Golgotha and crucified. Whilst Jesus hung on the cross the chief priests and the scribes taunted him. They shouted, so that everyone could hear, “He saved others; let him save himself, if he is the Christ of God, his Chosen One!” Luke 23: 35
In Mark’s account of this he wrote, “Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down from the cross that we may see and believe.” Mark 15: 32

They shouted this to Jesus because they did not expect their Messiah to come and die. God had deliberately hidden Messiah’s death from their understanding.

All the people had been taught by the chief priests, scribes and lawyers that when the Messiah came he would remain and reign as their king. Jesus’ words left the people perplexed.
Even when Jesus told his disciples that he was going to be put to death and be raised from the dead they did not understand couldn’t grasp it.
“Jesus said to his disciples, “Let these words sink into your ears; for the Son of man is to be delivered into the hands of men.” But they did not understand this saying, and it was concealed from them, that they should perceive it; and they were afraid to ask him about this saying.” Luke 9: 44, 45. Mark 9: 31, 32. Luke 18:31-34.
The two disciples on the road to Emmaus on the evening of the resurrection were discussing with the stranger about Jesus, “And they said to him,”Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, and how our chief priests and rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death, and crucified him. But we had hoped he was the one to redeem Israel.”
These disciples had been taught like everyone else that the Messiah would come and reign over the kingdom of God.

Jesus’ words left the people perplexed.
The people also heard him speak of being crucified.
“When I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself. Jesus said this to show by what death he was to die.”
The crowd answered him, “We have heard from the law that the Christ remains forever, how can you say that the Son of man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of man?” John 12: 32 – 34

When Jesus’ words were fulfilled, Jesus on the cross was heard to say, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they are doing.” Luke 23: 34
Jesus knew that they had acted in ignorance when they crucified him, their king. His forgiveness was given to them before any repentance had taken place.

Today that same forgiveness is available to all who come to Jesus in faith.

Church’s special relationship with Israel
For almost 2,000 years we have been brought up to believe that the time for the Jewish people to receive Jesus as their King and Messiah was before his death. Since then the Jewish people have been put on the back burner by the church. But the days are coming were the church needs to understand it has a special relationship with and a responsibility towards Israel.

The Messiah’s Secret – Preface by John Young
“As one of the elders of a Messianic Fellowship whose congregation fulfils the desires of God to see Jews and Gentiles as one, this book will be extremely helpful to Jew and Gentile in understanding the plan, and purposes of God and for His people. The Church has long needed to understand it has a special relationship with and a responsibility towards Israel. Truth has been lost throughout the ages but like a treasure is always rediscovered. In these end times then let this book be dedicated to the One who inspired its writer and author as He did in times past. To those searching for the ‘truth’ this will be a very helpful book in bringing clear understanding and direction in where our focus should be.
I trust in the grace of God to open the eyes and to open the hearts of those searching for the ‘truth’ for it is only the Lord Jesus who declared He is the way, the truth and the life to all irrespective of colour and creed. Let this little work be to the glory of God and to the increase of His government in this world.”
John Young December 2000

A sign of the latter days
Today the nation of Israel is not very popular in the world. My view is that anti-Semitism will increase. It will get harder for the church to reach Israeli’s with the gospel.

“Remember that you (Gentiles) were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near in the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who has made us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility . . . that he might create in himself one new man in place of two, so making peace and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby bringing the hostility to an end.” Ephesians 2:12-16

Roman soldier.

The soldiers who stood nearby repeated the Jewish leader’s accusation, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself.”
They thought that Jesus as a man had aspired to be the King of the Jews. Earlier at Herod Antipas’ residence they had put on Jesus a purple robe, mocking him. However, the soldiers upset the Jews when they nailed this inscription over him, “This is the King of the Jews.” Luke 23: 37, 38.
The soldiers did not know that Jesus was already king of the kingdom of God, and that he was born a king.

The two criminals

One of the criminals crucified alongside of him hurled insults at him and said,”Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us?” He thought that Jesus should reveal himself by coming down from the cross, and save them as well.
The chief priests, scribes, soldiers and the criminal were goading him to take action if he was the Messiah. They were appealing to Jesus’ pride, his self esteem, wanting him to elevate himself by descending from the cross in a spectacular way so that he could fulfil his ambition, which they believed was at the heart of it all, to be made the King of the Jews, the Christ.

Saved by Faith and Grace
The other criminal discerned that Jesus was genuine, in his humility he admitted his sin and had faith in Jesus when he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” This man was to die with Jesus and be raised up with him.
The cross is our meeting place with Jesus as we come to him in humility confessing our sin, having faith to believe that he is Lord and Saviour of mankind and we too die with him and are raised up with him in his resurrection and enter into his kingdom.

Excess Baggage
The Sketch points out that the cross is just the beginning of what Jesus wants to do for us. Pride and ambition to succeed in the world can weigh us down; there is an element of competition, to strive with others, like keeping up with our neighbour.
Jesus transforms our desires so that material possessions count for nothing they are not important any more. That does not mean that we should not have them, but it puts them in perspective, they are useful to us. What is important is knowing that we are valued and loved by the Lord. We have self esteem in humbly having a feeling of pleasure over a job well done.

Jesus transforms our ambitions.
Jesus taught his disciples and us to seek the lowest place so that we might be honoured when we are asked to sit in a higher place.
Jesus gave the example of when you are invited to a wedding feast. Do not go and sit in the places that are intended for the most immediate family guests, as it could be very embarrassing if you are asked to move. It is much better to sit in seats available for the other guests. If then, you are invited to go and sit with the bride and groom’s family, you are being honoured.

When we do these things it brings joy to our hearts we bond with Jesus.