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The Messiah’s Secret – Saved by the Blood of Christ

We have an awesome God and the heavens declare the glory of the living God.

God revealed his future plan to the Apostle John.
John the Apostle saw in heaven a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet. She was wearing a crown of twelve stars. Revelation 12: 1 – 6
“And a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; 2/ she was with child and she cried out in her pangs of birth, in anguish for delivery. 3/ And another portent appeared in heaven; behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems upon his heads.4/ His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to bear a child, that he might devour her child when she brought it forth; 5/ she brought forth a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne, 6/ and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which to be nourished for one thousand two hundred and sixty days.”

In John’s revelation “the woman clothed with the sun.”
The woman Israel – the wife of God. Isaiah 50: 1. Jeremiah 3: 6-13.
The sun – Jacob. The moon – Rachael. The twelve stars – the sons of Jacob. Genesis 37: 9-11
The woman, one of King David’s descendants would bring forth the Messiah, as Leader and Saviour. 2 Samuel 7: 12, 16. Luke 2:11. Acts 5: 31.

Israel the wife of God brought forth the Son of God, the Messiah.
This was fulfilled when Mary a descendant of King David brought forth Jesus. God was the Father of Jesus. Genealogy of Mary: Joseph the husband of Heli’s daughter Mary. Luke 4: 23
Jesus was born into this world, his mother Mary Jesus a natural birth.                                            

To have faith in the Virgin Birth is to believe that all things are possible with God. When a person receives healing through prayer, God heals within the body, without touching the flesh.
In 1978 Louise Joy Brown was born, she was the first test tube baby. It seemed incredible at the time. Drs Steptoe and Edwards made medical history when they developed the means were they were able to plant Leslie Brown’s fertilised egg into her womb. We take these breakthroughs in medical science for granted now, but I remember a comment at the time, ‘scientists were playing at being God.’

God planted His seed complete with the egg into Mary’s womb, without her flesh being touched. Mary womb and placenta were used by God to bring forth Jesus the Son of God.

Jesus’ blood, the components of Jesus’ blood I believe came from the author of life, the sinless life of God, therefore he had the nature of God his Father. The virgin Mary was overshadowed by God’s Holy Spirit when she conceived. The Holy Spirit convicts us of the truth and we accept this truth by faith.

A local Midwife explained to me how a baby has its own blood.
“The baby’s blood is developed soon after conception, no actual blood from mum goes directly to the baby, and the baby has its own DNA. The placenta is like a giant lung attached to the umbilical cord to the baby. From the placenta the baby receives oxygen and nutriments from mum. The waste and the carbon dioxide go via the placenta and are disposed of through mum’s bodily functions.”

Our blood circulates around the whole of our body. Even though it is uniquely our own, we are linked through blood groups throughout the human race. The blood in our veins, can be given through transfusions to other human beings, whether we are Chinese or English. There are no links in our blood with other created animals. We can not receive a transfusion from a monkey.

Jesus’ blood originating from God, the sinless life of God his Father. His blood pouring out from the cross has the potential to cleanse and redeem the whole of the human race. 

Red cells 
There are 5,000,000 red cells per cubic millimetre, red cells are very tiny, and every red cell travels in the blood to the lungs where it picks up oxygen. After picking up the oxygen a single red cell offloads the oxygen to a single tissue, the oxygen gives combustion and heat to the tissue. The red cell then takes the waste away from the tissue and disposes of it out of the body through the lungs, plasma, skin, bladder and bowel. 
“The Chemistry of the Blood” Dr M.R.DeHaan. 


Now this is true of the physical body but it all points to a deeper spiritual truths.
Spiritually the blood of Jesus goes into action when a person is hearing about what Jesus achieved through his death on the cross. He made the final sacrifice for all that separated us from God, his blood being accepted by God for the forgiveness of our sin.
“Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness for sin.” Leviticus 17: 11. Hebrews 9: 22
Like the red blood cell, the blood of Jesus has the power to spiritually cleanse us and remove our sin and the causes of sin.
“Jesus said at the last supper, “For this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Matthew 26: 28.
“The next day he saw Jesus walking towards him, and said,” Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1: 29
“As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our sins from us.” Psalm 103: 12
“And no longer shall each man teach his neighbour and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, says the Lord; for I will forgive their iniquity, and remember their sins no more.” Jeremiah 31: 34.

Like the red cell takes away the waste from the tissue, so Jesus takes away our sin, and it is remembered no more.
The Holy Spirit like the oxygen gives combustion sparks off the person into the newness of life, to live our lives in the Spirit of God’s love.                                                                                 
The red and white cells work together.
The work of the single red cell to a single tissue speaks of personal salvation; the Lord meets and treats us equally men, women and children.                                                                                                                      
Paul wrote in Romans 12:5 “So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another” As Christians working together we are one in the blood of Jesus. But like the Trinity individually members of it.

The white cells are the soldiers of the body; they defend the body from bacteria and bring healing to damaged skin.

When for instance we have a splinter in our finger, a message goes to the brain and the brain sends a message to the marrow to produce and send more white cells to the infected area. In the process of combating the infection, the white cells have power to destroy bacteria some of the white cells die along with the bacteria, this forms the puss.

The white cells have built in their structure DNA which the red cells do not have. The DNA produces new skin to heal, restoring and producing new flesh. Amazing.

The blood of Jesus defends us from spiritual attack from the powers of darkness.
Second sign VERSE 4

The red dragon representing Satan, he brought his demonic host against the holy child Jesus when King Herod ordered the slaughter of male children under the age of two years.

There were further attempts to end Jesus’ life before his time: In the wilderness temptations he was tempted to jump by Satan from a pinnacle of the temple. At Nazareth some of the people there threatened to throw him over the cliff. At Jerusalem some Jews there were about to stone him, accusing him of blasphemy.
Jesus identified Satan as the evil one, “I do not pray that thou should take them (his disciples) out of the world, but that thou should keep them from the evil one.” John 17: 15
The powers of darkness knew that Jesus was the Holy One of God, that he had the power and authority of God. Jesus disarmed, immobilised, but not yet totally destroyed these principalities and powers.

Rebellion in Heaven
The scriptures reveal that there was a rebellion in heaven. Satan claimed equality with God and some of the angels sided with him.
”How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of the Dawn! (one of the many names of Satan)How you are cut to the ground, you who laid the nations low! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit in the mount of the assembly in the far north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High.’ Isaiah 14: 12-14

The gods of Egypt were conquered by the one true God of Israel. Even today some religions put their god above the God of Abraham, Satan the deceiver put himself above God when he offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth if he would bow down and worship him.

Satan was defeated and evicted from his heavenly home. The words of Jesus in Luke 10: 18 “Jesus saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven.”
After the creation of the earth Satan sought to undermine the fellowship between man and his creator. God created man out of dust and then he breathed into Adam his blood, giving him life. “The life of the flesh is in the blood.” Leviticus 17: 11.

Moses in his God inspired writings wrote about Adam and Eve’s encounter with Satan, who lied to them when he offered them a way to be like God knowing good and evil. They accepted his lie and as a result their lives fell under Satan’s influence; every part of their nature became tainted by sin. Adam’s son Seth was born in the likeness of Adam not of God. (God named the first male and female, ’Man,’ plural ‘mankind.’ Genesis 5: 2, 3.

The Israelites on their wilderness journey they were dying through snake bites. Moses was instructed by God to make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole; and every one who was bitten, when they looked at it, would live. Numbers 21: 9

The Messiah’s Secret page 73
Jesus used this incident, in the exodus from Egypt, to demonstrate his death and resurrection.
The Son of man had to die and be lifted up so that those who believe in him and follow him receive eternal life.” John 3: 14.
The result of the fall of the first man,Adam, his sin resulted in death. (Serpent – death) the second man Jesus through victory over sin and death won eternal life. (Serpent lifted up – healing)   

God had cursed the serpent and prophesied that through the seed of a woman the Messiah would bruise the head of the serpent, and the serpent would bruise the heel of the Messiah. Genesis 3: 15 The prophecy of the redemption that Jesus fulfilled.
The serpent bruised Christ’s heel; this happened when Jesus suffered the agony of the wooden cross, the death by hanging on a tree, crucifixion. Deuteronomy 21: 23.

Like the white cells in our blood, the blood of Jesus defends and heals our wounds.
Today Satan continues to deceive, denying Jesus’ victory over him. We fend off the fiery darts which often are accusations and deceit coming from Satan with the blood of Jesus.
One of his strategies is to send thoughts to our mind that suggest that we have said or done something wrong which when we reflect on it, we know that we haven’t, but still the thoughts keep on coming.
We disarm Satan by claiming Jesus’ victorious blood over his accusations. He has to retreat because we are justified through faith in the blood of Jesus. Justification means declared not guilty of sin against God.
When God our Father looks at us his beloved children, he sees spiritually the righteous blood of Christ in our being.

Arrow Prayer (This is saying a short prayer while active during the day)
I claim my position in Christ from the word; I then take the shield of faith the blood and make a stand against the principalities and powers, in the authority of Jesus’ name.
Dear Lord, I am your child, “To those who believe, you gave power to become the children of God”, I take the shield of faith which is mine in Christ and block the thoughts coming to me from the evil one that are not true. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Antibodies in our blood.
The Plasma carries the antibodies that prevent infection; after a person has had a disease cells are produced that have a resistance to that disease. Some are effective for life, others temporarily, immunity only for a time. This immunity is in the blood.

Satan is immobilised by the victory that Jesus has won. It is like the army that is defeated and afterwards surrender their weapons. In prayer we are able to claim Jesus’ victory and discern the activity of Satan and bring it to an end. This may take persistent prayer.

The parable of the wedding feast,  the king gave a marriage feast for his son.
“But when the king came to look in at his guests, he saw a man who had no wedding garment; and he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. Then the king said to the attendants. ‘Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into the outer darkness.” Matthew 22: 11-13.
Jesus gives us his authority to bind and loose principalities and powers, to render them speechless and powerless in the activity of Satan.

Rev Moody Stories
“When I was speaking to five thousand children in Glasgow some years ago, I took a spool of thread and said to one of the largest boys: “Do you believe I can bind you with that thread?” He laughed at the idea.  I wound the thread around him a few times, and he broke it with a single jerk.  Then I wound the thread around and around, and by and by said: “Now get free if you can.”  He could not move head or foot.”
The primary purpose of plasma is to transport nutrients, hormones, and proteins to the parts of the body that need it. Cells also deposit their waste products into the plasma, and the plasma in turn helps remove this waste from the body. Blood plasma also ushers the movement of all the elements of blood through the circulatory system.

Platlets The plasma contains platelets that clotts and stops the flow of blood through open wounds. 
The Holy Spirit ministry he convicts the world of unbelief, righteousness and judgement. He shows us Jesus and acts upon Jesus’ words. He divides soul and Spirit with the sword bearing the word of God. He illuminates the word, giving us direction He organises the gifts of the Spirit in the body of Christ.

Praying for protection this day/night with the blood of Jesus over all principalities and powers.  I put the shield of faith, the blood of Jesus, my helmet of salvation upon my head and I apply my victory in the power of Jesus’ blood to save, to protect and to heal because Jesus that is in us, is greater than Satan that is in the world. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Jesus has won the victory over all principalities and powers in his death and resurrection. The Holy Spirit teaches us how to stand in the continual flow of the righteous blood of Jesus Christ from the throne of his grace and in the word of God against the strategies of Satan.                                                                                                                
It is very important that we study and meditate upon the scriptures. Jesus being the Word of God clothed in the flesh.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1: 1
“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of life. The life was made manifest, and we saw it, and testify to it, and proclaim to you eternal life which was with the Father and was made manifest to us, that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you may have fellowship with us; and our fellowship is with the Father and with the Son Jesus Christ.” 1 John 1: 1-3

Future prophecy
In John’s revelation the woman went off into the wilderness for a period of 1,260 days.
Daniel prophesied that there will be an agreement between Israel and the antichrist for seven years. This is the last week of the seventy weeks prophecy of Daniel. Daniel 9: 27
The week is divided into two parts. The first part: for 1,260 days, three and a half years, during that time there will be a period of peace in the world. Second part: the antichrist turns on Israel and the Great Tribulation takes place for the remainder of the week of prophecy.
John refers to the Christians who die to self and live for Christ who are caught up in this, the great tribulation in Revelation 12: 11
“They conquered Satan with the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony, for they did not love their own lives unto death.”
After this terrible time only a small number of Israelis survive and it’s at this point Jesus returns to take up again with Israel and defeat the antichrist. Revelation 19: 13-21.

Three Views on the Millennium Revelation 20: 1 – 15 Eyre & Spottiswoode Bible page 1884

Post Millennium
A Post Millennialist holds that the millennium is a period of world history in which the reign of Christ has been established through His church which is destined to conquer the world with the gospel, and at the end of this golden age Christ will personally return to earth and inaugurate a new heaven and a new earth.

A – Millennium
A – Millennialist denies that there will ever be a literal earth-rule of a thousand years, either before or after Christ’s return. By some the thousand years are taken to be simply symbolic of eternity (although verse 5 poses a serious problem for this view), and the only reign spoken in this passage is an eternal heavenly reign. Christ’s return to earth will simply usher in the “new heaven and the new earth” and His only eschatological rule will be celestial, not in this world. By others the one thousand years of Christ’s reign are taken to be the period between the first and second comings of Christ.

Looks for the return of Christ to earth at the beginning of a literal, thousand year reign upon the earth when “the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea” and all the nations of mankind will be completely subservient to the Lord Jesus. At the end of this period Satan will be released again in order to stir up the secretly rebellious portion of mankind to a final open revolt against God (verses 7 – 9). 

The Messiah’s Secret – Isaiah’s Prophesies Fulfilled

John carried a cross from Liverpool to London
Once a year my husband and I we spent a week at Scargill House in Kettlewell Yorkshire. The house is run by a community. In 2007 we where on a walking holiday there, when we met a young man who came for an interview to become a member of the community. In conversation with him he shared with me how God had spoken to him through his grandmother’s Bible. John at that time was on drugs and his life was in a mess. That day he was in his room when he picked up his grandmother’s Bible, it fell open and he read the words, “Whoever looses his life for my sake will find it.” Matthew 10: 39 He said, “It was like someone breaking down the door of his bedroom, releasing him into freedom.” He went on to say that as a result of his meeting with Jesus he made a cross from part of their garden fence and he carried it from Liverpool to London, camping on the way. When people asked him why was he carrying a cross? He told them what Jesus had done for him. Jesus had sought and found him.

Jesus established the New Covenant through faith in what he accomplished on the cross in making the final sacrifice of himself to make us right with God. All that is required is for us to sincerely repent of our sin and to receive the Lord our God’s forgiveness.

For the last two thousand years it has not been necessary to bring to God a sacrifice ( a bird, an animal or grain)as a substitute for our sins against God.

The Messiah’s Secret – Mercy not Sacrifice Pages 92, 93.
“As Jesus sat at table in the house of Matthew, many tax collectors and outcasts came and sat down with him and his disciples. And when the Pharisees saw this, they said to the disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” But when he heard it, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy not sacrifice,’ for I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” Matthew 9: 10-13.
Jesus the greatest person, who has ever lived on the earth, knowingly identified himself with ‘outcast’: the Jews of his day who were regarded as the lowest people in Jewish society. They had no status and no position because of their poverty, ill health, because they were lepers or had fallen away from the Jewish law or because they had been calibrating with the Romans and other Gentiles. Jesus described himself as a doctor, a physician. He had the cure for all ills. Turn back to God and His laws and he would heal them, belief in the Gospel of the kingdom, belief in him. Jesus said, ‘Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’”
Mercy not Sacrifice
Jesus said, ‘turn to me and I will heal you’; this was an appeal of love and reconciliation through the law,(Zacchaeus) steadfast love, and not sacrifice. His words and signs proved that he was from God. Jesus had the words of eternal life, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. Hosea 6:6
Jesus in saying that he desired ‘mercy not sacrifice’ he was pointing to the new covenant, which he brought into force after his death and resurrection and ascension. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, steadfast love and the knowledge of God, reconciliation forgiveness of sins, the law written in the heart through faith in him. Jesus endorses the commandments for all time by them being written on the heart, circumcision of the heart.
A scribe came to Jesus asking which the first commandment was. Jesus replied, “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. The second is this to love your neighbour as yourself.” The scribe said that it was right to love your neighbour as oneself. To do this is much more than all the burnt offerings and sacrifices. Jesus told his disciples to love one another as he loved them; this was a new commandment, which fulfilled the law through faith in him.”

The Burnt Sacrifice
The offerings made at the temple in Jerusalem varied: the burnt offerings, the meal offering, the peace offering, the sin offering, the guilt offering and other various sacrifices.
Extract from “The Book of Leviticus.” Charles R Erdman.
The first and most familiar of the sacrifices was the burnt offering, which expressed dedication. The very name indicates its distinct characteristic. The term means “that which ascends,” that is, to Jehovah. The entire sacrifice was consumed by fire on the altar, so that it was also described as the “whole burnt offering.” Of the other sacrifices, part was burned and part eaten by the priests or even by the offerer himself; but of the burnt offering, all ascended to God in flame and smoke. “
“The fire once kindled on the brazen altar was never to be extinguished. It was to be replenished, and a burnt offering was to be presented for the people every morning and evening. Therefore, this sacrifice became known as the “continual burnt offering.” The application is quite obvious. The consecration which God required of His people was not merely once for all. It was to be continuous, yet renewed consciously at the opening and close of each day. “The fire shall be kept on the altar continually; it shall not go out.”
The consecration as was symbolized by this ancient institution of the burnt offering has been embodied and realized only in our Lord Jesus Christ.”

The continual burnt offering has not been offered since the destruction of the temple in 70 AD

Shoah Seminar – May 5th 2000 held at the Menorah Synagogue, Manchester.
Ten years ago I was invited to attend the Shoah Seminar at Menorah Synagogue in Manchester England. This day was in preparation for the first Holocaust Memorial Day in our area that took place on 27th January 2001. The government wants to ensure that the terrible crimes against humanity committed during the Holocaust are never forgotten and its relevance for each new generation is understood.

Several speakers gave reports: 1. An historical account of Hitler’s rise to power. 2. Examining the Christian response to the ghettoes and concentration camps. 3. The lack of concern by the leaders of European countries for the plight of the Jews.
Eye witness accounts were given of the terrible suffering and death of Jews in the concentration camps throughout Europe.
It was made clear that today Christians deplore threats to ethnically cleanse or exterminate any race of people.

The Rabbi of Menorah Synagogue when he spoke on the Holocaust, Holocaust meaning ‘burnt sacrifice.’ he referred to the Jews that had been taken by the Nazis to the concentration camps fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy in chapter 53 ‘the suffering servant’. The people of the Holocaust were the burnt offerings for the atonement for their nation’s sin against God. Also he said, God established the new covenant when the state of Israel came into being after the war, and the land of Israel, was their Messiah.

Whilst I respect Rabbi’s interpretation of his own Jewish scriptures, I as a Christian through the churches study of the Hebrew Scriptures, see the fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecy of the ‘suffering servant’ in Jesus.

King David prophesied that the Messiah’s body would not be burnt by fire.
Jesus’ body was not corrupted by sin. “David foresaw and spoke of the resurrection of the Christ, that he was not abandoned to Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption. This Jesus, God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses.” Acts 2: 31, 32. Psalm 16: 10. 49: 9.

The Book of Isaiah was written over a period of 200 years 740 BC – 510 BC by three prophets: Isaiah of Jerusalem, Isaiah of Babylon and the third prophet not named. (Introducing the Old Testament by John Drain, The Complete Bible Handbook by John Bowker was Dean of Trinity College Cambridge.)
At the time of Isaiah the land of Israel was divided into Judah in the south and Israel in the north.
Isaiah of Jerusalem lived in Jerusalem during the days of Ahaz and Hezekiah, he wrote the first 39 chapters. He prophesied in chapter 5 of the destruction of Jerusalem, this prophesy was fulfilled approx 100 years later when King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquered Jerusalem and shortly afterwards he destroyed Solomon’s Temple.
He prophesied about the birth of the Messiah in chapter 7: Behold a young woman shall bear a son and call him Immanuel. In chapter 9:6 “For unto us a child is born a son is given and the government upon him, his name shall be called: Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” Fulfilled when Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
In chapter 11 Isaiah prophesied of the distant future that has still to be fulfilled. The tree felled with only the stump remaining, referring to the stump of Jesse, the Jewish remnant that will survive the Great Tribulation period through the Messiah’s intervention destroying their enemies.
“Then the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord.” Isaiah 11: 9.
In chapter 14: 12-16 Isaiah has given us insight into the history of Satan.
Isaiah of Jerusalem was killed in the reign of King Manasseh. 687BC.

Isaiah of Babylon was a student of Isaiah’s prophesies.
After Jerusalem was conquered by Nebuchadnezzar, Jewish people were taken to Babylon as slaves 597 BC. Isaiah of Babylon (150 years after Isaiah of Jerusalem) was one of them. He wrote chapters 40 – 55 in these he prophesied of the exiles return and the restoration of Jerusalem. God would make a road through the wilderness where streams of water would make the desert bloom. Jerusalem would be restored like a garden planted in Eden, full of joy and gladness. He also described Israel as God’s servants and the Messiah as the suffering servant.

“Introducing the Old Testament” by John Drane.
“The prophet talks of the nation of Israel as the servant of God and the person mentioned in the servant songs is often described in the same language as is used for Israel.”
Both were created by God himself.
This has led many scholars to conclude that when Israel talks of the suffering servant he is simply talking of God’s people Israel in another way. But there are four servant songs that speak of a person, a servant. 42: 1-4. 49: 1-6. 50: 4-9. 52: 13-53: 12

Israel the servants of God
‘But you, Israel my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen’. 41: 8
“But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not for I have redeemed you . . . For I am the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour.” 43: 1-7, 21.
“Thus says the Lord who made you, who formed you from the womb and will help you: Fear not O Jacob my servant, Jeshurun (title of Israel – upright one.) whom I have chosen.” 44: 2, 21, 24.

The servant the Messiah
“This servant will not loose hope or courage, nor has he rebelled or turned away from God.”
“Behold my servant whom I have chosen my beloved with whom my soul is pleased. I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall proclaim justice to the Gentiles. He will no wrangle or cry aloud, nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets.” Isaiah 42: 1-4. & Isaiah 50: 4-9 and so is the servant of 42:1 “Behold my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights: I have put my spirit upon him, and he will bring forth justice to the nations.”
In addition he suffers patiently – not for his own wrongdoings, like the nation, but for the wrongdoings of others. 53: 3-5
Most significantly of all is the fact that while the nation needed restoration, this servant is sent to restore and renew Israel. 49: 5, 6. 53: 4-6.

(Print off and give a copy of these prophesies to a friend.)

These prophesies below are taken from the Book of Isaiah and also I’ve included 25 other prophesies that were fulfilled on the day of Jesus’ crucifixion is just amazing, only God could do this.

“32 Prophesies Fulfilled in One Day” 6pm – 6pm

Isaiah 52: 14 – end Isaiah 53: 5 – 12.
1/14. The prophecy of his marred body, due to the brutality of the soldiers. “As many were astonished at you; his body was so marred more than any man and his form more than the sons of men.” Isaiah 52: 14.
Fulfilled. Pilate had Jesus flogged. ”Then Pilate released for them Barabbas, and having scourged, delivered him to be crucified.” Matthew 27: 26.

2/5. “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Fulfilled. “And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the purple cloak, and put his own clothes on him. And they led him out to be crucified.” Mark 15: 20

Matthew wrote in his Gospel, “Jesus cast out spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick. This was to fulfil what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah, “He took our infirmities and bore our diseases.” Matthew 8: 16, 17.
Jesus bore on the cross, the causes and results of sin that came into the world with the fall of Adam.

3/6. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”
Fulfilled. “Jesus said on the cross, “Father forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Luke 23: 34.

4/7. “He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth.”
Fulfilled. “Then Pilate said to him, “Do you not hear how many things they testify against you but he gave no answer, not even to a single charge; so that Pilate wondered greatly.” Matthew 27: 13, 14.

5/8. “By oppression and judgement he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgressions of my people.
Fulfilled. ”Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ? They all said, “Let him be crucified.” And he said what evil has he done?” But they shouted all the more. “Let him be crucified.” Matthew 27: 22, 23.

6/9. “The place of the burial of Christ was predicted.”And he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was there any deceit in his mouth.”
Fulfilled. Joseph from the town of Arimathea, believed the words that Jesus had spoken. Joseph was a member of the Jewish Council. “When it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who was also a disciple of Jesus. He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate ordered it to be given to him. And Joseph took the body, and wrapped it in a clean linen shroud, and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a great stone to the door of the tomb and departed.” Matthew 27: 57, 60.

7/10. “Yet it pleased him to bruise him; he has put him to grief; when you shall make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his offspring, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand;
Fulfilled. It was in the plan of God that Jesus would suffer and be killed and that on the third day God would raise him from the dead.
“Jesus said, “For I tell you that this scripture must be fulfilled in me, ‘And he was reckoned with transgressors’; for what is written about me has its fulfilment.” Luke 22: 37.

8/11. He shall see the fruit of the travail of his soul and be satisfied; by his knowledge shall the righteous one, my servant, make many to be accounted righteous; and he shall bear their iniquities.”
Fulfilled. ”For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3: 16.

9/12. “He bares the sin of many; He was numbered with the transgressors.”
Fulfilled. “And when they came to a place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left” Luke 23: 33

10. Prophecy. 1,000 B.C. The prophecy of the betrayal of the Lord Jesus by Judas,
“Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat my bread, has lifted up his heel against me.” Psalm 41: 9.
Fulfilled. ”And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests, to betray him to them.” Mark 14: 10.(Just before Day of Preparation)

11. Prophecy. The price paid for his betrayal foretold. “And I said to them, if you think good, give me my price; and if not forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver.” Zechariah 11: 12.
Fulfilled. “What will you give me, and I will deliver him to you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver.” Matthew 26: 15

12. Prophecy. What would be done with the money? How would Judas use the betrayal money? “And the Lord said to me, Cast it into the treasury: a goodly price that I was paid off by them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them into the treasury in the house of the Lord.” Zechariah 11: 13.
Fulfilled. “Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? See thou to that. And he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself. And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said. It is not lawful for us to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood. And they took counsel and brought with them the potter’s field to bury strangers in.” Matthew 27: 3-7.

13. Prophecy. The prophecy of his scourging. “I gave my back to the smitters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair; I hid not my face from shame and spitting.” Isaiah 50: 6.
Fulfilled. “And they spat upon him, and took the reed and struck him on his head.” Matthew 27: 30.

14. Prophecy of shame, reproach and dishonour. “You have known my reproach, and my shame, and my dishonour.” Psalm 69: 19.
Fulfilled. “They stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe.” Matthew 27: 28.

15. Prophecy of the false witnesses against Christ at his trial. “False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.” Psalm 35: 11
Fulfilled. “Many bore false witness against him, and their witness did not agree.” Mark 14: 56.

16. Prophecy of the smitten shepherd. “Smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered.” Zechariah 13: 7.
Fulfilled. “Then Jesus said to them . . . it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.” Matthew 26: 31. “And they all forsook him and fled.” Mark 14: 50.

17. Prophecy of the parting of his garment. “They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.” Psalm 22: 18.
Fulfilled. “So they said to one another, “Let us not tear it, but cast lots for it to see whose it shall be.”. John 19: 24

18. Prophecy. It was seen in prophecy that he would fall beneath the cross. “My knees are weak through fasting.” Psalm 109: 24
Fulfilled. “So they took Jesus, and he went out, bearing his own cross, to the place of a skull, which is called in Hebrew Golgotha.” John 19: 17.
“And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: they compelled him to carry his cross.” Matthew 27: 32.

19. The prophecy of his thirst. ”I am weary of my crying; my throat is dried.” Psalm 69: 3.
Fulfilled. “After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I thirst.” John 19: 28.

20. Prophecy. What would they give him to drink? “In my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.” Psalm 69: 21.
Fulfilled. ““When Jesus had received the vinegar, he said, “It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.” John 19: 30.

21. Prophecy. They stared at Jesus on the cross. “They look and stare upon me.” Psalm 22: 17.
Fulfilled. “They stare and gloat over me.” Luke 23: 35.

22. Prophecy. The pierced hands and feet. “They pierced my hands and my feet.”Psalm 22: 16.
Fulfilled. “And they crucified him.” Matthew 27: 35.

23. Prophecy . The pierced side. “They shall look upon me whom they have pierced.” Zechariah 12: 10.
Fulfilled. “And sitting down they watched him there.” Matthew 27: 36.

24. Prophecy. His heart was broken. “I’m poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.” Psalm 22: 14.
Fulfilled. “But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water.” John 19:34 The blood and water issuing from his side, indicated extravasations of the heart: I.e., a broken heart.

25. Prophecy . Our Lord’s mother and friends in prophecy. “My lovers and my friends stand aloof from my wounds and my kinsman stand away off.” Psalm 38: 11.
Fulfilled. “And all his acquaintances and the women who had followed him from Galilee stood at a distance and saw these things.” Luke 23: 49.

26. Prophecy. The mockery of the people in prophecy. “I became also a reproach to them: when they looked upon me they shake their heads.” Psalm 109: 25.
Fulfilled. “And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads and saying, “You who would destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! If you are the Son of God then come down from the cross.” Matthew 27: 39, 40.

27. Prophecy. The railing, hatred, and taunting of the mob. “ He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him.” Psalm 22: 8.
Fulfilled. “He trusted in God let him deliver him: let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God.” Matthew 27: 43.

28. Prophecy. The intense lonely cry in the hour of his suffering. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Psalm 22: 1.
Fulfilled. “Jesus cried with a loud voice . . . My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Matthew 27: 46.

29. Prophecy. The cry of victory and triumph. “It is finished!” Psalm 22: 31.
Fulfilled. “When Jesus had received the vinegar, he said, “It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.” John 19: 30.

30. Prophecy. Jesus commends his Spirit to his Father. “Into your hands I commend my spirit.” Psalm 31: 5.
Fulfilled. “Father into your hands I commit my spirit.” Luke 23: 46.

31. A wonderful prophecy uttered 1490 years before its fulfilment. “In one house it shall be eaten; you shall not carry any of the flesh outside of the house; and you shall not break a bone of it.” Exodus 12: 46.
Fulfilled. “But when they came to Jesus they saw that he was dead already, they did not break his legs.” John 19: 33. “For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled. A bone of him shall not be broken.” John 19: 36.

32. Prophecy The Messiah was to be cut off, but not for him. “And after three score and two weeks shall the Messiah be cut off, but not for himself.” Daniel 9: 26.
Fulfilled. “You do not understand that it is expedient for you that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation should not perish.” He did not say this of his own accord, but being high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus should die for the nation, and not for the nation only, but to gather the children of God who are scattered abroad. “ John 11: 50-52.

33. Prophecy. The oldest prophecy of all, uttered by the Lord himself at least 4,000 years before. “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” Genesis 3: 15.
Fulfilled. The heel of the Lord Jesus Christ was bruised when he was crucified, for the nails were driven through his feet, thus bruising his heels. John 19: 18.
The serpents head was there also bruised. John 12: 31-33. The execution of this sentence will take place when Christ returns. Romans 16: 20.

34. Prophecy. A great Calvary miracle prophecy uttered about 800 years before. “ And it shall come to pass in that day, said the Lord God, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day.” Amos 8: 9
Fulfilled. This is one of the most profound prophesies of the word of God. On the day that the Saviour would be crucified, there would be darkness at noonday.
“Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. (12noon – 3pm) Matthew 27: 45.

Isaiah the Third Prophet
This prophet wrote chapters 56 – 66. He wrote at the time of the return from exile in Babylon 525 BC.
Cyrus the Persian King encouraged the Jews to return to Jerusalem and to rebuild the temple. The actual building began a year before Darius became King and it was finished in the sixth year of his reign. Ezra 5 & 6.
Nehemiah did not arrive in Jerusalem to rebuild the city walls until 445 BC 55 years after the temples completion.
King Herod added buildings to this second temple which took forty six years to complete. John 2:20

Isaiah wrote of the Israelite rebellion against keeping God’s Laws and traditions
When the exiles returned they found that foreigners had settled in the land, bringing in with them their religious worship and practices. As a result over a period of time some of these practices had been combined with the Jews traditions and worship.
This was regarded as rebellion against keeping God’s Laws and traditions by the prophet. He prophesied in 65: 1 of God’s call to the Gentiles. “I was ready to be sought by those who did not ask for me; I was ready to be found by those who did not seek me. I said, “Here am I, here am I,” to a nation that did not call on my name.” God was ready to speak to the other nation, the Gentiles. (In the Bible two nations Jew and Gentile.) It was approx five hundred years later when this prophecy was fulfilled.
Paul mentions this prophecy when he wrote to the church in Rome. “Isaiah was is so bold to say, “I have been found by those who did not seek me. I have shown myself to those who did not ask for me.” Romans 10: 20
The Gentiles were being brought into the New Covenant by God calling them to hear the good news about Jesus.
God was reconciling all nations to himself through Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Peter’s Vision.

The Lord confirmed in Peter’s vision that God showed no impartiality between Jew and Gentile.
After Pentecost the apostle Peter was staying at Simon the tanner’s house at Joppa. Whilst Simon and Peter were preparing the evening meal, Peter had a vision, he saw the heaven opened, and something descending, like a great sheet, let down by four corners upon the earth. In it were all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds of the air. And there came a voice to him, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” But Peter said, “No, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean.” And the voice came to him again a second time, “What God has cleansed, you must not call common.” This happened three times, and the thing was taken up at once to heaven.”
Acts 10: 9 – 16
While Peter was still pondering the vision, three men arrived at the house and asked for Peter. They informed him that the centurion Cornelius had been visited by an angel. The angel directed Cornelius to send for Peter who was lodging at Simon the tanner’s house at Joppa.

Peter accompanied the men to the home of Cornelius at Caesarea. Peter related to them all about Jesus, “God had anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power; how he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. And we are witnesses to all that he did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They put him to death by hanging him on a tree; but God raised him on the third day and made him manifest . . . To him all the prophets bear witness that every one who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.” While Peter was saying this, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word. Peter and his companions were amazed; God had shown no partiality between Jew and Gentile.” Acts 10: 38 – 45.

Today people are being found by God.

John the Telephone Engineer
My husband and I where on a walking holiday staying at Scargill House in Yorkshire. On the final day I was talking to a man who had been walking too and he shared with me how Jesus called him to be his disciple. John was a telephone engineer it was while he was working installing cable into a building when he heard within himself the word, ‘repent,’ over and over again the word kept coming to him. After work he searched his neighbourhood to find the Vicar of his local Anglican Church and when he did eventually find him, he asked the Vicar to explained to him what the word, ‘repent’ meant. John had never had any contact with the church, but he been sought and found by God.

Jane’s Testimony
In Sept 1989 Jane who had no links with any church met Jesus as she walked along the disused railway line.

“First I would like to explain that I finally forgiven someone, I mean truly forgiven. A few days later I was walking along the disused railway in Helmshore with our dogs. It was a pleasant day, very still. I felt a wind blow up, but nothing was moving. I saw in front of me a life size Jesus on the cross. He was dead, his body grey, stone like, I couldn’t bear to look, I turned away. I felt all the wrong that I had done being taken away from me, but I didn’t want him to, because I physically felt the pain that I had caused him. I felt ashamed and started crying. The next minute I felt a presence next to me. I wasn’t sure if it was Jesus or God, but I couldn’t see anyone. All the weight I had been carrying inside had been taken away. I felt so happy, so clean. Everywhere was so beautiful, the colours were so bright, I had never seen colour like it before.”

“The Messiah’s Secret – The Messiah’s Secret Revealed”

The Messiah’s Secret – The Messiah’s Secret Revealed Blog

Using the Revised Standard Version (RSV) Bible.

Visual Aids are used in this talk.
A Cross is made of textile material large enough to accommodate items on the following list.

Adam & Eve (small dolls)
Picture Wilderness
Bible (small Bible)
Picture Jesus on the Cross
Picture Resurrected Jesus
Picture Two Trees
Girl (small doll)
Picture Jerusalem at the time of Jesus
Picture Whale

Material large enough to accommodate the largest object.
A piece of cloth is cut to form two crosses and then sewn together along the dotted lines.
Leave open the four ends to enable the objects to be placed inside the cross and pulled out at the appropriate time.

Objects are placed inside the cross.
Each one is pulled out in turn and its significance explained.
The verses of scripture can be handed out and read at the appropriate time.

The cross a place of change, a cross roads.
Life is often described as a journey and at some point we may be challenged to take a step of faith in the direction of Jesus.

Helicopter Pilot

An example of having faith has been explained to me by a Helicopter pilot when landing a helicopter at night on a Rig in the North Sea.
The pilot should not use his own judgement, he has to put his faith in the instruments to safely land on the Rig Helipad at night.
Having faith is part of our freedom to choose and it’s hard to put our faith into something that we can not see, like the pilots instruments making calculations of height, distance and speed for him.
The Bible describes faith “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11: 1
The Bible is like the instruments, we take from it the promises of God that has been given to us by Jesus to direct our walk in life. We focus not on ourselves but on Jesus the light of the world.

The writer of Genesis was inspired by God to write the account about the creation.

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve were told by God not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Eve was tempted to eat from it, by the old serpent, the Devil, Satan. Adam also was tempted to become like God himself knowing good and evil, both fell to his temptation. As a result they were separated from God.

Adam in succumbing to the temptation gave the devil power over mankind’s heart and soul which changed our nature we became self centred, self ruled. Sin, death, pain, sickness and disease entered into the world.
Adam was created in the likeness of God. Adam’s son was born in the likeness of his father Adam and not in the likeness of God. Adam’s fallen nature became hereditary. Genesis 5: 1, 3
God gave to human beings a promise that he would send a saviour to save us, from the power of the devil and renew our fellowship with God. Genesis 3:15 This promise was realised in Jesus and it’s through faith in him we discover that it is true.

Wilderness Temptations

Mary the mother of Jesus gave Jesus his humanity. God the Father of Jesus gave him his divinity as the Son of God.
Jesus the Son of man was the one who God used to restore our relationship with God that the first man Adam lost.
Romans 5 verse 19 puts it this way “For just as though the disobedience of one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man many will be made righteous.”
Where Adam fell into temptation, Jesus didn’t although he was severely tempted by the devil in the wilderness. The devil attempted to undermine Jesus’ role as the Son of man.

“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And he fasted forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was hungry.” Matthew 4: 1, 2.

Three Temptations
1/ The devil suggested to him, “If you are the Son of God command these stones to become bread.” No human being can change stones into bread. But Jesus could have done so because he had the power of God as the Son of God.
If Jesus had responded as the Son of God and changed stones into bread to feed his hunger He would have gone from being like us, to being like God.
It would have disqualified him from claiming victory over Adam’s fall. Jesus could only save us by being one of us, having flesh and blood.

The writer of the letter to the Hebrews confirms this view.
“Since the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same nature, that through death he might destroy him who has power over death that is the devil.” Hebrews 2: 14
“For because he himself suffered and been tempted, he is able to help those who are tempted.” Hebrews 2:18
“Jesus is able to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.” Hebrews 4:15

Thankfully Jesus didn’t respond as the Son of God, but as the Son of man. He said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
Like us Jesus needed food for his physical body and like us he needed to be strengthened by the word of God.

2/ The devil took Jesus to the highest point of the temple at Jerusalem. Using verses of scripture the devil suggested to him that if he jumped off the pinnacle God’s angels would prevent him injuring himself.
Jesus as the Son of God knew that he had to suffer and die on the cross at Jerusalem.
Jesus’ response as the Son of man, “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.”
When we are tempted to test God for the purposes of safeguarding our own interests not to do so.

3/The devil fraudulently offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if he would bow down and worship him.
Jesus as the Son of God could have disputed the devils ownership of the kingdoms of the world.
Jesus the Son of man said, “You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.” God is sovereign over all the kingdoms of the world and the universe.

Jesus was one of us.
Jesus in his humanity was full of the Holy Spirit which enabled him to face the full force of the devil and his scheming. Jesus’ prayer and fasting kept him focused on his spiritual battle against the devil.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good tidings to the afflicted; he has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour, and the day of vengeance of our God; and to comfort all who mourn.” Isaiah 61: 1, 2.

In the synagogue at Nazareth Jesus stood and read from Isaiah: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” Luke 4:18, 19Jesus doesn’t complete the last sentence; and the day of vengeance of our God; and to comfort all who mourn, instead he closed the book and sat down.
Jesus personalised those words from Isaiah because they were about his ministry as the Messiah. He didn’t finish the second verse in Isaiah 61 and go on to proclaim the day of vengeance because he had to be killed and raised from the dead before the day of vengeance could happen.

The Nation of Israel was expecting the Christ, to bring in the Day of Vengeance, a day of Judgement. The Pharisees were expecting Jesus to make a judgement on the woman caught in adultery, but he didn’t, instead he asked if any of them were without sin to cast the first stone.
Jesus during his ministry had said, “I came not to cast a fire upon the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled. But I have a baptism to be baptised with; and how I am constrained until it is accomplished.” Luke 12: 49, 50.

“The Messiah’s Secret” page 47
Jesus was referring to the fire of the Day of Vengeance, the Day of the Lord. The fire not yet kindled, not until after he brought in the good news of the impending kingdom, gathering the nation together. A loving heavenly Father giving the people who had fallen away from his laws, the opportunity to receive salvation through Jesus. He taught salvation through the laws of Moses, (Zacchaeus) without the generations of added precepts, whereby the Jew was blameless through good works, deeds, feeding the hungry, giving to the poor, helping the widows, observance of the law, the Day of Atonement.
His Father was dwelling in the temple at Jerusalem where they were still under the law. He was preparing the nation for the judgement to come. In Mark 9: 43, 44 he says that if one of your members causes you to sin, it would be better to enter life maimed than go to hell, to the unquenchable fire, with two hands.
Jesus did not come as a judge to condemn the people. In Luke 12: 50 he says “For I have a baptism to be baptised with; and how I am constrained until it is accomplished.” The baptism was of his death and resurrection. He was constrained to bring in the fire of judgement until his death, resurrection and ascension had been accomplished. His death was a secret; it was hidden from the Jews.”
The disciples and followers didn’t realise at the time that the Christ had to die at Jerusalem, even though at the Transfiguration he had spoken of his departure which he was to accomplish there.
Luke 9: 31


Jesus won the victory over the devil’s power and influence over us. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus was praying, he was deeply distressed in his soul because as a human being he was wrestling with his own will. Jesus knew that in order to save us he had to suffer and die by crucifixion. His choice was to call upon 20 legions of angels to his assistance to defend him against being arrested or to do his Father’s will and go through the process that would lead him to die a horrible death on a wooden cross. Peter or John who where there in the garden praying with Jesus, heard the words that Jesus prayed aloud. “ Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless not my will, but yours, be done.” Luke Chapter 22:42
Soon after, Jesus was arrested without any resistance and taken to the high priests house.
Jesus had died to his own will and was willing to do his Fathers’ will and go to the cross,
Jesus resisted temptation to self determine his own life.
Through Adam’s fall we prioritise. We have a basic instinct to look after self and self preservation.
It is as we recognise our separation from God is through our self centeredness that we come to Jesus to make us right with God, through the price paid for our transgression and his life laid down for the sin of Adam and Eve. We are baptised into his death and raised in the likeness of his resurrection. Set free from the power of the devil over our soul, our fallen nature, a new creation in Christ.

“The Messiah’s Secret” page 73
“No one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from heaven, the Son of man. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up that who ever believes in him may have eternal life.” John 3: 14, 15

Moses had led the Nation of Israel out of slavery from Egypt. When they were making a detour around Edom through the wilderness the people complained to Moses because they had no food or water. A large number of deadly snakes came among them and many of the people died. They came to Moses Asking to be forgiven for complaining and asked if God would take away the snakes. Moses prayed to God and he was told by God to make a bronze snake and put it onto a pole, so that everyone who had been bitten should look at the snake on the pole and they would live.” Numbers 21: 4-9

Jesus used this incident, in the exodus from Egypt, to demonstrate his death and resurrection. As a result of the fall of the first man Adam sin and death came into the world. (Serpent representing death)The second man Jesus through his victory over sin and death won eternal life (the dead serpent lifted up on the pole representing forgiveness and healing).

“The Messiah’s Secret” page 138
Adam and Eve had their eyes were opened to good and evil, and as a result they felt the need to cover their bodies. God cursed the serpent and prophesied that through the seed of a woman the Messiah would bruise the head of the serpent, and the serpent would bruise the heel of the Messiah.
A curse was also placed upon the woman that in child bearing her pain would be great and her husband would rule over her. The curse that God put upon Adam, he would sweat and toil the ground for food all his life, the amount of weeds would increase the toil. After death he would return back to the ground, dust, from which he had been created.
The serpent lifted up on the pole represents life over death, Jesus the second Adam. The victory over the serpent’s power over death has been won by Jesus in his death and resurrection. Jesus as a result bruised the head of the serpent.
The serpent bruised Christ’s heel; this happened when Jesus suffered the agony of the wooden cross, the death by hanging on a tree, crucifixion. Deuteronomy 21: 23. Genesis 3: 15. John 19: 5. Romans 5: 17, 18.

The crown of thorns that was placed upon his head by the soldiers at his trial, redeemed the earth
and Adam from the curse God put upon him. Matthew 27: 29
Eve through the victory of the cross has been redeemed from the curse that God placed upon her. Matthew 23: 10. There is no marriage in heaven between believers. Luke 20: 35, 36.
Through faith in Jesus we are cleansed by his blood from the sin of Adam and Eve and all our past sins.
The Son of man had to die and be lifted up so that those who believe in him and follow him receive eternal life.”
“The Messiah’s Secret – Revealed”
As a human being Jesus had to die on the cross and be raised from the dead to save us from the fall of Adam and Eve before the nation of Israel and the peoples of the world could be reconciled back to God. The disciples of Jesus proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah for the first time at Pentecost.

Jesus is risen

We understand from Luke’s gospel that the disciples at first didn’t believe when they heard from the women that Jesus had been raised from the dead. Their words seemed to them like an idle tale, and they did not believe them. Luke 24: 11.
During his ministry Jesus prophesied his resurrection but the disciples didn’t understand until they went into the empty tomb and saw the linen cloths lying on the floor.

“The Messiah’s Secret – Revealed” page 105
After the resurrection the man at the tomb dressed in a white robe told the women that Jesus would see them in Galilee. He had made a particular request for them to tell ‘the disciples and Peter,’ Peter had denied Jesus at his trial and he was probably feeling very upset. Peter hearing from the women, what the man at the tomb had said, ran to the tomb. Mark 16: 7
Peter’s name was particularly mentioned by the man at the tomb and this showed the Lord’s love for him, he and John ran to the tomb and although John out ran Peter he stepped back to allow Peter to enter the tomb before him.
John in his Gospel wrote that they believed when they saw the linen cloths lying and the napkin that had been on his head rolled up in a place by itself. He went on to say that at the time they did not know the scripture that he must rise from the dead.”
John 20: 9
Prophesies found in the Psalms about the resurrection:
“For thou dost not give me up to Sheol, or let thy godly one see the pit.” Psalm 16: 10.
“That he should continue to live for ever, and never see the Pit.” Psalm 49: 9
Abraham believed in the resurrection of the dead.
Hebrews 11: 17-19.

On the evening of the day of the resurrection.
Jesus came into the house where the disciples were gathered and said, ”Peace be with you.” He showed them his hands and his side. The disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. He said again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them , and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”
Jesus breathed new life into the disciples, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God.
John the Baptist said that the Messiah would baptise with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Luke 3: 16
John’s word fulfilled on the evening of the day of the resurrection.

At Pentecost the Holy Spirit came into the world
Peter standing with the other disciples proclaimed that the prophesy of Joel had been fulfilled with the pouring out of the Holy Spirit . . . before the day of the Lord comes . . . And it shall be whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. “Repent and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and you shall receive the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and your children and all that are afar off.” Acts 2: 16 – 21, 38, 39.

2.000 years later and still these words prevail.
The Holy Spirit’s coming into the world is to reveal the truth concerning Jesus who has saved us from the power of eternal death held by the devil and to equip those who believe in Jesus with the love of God, the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Nine years after making my commitment to follow Christ, the Holy Spirit opened the eyes of my understanding to know Jesus as my Saviour. I was amazed to find that it all that I had read was true about him. I was filled with the presence of God, his love, and his word. I felt at one with creation and I had no longer a fear of death. I knew God as my Father and my creator. My life found purpose and fulfilment and a hope for the future, eternal life with Christ.

The Tree of Life.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Verse 6. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.”

Jesus informs us what the word flesh means in Mark 7: 14-23. It is not what we eat that defiles a person, food coming into our bodies through our mouths, but it’s what comes out of our heart and mind that defile us thoughts of fornication, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. Jesus bore these sins that defile a person’s heart for us on the cross.
The death and resurrection of Jesus has the power of the Spirit of God to create a new nature within us, transforming our hearts and minds, writing God’s commandments into our hearts. To feel how God feels about sin, to seek the ways of God, to find fulfilment for our lives.

Paul wrote about crucifying the flesh, meaning when wrong thoughts come into our thoughts to reject them. If we submit to them, it’s like us going and eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, instead of the tree of life which is Spirit.
“We have become partakers of the divine nature. For this very reason make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly and sisterly affection and brotherly and sisterly affection with love. For if these things are yours and abound, they keep you from being unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 1:4-8

Cross working from within the heart.

At some point on our Christian journey we will each come into some kind of suffering, God will allow this to happen as part of our growing in faith to become more dependant upon the Lord for his help and for our needs. Also it acts like a refining fire, where we are blameless in Christ, Jesus died for our sins and we have been raised to a new life in Christ, but we are not faultless.

Extracts from “The Story of Job” by Jessie Penn Lewis
(Welsh Rivival)

“It doesn’t matter when suffering comes if the person is truly yielded to Christ. The Holy Spirit will gather every thread of pain and weave it through his loom into a beautiful pattern of the life of Christ.
New Christians experience the joy and delights, emotional and many secret manifestations of God and mountain heights of uninterrupted union and communion with God.
They will also experience wilderness temptations, trails, conflict, dryness, inward and outward darkness and distress.

Separation from the world
A holy sorrow for sin, without any sense of guilt. An abiding sorrow for sin is a holy suffering, needful for spiritual progress. It maintains the believer the principle of perfect repentance, it deepens humility it kindles the feelings of gratitude. It keeps the heart in touch with the blood of Jesus. It worships the deity of God. It intercedes for others and thirsts for the perfect reign of God, when sin will pass away, like a tide going out.
The sorrow for past sins, is a blameless fruitful form of suffering, under the Holy Spirit and is free from despair, despondency or of bitterness.

The Holy Spirit will at times let a true, humble heart feel the malice of others, painful shootings through the heart. This is real inward suffering; this painful sense of being despised by our fellows, yielded to God in humble prayer will bring great tenderness and love.”

Jerusalem at the time of Jesus

A word I was given on 30th May 1996 was that, “The disciples were setting up the kingdom in at the beginning of Acts.” It was as I understood to be in preparation for his return with the angels of God. Mark 8:38
Jesus during the 40 days after his resurrection spoke to the apostles about the kingdom of God. After Jesus’ ascension the apostles and followers of Jesus gathered in the upper room in the house where they were staying at Jerusalem. Jesus had told them to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father, the coming of the Holy Spirit in to the world.

“The Messiah’s Secret – Secret Revealed.” Part Eight page 169
At the beginning of the Acts of the apostles Luke recorded that there were 120 people present in the upper room, this was the number required to form a town according to the rules of the Mishna, one tenth being the officers. Matthias took Judas’ place to make up the number to twelve, one tenth. (Peake’s Commentary on the Bible. Before the Mishna came into being the Jews had the oral law which became both the Mishna and the Talmud.)
It’s no coincidence that the number gathered in the house were the exact number required to set up a community. The problem of being one short to make up the required number of officers was prophesied in the Psalm quoted by Peter. Acts 1: 20. Psalm 109: 8
Thousands of people became part of the community of believers after the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

The Messiah’s Secret – Revealed. The Apostles proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah for the first time at Pentecost. Jesus had to die and be raised up from the dead and ascend into heaven before the nation of Israel could receive Jesus as their Messiah. We read in Acts 7: 56 Stephen gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, was he standing in readiness to return with the angels of God?


The Sadducees didn’t believe in the resurrection, nor angels, nor spirit, but the Pharisees did believe in the resurrection of the dead. When Jesus was in conversation with the Sadducees and Pharisees he told them of his resurrection, he gave them a sign of the prophet Jonah.

“The Messiah’s Secret – Secret Revealed.” page 179- 181
An evil an adulterous generation seeks for a sign; but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.”
Matthew 12: 39
James Bartley found alive inside a whale. Dake’s Annoted Reference Bible page 1961
“The April 4th 1896 Literary Digest gave a story of a Mediterranean whale that demolished a harpoon boat. Two men were lost. One found alive in the whale’s belly a day and a half after it was killed. James Bartley lived with no after effects except that his skin was tanned by the gastric juices.”
Jonah was in the body of a fish for three days and nights and lived. The people of Nineveh when they heard Jonah’s message from God they repented. When the King of Nineveh heard of God’s message he repented and made a proclamation that all the people of Nineveh should repent.

The leaders and people of Jerusalem, through the apostles had heard the kingdom message of repentance and forgiveness and had seen the signs of the resurrection and the pouring out of God’s Spirit in the last days. Thousands of people did accept the apostle’s message and repented and joined them, but the majority of the leaders of the Sanhedrin, rejected the apostles message that Jesus was the Christ they would not bring the nation to repentance.

“The men of Nineveh will arise at the judgement with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold something greater than Jonah is here.” Matthew 12: 41
Jesus saw how sinful the nation’s leaders were. They had not accepted the Baptism of John and they did not believe the Gospel of the kingdom and the prophesies concerning Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Jesus continued Jonah’s prophecy as explained in Matthew Chapter 12 verse 43 when he said, “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none.” He ends with the words, “And the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. So it shall be with this evil generation.”
Through the baptisms of both John and Jesus for the repentance of sin, the majority of the people of Israel had been cleansed from their sin. Through the rejection of Jesus as the Christ this prophecy in Matthew’s Gospel had been fulfilled. Within a short period of time the nation was brought to its knees. In AD 70 Jerusalem was destroyed and the people where scattered throughout the world.”

The Messiah Secret – The Imperishable Seed

The Messiah Secret – The Imperishable Seed
(An imperishable seed cannot die again, it lives forever)

Sunday 31May 2015 Evening Service ‘The Cross’ members of the congregation spoke for four minutes on the concept of faith with each item and the scripture verse attached to it. I enjoyed listening to each one, and the theme emerged ‘prayer’ the Holy Spirit enforcing talking to the Lord in prayer.
Items: The Bride, the Russian Dolls (Trinity) Promise to pay the bearer £5, chalice, Bible, card with peace on it, Praying hands, Engagement ring, String of pearls and Prison Week card.

One of a Series of Talks by Dorothy Newton on ‘The Cross’ covering concepts of faith stemming from the cross.
Using the Revised Standard Version (RSV) Bible.

Visual Aids are used in this talk.
A Cross is made of textile material large enough to accommodate items on the following list. I used dried wheat straw, a goblet to represent a chalice and a paper crown.
Chalice and bread (white or brown bread)
Water (bottle)
Bible (small)
Twenty pound note.(£5 or £10)
Engagement ring. (in a box if possible)
These are placed inside the cross.
Each one is pulled out in turn and its significance explained.
The verses of scripture can be handed out and read at the appropriate time.

Cross ( Pointing to the material cross)
The cross is a symbol of the Christian Faith. It’s a symbol of suffering, hope and love.

Letter (Taking the letter from inside the cross)

Life is often described as a journey and at some point we may be challenged to take a step of faith in the direction of Jesus.
Faith means to believe in some one or something e.g. If we’re feeling ill we go to the doctor, we have faith in the doctor that he will prescribes some medicine that we believe or have faith that it will make us better.
It’s also like sending a letter, we put on the address
pay the price of a stamp required and stick it on
and post it in faith, believing that it will reach its destination. It may be that we expect a reply and sure enough in due course it arrives.
Any body who takes a step of faith and believes that Jesus is the Son of God and that he died on a cross to pay the cost of our sin against a holy God will receive eternal life.
Jesus’ words recorded by John the disciple in his gospel Chapter 3: 16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

The Chalice and the Bread
(Taken from within the cross)

Jesus gave meaning to his death on the cross when he said these words below at the last supper at Jerusalem.
The Chalice
The Chalice holds the wine representing the blood of Jesus, the blood of the new covenant.
”Jesus gave thanks and said,’ Drink this all of you for this is my blood of the New Covenant which is poured out for the forgiveness of sins.’ ”
Matthew 26: 27

The Bread
The bread is representing Jesus’ body.
‘Jesus took the bread, and when he had given thanks he broke it and gave it to them saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” ‘Luke 22: 19
By laying down his life Jesus ended the covenant between God and Moses.
In the letter to the Hebrews Chapter 8: 13“In speaking of a new covenant he treats the first as obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.”
The writer of Hebrews was referring to the covenant between God and Moses. The Laws God had given to Moses on Mount Sinai became obsolete when Jesus made the final sacrifice for sin on the cross.
“The Messiah’s Secret” page 93
“At the last supper Jesus introduced the New Covenant through his body and blood, his life laid down for the final atonement, for sins against a Holy God. When a Jew made a sacrificial offering for sin, an offering of an animal, fowl or meal, was brought to the temple, were the person would place their hand on to the head of the animal to be sacrificed. This offering would be accepted to make atonement, reconciliation, and pardon. The meaning of the word atonement is ‘to cover.’ The transfer of guilt to the sacrifice, brought forgiveness to the offender. The sacrifice was regarded as a person’s substitute for breaking the Laws of Moses. Today a person coming to God asking for forgiveness transfers their sin to Jesus, his life laid down, the offering of his life sacrificed for our sin to make reconciliation with God our Father for us. Jesus took upon himself the sins of the whole world.”
The New Covenant was then established in Jesus for all the people of the world. It is through repentance, faith and grace we enter into the New Covenant. The Holy Spirit convicts us of our need to get right with God. It’s then as we come in faith and repentance, saying sorry to God and accepting Jesus’ offering that he made on our behalf for sin. We receive forgiveness for all wrongdoing, all that separates us from our heavenly Father. There is nothing so terrible that God cannot forgive.
Some times our memories are difficult to deal with, perhaps it’s were we need to forgive as well as receiving forgiveness. It might help to talk things over in confidence with a Christian friend and ask them to pray with you about your concerns or alternatively in prayer simply talk to God as you would to a friend.
After taking that step of faith we enter into the New Covenant, God’s nature becomes our nature written in our hearts. We feel how God feels about things like; deceit, immorality, the need to feed the starving or help the poor.

The Wheat
(Taking the wheat from within the cross)

Jesus’ disciple John wrote in Chapter 12: 23,24
“ Jesus said, “The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified. Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.”
“The Messiah’s Secret” page 35
“One of the secrets hidden in Jesus’ parable of the Sower had its fulfilment after the resurrection of Jesus. The seed, Jesus had to die and become the first fruits of the resurrection. One of the amazing facts of life is that a seed has to die before it can start to grow and in the fullness of time the plant produces many seeds after its own kind.”
Jesus died on the cross to produce the seeds of his eternal life. It was after Jesus’ ascension there at Pentecost when Jesus was for the first time proclaimed by his followers that he was the Messiah. These words about Jesus are the seeds containing eternal life.
Jesus’ disciple Peter wrote in his first letter Chapter 1:23 “You have been born anew, not of perishable seed but of imperishable seed, through the living and abiding word of God.”
The Holy Spirit bears witness, showing us within our being, our mind and conscience of a change that has taken place through receiving into our heart the words that tell us of what Jesus has done for us on the cross and in his resurrection. These words are the imperishable seeds of faith that germinate within us transforming our heart, the way we think, and our way of life, we become ‘Christ-like’, a Christian.
Contained in the seed is the complete makeup of a wheat plant, its colour, height etc.
“The Messiah’s Secret” page 145. “The seed of faith sown in the heart is complete in itself, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It contains the potential to grow to its fullness.”

The Bottle of Water (Taken from within the cross)

Water represents the Holy Spirit.
John the disciple records in Chapter 7: 37-39
“On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus
stood and proclaimed, ‘If any one thirst, let him come
to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the
scripture has said, Out of his heart shall flow rivers of
living water.’ Now this he said about the Spirit, which
those who believed in him were to receive; for as yet
the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not
yet glorified.”
The Holy Spirit convicts us of the truth concerning Jesus, that God raised Jesus from the dead by the power of his love. The Holy Spirit reveals the Love of God as he is the Spirit of God. God is love and he dwells within us through faith in Jesus. Our thirst is satisfied, as the Holy Spirit gives us guidance and empowers us working through the anointed natural gifts and the gifts that he has established within us. The use of these gifts are like the words of John 7 ’ rivers of living water flowing’ out of the Christian.

God is Love (short prayer by Dorothy Newton)
Blessed are you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
You made the world in your love.
You redeemed the world by your love.
You sustain the world with your love.
May we ever abide in your love,
and give ourselves to you in love.
Blessed are you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Bible (Taken from within the cross)

The Bible is a book that gives us the revelation of our God and creator through the lives of God’s chosen people, Abraham and his descendants and through Jesus, his disciples and the church.
The Bible has words with meanings that have remained the same over thousands of years, words like; faith, righteousness, repentance, forgiveness, grace, love and many more.
Throughout the Old Testament, we read of the need to seek and get right with a Holy God. The law was brought in to make known to us, the way in which to live our lives that would please God. The law was impossible to keep so God promised to send a Saviour, the Christ. Christ means the Anointed.
Messiah has the same meaning, the Anointed One.

Prophesies relating to the Messiah have been fulfilled in Jesus. It’s in the New Testament in the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Letters and Revelations where we read about these prophesies being fulfilled in Jesus and have been witnessed by his followers.
In Acts of the Apostles Chapter 3: 17, 18. Peter speaking to the crowd in Solomon’s Portico said, “And now, brethren, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did your rulers. But what God foretold by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ should suffer, he thus fulfilled.” The whole of Isaiah Chapter 53 prophesies the suffering of the Messiah. But God had hidden these prophesies from the Jewish leaders. It wasn’t in God’s plan that the leaders of Israel should accept Jesus as their Messiah before his death.
In the book Acts of the Apostles in Chapter 13 we read about Barnabas and Saul, who was later called Paul on their first ministry tour. When they reached Antioch in Pisidia they entered the synagogue. Paul proved to them and us that God had hidden the death of the Messiah from the leaders in Jerusalem.
“ For those who lived in Jerusalem and the rulers, because they did not recognise Jesus or understand prophesies given to the prophets, they fulfilled them by condemning him to death.” Acts Chapter 13: 27
Some believed and others rejected Paul and Barnabas’ message that Jesus was the Christ.
“The Messiah’s Secret” page 125
“Even after his (St. Paul) transformation when he preached that Jesus was the Son of God, the Christ, his message didn’t change the minds of the leaders of the Sanhedrin in accepting Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah.”
At some point in early church history the realisation that the Jewish leaders had acted in ignorance when they crucified their Messiah has been disregarded, maybe lost in the fact that the same leaders rejected the Apostles message at Pentecost. The Jewish race since have suffered as a result.
I went recently to listen to Singer Helen Shapiro she told us her life story. Helen is of Jewish decent born in London in 1946. At the age of six she went to a state school. She told us of how she remembered a child coming up to her in the playground and saying, ‘You killed Jesus.’ She was devastated and never forgot those hurtful words. In the late 1980’s she discovered Jesus as her Saviour and the Messiah promised to the Jews.

Twenty Pound Note (Taken from within the cross)

If you look closely at the note, printed on it are these words, ‘I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of twenty pounds.
Andrew Bailey,
Chief Cashier of the Bank of England.’
The twenty pound note has this promise that must be honoured by the Bank of England.
Jesus has given to us very great and precious promises these promises are honoured by God. We can trust in and act on the promises that the Lord Jesus has given to us.
The promise is to all comers who believe in Jesus as their Saviour.
“But to all who receive him, who believe in his name, he gave power to become children of God.” John 1:12
Some promises come with a condition that we are actively engaging with the word of God.
Jesus said “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you.” John 15:7
Some promises simply require faith,
”If you can! All things are possible to them that believe.” Mark 9:23
Some don’t depend on us at all
“I will never fail you, or forsake you.” Hebrews 13: 5

Engagement ring
(Taken from within the cross)

In the Bible we understand that Israel is known as the wife of God. In the New Testament we understand that Jesus, the Son of God is betrothed, engaged to the church. The marriage between Jesus the lamb of God and his church, the bride, has yet to take place.
In Arnold G Fruchtenbaum book ‘The Footsteps of the
Messiah’ he writes, “To fully understand the background of the ‘Marriage of the Lamb’, one must first understand the background of the Jewish marriage system which was present in that day and which involved four distinct steps.
1. The father of the groom made the arrangements for the marriage and paid the bride –price. Sometimes it occurred when both children were infants, and at other times it was shortly before the marriage itself. Often the bride and groom did not even meet until their wedding day.
2. Fetching of the bride, this could have occurred weeks years or decades after the first step. The bridegroom would go to the home of the bride in order to bring her to his home.
3. The wedding ceremony, to which a few would be invited.
4. The marriage feast, would follow, and could last for as many as seven days. Many more people would be invited to the feast.”
Almost 2,000 years have passed since the first step, the betrothal, the dowry, representing Jesus’ death on the cross.
The next step is the fetching of the bride which is the church. Christians are to be in readiness for Jesus’ return when he comes to fetch the bride and to take her home to his Father’s house.

Crown (Taken from within the cross)

St John the disciple whilst he was living on the Island of Patmos wrote the book Revelation. He was given visions about the second coming of Jesus. He also indicates that those who keep their faith to the end of their life are given a victors’ crown. “Because you have kept my word of patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming upon the whole world, to try those who dwell upon the earth. I am coming soon; hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown. Those who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God;”
Revelations Chapter 3: 10, 11.
In Arnold G Fruchtenbaum book ‘The Footsteps of the Messiah’ he writes, that there are two words in Greek meaning crown.
The crown of a sovereign – diadem
The other – stephanos which is the crown given to an overcomer, a victor, one who has won a race.
The race Paul talks about is the life long walk of a Christian. The race is won through our being faithful to what we believe in about Jesus, that he is our Saviour and Lord and that we love God and love one another. Then we may obtain the stephanos, the victors’ crown.

God is Love
(Dorothy Newton January 1995)
Love participates in unity
bending the will to love another.
Love doesn’t hide itself or shy away.
Love takes hold of the prickly thorn
and caresses it.
Love picks up the bruised heart
and cherishes it and makes it it’s own.
Love gives off a radiance like the
heat of a summers’ day.
Love its fragrance enriches unity,
time stands still.
Love has a strength all of its own.
Love gives in to love.
Love is a safe place without any walls,
no barriers of fear and wars.
Love prepares to serve all human
Love bears the pain of love,
rejection grieves the lover.
Love ceases not to love,
Love is God our Saviour.

On September 29th 2013 Evening Service
Readings chosen: Isaiah 53.  Colossians 2: 8-15

At our service of ‘Evening Prayer’ I used the cross with its’ contents: a candle, a towel, a Bible, Chalice and bread, engagement ring, a box containing 3 Russian dolls(one inside the other representing the Trinity), a picture of a door, two cards: Make me a channel of your peace and the other card ‘Peace’ with an inscription,  a £5 note with the promise from the Bank of England Cashier to pay £5 to the bearer, an angel, and a silver paper crown.

Each item had with it the appropriate scripture.

I invited some of the members of the congregation to chose from the items taken out from the cross and to say a few words on it, this replaced the Sermon by one person. I found that it worked really well and we were blessed by each other in what was said.