The Messiah’s Secret – Love for God
Lectionary Job 28. Luke 12: 13 – 21
Jesus showed great Godly wisdom in his conversation with the man who was disgruntled with his brother’s attitude towards him. His brother coveted possessions and money as a result he was keeping all the inheritance. He came to Jesus perhaps believing that the Messiah would be a man like Moses who inquired of God over disputes. Exodus 18: 13, 16. Deuteronomy 18: 15, 18-20.
Matthew gave up his job as a tax collector to follow Jesus. Matthew 9: 9.
The Centurion in his faith he showed his love and trust in Jesus’ word. Matthew 8: 5-13.
The Samaritan who had been healed of his leprosy came back to Jesus to thank him. “Then when he saw that he had been healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice, and fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving him thanks.” He loved God and gave thanks to him. Luke 17: 15, 16.
Job showed his love for God even though he had lost all his children, his wealth and his health. He trusted and was dependent upon God for every breath of life. He did not blame God for his demise. Job 21: 22. 42: 10, 12 Blog A Short Study of Job
Disciple Peter was asked by Jesus three times, “Do you love me Peter?” Peter had gone through a time of trial through his denial of knowing Jesus. In his conversation he responded saying, ‘he knew that he loved him’. Peter had repented when he realised his sin, he left the courtyard of the High Priest Caiaphas and wept bitterly showing his love for Jesus from his heart, his soul, his strength, his mind and will. Luke 22: 62
I do not think that Peter was half hearted, true repentance is not turning over a new leaf, making a fresh start for fear of punishment or saying words of repentance out of self pity. Repentance is when our conscious working with the Holy Spirit brings us to that place of recognition of sin against God and as a result we make a full turn, from the heart out of love for God. “You shall love God with all your heart, with all your soul, our strength, and with all of our mind, and to love your neighbour as yourself.” Luke 10: 27.
We know Jesus’ generous love and we are able to love God.
Jesus our redeemer died on the cross, suffering for the sin of the world. Jesus suffered the loss of everything material, to live for God in complete surrender to the Father he loved. He was crucified, laying down his life in his love for us, the future church family. “And looking around on those who sat about him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother, and sister and mother.”
How do we show our love for God? When we are doing the Lord our God’s will, and when in worship we express our love for God, lifting our hearts in praise, prayer and thanksgiving. As we share the good news about Jesus with others. Also when we talk to God in prayer, bringing our own concerns and those of others to him out of love for them.
The Messiah’s Secret – God’s Timing
The Policeman caught a motorist speeding and gave him a ticket, the motorist complained. The Policeman reminded him, “Get two more of these tickets and you will be riding a bicycle.”
The Law was given to Moses by God and it was designed to illuminate what sin is in God’s eyes: Hatred, bitterness, envy, pride, unbelief, malice, steal, cheat, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, fornication etc. Galatians 5: 19-21.
Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea took Jesus’ dead body down from the cross and laid him in a tomb, where they wrapped his body with strips of linen coated with myrrh and aloes.
From within the tomb, the power of God raised Jesus’ dead disjointed, bloodless body up from the dead, Jesus rolled back his grave clothes coated with myrrh and aloes, it was by the power of God the stone was rolled away from the entrance to the tomb.
Since then the tension in the region continues to escalate, until hopefully, quite soon the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy will be fulfilled.
The armies of Gog and his allies gather to take Jerusalem, Jesus returns to take up with the remnant of Israel and defeats Gog to bring peace and security to the region and the world through the reign of the Messiah for a period of time 1,000 Revelation 21.
The intervention of God in world affairs lies with prophesies being fulfilled and its God’s timing.
2.Middle of tribulation: the invasion of Israel by Gog the King of the North takes place while Israel is dwelling in her own land enjoying a false security of relative peace, provided by the covenant with the antichrist. Gog is not mentioned in Revelation chapter 19 along with the demise of the beast and the false prophet, he must have been destroyed previously, in the middle of the tribulation.
3. At the end of the Tribulation period: The armies of Gog and his allies gather to take Jerusalem, Jesus returns to take up with the remnant of Israel and defeats Gog to bring peace and security to the region and the world through the reign of the Messiah for a period of time 1,000 Revelation 21.
Numbers in the Bible (Clock)
The Messiah’s Secret – Holy is the Lord
Possessions They had a room where things had been stored for years, too good to throw away and they might come in useful. He was aware of the growing content of this room.
He could see his witness through making a deliberate choice of being content with a simpler lifestyle.
The Messiah’s Secret – God Raised Jesus from the Dead
Since writing the blog I’ve added what has come from the understanding of the word.
“A Salvation Army captain was collecting at a local service station. “I am sorry,” said a sad looking middle-aged lady. “I can’t give you anything,I’ve just lost my husband.” Full of love and Christian compassion, the captain asked, “And how long ago since you lost him. With a quick look round she replied, “Well, about five minutes ago. I think he must have gone to the toilets.”
Has the church today erred from ancient ways?
Today’s watchmen or women might bring to our attention: ‘replacement theology’. What’s that about?
Replacement theology teaches that the church has replaced Israel in God’s plan under a new covenant that has a completely new theology that excludes Israel and the Biblical words that have come down the milenniums. Those who follow ‘replacement theology’ believe the Jews are no longer God’s chosen people, and God does not have specific future plans for the nation of Israel.
Biblical words that have come down the millenniums.
Replacement theology changes words that have been part of the churches ministry down the centuries, in order to meet people were they are in the world. For many it’s a logical thing to do, but the words that replace the original words in my view are not anointed. It’s like the Pharisees adding laws to the laws given to Moses by God in order to gain more righteousness.
Why develop a formula that excludes the words that have come down the centuries? I heard directly on a Manchester Diocese Formation Day that when a church develops this formula of the Purpose Driven Life Church it should exclude groups like the Mothers Union. This I believe creates disunity and tramples upon the all inclusive message of Christ’s Church.
The Mothers’ Union at that time had been in consultation at the request of the Prime Minister David Cameron in his support of the MU ‘Bye, Buy, Childhood’ Campaign. This campaign is in order to give children back their childhood from the commercialisation and sexualisation particularly in children’s clothing.
The MU has a long history of supporting and campaigning for Christian values in family life. See Blog ‘The Messiah’s Secret – Get on Board.’
Shortly after the Formation Days had taken place, the then Bishop of Manchester sent a message with an apology around to all who had attended the Formation Days. Apology accepted.
There are those in the church who expect to be spiritually one with others who don’t hold their views. But what they don’t realise that in the spiritual dimension they have so much spiritual baggage that is not compatible with the Holy Spirit.
Zechariah prophesied Israel’s repentance, “And I will pour out a spirit of compassion and supplication, so that, when they look at the one whom they pierced they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps for a first born.” Zechariah 12: 10
They will read about when Jesus and his disciples came into the city just as a funeral was taking place. Jesus said to the mother, “Do not weep.” And raised her son from the dead and we read that they recognised him as a great prophet. Maybe the people watching knew the scriptures that recorded Elijah raising up the young boy from the dead. The boy was the son of the woman who Elijah was lodging with, He was taken ill and died, and Elijah ministered to him and brought him back to life. ! Kings 17: 17-24.
Elisha in the spirit of Elijah also raised up a boy from the dead. 2 Kings 4: 34. .
On Wednesday and Thursday last week I was on a Langley House Trust Chaplaincy Retreat in Leistershire.
Added word: Before I set out on my journey to Leicestershire, in my prayer time the Lord gave me a word,”Rolling back the stone” It’s only now two weeks later that I realise the importance of that word. Receiving that word before the picture confused me and I was so moved by the picture of Jesus rolling back his grave clothes that It’s taken time to realise the full impact of what rolling back the stone means; it completes the healing process releasing us from all that would bind us in darkness as Jesus rolls back our grave clothes and the rolling back of the stone releases us into the light, freedom and healing, being raised up with Christ.
(Some would say that the linen clothes lying in the tomb indicated that Jesus rose from the dead through the clothes. But for me one experience is worth a thousand arguments. John 20: 6-8.)
As followers of Jesus, Christians are called to be Christ-like; in Paul’s words we have Jesus Christ’s abiding presence within us, ‘Christ in you.”
Peter filled with the Spirit of Jesus raised Tabitha from the dead.
We know the story in Acts 9: 36-43 “Peter turning towards the dead woman, he said, “Tabitha, get up.” She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up. He took her by the hand and helped her to her feet.”
On Wednesday evening on the retreat Lawson Main from the’ Zacchaeus’ Project at St. John’s, Worksop came to tell us about the project. They help people with drink and drug problems.
He told us this true story, a young man who attended the Project came to Lawson telling him that his friend was dead in a flat after taking an overdose of drugs. They prayed together before going to the flat. The paramedics had been called.
When Lawson and the young man arrived, the paramedics had pronounced him dead and as they began to put him in a body bag, to their astonishment, the man came back to life. God had raised the young man up.
At the project many have been set free from their addictions.
This is what Langley House Trust hopes to achieve in all their projects ‘Helping people to live crime free lives.’
Jesus then said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, the truth shall make you free.” John 8: 31, 32.
The Messiah’s Secret Revealed.
I was brought up in a Christian family and I believed which was the general belief in the church, that the time for the Jewish nation to accept Jesus as their Messiah was before his death on the cross.
However, the Lord revealed to me that in order to fulfil God’s plan of Salvation Jesus had to die and be resurrected from the dead and Ascend into heaven before the nation of Israel could receive Jesus as their Messiah.
The early believers in Christ’s Church expected Jesus to return quite soon.
“Now brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did your leaders. But this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold by the prophets, saying that his Christ would suffer. Repent then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that the times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the Christ, who has been appointed for you – even Jesus. He must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything.” Acts 3: 17- 26
‘The times of refreshing,’ the Messiah’s Jubilee. See blog The Messiah’s Secret – Joy to the World. for an in depth study of the Messiah’s Secret.
The Messiah’s Secret – Blogs from 1 – 176
Please enter Title and subject on the search bar.
176. Jesus God’s Son
175. Existence of God.
174. Fasting and Prayer UK Referendum
173. Jesus Walking in His Father’s Footsteps.
172. Adopted Children of God
171. Pentecost
170. Jesus the Strong Arm of God
169. Jesus at the Centre
168. Easter Reflections
167. Jesus at Bethany
166. Jesus our Shield and Refuge
165. Numbered with the Transgressors
164. The difference between John and Jesus’ Baptisms
163. Grace and Truth
162. Jesus Born in Mary
161. Zechariah and Elizabeth
160. Crooked Paths made Straight
159. The Beatitudes
158. God Appointed Positions
157. Times & Seasons
156. A Child-like Faith
155. Hidden in God
154. Coming from within Jesus the Word of Truth.
153. Jesus the Bread of Forgiveness
152. Ecclesiastes 3 Time and Eternity
151 Love for God
150.God’s Timing
149. Holy is the Lord
148. God raised Jesus from the Dead
146. Haslingden Christians Together
145. Jesus’ Prayer John 17
144. Jesus the Perpetual Light
143. The Doors were Shut
142. Jesus is Alive
141. Jesus and the Cross
140. Bethany
138. Church of England Today in UK
137. The Lighthouse
136.The Refining Fire
135. The Calling of Nathaniel
134.Showers of Blessings
133. Christ Born in us.
132. The Prodigal Son
131. Fulfilment of Prophesies
130. Jesus Reigns
129. The Great Commission
128, The Crimson Worm
127. Visions and Dreams.
126. A Heart/soul Transformed
125. The Wheat Harvest
124. Celebrating the Ascension
123. Who is Jesus.
122. the Tower of Babel and the Gift of Tongues.
121. Our Inheritance in Jesus.
120.The Way, the Truth, the Life.
119. Celebrating 20 Years of the Ordination of Women.
118. The Messiah’s Secret- The Temple of Jesus Body
117. Shalom – Peace
116. 34 Prophesies Fulfilled in One Day
115. Jesus Heals the Two Blind men
114. James the Brother of Jesus
113. James remembers Job
112. short study of Job
111. Baptism of Tears
110.New Start
109. Jesus the First-born
108. Jesus the Vine.
107. The Samaritan Woman at the Well
106. Advent of the Star of David
105. Mary Chosen by God
104. Updated Book
103.Jesus the cornerstone
102. The Holy Spirit’s Ministry
101. Good King Wenceslas
100. The Rich Man and Lazarus
99. The Lost Sheep
98. The Lord’s Prayer.
97. Treasure in Heaven
96. How Great is our God
95.Jesus the Bridge
94. Jesus had nowhere to Lay His Head.
93. The Woman with the Alabaster Flask.
92. The Surging Crowds.
91. Pentecost.
90. Early Christians and the Essenes.
89. A Stone Rolled Away.
88. A Christian View of Freemasonry.
87. The Resurrection in Christ.
86. Fall & Rise.
85. The Messiah’s Secret – Isaiah 53
78. The Birth of Jesus
72. Called by God
71. Held in the Lord’s Hands
70. Jesus is the Lord our God.
The Messiah’s Secret – Jesus’ Prayer John 17
Friday 22nd May 2015
“Such love, pure as the whitest snow, such love weeps for the shame I know; such love, paying the debt I owe; O Jesus such love.
Such love, stilling my restlessness; such love, filling my emptiness, such love showing me holiness; O Jesus, such love.
Such love, springs from eternity, such love, streaming through history; such love, fountain of life to me; O Jesus, such love.
Mission Praise 619 Graham Kendrick Make Way Music/Thankyou Music.
In preparation for today I remembered this true story
The King sought to release himself from the pressure he was under by joining the monastery. Cutting himself off from the demands that his office required.
I also experienced the love of God in the place where God was, it was completely made up of love, the substance of it was love. Our atmosphere the substance of it is air, but in that place it was love, pure, holy love. It happened so quickly and was over in a moment.
David shared with us, the occasion when Jesus spoke to him, calling him to ‘come to him’ and afterwards when he was prayed for he was filled with the Holy Spirit.
The Messiah’s Secret – Jesus’ Prayer John 17
Lectionary Reading: John 17: 6-19.
Short Power Point Presentation
From Jesus’ prayer we thought about our own prayers: we usually start by addressing God with a title that reflects our relationship with God and our reverence towards him. Several titles were suggested: Father, Heavenly Father, Almighty God, Lord and Father God etc.
In Jesus’ prayer he spoke of his fellowship with his Father, his Father always heard his prayers. He noted that his disciples believed in him and his words and that he had been sent by God. Jesus recognised that prophecy had to be fulfilled in Judas. Jesus was concerned about his leaving his disciples, he was concerned for their safe keeping. He asked his Father to keep them safe from the evil one.
In our prayer we know that God always hears our prayers and we asked for strength and for unity with Jesus and each other and the Lord to keep us safe. Our current situation at St Mary’s that is relevant to our prayer, is that the Lord would choose the person who will become our next Priest-in-charge.
Jesus put emphasis on the name that God his Father had given him ‘Jesus’ the name above all names. Jesus promised that when we pray in his name: “Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son: if you ask anything in my name I will do it.” John 14: 13, 14. So we end our prayer in Jesus’ name. Below a short, but to the point prayer.
Father God,
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
We have looked at Jesus’ prayer and we have gathered what was upper most in his thoughts. He was concerned not for himself, but for his disciples, for them to be kept safe from the evil one.
Some 500 years before Zechariah prophesied
The second part of the prophecy, “Then the Lord said to me, “Cast it into the treasury” the lordly price at which I was paid off by them. So I took the thirty shekels of silver and cast them into the treasury in the house of the Lord.” Zechariah 11: 12, 13. RSV Bible.
This was fulfilled when Judas heard that Jesus had been condemned to death, he took the money and threw it into the treasury, saying that he had betrayed innocent blood, which meant the sinless blood of the Christ, God’s Saviour of the world. Matthew 26: 14-16, 27: 3-5
We have been given a passport into heaven through Jesus’ prophecy and promise, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” John 3: 16. Given as a free gift through faith in what Jesus has done for us on the cross.
The Messiah’s Secret – Jesus the Perpetual Light
Below: Menorah Candlestick and theCandlestick the symbol of Jesus being the light of the world.
The centre shaft was called ‘the servant’ or attendant. It held three branches on either side, seven lamps in total.
But I also see his painting describing the scene on the evening of Jesus resurrection when Jesus came and stood among them in the house at Jerusalem.
Jesus was in the beginning: the light in creation to the eternal light of the New Jerusalem.
On the left model of the New Jerusalem. Revelation 21: 9-27
Each entrance was through a gate of pearl and the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. The wall was made of jasper, the foundations were decorated with gems stones. The street of the city was of pure gold.
(Model. Play dough walls coloured beads and boxes sprayed with gold 2007)___________________________
These and many more all fulfilled in Jesus.
The Messiah’s Secret – The Doors were Shut
Oxford dictionary
A sceptic is a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions.