All posts by Dorothy

Currently, I (Dorothy Newton} am a Street Pastor in Ramsbottom, working alongside Christians who believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah. Christian, visible unity among the churches.

Street Ministry – The Fig Tree

Mark 11: 12 – 26. RSV Bible

“When I went to a Christian school, I walked into the cafeteria and there on the table was a plate of fruit. Next to it was a sign that said “Take one. God is watching.” Next to the fruit was a plate of cookies, which had a sign next to it, written by a fellow student, that said “Take as many as you want. God is watching the fruit.”  Readers Dijest

Jesus and his disciples left Bethany setting out for Jerusalem, we read that Jesus was hungry and seeing a fig tree in leaf he looked for figs, but found none, Mark tells us that it was not the season for figs.

Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible page 324

“The various fig trees altogether bear about 10 months out of the year and are of 3 kinds.

The early fig. The fruit ripens towards the end of June; it is the most beautiful and delicious kind. Jer 24: 1-8.

The Summer fig. The fruit begins to appear in June about the time the early fig is ripe and comes to maturity in August: it lasts a long time and may be preserved. . Hos 9:10.

The Winter fig appears in August about the time the summer fig is ripe and reaches the ripening stage toward the latter part of October and November. If the winter is not too severe this fruit can still be plucked towards spring.” Song 2:13.

Jesus was hungry he looked for a natural resource that was freely available along the roadside.

What came to my mind was that and the fig leaves were God’s covenants and promises to Israel:

God’s covenant with Abraham: “Behold, my covenant and you shall be the father of a multitude of nations. I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you and kings shall come forth you.” Genesis 17: 4-8.

God’s covenant with Israel through Moses, ‘The Giving of the Law’ and the fulfilment of God’s promise to Abraham: the Hebrew people becoming a nation.

God’s covenant with King David and the promise of a Saviour, the Messiah. Jesus fulfilled this promise, Peter said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16: 16.

The Pharisees looked for signs from Jesus to prove he had come from God. Jesus looked for signs to prove that the Pharisees loved God.

The fig tree representing Israel – Jesus hungered seeking the righteousness of Israel’s commitment to keeping the law and found none.

Jesus couldn’t find any fruit on the fig tree, and he cursed the tree  Some of the disciples heard him say, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.”

Under the Law Israel cursed for not keeping the law.

“But if you will not obey the voice of the Lord your God or be careful to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command you this day, then all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you.” Deuteronomy 28: 15 – 68

The Pharisees added their rules to those given to Moses by God as they earned their righteousness by doing good works.

Jesus looked for Israel’s hunger for righteousness in the temple where God resided in the Holy of Hollies.

Jesus and his disciples entered temple and when he saw the desecration of the court of the Gentiles, he drove out those who sold and those who bought also overturned the money changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. We read he would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple. Jesus said, ”My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations’? but you have made it a den of robbers.” The money changers currency exchange rate robbed the people and the Gentiles were being robbed of spending time praying to the God of Israel.

This scene is also seen as a person’s life being cleansed of sin. Where the result of sin robs a person of living an abundant life. Sin gives rise to guilt, shame, deception, rebellion and suicide etc. These things tear apart relationships and often are the cause of mental illness.

In the reading the following morning the disciples noticed that the fig tree had withered up from its’ roots.

This I believe illustrated the end of the law covenant.

Jesus said, “Have faith in God.” This pointed to the new covenant, were we carry nothing of any merit of ourselves to make atonement for our sin against God.

Jesus cleanses our body, soul/spirit with his shed blood and that takes place when a person comes in faith to Jesus.

Christians bear the fruit of God’s love in Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord.

The church is called to tell people about God’s love for everyone and to give whosoever, the opportunity to receive forgiveness and the free gift of God’s love, eternal life.

“For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3: 16

Through faith in Jesus all that separated us from knowing Father God is removed from us. The holy Spirit gives us the fruit of the God’s love: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Galatians 5: 22.

Walking by Faith

Legally, the devil is allowed to tempt us, because of our freewill, but Jesus tells us to hunger and thirst for righteousness and we will be satisfied. God’s righteousness by faith and not by the works of the law, not by activities that we do to please God that’s from our own self-righteousness.

Faith. and Grace to move the mountain.

After a gap of twenty years my sister wanted to find a job. Her youngest of seven children started senior school, so she prayed about it and the Lord gave her a picture in her mind of someone’s feet, the Lord confirmed it to her when she attended a local event where unknown to her chiropody was mentioned and that confirmed to her that she should become a chiropodist. It meant going to college studying biology and taking up training and she passed the exams and today she ministers to people’s feet and her testimony has brought people to faith.


Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on the earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for yours is the kingdom the power and the glory, forever Amen.

Street Ministry – Jesus met Zacchaeus on the Street

Outreach (2)

Jesus met Zacchaeus on the street, he was an outcast in Jewish Society. The Lord presented me with a question: “What does it mean today to “Shake the dust off your feet?”

 “If anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that town.” Matthew 10: 8

Zacchaeus the chief Tax Collector was an outcast in Jewish society because he collaborated with the Romans collecting taxes for them and he took advantage of his position by fraudulently adding sums of money to their tax bills for himself; and under law he was unclean by associating with Gentiles.

Zacchaeus met Jesus on the street

Jesus and his disciples were passing through Jericho, the crowds had gathered along the street. Zacchaeus climbed a tree so he could see Jesus above the crowd. He wanted to catch a glimpse of this man he heard about. A man who healed people in the synagogue on the sabbath day, who ignored and argued with the Pharisees’ over their interpretation of the law; that must have appealed to Zacchaeus, but he also, must have heard that many believed he was the Saviour, the Christ. Jesus saw him and spoke to him, asking if he could have tea at his house.

Zacchaeus hadn’t time to prepare for his guest, Jesus caught him unawares.

This proved to be a life-changing moment for him, as a result of their meeting Zacchaeus repented publicly by saying that he would give half of his wealth to the poor and pay back to those who he had defrauded under law fourfold. Jesus rejoiced saying, “Salvation had come to this house . . . . for the Son of man came to seek and save the lost.”’ Luke 19: 1-10   RSV Bible.

Following on from this account concerning Zacchaeus in verse 11 “Jesus proceeded to tell them a parable because he was near to Jerusalem and because they supposed that the Kingdom of God was to appear immediately.” Luke 19: 11.

In Jesus’ day there was a sense of urgency for people to ’repent’ in preparation for the Messiah’s heavenly kingdom becoming a reality.

He spoke of a nobleman who went into a far country to receive a kingdom and then to return. Jesus referred to himself as the nobleman, he came to receive the kingdom of Israel.

The nobleman left the kingdom, but Jesus didn’t include in the parable why he left the kingdom, but we know that it was to enable Jesus to reign over the hearts of his people through faith in him.

The battle for the Kingdom of God’s rule over the hearts of mankind took place in his suffering, his death on the cross and his resurrection giving him the victory over death that the devil had previously held the power over.  

Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same nature, that through death he might destroy him who has the power of death, that is, the devil,and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong bondage.” Hebrews 2: 14, 15.

Jesus expected to return within their life-time.  Mark 8: 38. 9: 1 38 For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of man also be ashamed, when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” And he said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.”

The disciples hoped he would return they were preparing, watching for his return, Jesus in the parable gave them the means and opportunity to grow his kingdom until he returned, on his return they would be accountable to him. Luke 19: 12-27. The Messiah’s Secret by Dorothy Newton

In our present day the lost are all who do not know God in a personal way and the way to find God is through faith in Jesus.

“Dust” I interpret as being unbelief.

In Mark and Luke’s gospels they directed these words to the individual person who rejected their message ‘shake off the dust as a testimony against them.’ I engage with many today on the street who openly say that they do not believe; for many it comes from their life experiences.

I personally do not ‘shake off the dust’ as a testimony against anybody, I believe that the Lord will give them further opportunities to make a decision for Christ or not, during their life-time.

Today’s message not judging anybody

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.” The Gospel message –  to reconcile all humanity to our Father God through faith: in Jesus’ death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins and to come to know our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Mark 16: 15.

God’s love reaching out as a blessing, not judging anybody. I can look back to a time when I questioned my faith and I believe after working through those questions my faith was strengthened.

John was caught unawares

Interviews were taking place for joining the Scargill Community. We were there on holiday. I was chatting to John a young man who had come for an interview, in my conversation with him, he shared with me how his grandmother had spoken to him about Jesus, but at that time he didn’t want to know. But God used his grandmother’s Bible speaking to him through it. John said that taking drugs was all he lived for and his life was in a mess. That day he was in his room when he picked up his grandmother’s Bible, it fell open and he read the words, “Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” He said, “It was like someone breaking down the door of his bedroom, releasing him into freedom.” Matthew 10: 39

John went on to say that as a result of his meeting with Jesus he made a cross from part of their garden fence and he carried it from Liverpool to London, camping on the way. When people asked him on the street why he was carrying a cross? He told them what Jesus had done for him.

John’s grandmother didn’t shake off the dust after John refused her message about Jesus, she didn’t give up praying for him and God blessed them both, especially John.


Heavenly Father, thank you, for Jesus’ he has made it possible for those farthest away from God, to come to know him, there is nothing can separate us from the love of God through faith in Jesus Christ. We pray that a tear drop of faith will bring freedom to the heart of those who find, they feel helpless and maybe have come to the end of themselves. Lord, may they turn to you and find Jesus, their friend and redeemer. In Jesus’ name. Amen


A Norwegian missionary, Marie Monsen, in China in the early twentieth century, testified to the protection of angels when Christians were in great danger. They had taken refuge in the missionary compound only to be surrounded by looting soldiers and they were astonished to find that they were left in peace. A few days later the hostile  men explained that they were ready to break down the flimsy wall when they noticed tall soldiers with shining faces on the high roof in the compound. Marie Monsen wrote, “The soldiers saw them, and it was testimony to them, but they were invisible to us.”

The word angel means ‘a messenger’

Angels were created in vast numbers, and far exceed the number of humans. Revelation 5: 11. Matthew 26: 53.

Angels are a company, rather than a race. They do not marry, nor do they die, so they don’t grow in number. Nehemiah 9: 6. Hebrews 12: 22. Luke 20: 36.

Some angels sinned corrupted by Lucifer. 2 Peter 3: 4. Jude verse 6. Luke 10: 18.

Angels longed to ‘look’ into salvation. 1 Peter 1: 12. Angels and Demons’ by Mrs Geo C Needham

The office of the heavenly angels and the human angels.

The heavenly messengers: Angels in the Bible are sometimes called elect angels or holy ones, sons of God, a watcher or ministering spirits. 1 Timothy 5: 21. Daniel 4: 13.

Jacob met angels on his way to being reconciled to his brother Esau. Genesis 32: 1.

Angel Gabriel visited Mary with the message of being chosen by God to bear the Christ child. Luke 1: 26.

An angel appeared in a vision to Cornelius to send for Peter who was staying with Simon the tanner at Joppa. Acts 10: 3.

A human messenger, the office of an angel Haggai who delivered God’s message to Israel, ”Then Haggai, the messenger of the Lord spoke to the people with the Lord’s message, “I am with you, says the Lord.” Haggai 1: 13. Malachi 2: 7.

John the Baptist was designated a messenger. Mark identifies John the baptiser as the messenger quoting from Malachi “Behold I send my messenger before thy face, who shall prepare thy way; the voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” Mark 1: 2, 3.

“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, some have entertained angels unawares.” Hebrews 13: 2.  

Before Christ when angels delivered a message from God they were also guardians of it.

God tested Abraham which proved that he loved God more than his love for his son Isaac. Abraham was prepared to make a sacrifice of his son Isaac, but at the moment when he would have slain him, an angel of the Lord stepped in, “Abraham, Abraham and he said, “Here I am,” He said, “Do not lay your hand upon the lad or do anything to him for I now know that you fear God, seeing that you have not withheld your son, your only son from me.” Abraham saw a ram caught up in a thicket by its horns and it was sacrificed instead of his son. Genesis 22: 1 – 14.

The angel’s message was given at the decisive moment when Abraham had passed the test, he would have slain his son Isaac.

This account also shows us, the cost to God the Father of Jesus in His love for us when he gave his Son to be the sacrifice for our sin. a completed work of love. It’s through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus from the dead that enables us to have a relationship with God our Father.

The angel as a guardian of the message.

Zachariah the father of John the Baptist questioned the angel’s message to him, the angel said that his wife Elizabeth would conceive in their old age and bear a son and they were to call him John. Through Zachariah’s unbelief his speech was taken from him until the baby was born and they named him John. Luke 1: 19, 20. The angel convinced Zachariah by taking away his ability to speak.

Angels’ ministered to Jesus

Angels supported Jesus after he was tempted during the 40 days he spent in the wilderness. The devil tempted Jesus to jump from the temple pinnacle and the angels would protect him. But Jesus knew that that it wasn’t the time for him to fulfil Malachi’s prophecy “The Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple.” Matthew 4: 6, 11.Malachi 3: 1.

Protected by Angels

Before Jesus was arrested, he knew that if he needed help defending himself, he could call upon 12 legions of angels to his aid. Angels carry out God’s judgement Matthew 26: 53.

Some translators of the Bible record that in Gethsemane an angel ministered to Jesus. Luke 22: 43. KJ Bible

Angels are ministering spirits to the heirs of Salvation. Hebrews 1: 14.

Mrs Needham writes that angels do not pray for Christians, but they are sent in response to answered prayer.

In the New Testament after Peter was arrested the believers where gathered at the house praying for him. “Behold, an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell and the angel struck Peter on the side and woke him up, “Get up quickly.” The chains fell off his hands and the angel said to him, “Dress yourself and put on sandals.” The angel told Peter to follow him, they passed the guards and made their way to the gate and it opened of its own accord. There on the street Peter dazed by the experience gathered himself and went to the house of Mary the mother of John Mark. Rhoda was totally amazed and said, “It’s his angel.” When Peter told them what had happened, he left and went to another place. Acts 12:6-10.

The angel ministered in a tangible way by releasing Peter from the chains that bound him to the soldiers and making the way clear for his escape. Rhoda thought she had heard Peter’s angel speaking to her, these angels are referred to as guardian angels.

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and delivers them. O taste and see the Lord is good! Happy are those who take refuge in him.” Psalm 34: 7,8.

Angels do not indwell human-beings, they work with the Holy Spirit.

The angel directed Philip the Deacon to go South following the Jerusalem to Gaza road. The Holy Spirit also gave Philip direction from within, sometimes referred to as God speaking in the inner ear, telling him to join the man in the chariot who was the Ethiopian treasury minister. The man was reading from the book of Isaiah, “He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth;
like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth. By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people? He asked Philip, “Who was the Prophet referring to himself or someone else?” Philip expounded the passage revealing the fulfilment of these words in Jesus and he must have explained about Jesus’ baptism as he wanted to be baptised. Acts 8: 26-39. Isaiah 53: 7, 8.

The Baptism of Jesus

Jesus Baptism means to receive the indwelling presence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In this account the Ethiopian was immersed in water which signifies when a person goes down into the water: it indicates repentance, dying to sin, and being washed clean and rising up from the water signifies being raised up in Jesus’ resurrection and receiving forgiveness of sins and receiving the eternal Spirit, eternal life.

Jesus’ Baptism in the Old Testament

On the exodus journey the Israelites ran out of water. “Then Moses led Israel onward from the Red Sea, and they went into the wilderness of Shur; they went three days in the wilderness and found no water. When they came to Marah, they could not drink the water of Marah because it was bitter; therefore, it was named Marah. And the people murmured against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” And he cried to the Lord; and the Lord showed him a tree, and he threw it into the water, and the water became sweet.” Exodus 15: 22- 25.

The bitter water representing sin.

The tree thrown into the water – Jesus’ death on the cross for sin.

The sweet water – forgiveness of sin and being raised up with Christ in his resurrection and receiving of the eternal Spirit, eternal life.                                             The Messiah’s Secret by Dorothy Newton.

Charles Spurgeon wrote, “I do not know how to explain it, but I believe angels have a lot to do with the business of this world.”

In conversation with a man on the street in Ramsbottom he said that he believed in angels, and he associated angels with death. Jesus in his parable, ‘The rich man and Lazarus’ spoke of Lazarus at his death being carried by angels to Abrahams bosom. Luke 16: 22.

It’s reassuring to know and experience on our earthy journey we are watched over and protected by angels, and when we turn the page we are carried into heaven by angels.

The Messiah’s Secret Revealed – Kingdom of God Community

On the 30th May 1996 I was having my afternoon break, thinking about my pottery order that I was in the process of completing, (Floral & Bible texts on china beakers) When I was gently rocked from side to side in my chair. At that moment the words that came into my mind, “The disciples where setting up the Kingdom of God at the beginning of Acts.”

On the 11th June I woke up with the words, “Jesus could only be received as the Messiah after his death, resurrection and ascension.” The two words came together, “The disciples were setting up the Kingdom of God in anticipation of his return with the angels of God.” The coming and receiving of the Messiah was a Jewish national calling.

“Jesus said, You are those who have continued with me in my trials, and I assign to you, as my Father assigned to me, a kingdom that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” Luke 22: 28-30.

Setting up the Kingdom of God Community at Jerusalem in anticipation of his return.

During the forty days between Jesus’ resurrection and his ascension, he spoke to his disciples about things concerning the Kingdom of God. Acts 1: 3.

We read that they waited for the coming of the Holy Spirit in the house at Jerusalem. It was for a reason that they chose by lots Matthias to bring their number to twelve. In Peake’s Commentary he wrote that to comply with Mishna law ‘to form a town there must be 120 inhabitants; a council and the officers must be one tenth of the whole;’ it’s recorded that there were 120 people gathered in the house at Jerusalem. So, it seems likely that they needed Matthias to comply with the Mishna rules. It was confirmed by a prophecy “Let his habitation become desolate, and let there be no one to live in it; and his office let another take.” Acts 1: 20.

“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give alms.” Luke 12: 33.

After Pentecost the number grew continually and they remained there in Jerusalem where they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayers. “All who believed were together and had all things in common. They sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all as they had need.” Acts 2: 42-45.

They had established a ‘kingdom community’ and put into practice Jesus words, “Do not lay up treasure on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal. Matthew 6: 19, 20.

The rich ruler was advised by Jesus to sell all he possessed and distribute the proceeds to the poor and he would have treasure in heaven, Luke 18: 18-30.

The apostles were to be about their master’s business until he returned. “But of that day or that hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves his home and puts his servants in charge, each with his work, and commands the doorkeeper to be on watch. Watch therefore for you do not know when the master of the house will come.” Mark 13: 32-35.

The fire of judgment – the baptism of his death

The Jewish people were expecting the Messiah to bring in the ‘Day of wrath’ a day of judgement. Jesus knew this but spoke of his death before this day could took place. “I came to cast a fire upon the earth and how I would that it was kindled I have a baptism to be baptised with and how I am constrained until it is accomplished.” Luke 12: 49, 50.

Jesus indicated that he hoped to return within their lifetime.

“Jesus had said, “Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death before they see that the Kingdom of God has come in power.” Mark 9: 1.

Soon after Pentecost Peter and John ministered to a severely disabled man at the Gate Beautiful in Jerusalem. Acts 3 The crowd marvelled at his healing. Peter addressed them saying that even though they and their rulers had acted in ignorance in condemning Jesus, their sin was before God and Peter knew that what God required was repentance. Peter said that if they repented their sins would be blotted out, and God would send the ‘times of refreshing’ which meant: the restoration of the land and throne of King David and God would send the appointed Christ, Jesus from heaven.

It was clearly believed by the apostle that Jesus would have returned soon after Pentecost

The commotion from the crowd had drawn the attention of the authorities, Peter and John were arrested.

They stood before the leading men of the council and witnessed that the crippled man had been healed in the name of Jesus, and they said, “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

The council decided to release them due to man being healed they warned them not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus. Peter and John went to their friend’s house and they told them what the chief priests and elders had said and together they praised God saying:

 “Why did the Gentiles rage and the people imagine vain things? The kings of the earth set themselves in array, and the rulers were gathered together, against his anointed. For truly in this city there were gathered together against thy holy servant Jesus whom thou didst anoint, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, to do whatever thy hand and thy plan had predestined to take place.” Acts Chapters 3 & 4: 1-22. Psalm 2: 1.

The apostles had witnessed part of this prophecy being fulfilled at the trial before Pilate where the crowd made up of Gentiles and Jews condemned Jesus to death and also what Jesus prophesied would take place on his return. “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you know its desolation is near. . . . Now when these things begin to take place, look up and raise your heads because your redemption is near. . . . Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away till all has taken place. . . But watch at all times, praying that you have the strength to escape all these things that will take place, and so to stand before the Son of man.” Luke 21: 20, 28, 32, 36.

The scene was what the prophets had spoken about: the disciples and the community of followers would have been the remnant based in Jerusalem, surrounded by unbelieving Jews, and Gentiles.

I will surely gather all of you, O Jacob,   I will gather the remnant of Israel; I will set them together  like sheep in a fold, like a flock in its pasture,a noisy multitude of men.13 He who opens the breach will go up before them; they will break through and pass the gate,  going out by it.Their king will pass on before them, the Lord at their head. Micah 2: 12, 13.

The community grew in number the good news had reached the towns around Jerusalem.

The apostles met daily in Solomon’s Portico within the temple, the presence of God working through the apostles especially Peter, he carried out judgement on Ananias and his wife Sapphira that caused many people to have a Godly fear and revere the apostles. On the evening of the day of his resurrection Jesus had anointed the apostles to either retain or forgive sin, to fulfil the office of judge in the Messiah’s kingdom. This was the ruling rod of iron of the kingdom. Psalm 2. Revelation 19: 15.

The people from towns around Jerusalem brought their sick onto the streets and they were healed. “And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests  were obedient to the faith.” Acts 5: 1-16. 6: 7.

Jesus said that he expected to return within the lifetime of that generation, but he didn’t return.

I believe that Jesus’ return was dependent on Israel’s leaders bringing the nation to repentance upon accepting Jesus as their nation’s Messiah at and after Pentecost. Jesus had indicated this when the Pharisees asked for a sign. He said, ”The men of Nineveh will arise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold something greater than Jonah is here.” Matthew 12: 41

John wrote, “He came to his own home and they received him not”. At Nazareth Jesus wasn’t welcomed as their Messiah. Also as a nation they weren’t convinced. “But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God; who were born, not of blood nor the will of the flesh nor the will of a man, but of God.” John 1: 11-13.

Luke ends the acts of the apostles with Paul’s meeting with the local Jews he records Paul’s words, “ . . . I have asked to see you and to speak with you, since it is because of the hope of Israel that I am bound with this chain.” They replied, “ . . . but we desire to hear from you what your views are.” Paul testified to the kingdom of God and trying to convince them about Jesus both from the law of Moses and from the prophets. Some believed and some disbelieved. He realised that Isaiah’s words were still relevant, “Go to this people and say, You shall indeed hear but never understand and you shall indeed see but never perceive.” Isaiah 6: 9.                    Paul then said, “Let it be known to you then that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will listen.”  Acts 28: 17, 20-31. Luke 14: 15-24.

Paul confirms by his words that for the Jewish people it was a national calling to receive the Messiah.

Communion in Christ

St Andrews Communion TableAt the Communion Service is where we mainly receive the bread and the wine, for some it’s a place of receiving Jesus as their Saviour  and of receiving a fresh anointing.

“And he took bread, and when he had given thanks he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” 20 And likewise the cup after supper, saying, “This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.”  Luke 22:19, 20.

For almost two thousand years Christians have observed Jesus words ‘I want this meal to remind you of Me and all that I did for you,’ the act of remembrance is very strong.

Jesus broke the bread and gave it to his disciples.

After Jesus’ death, his disciples and followers were devastated, they hadn’t expected him to die, they were taught from the law that the Christ when he came would remain for ever. John 12: 34. They hadn’t understood even though Jesus told them he would be raised from the dead. It was in God’s plan that they shouldn’t understand like their leaders, as Jesus had to die, resurrected and ascend into heaven, before the whole of humanity and the creation could be saved from the fall of man. Acts 2: 23.

In the house at Jerusalem they were in fear of being arrested, they were broken in spirit, all their hopes had faded away, his rejection was their rejection and then Jesus appeared and gave them his peace and anointed them for service. He breathed on them the Holy Spirit and anointed them with his authority to retain or forgive the sins of people. They proclaimed at Pentecost for the first time that Jesus was the Christ, it was a national calling. “The Messiah’s Secret” by Dorothy Newton

God works in ways we can’t understand, and many have like me, to suffer so that God can  breaking down our self-driving force, it’s called dying to self.

From my own experience when I’ve been broken-hearted twice, its been through rejection on both occasions. But it has been followed by an anointing. It’s been God’s will for me to die to self, to seek the lowest place so the Lord the lifts me into his place of service.

Jesus the bread of life

“It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail; the words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life” John 6: 63.

Jesus the living bread, his words are nourishment to our body, soul and spirit. God the Father and the Holy Spirit act on the word. We receive by faith from his words, head knowledge becomes heart knowledge and we are gifted to act, in faith, in response to his calling on our life. I believe that having received his words and in due course the words materialise and become our experience.

At the Communion where we receive the bread and the wine, for some it’s a place of receiving Jesus as their Saviour and of receiving a fresh anointing.

My friend shared with me that after she had received Jesus as her Saviour,  at her first communion service when she received the wine, as she swallowed the wine, she experienced being cleansed internally, the wine representing the blood of Jesus and scripture says that we are cleansed by his blood.

“This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.”

John recorded Jesus’ first miracle; it was the wedding at Cana. At the wedding the New Covenant is symbolised by the water becoming wine, Jesus used the empty jars reserved for purification rites by water under law and having them filled with water, he transformed the water into wine, which represents the blood of Jesus being poured out for the forgiveness of sin, purification under grace. These two elements  water and blood poured from his heart when the soldier pierced his heart with the sword at Calvary. John 19: 34.

John the Apostles wrote in his first letter spoke of the three elements: the water, the blood and the Spirit. “This is Jesus who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ, not with water only but with the water and the blood. And the Spirit is the witness, because the Spirit is the truth. There are three witnesses, the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree. 1 John 5: 6, 7.

Water is something that we all use for cleansing purposes and when we add a cleansing agent to it, stubborn stains, dirt and germs are removed.
So when we think of Jesus’ baptism: the water together with the cleansing agent the blood of Jesus applied to our heart, we can understand the implications, it removes sin and its causes, things that spoil our relationship with God and other people too; selfishness, pride, envy, covetousness, rivalry, deceit, fornication, slander, lies, licentiousness and theft etc.
The Holy Spirit witnesses that through Jesus’ blood a person is cleansed. We are made alive by Holy Spirit, a new creation, born again into the kingdom of God.

The Communion a place of receiving a fresh anointing.

On  21st July 2019 I received a fresh anointing while taking Communion at St Andrews. Rev Andy Lindop’s anointed sermon, the Lord acted on the word, Colossians Chapter One –  Jesus the image of the invisible God was born as one of us to reconcile us to God. He is the head of the body the church of which we belong. Our faith and love in Jesus bearing the fruit of the gospel of repentance through forgiveness,  prayer and witness to family, friends and our neighbours.

At St. Andrews, when we take Communion, we stand in front of the Communion Table. On that morning I received the bread from Andy Lindop and as I was about to take hold of the cup from K to drink the wine, I felt the power of the Holy Spirit come from above onto my head and I began to fall backwards, I resisted and straightened myself up and the power came upon me again and I again began to fall backwards, I straightened myself up again and took the cup, sipped the wine and returned to my seat.

The day afterwards I received a phone calling asking if I would go and pray with a lady. Three days later I was praying again with another person. The anointing has changed my study and I’m learning new things about ministry to people.

It’s in relation to going out with the Street Ministry Team with the good news of God’s love, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”  John 3: 16.

Answers to prayer

Like the early church everyone taking part are using their anointed gifts, the signs that are following the message: accepting Jesus as Saviour receiving wholeness.


Thank you, Jesus, for being all in all, help us to die to our own desires and firm in faith to resist temptation. In our brokenness mould and prepare us to take up in serving within the body of Jesus the Christ, to make him known. You give us food and drink that will guide, strengthen the weak and save lives. Let us serve you in the joy of our salvation, to your praise and glory. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Christians Together Haslingden 20th September 2019

RSV Bible Luke 10: 1-12

These days authority is in a badge or an identity card authorised by the company a person works for. The street ministry in Rammy we wear our badge,  making those God appointments with people searching for God. I circulated the badge I wear on Saturday mornings #doyouknowhim?.

Jesus didn’t tell his disciples  to carry a badge, a staff, or bag to carry extra shoes or clothing. They were chosen and anointed in the word of his authority.

Today, every Christian is under the same authority to ‘Go and tell’ the good news about God’s love in sending Jesus to pardon us from our sins, so we can stand before God.

God is working in people who are searching for God for example: “Anne Curry interviewed Anthony DeCurtis, a writer for *Rolling Stone* magazine. DeCurtis talked at length about the late George Harrison’s search for a meaningful spiritual life. Curry said, “Apparently Harrison was the most spiritual of the Beatles group, when interviewed before his death he said, ‘Everything else in life can wait, but the search for God cannot wait.’”  

God is making those God appointments with people searching to meet a Christian with Jesus’ message. 

The 12 and 70 disciples were given Jesus’ authority to tell the message, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” And his authority to cast out demons, raise the dead and heal the sick. They were to follow Jesus’ example.                                                                                           

In Mark 1: 21-28. Jesus started his ministry from Capernaum, he taught the people in the synagogue with such authority that they commented on it. There amongst the people gathered was a man who is described as having and unclean spirit. The word ‘immediatly’ implies that while Jesus was speaking this man spoke out saying, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come here to destroy us.” Jesus rebuked him saying “Be silent, and come out of him!” And the unclean spirit came out of him, shaking him and crying out.

“What have you to do with us, “

These words indicated that it was the unclean spirit speaking through the mind of the man.

The words were in relation to the prince of the power of the air whose presence has been on the earth for a very long time, Since the occasion of his removal from heaven.

What I’ve learnt recently from the book, “The Invisible War” by Donald Grey Barnhouse

In it he states that the prince of the power of the air, Lucifer before he was cast out of heaven held the offices of prophet, priest and king in the royal government of God. He writes:   “At his creation Lucifer was given the office of prophet, to speak for God; the office of priest to take the worship of the universe of creatures to God: the office of king to rule for God.” Ezekiel 28:11-19.

A prophet – Lucifer instead of being God’s messenger, he wanted to be God himself, sending others with his message. Isaiah 14:14

A priest –  He was in the throne room of God, cherubim were close to God in the holy of holies. The earthly temple was a copy of the heavenly, He was one of  those who led worship in heaven. Isaiah 14:11

A king – He wanted to govern the whole universe. Isaiah 14: 13

Satan lost all his offices when he rebelled against God. Jesus said that he saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven. Luke 10: 18

Before Jesus went to the cross, Jesus recognised that the prince of darkness had spiritual authority in the world. Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if he would acknowledge him as god. Matthew 4:8-10. Matthew 12: 15, 16.

At Capernaum Jesus didn’t send the unclean spirit to hell, as hell doesn’t come until force until the judgment takes place. D Barnhous

The unclean spirit said, “Have you come here to destroy us.?”    Thankfully, YES Jesus’ victory on the cross has made Satan’s offices destitute, the death, resurrection and ascension has won the victory over them.

But God hasn’t destroyed Satan because of free-will

The victory is won through Jesus’ death resurrection and ascension, so it’s by the way of the cross. Every person in the world have free will  to choose to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour.

During Jesus’ earthy ministry: God’s prophet his message: “For I have not spoken on my own authority; the Father who sent me has himself given me commandment what to say and what to speak. And I know that his commandment is eternal life. What I say, therefore, I say as the Father has bidden me.” John 12: 49. 50. John 3: 36.

 Uniting earth and heaven Jesus the High Priest of God when he laid down his life to satisfy the requirements of God, being the perfect sacrifice. As high priest after the order of Melchizedek Jesus presides over worship. John 10: 15-18. Hebrews 5: 5-10. Genesis 14: 18.

Jesus born a King, When the magi inquired about the birth of a King, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews?” Matthew 2: 2.

And later, “Pilate said to him, ”So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth, everyone who is of the truth hears my voice.” John 18: 37.

Isaiah’s prophecy “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given;
and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David, and over his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and for evermore.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this. Isaiah 9: 6, 7.

So, we can apply Jesus’ total victory through his presence within us, his authority in his commission to us.   Matthew 28: 18-20. Mark 16: 15-18

Jesus equips his disciples for the task we are given, with the Holy Spirit’s gifts and the words that speak of God’s love.

Prayer is available to all    On the street we ask people if they have any prayer requests and write them in a book which is taken and prayed for in one of the churches.  prayer is offered either on the street or in St Paul’s Church on the main street.

Some people don’t have any prayer requests, I’ve found that they are very polite in their response.

Several people during morning on the street will commend us for making prayer available and value what we are doing.

Jesus’ Healing Ministry in the Church Today

RSV Bible

Actor Anthony Hopkins in an interview with Piers Morgan, Hopkins described his alcoholism: “It was like being possessed by a demon, an addiction, and I couldn’t stop.  And millions of people are like that. I could not stop.”

At an AA (Alcoholic Anonymous)  meeting a woman said to Anthony, “Why don’t you trust in God?” Anthony said, “The woman’s idea almost seemed to simple to work, as he considered himself an atheist at the time.” Anthony took the woman’s advice and the desire to drink was taken from him, “never to return”. He has held fast to his faith ever since.”

When a person comes to Jesus in faith for healing, we are reminded of what James the Lord’s brother wrote, “The prayer of faith will save the sick man/woman/child, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” James 5:15.

A prayer of faith

Jesus said, that they knew how to discern the signs in the sky, they had faith to believe those signs.

We are created with faith, it’s God given and we all have faith in some measure, the Holy Spirit is seeking people to use their faith when they’re challenged like Anthony Hopkins or simply hear the good news about Jesus in whether to believe in him or not.

Life in Christ brings forth God’s faith in the Christian working with the Holy Spirit’s gifts of knowledge and discernment that equips the Christian to pray in Jesus’ authority and name, to overturn and expel the source of addiction: the prince of the air and his associates, the robbers that use deception and seduction. Matthew 21: 12, 13.

The Christians who prayed for Anthony Hopkins releasing him from alcoholism in the name of Jesus.

‘Just mention my name’

“Jesus said, “ Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father, he will give it to you in my name. . . . ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”  John 16: 23, 24

What a fabulous promise, God our Father knows our needs before we ask and the Lord will answer according to what his will is and what’s best for us.

The Holy Spirit distributes the gifts in the church, so that every believer’s gift functions with other Christians.

Jesus has given his church power to make the truth of God’s word a reality in our world today.

The church receives from Christ: strength, energy, courage, boldness to make him known among the nations and to bless people with the gospel of faith in Christ through the evangelist, pastors, teachers and preachers, healing ministry, hospitality, helps and many more wonderful gifts. I Corinthians 12: 1-31.

Christians witness to the world of Jesus’ continuing presence to heal as we journey through life. Built up in Christ , in his word.

Christians today through their faith in Jesus are entitled to be free from the things that would harm us, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, using the God given gifts to us by the Holy Spirit, enables us to do the same things that Jesus did during his ministry on the earth.

The Lord protects his childlike believer, like a parent watches over their child. The Lord ministers within the church using the gifts and it’s up to us to ask for prayer. When we are called on to serve others using the gifts of the Spirit or the anointed natural gifts it’s a real blessing and fulfilment of Christs’ love and word to us.

 “And Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation . . . and these signs will accompany those who believe in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16: 15-18.


The church being God’s abiding presence to carry on the ministry of Jesus Christ, continues to pray for the person healed and to helps them find out more about Jesus.

It’s mainly by hearing the Bible expounded and scriptures taught in fellowship with other Christians, we are built up in Christ, A person healed should know that it’s their responsibility to put something of God in their lives.

Jesus said, “The price of this world cometh and has nothing in me.” Luke 14:30, 31. 15: 10.

Anthony Hopkins responded in a positive way, because what he had suffered was real and when he was healed that was real.

He didn’t walk away like the 9 of the 10 lepers who were healed only one came back to Jesus in faith and thanked him. Luke 17: 11-19.

it’s as we abide in Jesus by spending time in fellowship with the Lord Jesus every day: reading his word and in prayer we are built up in the word and grow closer to God in the Holy Spirit.


We humbly come before you Lord our God and give thanks for your healing of Anthony We pray for all those who are seeking a way to be free from addiction, that they would seek the Lord and come to Jesus in faith to be prayed for.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

On 28th September at ‘The Bridge Church’ Bolton Barry Woodward of ‘Proclaim Trust’ are holding a day where people can come and be healed of their addiction through faith in Jesus. Day Registration closed – Evening Celebration 6.30pm – 9.30pm

Son of man Series No 7 The Day of Jesus’ Return Draws Nearer

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Series No 7 RSV Bible

Preparations for the Jigsaw Festival held at St Paul’s Ramsbottom on Saturday 7th September are well under way. Every second-hand jigsaw is displayed showing that all the pieces are present and there are lots of new jigsaws.

In this blog the Lord has put another piece of the jigsaw of ‘Messiah’s Secret’ in place.

The disciples were expecting Jesus to return soon after Pentecost.

During Jesus’ ministry the disciples had heard Jesus say, “ . . . . when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” And he said to them, “Truly, I say to you there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.”  Mark 8:38. 9:1.

Soon after Pentecost Peter and John ministered to a severely disabled man at the Gate Beautiful in Jerusalem. The crowd gathered around the disciples and Peter recounted the events surrounding Jesus crucifixion, and the part that some of them had played in it when they chose Barabbas to be set free, and Jesus to be crucified at the hands of the Romans. Even though they had acted in ignorance in condemning Jesus, their sin was before God and Peter knew that what God required was repentance. Peter said that if they repented their sins would be blotted out, and God would send the ‘times of refreshing’ which meant: the restoration of the land and throne of King David and God would send the appointed Christ, Jesus from heaven.

The commotion from crowd and had drawn the attention of the authorities, they were annoyed because Peter and John were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection from the dead, so they arrested Peter and John.

Before the council they witnessed that the crippled man had been healed in the name of Jesus, and they were Jesus’ witnesses, they said, “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

The council decided to release them due to man being healed they warned them not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus. Peter and John went to their friend’s house and they told them what the chief priests and elders had said and together they praised God. Acts Chapters 3 & 4: 1-22.

From this situation due to the council rejecting the disciples message the scene was like what the prophets had spoken about: the disciples and the community of followers would have been the remnant based in Jerusalem, surrounded by unbelieving Jews, and Gentiles. Micah 2: 12, 13.

“Why did the Gentiles rage and the people imagine vain things? The kings of the earth set themselves in array, and the rulers were gathered together, against his anointed. For truly in this city there were gathered together against thy holy servant Jesus whom thou didst anoint, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, to do whatever thy hand and thy plan had predestined to take place. And now, Lord, look upon their threats, and grant to thy servants[a] to speak thy word with all boldness, 30 while thou stretchest out thy hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of thy holy servant Jesus.” 31 And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness.” Acts 4: 23-31.

The disciples weren’t afraid or discouraged when they realised what had happening. Their anticipation of Jesus return must have been very great.

Jesus had told his disciples to notice the sign like the fig tree puts forth its leaves summer is near, “Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away before all these things take place.” Mark 13: 28-30

This sign of being rejected by the leaders before and after his ascension, fulfilling King David’s prophecy; “Why did the Gentiles rage and the people imagine vain things? The kings of the earth set themselves in array, and the rulers were gathered together, against his anointed.” Acts 4:25, 26.

Another sign, ”The place was shaken” Satan’s kingdom shaken and lose their power and influence over nations and people.

But Jesus continued telling his disciples to watch while the master of the house left his servants in charge until he returns. That’s why they prayed for boldness and for people to be healed and for signs and wonders to be performed in the name of Jesus. they had been instructed by Jesus to continue his ministry until he returned. Mark 13: 28-37.

“And then they will see the Son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory.” Mark 13: 26.

Jesus said that he expected to return within the lifetime of that generation, but he didn’t return.

The question some would ask, “If Jesus is God why didn’t it happen?”

I believe that it was dependent on Israel’s leaders  accepting Jesus as the nations’ Messiah, the King of Nineveh repented and brought the city to repentance.

Jesus said, “But of that day or that hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Mark 13: 32

The God head made up of three persons making the whole: God the Father, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that he and the Father were one, and he told Philip that seeing him was seeing the Father. Jesus the word of God clothed in the flesh said that he only said and did what his Father heard from God; he didn’t hear from his Father the exact day of his coming. Jesus in his love and compassion knew of his return with the angels and in the power of God’s kingdom. John 5: 19-24. 14:3, 8, 9.

Another question: “The Son of man and the Messiah are they the same person?

Series No 6  God’s seed was complete with both the sperm and the egg that was implanted in Mary’s womb. “Charles Wesley writes with tremendous spiritual insight when he proclaims the depth of this: ‘Tis mystery all! The immortal dies: who can explore his strange design? In vain the first-born seraph tries to sound the depths of love divine.’”

Bob Gordon “The Cross” wrote, “Jesus himself was not subject to man’s death until he took mankind’s sin into himself, because death is the outcome of sin. Jesus himself was not sinful, therefore, he did not live his life under the threat of death.”

The Son of man, the immortal Jesus, the second Adam was created to inhabit both earth and heaven. John 17: 5. 

Mark wrote using the Greek words from the Aramaic that identify Jesus, the Son of man as the same person as the Messiah coming with the angels.

“Son of Man” NIV Theological Dictionary New Testament Words Verlyn Verbrugge

“We also find statements about the coming of the Son of man, which reflect an apocalyptic tradition Mark 13: 24-27. 14:62 The Greek phrase ‘ho huios you anthropou’ is derived from the translation of the Aramaic  ‘bar nasa.’ This shows that the evangelists attached a messianic significance to the Greek translation.”

“And then they will see the Son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory.” Mark 13: 26.

The prophet Daniel saw in his vision ‘one like a man’. 

13 I saw in the visions of the night, and behold with the clouds of the heaven, one like a man (כבר אנש [kibar ‘anash]) was coming, and he came up to the Ancient of Days  and was brought before Him.” Daniel 7: 13.’.                                             

The high priest asked him, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?” “Jesus said, “ I am; and you will see the Son of man seated at the right hand of Power and coming with the clouds of heaven.” Mark 14: 62. 

Verlyn Verbrugge confirms through his study of Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic that the Son of man and the Messiah are the same person.

The day of Jesus’ return draws nearer.   

Daniel’s prophecy: “Know therefore and understand: from the time that the word went out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the time of an anointed prince, there shall be seven weeks; and for sixty-two weeks it shall be built again with streets and moat, but in a troubled time. 26 After the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have nothing, and the troops of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its[a] end shall come with a flood, and to the end there shall be war. Desolations are decreed. 27 He shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, and for half of the week he shall make sacrifice and offering cease; and in their place[b] shall be an abomination that desolates, until the decreed end is poured out upon the desolator.” Daniel 10: 25-27.

The ’anointed one’ refers to the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Daniel prophesied that he would be ‘cut off’ after 69 weeks (7+62 wks.) Jesus was cut off from the earth when he ascended into heaven, there he waits to return till the end of the 70th week.

Jesus is coming soon

As the day of Jesus’ return draws nearer, the world seems to be heading into chaos: with pollution of plastic and CO2 climate change threatening the food production of our planet. The world leaders can’t agree on a strategy to address the situation. The escalation of violence in the world with two world wars and Daniel prophesied that there would be ‘increase of knowledge’ and that has happened during the last century. Daniel 12: 4.

The last week of Daniel’s prophecy begins when the world leader (the antichrist) makes a peace treaty with Israel. However, it will be broken after three and a half years and then the war of great suffering and devastation (the Bible calls ‘the tribulation’) takes place for three and a half years. Followed by Jesus coming with his holy ones.

“But in those days after the tribulation the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And then he will send out his angels, and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.” Mark 13: 24-27 Revelation 19: 11-21                                                

Jesus will fulfil the angel’s words he gave to the disciples

 “This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11.

Jesus the Son of man coming after the war that is described as the tribulation. The prophet Zechariah prophesied, “For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle and the city shall be taken . . . Then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations as when he fights on the day of battle. On that day his feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives which lies before Jerusalem on the east; and Mount Olives shall be split in two from east to west by a very wide valley;. . .  Then the Lord your God will come, and all the holy ones with him.” Zechariah 14: 2-5                                                                                    

Zechariah prophesied that the nations will come against Jerusalem and take it over, other prophesies tell us that remnant of Jewish people are left in the city and Jesus  stands with them and defeats the nations. Joel 3:12, 13. Revelation 14: 19, 20. 19:14-16. Micah 2: 12.

The day of Jesus’ return draws nearer,“The Lord your God will come, and all the holy ones with him.”

Arnold Fruchtenbaum “Footsteps of the  Messiah’

“Isaiah 63: 1-6 made it clear that although the armies of the saints and angels will return with Christ, they will not participate in the fighting. Messiah will fight this battle himself.” “While the battle between Christ and the antichrist will begin at Bozrah it will continue all the way back to the eastern walls of Jerusalem which overlook the Kidron Valley, also known as the Valley of Jehoshaphat.” Page 245/8. Isaiah 63: 1-6. Isaiah 61: 2

The piece of the jigsaw that’s missing among the Jewish people; the identity of their Messiah. At the coming of Jesus, Israel will identify, recognise Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.  Zechariah 12: 10.                                                               


Heavenly Father, there is a growing chaos in the world, help us to proclaim God’s love in giving assurance of eternal life. Jesus gives and offers hope to what may seem hopeless. When we come to the end of ourselves and look to God, we will experience the strong arm of the Lord Jesus holding us in the palm of his hand. Take from us doubt and fear as the day of his coming draws closer to fulfilment. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Son of man Series No 6. Did Jesus know that he was going to be resurrected bodily?

RSV Bible

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In June while on holiday I came into conversation with the retired Bishop of Oxford John Pritchard he said something that caught my attention, “Did Jesus know that he was going to be resurrected bodily?

Afterwards while thinking about it, the scripture came to mind.

 “For as Jonah was three days and nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of man be three days and nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh will arise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here.” Matthew 12: 40, 41. 27 64. Job 19: 25, 26.

Jesus related his resurrection to that of Jonah who was raised bodily.

The prophet Jonah lived around 800 BC, during the reign of Jeroboam II. He lived in a town just north of Nazareth in Gath-hepher. Jonah was sent by God to Nineveh to preach against their wickedness that was before God. We read that he did not want to go to Nineveh, so instead he went and boarded a ship heading for Tarshish. Soon after setting sail a storm blew up, as a result the sailors believed that someone on board had brought this situation upon them, so they cast lots, the lot fell on Jonah.

He told them that he was running away from God’s commission. He offered them a solution to throw him overboard, but the sailors were reluctant to offend Jonah’s God, so they tried to row the boat to the shore, but it was to no avail, the storm grew worse. In desperation they threw Jonah overboard, as he fell into the sea a whale swallowed him whole, as a result the storm abated. He spent three days and nights inside the fish where he died, the fish vomited him out onto dry land where he came to life. Jonah 1. Jonah was resurrected from the dead to continue his life until the day came where he died and his body became dust.

After Jesus died, he was taken down from the cross and laid in a tomb.

Peter wrote that during those three days in the tomb Jesus in the spirit, went to those in prison in the heart of the earth and preached the good news to them,

“For Christ also died for sins once and for all, the righteous and the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit; in which he went and preached to the spirits in prison, who formerly didn’t obey, when God’s presence waited in the days of Noah, during the building of the ark”. 1 Peter 3: 18-21.                  

God’s justice

During those 3 days God gave the people who had lived before and at the time when Noah was building the ark, who had never heard of Jesus, the opportunity to receive as their Lord and Saviour: the forgiveness of sins and being raised through faith in him,

“But they will give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. For this is why, the gospel was preached even to the dead, that though judged in the flesh like men, they might live in the spirit like God.” 1 Peter  4: 5,6

Jesus was ready to return.

At the time when Peter wrote this letter they were expecting Jesus to return and bring in God’s kingdom. He addressed the Gentile Christians saying the Gentiles outside of the faith in Christ  would be judged as unbelievers and the Gentile converts walking in the Spirit of God would be in God’s kingdom. The people who Jesus witnessed to during the 3 days in the heart of the earth will be brought to account those who didn’t believe in him will be judged as unbelievers and those who accepted him who live in the Spirit knowing God will be in God’s kingdom.

Peter confirmed Jesus preaching the gospel to the people who had died and were waiting for the judgement was a one off.

Universalists believe that after death God still gives people a second opportunity to receive Jesus as their Saviour. But as I understand what Jesus taught about the resurrection through his parable ‘The rich man and the poor man Lazarus’ the rich man died and went to Hades where he experienced suffering. Whereas, Lazarus was at peace in the bosom of Abraham. The rich man was eager to warn his brothers that they should know the consequences of disregarding the needs of the poor before they died.  But he couldn’t let them know as there was a gulf between the living and the dead.                                                                                              

This parable shows that it’s in this life that we prepare for the next. It’s in this lifetime that we make our decision to believe and follow Jesus.

It also reveals that there is a continuous life after death, either to a place of light or a place of darkness. Luke 16: 20.

Spiritualists don’t believe that there is a separation between the living and the dead. They practice praying to their dead relatives through a medium: for help and guidance. The Israelites were told by God that these practices: child sacrifice, divination, a soothsayer, an augur, a sorcerer, a charmer, a medium, a wizard, or a necromancer  where to be driven out of the Promised Land, as their practices were unacceptable to God.  Deuteronomy 18: 9-14


Lord you understand when we follow beliefs that we’ve been taught or inherited from our family, until we are challenged with what the Bible says about what we have believed. I pray Lord, that you will breathe the freshness of faith, that the love for Jesus brings in seeking the truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen

On the third day Jesus in his resurrected body appeared to Mary Magdalene. Jesus said to her, “Do not hold me, for I have not ascended to my Father.” John 20: 17

In the evening of the same day he appeared before his disciples who were gathered in the house at Jerusalem. The two disciples on their way to Emmaus in their conversation with a stranger confirmed, that Jesus was resurrected on the third day. John 19: 40-42. Mark 16: 14. Luke 24: 21.

Jesus knew that he would be bodily resurrected not just through Jonah’s testimony, but also through the fulfilment of King David’s prophecy.

Peter at Pentecost quoted King David’s words, that Jesus was not abandoned in Hades (Sheol)

“He foresaw and spoke of the resurrection of the Christ, that he was not abandoned to Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.” Psalm 16: 8-11. Acts 2: 27, 31.

Jesus’ body uncorrupted by sin, as he did not inherit the sin of Adam or hold on to sin from the actions of others against his flesh. Luke 24: 21. Mark 15: 34.

The men of Nineveh will arise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here.” Matthew 12: 41

The king of Nineveh and his subjects repented on hearing God’s message from Jonah.

At and after Pentecost the leaders of the Jewish nation had the complete account of Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension and if their leaders had brought the people to repentance by accepting Jesus as their Messiah, Jesus would have returned with angels in the power of the kingdom of God. Acts 3: 17-21. Mark 8: 38, 9:1. ‘The Messiah’s Secret Revealed’ by Dorothy Newton online

The leaders were sceptical of what the disciples were saying; they had witnessed first hand when Jesus broke the Sabbath day laws and they didn’t expect the Christ to come and die. “Let the Christ, the king of Israel, come down now from the cross and that we may see and believe.”  They expected the resurrection would take place on the last day. John 12: 34 Mark 15: 30-32. John 6: 40.

‘Someone greater than Jonah was here.’

After Pentecost Peter and John were arrested and brought before the council. The nation’s leaders: rulers, elders and scribes heard from Peter and John directly that the lame man had been healed in the name of Jesus Christ, (Christ meaning Messiah) they proclaimed Jesus as their Messiah saying also that Jesus had been raised from the dead. The leaders: Annas, the high priest, Caiaphas and John Alexander and all who were of the high priests family had nothing to say in opposition, because they couldn’t dispute the healing of the man at Gate Beautiful. The disciples were cautioned and told not to speak or teach in Jesus’ name. Acts 4: 1-22

God’s seed

For Jesus to redeem us, in order for us to become the bride of Christ, he was born of a woman.  

Jesus, the Son of man, his flesh and blood came into being as a result of the Holy Spirit overshadowing Mary. God implanting his seed into Mary’s womb. Jesus was made man from God’s seed which was complete in its-self, containing all the components including the egg to produce baby Jesus. From Mary Jesus received the food that gave his body nourishment to grow and develop inside her womb. He had the potential to live for ever on the earth. Genesis 3: 15. Luke 1: 31, 35.

Medical science has discovered a way to conceive out of the body. 1978 Louise Joy Brown was born, she was the first test tube baby. Drs Steptoe and Edwards made medical history when they developed the means were, they were able to plant Leslie Brown’s fertilised egg into her womb. Afterwards the womb reacts in the normal way of producing a baby

God’s seed complete with egg and sperm to give Jesus the perfect body, the second Adam.

Every seed contains the complete makeup of the plant or tree etc.

The seed of faith sown in the heart is complete in Jesus and has the potential to develop and grow to be like him in his nature, characteristics and gifts and contains the completed work of Christ: his death, resurrection and ascension and the inheritance of God’s kingdom, including the new heaven and the new earth..

Bob Gordon in his book “The Cross” writes, “When God created man, did he create mankind to be mortal-that is, subject to death? The answer is clearly, no

Jesus himself was not subject to man’s death until he took mankind’s sin into himself, because death is the outcome of sin. Jesus himself was not sinful, therefore, he did not live his life under the threat of death.

Bob continues, “Charles Wesley writes with tremendous spiritual insight when he proclaims the depth of this: ‘Tis mystery all! The immortal dies: who can explore his strange design? In vain the first-born seraph tries to sound the depths of love divine.’”

Clearly Bob has resonated with Charles Wesley the fact that Jesus was immortal in all purity and holiness blameless and without sin, he willingly took our sin in himself and became sin and he paid the penalty of his life laid down, to redeem humanity from sin.”

“No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in Him, is mine;
Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine.

“And can it be” By Charles Wesley.

Romans 8: 11   “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will give you life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit which dwells in you.”

Do you want to know Jesus in a real living way and be assured of a place in God’s kingdom? Then turn to Christ and say sorry to God and invite Jesus into your heart.


Jesus, I’m sorry for the things I’ve done in my life that have separated me from knowing God, I acknowledge that Jesus took my sin on the cross where in his love for me died in my place. I invite the Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead to come into my heart and accept me into his eternal kingdom. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Acting on our faith the Holy Spirit quickens our spirit with God’s Holy Spirit and  empowers us with his gifts.

In the Spirit we are seated with Jesus in heavenly places and while still on the earth

The body of our flesh will be raised and united with our Spirit when Jesus calls out his church from the earth.

 “We shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable and we shall be changed . . . the mortal puts on immortality.” 1 Corinthians 15: 51-54.

The living and the dead will meet Christ in the air and our bodies will become a resurrected body. Where bodies of people have been cremated, God will bring together the ashes and we shall be restored to have our own resurrected body.


Father God, as the time draws nearer to Jesus’ calling out his church, may we seek to make Jesus known at every opportunity, and to give direction to those Christians who have lost their way on this journey of life. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Son of Man Series No 5 Grace Before Meals

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Series No 5 Son of man –  Grace before meals

“The Pharisees asked Jesus for a sign from heaven and he sighed and said, “Why does this generation seek a sign? “Truly, I say to you, no sign shall be given to this generation. . . . ” And he left them, and getting into the boat again he departed to the other side. 14 Now they had forgotten to bring bread; and they had only one loaf with them in the boat. 15 And he cautioned them, saying, “Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.”[b] 16 And they discussed it with one another, saying, “We have no bread.” 17 And being aware of it, Jesus said to them, “Why do you discuss the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive or understand? Are your hearts hardened? 18 Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember? 19 When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They said to him, “Twelve.” 20 “And the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” And they said to him, “Seven.” 21 And he said to them, “Do you not yet understand?”

Mark 8: 11, 13-21. RSV Bible.

The Church today experiencing what Jesus experienced during his life on earth. Jesus found that his healing and miracles were dismissed, they were not recognised by the Pharisees and Herodians.

“Canon J John  wrote an open letter to the BBC saying, “Many of us who are Christian leaders find sins of omission and commission at the BBC. “In terms of omission, we find that the role of a Christianity  in the life of an individual  or in history is, all too frequently conveniently overlooked ….More subtly in historic programmes there is all too frequently the airbrushing out of Christianity…Men and women attended church, said prayers, uttered grace before meals…To reject that role for Christianity is to deny history.”  Extract from the Editor of Good News Newspaper July 2019.

Jesus cautioned his disciples to be aware of the leaven (sin of hypocrisy) of the Pharisees and Herod. Mark 8: 15.  Luke 12: 1.

They sought from Jesus a sign that would have fulfilled their agenda: the Pharisees looked for the Messiah to administer the law and the Herodians  for Jesus to acknowledge the dynasty of King Herod.

Jesus gave an example of the Pharisees’ hypocrisy, he said that they lifted out a sheep that had fallen into a pit on the Sabbath day, but they accused Jesus of sin  when he healed people on the sabbath day.  Matthew 12: 11. Mark 6: 18, 19. 7: 6. 8:11.

The supporters of the Herod dynasty upheld hypocrisy of Herod’s son Antipas, he sought to kill Jesus, but he later wanted to meet him and see him perform a miracle. Luke 13: 32.  “Introducing the New Testament’ by John Drane. Page 34.

They joined forces against Jesus, and they dismissed his amazing miracles.

Today when a person experiences something from God and then dismisses the experience and forgets about it, they are in danger of dismissing their opportunity to receive eternal life. One of the questions everyone faces: what happens when I die? Jesus taught the reality of their being an eternal heaven with continual light and an eternal hell with its’ darkness and fire. “ Mark 9: 43. Luke 12: 4.John 3: 16, 19-21. John 8: 12. Matthew 25: 30 Revelation 21: 23.


Father God, we pray for those who have experienced a blessing from you and have put off a decision, to receive Jesus as their Saviour and Lord, may they respond to your call sometime soon and may they know how much you love them and valued like the sparrow is not forgotten by God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Jesus fed the people in the desert

The disciples had forgotten to bring bread after the 4,000 plus women and children were fed in the desert. Jesus’ remark about the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod. We read led them to think that Jesus was upset because they had only one loaf. They hadn’t understood his meaning that may be the disciples didn’t realise forgetting the bread indicated that they didn’t appreciate the importance of this miracle and they were in danger of becoming hypocritical like the Pharisees.

A picture of God’s kingdom where God feeds his people.

Jesus reminded them of the feeding of the 5,000, the disciples had nothing to give, their baskets were empty. the lad brought to them 5 loaves and 2 fishes. Jesus gave thanks and after everyone had eaten there were 12 baskets left over full of broken pieces.

The disciples had witnessed a great miracle where Jesus fed 4,000 plus people with bread from 7 loaves and a few fishes and there were 7 baskets left over full of broken pieces.

The significance of the numbers mentioned  in these two incidents.

 “Numbers in Scripture” by E W Bullinger

Feeding the 5,000 with 5 loaves and 3 fishes. 12 baskets with broken bread left over.

12  the number – governmental perfection.

5              “    of grace

2              “    difference and division

3              “    triangle, solid, substantial. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

5,000       “    multiples of grace

7 loaves to feed 4,000 . 7 baskets left over.

7 the numer to be full or satisfied, to have enough of. Perfection.

4           ”    related to the creation: material perfection.

Seeking God’s kingdom.

The feeding of the 5,000 & the 4,000 fulfilled Jesus promise:

“Give and it shall be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put in your lap. For the measure you give, the measure you get back.” Luke 6: 38.

The disciples sought God’s kingdom and gave their all to Jesus and by his love, their twelve empty baskets were filled ‘good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put in your lap.’

The Herodians who were far from seeking God’s kingdom, supported the line of King Herod. After Jesus fed more than 5,000 people, the people maybe identified Jesus with the Psalmist’s words and wanted to make him their King.

The Psalmist had prophesied, “I will abundantly bless her provisions;  I will satisfy her poor with bread.16  Her priests I will clothe with salvation, and her saints will shout for joy.17 There I will make a horn to sprout for David,  I have prepared a lamp for my anointed.18 His enemies I will clothe with shame, but upon himself his crown will shed its luster.” Psalm 132: 15-18. John 6: 15.

Jesus withdrew from the scene to a quiet place, the Herodians would have seen this incident as insurrection against the Herod dynasty.

In the desert Jesus had compassion for the people who had travelled with him for many hours that day so, he wanted to give them something to eat.  But he also was revealing to them that he was a man like Moses: the Israelite’s travelling through the desert quickly ran out of food, Moses prayed to God and God provided them with ‘Manna’ bread. Every morning they gathered the manna,  but it only lasted for one day before it went mouldy, but on the sixth day God doubled the quantity so they could rest on the 7th day. Exodus 16.

For the measure you give, the measure you get back.” 


31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles seek all these things; and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.

It’s by faith in Jesus we enter God’s kingdom

When we hear about Jesus the Holy Spirit convicts us of the truth about him and we make a choice or put off making that choice until later. God’s love means that he doesn’t discard us or forget about us, his love will continue to call us.  For those who accept Jesus by faith find that God wants us to live by faith, trusting the Lord and being dependent upon God.

The Lord builds us up in his word and we learn to live by faith and trust God in small things; it’s like learning to swim. We learn the strokes that will keep us afloat and move us forward.

The Holy Spirit guides us in reaching out in compassion to those in need.

Grace before meals

On Sunday 28th July 19 at St Andrew’s morning worship Rev. Elle Trimble from the Apostles & St Cuthbert Church, Miles Platting Manchester England spoke on “The Lord’s Prayer” giving glory and thanks to God for God’s provision of food for the homeless in and around Miles Platting. Every Saturday the volunteers prepare the food for Sunday’s meal they open their doors to those currently homeless or only just managing to keep a roof over their heads. For a few hours the people gathered on Sundays are afforded the comfort of a sit-down dinner.   The Church takes 60 trays of food from FareShare a week, paying a small charge per tray. It means as well as Sunday’s lunch, Elle and her team can provide a Friday breakfast and a night shelter twice a week. Food4all@apostles/Facebook


Thank you, Lord, for Elle and her team of Christians serving the people in Miles Platting. May this experience of God’s love not be forgotten as they many go from a place seeking food and shelter for their body, but to receive Christ’s love in their heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen