All posts by Dorothy

Currently, I (Dorothy Newton} am a Street Pastor in Ramsbottom, working alongside Christians who believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah. Christian, visible unity among the churches.

The Messiah’s Secret – Held in the Lord’s Hands

The Messiah’s Secret – Held in the Lord’s hands.
The hands remind us of the Lord’s word in the book of Isaiah 49: 16 “Behold, I have graven you in the palm of my hands.” 
Jesus places us in God’s hands to be looked after, loved and cared for by our heavenly Father.

In the recorded words of Matthew Jesus was stood on the Mount teaching the people and gave insight into the ways of God.                                                                                           
Harvest   Matthew 6: 25-33.
We give thanks for our food and clothing as Jesus reminds us that the birds, the flowers that are totally dependent on God. God who sustains their life and ours too.                                                                
Dove/bird – The dove is brought and placed into the cupped hands by a child.
Question –   What do birds feed on?    Answer – Worms, seeds, berries and insects.
What are they are covered, clothed with? Answer –  feathers.                                                     
The dove is a symbol of peace. 
Noah was maybe anxious when the raven returned with no sign that the waters had receded, he sent out a dove and it returned with no sign. He sent out the dove again and this time it brought the good news, dry land had appeared it carried in its beak an olive leaf.  Do not be anxious about anything God will take care of you.                                 .                                                                                                                            
The lily. The lily is placed in the hands by another child.
Jesus said consider how they grow, they don’t have to work to make themselves grow; they simply receive the water and nourishment from the soil. How majestic is their appearance. Jesus compared the lilies splendid appearance, as being far superior to the dazzling, sparkling robes of King Solomon.
God knows we need food and clothing and all these things are provided. Jesus wants us to look beyond food and clothing and to seek his kingdom living by faith and trust in God.
How do we grow in faith and trust in Jesus, we pray in faith believing that God will answer our prayer in what is best for us.                                          
It is like the Freesia bulbs I planted in spring; in due course the stems and the leaves appeared followed by the fragrant flowers. I expected them to grow, I had faith that they would.
I have faith that when I post a letter the Post man will pick it up from the Post Box and it will be delivered reaching its destination.
Do not be anxious about anything God will take care of you.

Jesus touches our lives when we come to him in faith and trust.
My eldest daughter, when she was ten, had a routine school medical were she was diagnosed with having a heart murmur. We were advised to take her to see a consultant. I was anxious, so I asked the church family to pray for her. When praying it’s a good idea to pray for all involved: the person and the medical diagnosis, the consultant, the nurses, the results of any tests.
The consultant paediatrician was very kind and explained what she had was not going to cause her any problems and no treatment was needed.  My husband and I were so relieved and thankful. The prayers were answered and in another way too, within eighteen months the consultant and his family moved into our locality and joined our church.

Jesus is alive and has the power to bring new life were we are worn and strength when we are tired when we feel unable to cope with everyday situations. 
“Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
 If I go to the heavens, you are there;
If I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
 If I settle on the far side of the sea,
 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.”
Psalm 139:10.
Dependance on God. 
Christians who are struggling to make ends meet; God will supply your needs. I remember my sister after her husband left her, the youngest child, (one of seven,) was under one. Her former husband did not pay her any maintenance and the state benefit did not cover basic needs.  Many a time she did not know where their next meal was coming from. My sister depended upon the Lord’s help and support. Out of the blue someone would call and supply their need.
Do not be anxious about anything God will take care of you.

Harvest Appeal
Our churches Tear Fund representative introduced the appeal with a three minute video and placed into the hands items that relate to Tear Funds activities abroad. Following this Gwen (not her real name) who had visited Uganda earlier this year, shared with us her experience. (She had brought with her some items, that she had brought back from Uganda and placed them in the hands.)
Gwen showed us pictures on the screen of how little the people had in their homes, food was scarce and of poor quality. The cycle of poverty was difficult to overcome because it meant that people had to change their way of life. Tear Fund’s representatives give advice and practical help to alleviate poverty and reduce illness by providing new ways to cultivate their land and they teach personal hygiene and cleanliness.
However, Gwen noticed that the Ugandan’s faith and trust in Jesus, shone. It reminds us of Jesus words; the 5 sparrows sold for 2 pennies and not one of them is forgotten by God. Their names are engraved into the Lord our God’s hands.
Do not be anxious about anything God will take care of you.

Paul’s letter to Timothy he encouraged them to pray for the well being of all people especially those who hold high positions.  1 Timothy 2: 1-8
Our leaders need our prayers as they strive to deal with the problems of our day. Today in the UK many Christians are concerned about the slide away from Christianity.
Last Saturday Christians world wide held a day of prayer, we held it at Wembley Stadium, sadly there was no mention on national TV or in the newspapers. Some would say it’s a sign of the times. We hear of the increased unrest in many countries, and the global effects of climate change on the seasons. There is urgency for people to hear the good news and make a decision about Jesus.

Bible teaches choice between – Heaven or hell.
Heaven is a place where those who follow Jesus and witness their faith, upholding his name. They will be forever with the Lord in the light of his kingdom.
Hell is a place where those who reject Christ will be totally separated from the love and light of Christ in complete darkness.

Paul wrote that God would see all people saved. 

(The hands 1 and 1/2 metrs long I made them out of cardboard carpet tubes) 

The Messiah’s Secret – Jesus is the Lord our God

The Messiah’s Secret – Jesus is the Lord our God.  

 President Abraham Lincoln’s son Tad Lincoln used his accessibility to his father to help those people in greatest need who came to the White House to see his dad. When the person wanting to see the president entered the White House they gave their calling card to the valet. The valet would take the cards in order and then put them in a stack on a desktop. This desk was located in a hallway at the top of the stairs. As each person finished their business with the president, the valet would then go to the stack of cards and call the persons’ name that was on top of the stack. Many a time, however, Tad felt that this presented a problem: If others before them took too long and the hour approached 2, any remaining persons waiting would have to come back the next day and start the process over again, as that day’s cards were thrown out. However not to worry! Tad was on the lookout. He made a regular habit of chatting with those waiting. If the person had a particularly “sob” story — grieving widow, an unemployed family man and so forth — then Tad would help matters along. He would quietly go up the stairs and move that person’s card to near the top of the pile, making sure that they were seen by his father, President Lincoln.
Tad had access to his father, the President because of his relationship with him. Other people had to go through protocol and wait their turn.
Access to God.  Exodus 24.
Moses had access to God, he met with God on more than one occasion on Mount Sinai. There God gave him his laws and commandments to administer over the Hebrew people.
In our reading Moses wrote down the laws that he received from God approx 600. The Israelites having accepted these laws Moses ratified them with blood, the blood from the sacrificed oxen. Half of the blood was sprinkled on the book containing the laws and the other half on the people.
The significance of the blood; everything under law was purified by blood; the blood atoned for sin against God. Leviticus 17: 11. Hebrews 9: 22.                                                                                            
The people committed their lives to this agreement.
Moses went up the mountain again, with Aaron and his two sons Nadab and Abihu and the seventy elders, where on this occasion they all saw God, under his feet a sapphire pavement. It is interesting to note that the Israelites then and now have no statues or images of God in their places of worship. (The third commandment).
 Moses went up on the mountain again to receive from God the commandments written on tablets of stone and the laws regarding the sanctuary spending 40 days and nights on the mountain. Joshua accompanied him to a certain point. On this occasion Moses was given the plans to make a sanctuary, a dwelling place for God to be amongst his people. God travelled with them as they journeyed through the wilderness towards the Promised Land.                                                                                                                                                              

In the Gospels we read that everybody had access to Jesus the  Lord our God.
On Jesus’ arrival at Capernaum in Galilee a paralysed man was brought by his friends on a stretcher to be healed by Jesus. A number of scribes were present watching and listening, they overheard Jesus say to the man, “Take heart my son; your sins are forgiven.” Jesus knowing the scribes thoughts, “This man is blaspheming.” Jesus said to them, “Why do you think evil in your hearts? For which is easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise up and walk’?
 The Jews believed that sickness was as a result of sin.                        
The book ‘Beyond Belief’  Y Course. Peter Medows & Joseph Steinberg with Donna Vann.
“Jewish people believed physical suffering was caused by the person’s sin. For a person to be healed meant their sin had been dealt with, and only God could do that.”
God could forgive sin through an offering being made at the temple. Sin and the causes of sin came into the world through the fall of Adam and Eve.                                                                                        
 For Jesus to forgive and heal this man meant that Jesus proved he was God.
But that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” He then said to the paralytic – ‘Rise, take up your bed and go home.” Matthew 9: 1-8.
The Messiah’s Secret page 57
Jesus referred to himself as the Son of man, a title belonging to the Messiah, the anointed one. Jesus was making the point that he had the authority from God his Father, as he and his Father are one, to forgive this man’s sin and through healing the paralysed man he proved that he was God made visible in the flesh. John 5: 17, 18.
Not all sickness is caused by a person’s sin. The man who was born blind, Jesus said that it was so that the work of God could be revealed in him. John 9
Jesus has made God accessible to us today through his cross.
The Communion commemorates and invites every believer to partake of the blessings of the New Covenant that has been ratified (legally binding) by the blood of Jesus. “This is my blood of the New Covenant.” Mark 14:24 The Covenant is based on love and forgiveness of sin and keeping faith in Jesus, in his words.
“Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my word, and my Father will love you, and we will come and make our home within you.” John 14: 23.
This becomes a reality when in faith we turn to Jesus in repentance saying sorry for our sins against God. Jesus has bore our sin upon the cross, so releasing us into the freedom of God’s forgiveness through his resurrection. As a result the Lord comes into our whole being and dwells within us.
 As a result we take hold of our position in our relationship with God our Father and Jesus Christ, and just like Tad Lincoln used his position to access his father, we have access to God’s throne of grace where we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. Whatever our needs are we can expect the Lord our God to intercede on our behalf. Like Tad the Lord uses us to intercede for others. We are seated with God in heavenly places far above all principalities and powers; Satan has no dominion over us. When we pray to Jesus our Lord and God, we address or end our prayer in his name.

Lord Jesus, we pray for those who are struggling with doubts about Jesus of who he is in relation to God, may they take hold of the words recorded by the Apostles, proving that Jesus is the Lord our God and may these words become real to them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


The Messiah’s Secret – Jesus is the Christ

The Messiah’s Secret – Jesus is the Christ
     Mark 8: 27-38.  James 3: 1-10
I have been taught to always put my words and those of others to the Bible checking them with the words of scripture. (Words in the Bible that have been translated from the original Greek and Hebrew)  
The compliers of the Lectionary have the responsibility for our daily scripture readings. They bring together a number of readings that link in various ways. 
The reading from James’ letter and Mark’s gospel are linked by the contents of the conversation between Jesus and Peter.

 James wrote in his letter that the tongue, referring to a persons’ thoughts put into words are capable of speaking both truth and falsehoods. 
Jesus and his disciples were travelling from village to village in the district of Caesarea Philippi. While they were walking along the road, Jesus asked his disciples a question “Who do people say I am? Peter said, “You are the Christ.” Matthew in his account of this conversation records Jesus’ remarks, he realised that God had revealed this truth to Peter.
Continuing the conversation, Jesus said that he was going to suffer and be killed and raised on the third day. Matthew again records Peter’s  response, he  rebuked Jesus saying, “God forbid, Lord! This should happen to you.” Matthew 16:13-23
Jesus identified that Peter’s remarks came from the teaching of men and in this case the spirit behind it was Satan. 
Peter was in error in the second part of the conversation when he denied Jesus’ authority over the scriptures concerning his death and resurrection which had been prophesied by Isaiah and King David. Secondly Peter had spoken from what he had been taught by the Scribes, Layers they had been taught from the law that when the Christ came he would remain forever.” John 12: 34. 
The Jews were not taught about the suffering and death of the Christ.

Jesus in his ministry removed the errors of misinterpretation of the Scriptures by the Pharisees, Scribes, lawyers and Rabbi’s. These errors led to the misconceptions concerning the Christ.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Every now again I empty my hand bag of its contents; keys, credit cards, mobile, pens, purses, handkerchiefs, comb, lipstick, receipts, small change, tracts, parking receipts and toffee wrappings. Some of the items I keep in my bag all the time, others I slip in to deal with later.
 After empting the contents of my handbag I start to sift through removing the unwanted items; like toffee wrappings, parking receipts. 
Misinterpretation of the Scriptures. 
Jesus removed the false teachings in regard to the laws that the Pharisee, lawyers and scribes had added to those laws given to Moses by God. Especially the Sabbath Laws that forbid a person to be healed on that day.
Even today though we know that we are not under the Law of Moses and Jewish traditions, but we still observe some of them as they have come down the generations. During my life time it was frowned upon for a woman to wear trousers: jeans or slacks. 
Under Jewish Law Deuteronomy 22: 5. It is forbidden for a Jewish woman to wear men’s clothes.  More recently tattoos have become very popular, and definitely frowned upon by a lot of church people. It stems from Leviticus 19: 28 they were it is not allowed tattoos under law.
Other Jewish traditions still exist in the church and in my view, as a result quenches the work of the Holy Spirit.

Misconceptions regarding Christ the Messiah.
 In response to Jesus question, “Who do men say that I am?” Those who believed in the resurrection assumed he was one of the former prophets whom God had raised from the dead: Jeremiah, John the Baptist or Elijah. But none of these prophets mentioned were descendants of King David. 
Some Jewish liturgy indicate that King David would be raised from the dead fulfilling his own prophesies.
A Messianic Prayer, the Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
 “A voice herald’s and said: Turn unto me and be saved, Today if ye hear my voice. Behold the man sprang forth –   Branch is his name – David himself. Stand up! Be buried in the dust no longer! Ye who dwell in the dust. Wake up and sing. Glad will be the people when he ruleth. The name of the ungodly shall perish. But to his anointed, the Messiah David, he giveth grace. Grant salvation to the eternal people to David and his seed forever. The voice heralds and saith.” 
Both Peter at Pentecost and Paul Acts 13 made the point that King David having died his remains lay in his grave.
“Brothers I tell you confidently that the patriarch David died and was buried and his tomb is here to this day.” He went on to say, this Jesus whom you crucified God has raised up fulfilling David’s prophecy. “For David did not ascend into the heavens; but himself says, ‘The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand till I make thy enemies a stool for thy feet.’ Let all the house of Israel therefore know assuredly that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.” Acts Chapter 2: 29, 36
Paul on his first missionary journey in the synagogue at Pisidia said, “ For David, after he had served the council of God in his own generation, fell asleep, and was laid with his fathers, and saw corruption. “ Acts 13: 36.                                                                                                                                                          
(Added 2013 blog Jesus our Redeemer – Qumran Scrolls the Essene Community were in existence before the Pharisees and Sadducees. “Many scholars believe that they were connected with rise of the Pharisees in the centuries before the birth of Jesus,” Introducing the Old Testament” by John Drane.                                    
The scrolls indicate that they believed in two or even three Messiahs. One of these Messiah’s would return.)

The Pharisees, Lawyers and Scribes expected that the Christ would uphold the law and act in accordance with it.   He would also be a judge like Moses. Exodus 18: 13.
Jesus called Matthew a Tax Collector to be one of his disciples. The Pharisees were upset when they heard that Jesus sat and ate with Matthew and his fellow tax collectors. Matthew 9: 9-11   
When the Scribes and Pharisees brought the woman caught in adultery to Jesus they wanted him to exercise judgement under the law towards her. “Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such as this. What do you say about her?” Adultery under law was punished by being stoned to death. Instead Jesus said, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.  John 8: 3-7

Two brothers were at loggerheads over their inheritance, one of them came to him to make a judgement between them. Jesus said, “Man, who made me a Judge or divider over you.”  He had not come to be a judge over people; he came not to condemn but to save. Luke 12: 13, 14. John 3: 17.
 Jesus disregarded their interpretation of Scripture concerning the Christ.

Below road sign. The triangle is the wrong way up. This reminded me of Today’s misconceptions about the Christ.                                                                                                                                                                                                               
  In the 1960’s the ‘New Age Movement’ began, they believed that the age of Jesus Christ was over. He was a man of his time, having great insight into humanity and a good man.
 This triangle is correct.  Jesus is the Christ.                                                                                                                                                                                    
The truth is that Jesus is the Christ, his love reaching out through the cross today. Jesus who is God our Saviour revealed in the flesh and during his ministry the well documented miracles that he performed only God could do them like; create new flesh were leprosy had eaten away. Raise the dead after four days in the grave, turn water into wine etc.
In the kingdom of God’s love there is no difference between races.
After discarding those bits and pieces, I put back the things in my bag that are useful to have on occasions when I need them. I associate these with the precious promises that Jesus gave to Peter.
Matthew includes in his account these words coming from Jesus. “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16: 18, 19.
Peter the first shepherd of the church, commissioned by Jesus to feed the Lord’s lambs tending to his flock. John 21: 15-17.                                                                                                                                                     
After Paul was converted, it would seem that he went to Jerusalem speak with Peter and James. “Three years later he went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Peter and stayed with him for fifteen days. He saw none of the apostles – only James, the Lord’s brother.  Galatians 1: 18, 19.
James the Lord’s brother became a follower after Jesus’ ascension. John wrote that Jesus’ brothers did not believe in him prior to his death, resurrection and ascension. John 7: 1-9
Using the spiritual keys Peter opened the door of the kingdom to Israel at Pentecost and he opened the door to the Gentiles when he visited Cornelius at Caesarea and the Holy Spirit fell on them as he had on the Jews at Pentecost. Acts 10.
Peter had a tremendous healing ministry. They laid the sick in the streets and as his shadow passed by people were healed.

Jesus gave a word of advice not to seek to establish our own destiny and lose out on eternal life. The way to save our life is by taking up the cross and the gospel of Jesus.
The other Sunday evening I attended “Restbite” a local church in Haslingden.  During the service a young woman gave her testimony. Vicky started by telling us about her background, as a child she believed in God, but she did not take it seriously. Also in her childhood she had been sexually abused. As a result in her teens she was expelled from several schools after wreaking havoc amongst her class mates and teachers. During those teenage years she became addicted to drugs and alcohol and was caught on numerous occasions shoplifting.
All these things plus her thoughts telling her she was rubbish, from the depths of her pain and lack of self worth, she sought to end her life, thankfully she failed to do so.
Vicky said that after her daughter was born she made her mind up to change, she tried very hard not to drink and take drugs. Instead she became obsessed with cleanliness, her home was spotless and tidy, and nothing had to be out of place. Here she was making her own destiny, self determined to control her thoughts and actions.      However, sadly one day she received the news that her brother had taken an overdose of Heroin substitute and died. Her brother’s death resulted in her returning to drink and drugs.
At that time her partner, family and doctor were unable to help her.  It was a friend took her to Holly Bush, Jim Wilkinson’s church on the farm in North Allerton Yorkshire. At that meeting she heard a young man giving his testimony, Jesus had set him free from drink and drugs and she said that as he spoke everything he said seemed to be directed at her.
At the end of his testimony  the man asked if anyone wanted to follow Jesus and ask him into their life, to go forward for prayer. She went forward for prayer, as a result she was healed of her addictions and Vicky was filled with the Holy Spirit.
Through her faith in Jesus who has won the victory over all sin and the causes of sin through his death and resurrection released Vicky from the addictions.

The Lord is discarding the unwanted contents of her hand bag. Five years later, Vicky is still working through the causes that lay behind it. Jesus’ cross having already won the victory over all that stood against Vicky, the Holy Spirit is bringing to the surface the things that caused her to sink so low. After handing them over to Jesus for his healing touch she has claimed back the ground in her life that previously had torn her life apart.
(The years the locusts has eaten Joel 2: 25.)                                                                                            

The Lord has given her numerous gifts and as she puts her faith into practice using those gifts, many people will be blessed.  Vicky is rejoicing telling the world, she is certainly not ashamed of what Jesus had done for her.

The disciples were obedient to Jesus’ command not to disclose that he was the Christ. They kept it a secret  until Pentecost, where they proclaimed that Jesus was the Christ publicly for the first time. 
Truth coming from Jesus.
After Pentecost Peter now spoke about Jesus having to suffer and die. In proclaiming Jesus as the Christ Peter revealed to his listeners at Solomon’s Portico that it was prophesied by the prophets that the Christ would suffer.
They had been taught under law that the Christ would be raised from the dead and remain forever.  John 12: 33, 34. Christ after his resurrection and ascension would have fulfilled the prophesies that spoke of the times of refreshing were the God’s kingdom would be established by the Christ King David’s throne and kingdom. Had the Jewish leaders accepted him as a nation at and after Pentecost Jesus would have returned. Acts 3: 17 -end.
 “And now, brethren, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers. But what God foretold by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ should suffer, he thus fulfilled. Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for establishing all that God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from of old. Acts 3: 17-21.
Peter and John were not ashamed to bear their soul’s conviction of what Jesus had said he would fulfil. They were expecting him to return soon as Jesus had said, “ When he comes with his Holy angels. There are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God has come with power. “ Mark 8: 38. 9: 1.                                                                                                                                                                                                           


The Messiah’s Secret – Law and Grace

A Christian is not under law, but is under grace. Romans 6: 14
Jewish people today keep the laws of Moses and a lot of effort goes into keeping the laws relating to food.

A term we use in connection with something being correct: ‘it’s Kosher.’
Kosher – Hebrew – Yashar meaning to be right, pure, and clean according to Jewish ordinances.

On a table I placed a number of vegetables and fruit.
Fruit and Vegetables are Kosher
Any vegetables:  cauliflower, onion, peppers, carrot and potato.
Lettuce and water cress. Leafy vegetables must be cleaned carefully inspecting the leaves where insects may hide.
Any vegetables found having worms, grub or insects in them are not kosher

Fruit   Apples, pear, plums, raspberries and grapes.
All fruits are Kosher foods, however, if they are not cleaned thoroughly removing any insects or worms they are not Kosher.                                                                                           

Grape products are kosher as long as they have been prepared by a Jewish person.  However, whole grapes are kosher.                                                                                                                                           Fish The Jewish person can eat sea food as long as it has scales and fins.
Clams, oysters, crabs, shrimp, prawns and lobster are not kosher.                                                                                             
All poultry are kosher.
Meat is considered kosher as long as it from an animal that chews its cud and the hooves are cloven. Pig and hare or rabbit are not kosher.  The blood of any creature must not be eaten.
For the Jewish person all meat to be eaten must have its blood drained from it, because life is in the blood. The blood removed from the meat makes the food spiritually sinless and clean. Leviticus 17: 10-16 

The problems Jewish people encounter arise when they dine at a restaurant or in the home of someone who does not share their beliefs.

Bowl and several packets of crisps.  Opening each packet of crisps and identifying those that are kosher and those that are not kosher like: smoky bacon flavour, flame grilled steak, prawn cocktail and those that are kosher; potato, cheese and onion, salt and vinegar.
By mixing the crisps all together we cannot easily identify the kosher from the non kosher which would be a problem for a Jewish person keeping kosher law.

Under law if a Jewish person eats by accident any of the non kosher foods they must cleanse themselves (purification ritual) by washing with water. In the evening they are pronounced clean. Leviticus 11. & 17: 15, 16
The Day of Atonement, a sacrifice for the people of Israel covering all sins. Leviticus 16: 15,16

Finishing statement. Jesus ended the kosher food laws when he died on the cross. 
A White Cloth is placed over the table to signify that the food laws came to an end.

Following the Lectionary – John 6: 51-58   Ephesians 5: 15-20.

Jesus said, “I AM the Bread of Life.”
Prince Charles has a number of titles: His Royal Highness, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothsey, Knight of the Thistle, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Isles, and about six more titles that belong to him. 

‘I AM’ is one of the titles belonging to God which God revealed to Moses “Say I AM has sent you.” Exodus 3:14.

“I AM” one of Jesus’ titles.  Jesus gave his name as ‘I AM’ whilst in conversation with the Jews. “The Jews challenged Jesus by saying are you greater than our father Abraham, who died? “Jesus in his reply said, “Your father Abraham rejoiced that he was to see my day; he saw it and was glad. The Jews said to him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?” Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.” John 8: 56, 57.
Apostle John records were Jesus in his prayer tells us that he was with his Father in heaven before he came to the earth.   “And now, Father, glorify thou me in thy own presence with the glory which I had with thee before the world was made.” John 17: 5.                                                                                                        
Jesus has always had a continuous life.
God intervened in human affairs when Jesus was born of a woman and became one of us. At the age of thirty three he died on a cross. Death was unable to hold him;  God the Father raised Jesus from the dead. Scripture tells that his body did not decay and become dust, fulfilling the King David’s prophecy. Psalm 16: 8-11   Acts 2: 27.
Forty days after his resurrection Jesus ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God. He has an indestructible eternal life, after the order of Melchizedek. Hebrews 7: 3, 15-17.                                                                                                            
At Capernaum in the synagogue Jesus discussed with the Jews this question concerning his claim to be the bread from heaven.
The Jews took Jesus’ words literally and were appalled.
“The Jews disputed among themselves saying “How can this man give us his flesh to eat? Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly I say to you, unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood you shall not have life within you. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.” John 6: 52 – 58

Some of Jesus’ own followers were appalled
“Many of Jesus’ disciples, when they heard it, said, “This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?” John 6: 60
Even some of Jesus’ followers couldn’t accept these words and didn’t follow him anymore. John 6: 60, 66
For Jesus to suggest that they should eat his flesh and drink his blood were against all of the laws relating to food as food was spiritually part of them. Defiled by foods that were unclean under (kosher) law .
Especially they were defiled, made unclean by eating blood as life was in the blood and without the shedding of blood there was no forgiveness for sin. Leviticus 17:11. Hebrews 9: 22.
The penalty for sin was made through an offering being purchased at the temple, a pigeon, a lamb, a goat, etc The person brought their sacrifice before the priest, the person placed their hand upon the head of the sacrifice saying a prayer that transferred their sin to the sacrifice becoming one with the sacrifice, it paid the price by laying down its’ life for their sin against God. 
Jesus saying “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him,” he was referring to the partaking of his sacrifice becoming one with him laying down his life for sin relating to the food laws and all laws and sin against God. No longer has food any spirituality. Jesus declared that all foods were clean. Mark in his gospel recorded Jesus saying; “Do you not see that whatever goes into the man from outside cannot defile him, since it enters, not his heart but his stomach, and passes on. (Thus he declared all foods clean.) And Jesus said, ”What comes out of a man is what defiles a man. For within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, fornication, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. These are what defile a person.’” Mark 7: 14-23.
Mark realised when he wrote in brackets, (‘Thus, he declared all foods clean.’) Jesus was saying that food was clean. 
Jesus bore these sins of the flesh that defile a person’s heart for us on the cross: evil thoughts, fornication, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. These are what defile a person not what we eat.

Signifying a change from being under law to grace.
Today, when we turn to Jesus in repentance saying sorry to him for our sins against God we are forgiven. Jesus becomes our substitute taking our sins of the flesh upon him on the cross, so releasing us into the freedom of God’s forgiveness through his resurrection.

At Holy Communion the bread and the wine are symbols of Jesus’ sacrifice of his body and blood. They do not become the actual flesh of Jesus his body or blood. 

The Communion reminds us of Jesus sacrifice and also that we receive the benefits of it under grace.
Salvation – Saved from the results of sin which is eternal death, separation from God.
Healing –   Reconciliation with our Father God leading to restoration of our relationship with God.
       that takes place in our body, soul and spirit
       from our sicknesses and disease.
Eternal Life – we receive a continuous life in fellowship with God.                                                                                                                          
It was several years after Pentecost when Peter had a vision were the Lord confirmed that the laws relating to food were ended. How hard it is for a Jewish person to come to terms with the fact that kosher food laws are no longer required.

“After Pentecost the apostle Peter was staying at Simon the tanner’s house at Joppa. Whilst Simon and Peter were preparing the evening meal, Peter had a vision, he saw the heaven opened, and something descending, like a great sheet, let down by four corners upon the earth. In it were all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds of the air. And there came a voice to him, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” But Peter said, “No, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean.” And the voice came to him again a second time, “What God has cleansed, you must not call common.” This happened three times, and the thing was taken up at once to heaven.”Acts 10: 9 – 16.

Here the Lord our God was doing two things.
Through this vision not only have the food laws come to an end but the Gentiles have been brought into the New Covenant.
“While Peter was still pondering the vision, three men arrived at the house and asked for Peter. They informed him that the centurion Cornelius had been visited by an angel. The angel directed Cornelius to send for Peter who was lodging at Simon the tanner’s house at Joppa.                                                       
Peter quickly realised the meaning of the vision; it was God’s intention for him to go and associate with these people who were not Jews. This would also include eating food from their table. Peter accompanied the men to the home of Cornelius at Caesarea. Peter related to them all about Jesus, “God had anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power; how he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. And we are witnesses to all that he did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They put him to death by hanging him on a tree; but God raised him on the third day and made him manifest . . . To him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.” While Peter was saying this, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word. Peter and his companions were amazed; God had shown no partiality between Jew and Gentile.” Acts 10: 38 – 45.  

Two other scriptures confirm that all foods are clean.
“The heart is strengthened by grace, not by foods which have not benefited the adherents.”Hebrews 13: 9.
“Therefore let no one pass judgement on you in questions of food and drink.” 
Colossians 2: 16.              
Jesus the Bread of Life
Jesus went on to say, “It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh is no avail; (profits nothing) the words that I have spoken to you are Spirit and life.” John 6: 63.
Jesus pointed to his words as being living bread.
Scripture verses that confirm this view Jesus being the word of God clothed in the flesh. 1 John 1: 1. 
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and was God.” John 1:1.                                           
On the evening of the Day of Jesus’ resurrection Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit onto his disciples. Afterwards Jesus opened their minds to understand prophesies in the Hebrew Scriptures concerning his suffering and death, and his resurrection. Luke 24: 45, 46.
Purification by the water of the Word.
Jesus said, “You are already clean because of the Word I have spoken to you.” John 15: 3 Every word that Jesus received from his Father he gave to his disciples, the truth cleansing them and setting them and us free.  
We are all taught by God through the abiding presence of Jesus in our mind and hearts.Paul’s letter to the Ephesians he wrote that we are cleansed by the water of the word. Ephesians 5:26, 27. It is about ‘truth’ entering into the truth of God’s Word. 
The Blood  The continual flow of Christ’s blood from the throne of grace. For Paul through the visions that he had received his beliefs had been turned upside down.                                                                              The Messiah’s Secret page 126. Paul a Pharisee “Paul, a Pharisee, strictly adhered to the law. God had shown him that circumcision and the rituals and sacrifices of laws of Moses had come to an end, and the Holy Spirit would now write God’s laws into the heart of a person through faith in Jesus, the New Covenant.”                                                                                             
“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace he has broken down the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law of commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby bringing the hostility to an end.” Ephesians 2: 13 -16
Through Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension the ceremonial law and the law of commandments contained in ordinances (regulations) are ended. 
We are not under law, but under grace.
Under grace the law is fulfilled in love and written in the heart. John 15: 10.Romans 13: 10. Jeremiah 31: 33.
Paul’s letter to the Ephesians he reminds them to discern what the will of the Lord is;
He suggests that everything should be done in moderation; he did not say it was wrong to have a glass of wine, but he wrote it was not good to get drunk. On another occasion he wrote in his letter to the church at Rome saying that because they were not under law, they could NOT do whatever they liked so that grace may abound. Romans 6: 1, 2, 11, 15.

The modern term – Antimonaism – Sin no longer a force to be reckoned with so you can do whatever you like.

Peter confirms that the rules of Jewish law are no longer in force, he reminds the Christians of his day and us today in his second letter: to add to faith virtue, add to virtue knowledge, add to knowledge self-control, add to self-control steadfastness, add to steadfastness Godliness, add to Godliness brotherly and sisterly affection, add to brotherly and sisterly affection the love of God. 2 Peter 1: 3-8. 

Grace  Blessed are you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

You made the world in your love. You redeemed the world by your love,
You sustain the world with your love. May we ever abide in your love,

And give ourselves to you in love. Amen                                                                                                                                                                       

The Messiah’s Secret – Fire of God

The Messiah’s Secret – Fire of God 

Evening Lectionary Exodus 2: 23-3:10. Luke 12: 49-56
Our Lord God Jesus sends fire upon the earth in various waysThe appearance of fire:The angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in a flame of fire from out of the burning bush, from the bush God (Jesus) spoke to him,  “ Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here am I.” Then he said, “Do not come near; put off your shoes from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is Holy ground.” Fire identified with God, the fire that was in the bush, but did not burn the bush.                                                       
On the Israelites journey towards the Promised Land the cloud went before them during the day and a pillar of fire by night. The fire giving them light by night to see the way ahead. Exodus 13: 21 Again the pillar of fire did not burn the ground. 

Before the Holy Spirit came into the world at Pentecost the Holy Spirit fell on people as God directed them to fulfil his purposes.

Jesus sending a fire that is within a person. John the Baptist said that there was one mightier than himself who would baptise them in the Holy Spirit and with fire. Luke 3: 16.                                                                                                                                            
Tongues of fire were seen on each of the disciples and all those present in the room of the house at Jerusalem at Pentecost. Acts 2
The fire of the Holy Spirit within a person; Mrs Smith felt that her head was extremely hot when the Holy Spirit filled her at the laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit. (Christ Church Walmersley Bury 1982)
Jesus opened the eyes of Cleopas and the other disciple, “Did our hearts not burn within us while he (Jesus) talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the scriptures.” Luke 24: 32.
John Wesley’s heart was strangely warmed as the Holy Spirit revealed Jesus through Paul’s letter to the Romans.

The Messiah’s Secret
“I came to cast a fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled! I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how I am constrained until it is accomplished!” Luke 12: 49, 50.
Jesus came to cast a fire, “I came to cast a fire upon the earth.” This fire is one of judgement.
The Day of Vengeance  The fire that destroys and purifies Luke 3: 17
The Messiah was expected to bring in ‘The Day of Vengeance’  the Messiah would deliver Israel from their enemies. The second part of the sentence, ‘And would it were already kindled’ The Day of Vengeance   these words indicate ‘ not yet’ it is future. 

On an earlier occasion at the start of Jesus’ ministry, in the synagogue at Nazareth Jesus read from the book of Isaiah Chapter 61 verse 1 and part of verse 2. “ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good tidings to the afflicted; he has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” The second part of the verse “And the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn in Zion,” he did not say. This indicates that this was to take place in the future which confirms the delay of the impending judgement in verse 49. I came to cast a fire upon the earth, and would it were already kindled.”

Jesus had to first fulfil the ministry of bringing the good tidings of the coming kingdom of God, especially to those who were outcasts; those like the lepers and the very poor.                             

The disciples expected that the Messiah would fulfil Isaiah’s prophecy including the second part of verse two. Jesus’ disciples wanted to see Jesus carry out judgement on the Samaritan village that would not receive him. The disciples had gone before Jesus to the towns and villages where he was about to visit with the message about the coming of the kingdom of God. The residents of this village did not want Jesus to enter it, so the disciples thought that they should feel the wrath of God’s judgement. They said to Jesus, “Lord, do you want us to bid fire come down from heaven and consume them.” Luke 9: 54 Jesus rebuked his disciples, he moved on to another village. 

Jesus then proceeded to tell us in the next sentence the reason why the fire is not yet kindled, “I have a baptism to be baptised with.” The baptism referring to his death on the cross at Calvary. The Jews did not expect the Messiah to come and die, they expected a man like Moses who would redeem them from their enemies. The prophecy from God given to Caiaphas that one man should die so that the nation would not perish,” was taken to mean that death of Jesus would see off the threat of a popular uprising to make him the King of Israel. John 11: 49-51. 6: 15.                                                                                                            
“And how I am constrained until it is accomplished.” Jesus discerned the hardness of their hearts. Caiaphas’ prophecy had impacted the Jewish council they were willing to go along with it. Later when they headr from Peter that the Messiah had first to die and be resurrected by God before they could accept him as their Messiah as a nation. The nations leaders were unwilling to look beyond their own beliefs. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection and ignored the prophesies of King David that the Messiah would be resurrected from the dead.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
The Judgement Seat of Christ. Christians will come before the Judgement Seat of Christ after Jesus calls out his body of believers, the church. Paul wrote in his letter to the Corinthians about the refining fire of Christ that will test the works of the believer. ”Each person’s work become manifest the Day will disclose it, it will be revealed with fire and the fire will test what sort of work.” 1 Corinthians 3: 12, 13.  Paul informs us that it is the, “Disclose the purposes of the heart. Then every person will receive their commendation from God.” 1 Corinthians 4: 5.                                                                                                                                                   
How gracious the Lord is when he looks at motivation of our hearts and not at how successful we have been or the scale of a Christians work.
I mentioned the various ministries that Christians are involved in from our church, covering all the organisations belonging St. Mary’s.

Jessie Penn Lewis, “ War on the Saints.” Appendix “Fire from God: Is a purifying through suffering (Matthew 3: 11, 12.) or a consuming zeal in spirit, which deepens into white heat intensity to do the will and work of God, which no trial or opposition can quench. Fire from God is spiritual, not literal, and therefore falls upon the spirit not the body.”

The Sword of Division. Not all Christians find it easy to combine family life with the commitment to their calling and ministry. Especially when members of the family are not of the same beliefs.                                                                             
Signs of the Times 
Christians in their job situations are now finding it difficult to work without at some point clashing with the modern structures that discard Christian values. Increased world tensions over the Middle East countries, war could flare up at any time.  Jesus has yet to call out his body, the church before Daniel’s prophecy of the last week is fulfilled. We have yet to see the rise of the antichrist.                                                                                                                                 

The Messiah’s Secret – Running the Race

The Messiah’s Secret – Running the Race. Above Gold Medal

In London the Olympians have a great passion for their sport, their talents are fine tuned, trained to perfection. They listen to their beating heart and the pounding of their feet and labour for a gold medal that is their reward their crowning glory for all their hard work and effort.

The people of Jesus day were toiling, labouring, striving to please God through keeping the law of Moses in order to attain the prize of their names written in the book of life.
Daniel 12: 1. Revelations 3: 5

Christians for having taken part in the race and more importantly finishing it are looking to receive a crown from Jesus.

John 6: 24-35.
In this morning’s reading some of the people who had experienced the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 were searching for Jesus, they had experienced a great miracle, yet their hearts were hardened, they did not discern the connection between Moses and God’s provision of the manna and God’s provision of the bread and fishes.

In our sketch Jay found that he had not listened to God’s word to him, or discerned the movement of  the Holy Spirit. As a result the God’s word was over-ruled by Jay’s own desires quenching the Holy Spirit’s nudging. His eyes had been fixed on earthly glory. He was glorying in his achievements.
(In the sketch God’s direction, his will for Jay had not been heard by him, he was instead showing off his medals before God and his fellow Christian Eileen)
Eileen had heard God’s word to her and her actions were in response to her faith in Jesus.

Another example of a Christian listening to God and in faith acted upon Jesus’ words.
Eric Liddell became well known for being the fastest runner in Scotland. He had a nick name, the “Flying Scotsman” many newspapers who followed his progress, in their articles stated that he was a potential Olympic winner.
The 1924 Olympics were hosted by the city of Paris. The schedule of races had been published several months before the Games took place.(In the film ‘Chariot’s of Fire’ he heard as he set sail for Paris)
Eric who was a devout Christian, had decided that he would not race on Sundays, the Lord’s day. As a result he withdrew from the 100-metres race, his best event. His decision did not please many people and he suffered as a result, his friends tried to persuade him to run, after all he had the potential to win three gold medals for Great Britain.
Eric spent the intervening months training for the 400 metres. When the day of the Olympic 400 metres race came, Eric went to the starting blocks, where an American Olympic Team masseur slipped a piece of paper into his hand with a quotation from 1 Samuel 2:30: “Those who honour me, I will honour.”
After leading the race from the start, he was challenged all the way down the home straight but held on to take the win. He broke the existing Olympic and world records with a time of 47.6 seconds.

On this video clip from the film ‘Chariots of Fire’ we hear Eric sharing his faith with the crowd.


Eric spoke of the power within each Christian.
The power within is the bread of life. Jesus described himself as bread, he pointed to his words as being living bread,
Scripture verses that confirm this view
“It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh (his body) is of no avail; the words that I have spoken to you are Spirit and life.” John 6: 63
Jesus being the word of God clothed in the flesh. 1 John 1: 1.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1: 1

God had set his seal on Jesus.
Seal – to give one’s authority or assent to. (Chambers Dictionary)
We read that Jesus had the seal of approval from God his Father. The voice of God was recorded by Mark in his gospel as saying, “This is my beloved Son, listen to him.” Mark 9: 7
Jesus is recorded as saying in the previous chapter that they listened to Moses and so they should listen and believe in his words that he received from God his Father. God’s word to Moses, “ I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren and I will put my words in his mouth.” Deut 18: 18

Jesus’ words inwardly digested will nourish our inner self and his words empower our natural gifts giving us encouragement to step out in faith, confirmed with a words of scripture and the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit stepping out into the unknown out of our comfort zone as we are totally reliant on Jesus answering our prayer.

Eric Liddell acted upon the word by keeping the Lord’s Day.
Jesus established the New Covenant were the laws given to Moses are fulfilled in love and are now written into a believer’s heart through faith in Jesus. Jeremiah 31: 33, 34. Hebrews 8: 10-12  Ephesians 2: 13-22.
The early church put in place Sunday as ‘the Lord’s Day.’ A day set aside for focusing on worship and fellowship.
Paul wrote that the love of God is the fulfilling the law and embraces far more of the nature of God.  Romans 13: 10
“Love is patient and kind, love is not jealous or boastful or rude. Love doesn’t insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in the wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

Eric listened to God.
After the Games Eric went back to China as a missionary, he continued to compete now and again. On one occasion he was asked if he ever regretted his decision to leave behind the fame and glory of athletics. Liddell responded, “It’s natural for a chap, to think over, all that sometimes, but I’m glad, I’m at the work, I’m engaged in now. A fellow’s life, counts for far more at this, than the other.” His work as a missionary took priority over his achievements as an athlete.
In 1932 he was ordained and later married Florence Mackenzie. He died in a prison camp in China on 21 February 1945 he was 43 years of age. According to a fellow missionary, Eric Liddell’s last words were, “its complete surrender” in reference to how he had given his life to God.

The kingdom within us ensures that Christians after running the race receive a crown.
Sketch: In our sketch, both Jay and Eileen received a crown, the victor’s crown, these crowns are given to us for having taken part in the race and more importantly finishing it.
There are not any losers in the Christian faith, no medals either only a crown. But we have this glorious treasure within, the eternal bread that will last for eternity.

We are all in training to witness our faith on life’s journey.
Once a year at Whitsontide on either Friday or Sunday the members of the Churches in the town walked around their Parishes. At the head of the procession there was a brass band, followed by a large banner with the name of the church and a picture embroidered on it relating to the name. It was usually followed by the clergy and choir after them the Sunday School and following them the members of the congregation in the organisations that they belonged to within the church. We all came to together at the town square where we had a short service. In 1976 my two years old daughter, tired by the walk, when we arrived at the town square she said to me, “Mummy, my legs are out of breath.” I’ve never forgot her words, especially now thirty plus years later she takes part in Triathlon ‘Iron Man’ events around the world.

Paul used the opportunity of the Isthmian Games of his day to give encouragement to the churches at Corinth and Ephesus. “Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable wreath.” 1 Corinthians 9: 25.

At the London Olympic Games the athlete’s years of preparation and dedication for the few is paying off.  Having kept strictly to a planned diet and exercise, measuring the amount of protein, vitamins and carprohydrates at every meal and having a good night’s sleep. Observance of these are essential to help the body realise its potential.
Along with the diet is the routine of daily training, spending two to three hours out running in all weathers and exercising at the gym.

St Paul wrote, “The Christian exercises self-control in all things,” I believe Paul was referring to us having a disciplined life that daily spends time in prayer and tasting the goodness of the spiritual food, in the study of the Bible, and as our mind and will working together with the gifts of the Holy Spirit to equip us for meeting the challenges of the day ahead.

On Track
My daughter uses a GPS Tracker when she is in a triathlon race. It is much bigger than a watch, and is worn on the wrist. Through the Tracker she is able to monitor her heart beat, pulse, steps, calories, speed, distance and a map of her route that she is about to take and she can stop on route and it will pin point the exact spot where she is. It is amazing technology.

‘Christ in us’ is like wearing a tracker, it shouldn’t be surprising to us when the Lord knows our every movement, our thoughts, and he knows the condition of our body and our planned route the schedule of events in our life.
In our relationship with the Lord, we are called to walk by faith. It means being reliant upon God to respond to our prayers. For us to listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit for guidance.

In the race all the training and bodily fitness comes into its own. I’m told that in a triathlon race that after completing three quarters of the race the body needs extra impulsion. The runner relies on their own strength this comes from the disciplined mind to overcome the strain on the body, as tiredness and cramps kick in. The athlete’s discipline is kept up because of the motivation of the challenge and the prize of being successful.

On our Christian marathon the daily discipline finds its fulfilment: when someone may ring or email to ask us to pray for a family member or a friend who is about to undergo an operation. We may bump into someone on the street who off loads their problems, we become a listener, a shoulder for them to lean on, as they unburden themselves.
In all kinds of ways the Lord will direct our paths to help someone and for us to receive from others. It may be that we need help from another Christian to fill in a form or help in writing a letter.
On occasions we may struggle, it is as we persevere in prayer to keep on the track of faith and with the Lord’s help as we stand on the word of God we are strengthened to win through whatever the circumstances.

For the Olympic prize winner they receive a medal, to commemorate their achievement. The Christian looks forward to receiving the prize of eternal life, and a crown of everlasting glory.

The Messiah’s Secret – Community Issues – Why does God allow suffering?

The Messiah’s Secret – Community Issues 3 Why does God allow suffering?
Evening Service Lectionary Job 4: 1. 5: 6-27. Luke 10: 25-37.

Since Biblical records were established thousands of years ago mankind has sought to understand as to why does God allow human beings to suffer. The Book of Job gives us insight into this question.

In the Book of Job and in parable of the Good Samaritan, the main characters Job was suffering with a disease and the man was suffering having been injured by bandits. Both were victims of circumstances that were beyond their control.

Job lived in the land of Uz and the events recorded in Job took place during the patriarchal age. Job did not worship the stars or anything terrestrial; he worshipped the same God as Abraham.
The Lord saw Job as a man who was blameless, true, Godly, abstaining from everything evil and no one like him in all the earth, God blessed the work of his hands and set a hedge about him to protect him from Satan.

The cause of human suffering.
In the Book of Job we get a glimpse into the spiritual world, we read of Satan walking up and down, going to and fro upon the earth, he’s never still, having no rest. The scriptures reveal that there was a rebellion in heaven. Satan claimed equality with God and some of the angels sided with him.
”How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of the Dawn! (one of the many names of Satan)How you are cut to the ground, you who laid the nations low! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit in the mount of the assembly in the far north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High.’ Isaiah 14: 12-14

Satan was defeated and evicted from his heavenly home. The words of Jesus in Luke 10: 18 “Jesus saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven.”
After the creation of the earth Satan sought to undermine the fellowship between man and his creator. God created man out of dust and then he breathed into Adam his blood, giving him life. “The life of the flesh is in the blood.” Leviticus 17: 11.
Moses in his God inspired writings wrote about Adam and Eve’s encounter with Satan, who lied to them when he offered them a way to be like God knowing good and evil. They accepted his lie and as a result their lives fell under Satan’s influence and sickness and disease entered the world.

In the Book of Job Satan came amongst the angels into heaven where he challenged God to allow him to test Job. Satan believed Job would cease to serve God and deny his allegiance to him. God allowed this to take place and as a result soon afterwards Job’s children died, he lost his home and his possessions, but Job did not denounce God.

The patience of Job
Satan came again before God a second time and challenged God, asking if he could touch Job in his flesh he was convinced that he would renounce God. A condition was put in place by God that he had to spare Job’s life. Job 2: 6.
Satan attacked Job’s body with a disease; (Elephantiasis a form of leprosy)

One of the causes of ill health, Satan afflicts a person with dis-ease or illness. Another cause of affliction to our bodies when a person is assaulted like the injured man in the parable or have an accident or another cause old age were our bodies begin to wear out.
Praying for the Lord’s touch on a person’s life for healing, praying from the position of knowing that we are the children of God and we claim the Lord’s victory, that he won for us in his death and resurrection, over all personal ill effects on our being.

Job went and sat on the village ash mound or dung hill. In the warm and dry land of the East, the dung was not mixed with straw, but was carried in baskets to a place outside the village where it was regularly burnt. The rains reduced the ashes to a solid hill of earth, the inhabitants of the village used it as a watch tower and a meeting place.
There on the ash mound Job remembered how he came into the world with nothing and therefore he does not deny God.
Job’s response to what was happening to him was truly sincere, in trust and love for God. Job did not blame God for his loss of family, possessions and his ill health.

Jobs situation his three friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zopher came to the mound where he sat in a forlorn state. Accused by his friends of his failure to acknowledge sin in his life. (See blog ‘A Kept Secret)
The First of Job’s three friends Eliphaz spoke out in his usual candid way. He said, “Job you have instructed many in their pain, now it’s your turn and to remember your own advice, ’Trust in the knowledge of God, men reap what they have sown.’” Job 4: 7-11 He thought that Job was a sinner like everybody else therefore he should accept God’s chastening upon him so he should ‘Go back to God.’
Bildad was regarded as his humble friend. In his conversation with Job he used the “if” word. If Job had sinned his suffering then would be as a result of it.
Zopher said to Job, “Should a man who’s full of talk, be justified. Job 11: 1, 2, 13. 12: 3
“Cry to God and be forgiven.” Job replied, “I am not inferior to you.” Zopher was making him a laughing stock. Job said, “Do you not think that I am too proud to admit my sin, but I have not sinned.” Job saw their ignorance against him.

Job thought that he cannot say how a man is justified before God, yet in his heart he believed that he ‘shall be justified.’ He would thrust himself upon God. As yet he had no clear assurance of the life to come after death. Job 14: 14.

Job believed that he was being wrongly accused his life was blameless before God.
Job had a vision where he saw his redeemer, the living one, who would justify him. Job 19: 25, 26.
This word Justification has come down several millennium in scripture.

Justification – Declared not guilty of sin before God.
(See blog ‘Saved by the Blood)

The parable of the Good Samaritan

The lawyer came to Jesus in order to test him, what may have provoked the lawyer into doing this was perhaps because Jesus healed people on the Sabbath day and it had been noted by the Pharisees, Scribes and others who had shown openly their displeasure.
In Luke 6 the Pharisees and scribes confronted Jesus about his disciples having plucked and ate some heads of grain on the Sabbath Day and also Jesus healed the man with the withered hand on the Sabbath. Luke records in chapter 13 after he had healed a lady of her infirmity, the ruler of the synagogue complained to the people saying that there were six days were he could heal people and not to do so on the Sabbath. In their eyes Jesus was out of step with the law of Moses. On another occasion Jesus told them that it was right to do good on the Sabbath, he was justified by healing on the Sabbath day.

The Lawyer who came to Jesus with the question, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life,” was he looking for grounds to convict Jesus of breaking the law? A person could only enter into eternal life through keeping the law. Psalm 69:28. Daniel 12: 1 Revelation 3: 5.
Jesus’ replied to the Lawyer, “What is written in the Law?” The lawyer quoted the commandment, “Thou shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all thy soul and with all your strength and with your entire mind; and your neighbour as yourself.” Jesus responded, “You have answered correctly, do this and you shall live.”

The lawyer could not argue with Jesus’ response pointing to the law.
In order to justify himself he asked another testing question, “Who is my neighbour?”
Jesus gave the lawyer an example of being a good neighbour in the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Jesus pictured a scene that maybe was familiar to his listeners. Jericho was the city of the priests, every month they travelled along this road to perform their duties in the temple at Jerusalem. The Jericho road was desolate in places and was notorious for the bandits who preyed on unsuspecting travellers.
Jesus said that a man on his way to Jericho after being attacked and robbed by bandits lay injured on the road. Jesus then brought into the scene travellers who were going along the same road and he gave their reaction when they saw the injured man.

The priest who probably thought that the man was dead, and having no wish to be defiled by contact with a corpse, “Passed by on the other side.”
The Levite actually approached the body, but finally decided that he too might be in jeopardy if he lingered too long in vicinity where bandits were active.
The two men represented the merciless law that the lawyer kept that would rather see people suffer than be healed on the Sabbath Day.

The injured man and Job were innocent men in their suffering.

Jessie Penn Lewis’ book ‘The Story of Job’
“It is sometimes necessary to leave someone in the hands of God and encourage them to believe their way through the path of trial, because maybe God has allowed sickness as part of his purposes for that person.”

Why does God allow us to suffer?
Suffering as in the life of Job is to bring us closer to God,to teach us something and to leave ourselves in the palm of the Lord’s hands.

In the Book of Job Elihu heard the conversation between Job and his friends, he joined in and spoke of the redeemer as the ransom, the one who would be gracious to him, and deliver him from going down to the pit, not on the ground of his own integrity, but on his faith and trust in God. Job 33: 24.
This was prophetical of the Saviour, the Messiah.
Jesus was the ransom, he paid with the price of his life when died on the cross, suffering for the sin of the world. Jesus suffered: the loss of everything material, the broken will, to live for God in complete surrender. He was crucified, laying down his life for our justification and was raised from the dead on the third day
For us Jesus our redeemer paying the price of the ransom, in his life laid down, the one who would be gracious to us, and deliver us from going down to the pit, not on the ground of our own integrity, but on our faith and trust in Jesus.

Job was later restored by God to health and blessed with family and flocks and herds. He lived for a further 150 years after the time of his trial.

In the parable Jesus portrait himself as the Samaritan, he was seen as having neighbourly mercy and he fulfilled the requirements of the law. When he saw the injured man, he threw caution to the wind and did what his conscious demanded. He took out of his bag oil and wine to bathe the injured man’s wounds.
The introduction of the Samaritan would have raised a few eyebrows amongst his listeners. The Samaritans were considered unclean by the Jews.

After tending to the man, the Samaritan put him on to his donkey and made his way to the Inn.

The Inn would have been a refuge for many priests. The Samaritan asked the Innkeeper to take care of him as he had to continue his journey and whatever it costs for this man’s care, he would repay when he returned.

On many occasions Jesus went out of his way to heal people. The Samaritan went the extra mile in taking the man to the Inn which was out of his way and took time to do it and he would make a point of returning, which would again take time and he showed generosity above the call of duty he didn’t expect the man, when he was better to pay the Innkeeper, he realised he had been robbed of his means to pay.

Jesus asked the Lawyer, “Which of these three was the neighbour,” and the lawyer replied, “The one who showed mercy.” Jesus then said, “Go and do likewise.”
The lawyer understood what Jesus was saying that the Samaritan showed mercy fulfilling Jewish law.
The love of Jesus breaking down the barriers of a closed society making us realise how all embracing the gospel is.

The Jews in the parable were full of pride; the injured man might have died. God sent along the Samaritan to his aid, he sent his Saviour to him.

The Samaritan gave some money to the Innkeeper and said that he would repay his costs on his return, reimbursing him in full. What a prophetic word from Jesus indicating his return returns with the angels.
Jesus told his disciples that he was going to leave them and he also indicated that he would return and settle accounts revealed through the parable of the talents.
The ministry of the Innkeeper to the injured man reflects the ministry of the disciples who were to continue Jesus’ ministry and through the church in healing the broken in body and soul, and standing the cost of ministry until Jesus returns. Standing alongside of those who are poor in body and soul can mean personal suffering too.

People who are poorly
Father God, we remember before you the people in our churches and community who are poorly at this time. Lord you have assured us that when we pray in faith, you always hear us.
Gracious Lord, we thank you that we can pray for your healing touch on our lives, for the healing of our bodies where they are worn and tired and where through no fault of our own we become unwell. Thank you for all those who work for our wellbeing, for the prayers and the medical treatments that make us better.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer
Lord we have the assurance that you hold us in the palm of your hand,
God of the present moment, who in Jesus stilled the storm and soothes frantic hearts, bring hope to those who are living with cancer and the treatment of it. For the family members who are supporting and caring for them. Bring hope that will make them equal of whatever lies ahead.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer

Jesus you know our weaknesses as well as our strengths, it’s often when we are weak that our dependence is upon you, especially in times of distress, illness or when burdened.
God of power, you are strong to save and you never fail those who trust in you. Keep under your protection all who suffer as a result of debt: help them through their time of darkness, give wisdom to all who seek to help, bring them to know true freedom in your Son Jesus Christ.
Do not look forward to what might happen tomorrow; the same Everlasting Father who cares for you today, will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either he will shield you from suffering or he will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then, put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer

Blessed are you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You made the world in your love, You redeemed the world by your love, You sustain the world with your love. May we ever abide in your love, And give ourselves to you in love, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We lift up to your throne of grace heavenly Father those who share in the ministry of care, counsel and comfort, and those to whom they minister: the sick, the sorrowful, the aged, and the lonely.
For those who work in hospitals: nurses, doctors, surgeons, consultants, and all of the supporting ministries.
For those who have the care of children and young people, in schools and youth organisations.
For our civic leaders and those who maintain the health and safety of the community; for the social services and the industrial life of our communities.
May they walk in the love of our Lord Jesus being able to rise above all situations that would normally cause fear and anxiety. May the Holy Spirit give wisdom to those who are seeking a way forward or making decisions that will effect many lives. May the peace of the Lord transform situations and bring an abundance of blessings. In Jesus’ name. Amen

The Messiah’s Secret – True Riches

The Messiah’s Secret – True Riches

Child dresses in King’s attire
A king wears a crown and splendid garments. King’s crown Diadem. Christian’s crown Stephanos- victors crown prize for running a race.
Two courtiers hold up instructions to congregation ‘Cheer’ and ‘Clap’
A king commands and it happens.
Scroll: The king reads out his commands: ‘England must win the World Cup’ ‘Cheer’ and ‘Scotland’s Andy Murray must win Wimbledon Men’s title’ ‘Clap.’

Jesus King of Kings
Jesus created celestial beings: angels, seraphim, cherubim and Archangels also the universe and everything in heaven and on the earth, the galaxies, the stars, planets and suns and all living things: the earth with its rocks, soil, grass, trees, the birds and fish, the animals, insects and human beings.

Jesus is revealed to us as the Word, in the beginning the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
Jesus created everything in heaven and on the earth by the power of his Word. “God said ‘Let there be light” and there was light.” Genesis 1:3.
But God told him that he must leave his throne and all God’s riches and go to the earth and be born of a woman and become one of us.

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.” 2 Corinthians 8: 9
Jesus became poor because the people on the earth did not know God his Father like he knew him.

Remove the King’s attire: the crown and the robe.
(Children return to their seats)

Jesus healed by the power of his word when he lived among the people in Israel.
Video Clip ‘Mercy’ by Casting Crowns’ YouTube

In our reading two people came to Jesus for healing. Jairus for his daughter and the lady for herself and both were healed by Jesus

God’s riches are received by faith.
Jesus healed by the power of his word when he lived among the people in Israel. Jairus the ruler of the synagogue came to Jesus in desperation, he feared his daughter was not going to get better, she was very poorly. He asked Jesus to accompany him to his home in order for him to heal his daughter. Jairus came to Jesus openly regardless of upsetting his friends and colleges, many of them opposed Jesus’ healing ministry saying that it wasn’t of God.
The lady amongst the crowd that surrounded Jesus she came to Jesus calculating, if she could just touch his garments she would be healed of her illness.
But Jesus wasn’t happy with the way she approached him for her healing. We can understand why she approached Jesus in the way that she did, as she was afraid of being stopped from going near him by those who regarded her as being unclean. But as a result of her tactics her need was brought out into the open. Jesus could tell someone had touched him and he asked who it was, but no one responded straight away. The lady owned up saying it was her. Jesus said to her, “Daughter your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.”
Jesus wants us to be honest with him regardless of the opinions of others.
Jairus was told that his daughter had died and it was pointless Jesus going to the house. But Jesus went accompanied by Peter and brothers James and John. On arrival the mourners were weeping outside Jairus’ home. Jesus told them that she was not dead but sleeping and they laughed at him. Jesus, Jairus and his wife, Peter, James and John entered the room where the little girl lay. Jesus taking her by the hand said to her, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” She got up immediately and walked. Those present were amazed.

Jairus’ daughter being raised from the dead and the woman healed of the disease these are true riches, they can’t be purchased by money, they were only obtained by their faith in Jesus.

Today it is still by faith in Jesus
Jesus made us right with God, by forfeiting his life by the way of the cross and as a result when we say sorry to God he forgives us and we are accepted into God’s family becoming children of God.
“But to all who receive him, who believe in his name, he gives power to become children of God.”John 1: 12

A man with his family was out on a walk, it was a warm day and they got quite thirsty. Seeing a lady in her garden they decided to stop and ask her for a drink of water. “Certainly,” she said, “Come inside the house, I’ve got something else that I would like to give you.” They followed her into her house, where she gave them all a drink.

Afterwards the lady said to the father, “The owner of this house has asked to offer the contents of each room to someone like yourselves, would you like to choose one of the rooms with its contents for you and your family.” The lady proceeded to open a door, the man and his family gasped as the light caught the gold of a large display of ornaments and vases. “These are worth millions of pounds,” she said,” They are yours if you want them.” Each room had priceless paintings and antiques. The last room door was opened, this room on first glance seemed empty, but as they walked in, near the window there was a cot and in it a baby lay fast asleep. The lady said that this baby was an orphan with no family. She said to them, “Would you like to have this room with its contents or one of the others?”
The man turned to his family and with a glance of approval they said to the lady, “This is the room we would like to have, we will love the child as our own.” “I’m so glad,” she said, “You see the house and all its contents belong to this baby and now every room and its contents are yours as well.”

The story illustrates were Jesus is portrait as a baby and needs the help of the lady to communicate the message concerning the house and its contents, so Jesus needs us to tell others about himself and the love of God the Father.It is then up to that person to freely make a choice to accept Jesus or not.

When we accept Jesus into our hearts, everything that belongs to Jesus belongs to us, to every Christian personally. Paul in his letter to the Corinthian Church revealed to them how by grace: (God’s riches at Christ’expense) Jesus came among his people who knew about God, but who didn’t know God personally.
“By his poverty we might become rich.”

The unsearchable riches of Christ.
Paul pointed out to the church at Ephesus that the Hebrew Scriptures were the unsearchable riches to the Gentiles up until the revealing of Jesus the Messiah and were only searchable through faith in Jesus. When a Gentile found Jesus as their Saviour and through the Word finds the riches of his grace. Ephesians 3:8.

The riches of his glory
Paul refers to “Christ in You” Colossians 1:27.
The presence of the Spirit of Jesus within us, changes our understand about God. We experience a mighty strengthening by the Spirit of God’s love and his love is expressed in us in having a love for the lost, the people who do not know God.
The power of the Trinity working within us is able to do far more than we ask or think. Ephesians 3: 14-21.

So Jesus brings us the knowledge of God and also of his power to heal our relationship with God.
So you can make a choice today for Jesus and enter into fellowship with him and become part of his family of believers. God loves us and pours out his love and blessings.

Grace – God’s riches at Christ’s expense.
G – God’s
R – Riches
A – at
C – Christ’s
E – Expense

Jairus’ Daughter and the Lady Healed by Jesus Mark 5: 21-43
God’s Riches 2 Corinthians 8: 7- 15
All the answers are part of the God’s riches, but one will fit the situation more than the other two.
1/ What are God’s riches? : Money – Possessions –Jesus Mark 10: 30.
2/ How do we receive God’s riches is it through: Sending an email to God – Faith – Patience Romans 10: 8-10
3/ Two people in our Gospel reading acted on their faith in Jesus and received one of God’s riches: Grace – Thanks – Blessing
4/ Jesus was prompted to go to Jairus’ home, but someone delayed him: Man – Woman- Child
5/ How was he delayed, did someone: Speak to him – Touch his clothes – Offer him a drink.
6/Jesus insisted that the person owned up. Another of God’s riches:
Honesty – Discernment – Kindness
7/When Jesus found out who it was, he didn’t get angry. Another of God’s riches:
Joy – love – Forgiveness
8/ The person received another of God’s riches: Healing – Strength – Peace
9/ Afterwards Jesus and Jairus were told that Jairus’ daughter had died and not to trouble Jesus by making the journey to see her. Jesus went anyway and displayed another of God’s riches: Perseverance – Knowledge – Power
10/ Jesus arrived at the house and went in to where the little girl lay and he said to her ‘little girl, I say to you, arise’ and immediately she got up and walked. Another of God’s riches: Resurrection – Miracle – New life.

The Friday Club children concluded the service deaf signing to ‘Awesome God.’

The Messiah’s Secret – Community Issues – Diversity of People

The Messiah’s Secret – Community Issues: Diversity of People
Following the Lectionary Jeremiah 7: 1-16 Romans 9: 14-26

The Land belongs to the Lord our God.
The Forest of Rossendale was not inhabited prior to the Norman Conquest, after the Conquest the forest became part of a very large estate granted in 1295 to the de Lacys of Clitheroe.
The King used the forest for hunting deer. In 1304 Musbury deer park came into being, it is where the King reared his deer. I’ve walked around the perimeter of the deer park following the ditch that in most parts still remains.
Some of the local farms today are named in connection with the deer: Laund – is a place where the deer were fed: Laund Farm, on Cribden Lane and Laund Cottage Crawshawbooth. Other place names; Deerplay at Bacup, Staghills housing estate at Newchurch and Hart Hill at Loveclough.
Below a deer in our garden. it is one of several sightings of wild deer that today live on the moors of Rossendale.

It is recorded in the de Lacy accounts for 1295 of 11 unnamed vaccaries or cow pastures in the forest, and it gives details of each herdsman who was in the charge of the cow pastures, there were also assistant herdsmen. The herdsman lived in a house that was known as a booth. The dwellings built by these people became the place names that we are familiar with today Crawshawbooth, Rawtenstall, New Hall Hey, Constable Lee and Newchurch.
Rawtonstall is derived from the word ‘rough’ and ‘tun stall’ ‘the site of a farm.
At the junction of St. Mary’s Way, Haslingden Old Road and Newchurch Road and Burnley Road a sheep fair took place, it is still known today as Tup Bridge and nearby a corn mill was established by King Henry V11 in 1436.

Deforestation took place in 1507 allowing more people to build homes and work the land.
St Nicholas Church Newchurch was built in 1511.
The dissolution of Whalley Abbey by Henry V111 took place in 1537.

Commonwealth Church Survey recorded in 1650 that 300 families were living at Newchurch and 300 families at Haslingden.
The population of Rossendale gradually increased as the children of the families settled and built new homes in the valley. Later over a fifty year period 1801 – 1851 the population trebled, Rawtenstall by 45% and Bacup by 42% due to the cotton industry boom. People moved into the valley from surrounding districts and also from Scotland and Ireland to work in the mills.
The 1851 Census records those persons over 20 years who were not born in Lancashire were 3,881. 2,601 came from surrounding districts, 873 came from Scotland and Ireland, and 407 came from other parts of Britain.

The Bible records Galilee has been inhabited by people from the time when Noah’s grandson Canaan inhabited the land. Genesis 10: 19
In Roman times the whole northern section of the country was divided into Judea, Samaria and Galilee.

Most of Galilee consists of rocky terrain, there are several high mountains: Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon. The waterfalls and streams of Upper Galilee produce green fields with colourful wildflowers.
The Sea of Galilee, the fish found in the lake: sardines, minnows and the Musht the largest fish in the lake.

“Galilee of the Nations” The “nations” would have been the foreigners who came to settle there, or who had been forcibly deported to the region by the Romans.
Matthew records Jesus fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy “The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali towards the sea, across the Jordon, Galilee of the Gentiles, the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light.” Matthew 4: 15,16.Isaiah 9:1, 2. The light being the person of Jesus the Messiah.
In Paul’s letter to the Romans he quoted from the writings of the prophet Hosea.
“As indeed he says in Hosea, “Those who were not my people I will call my people,’ and her who was not my beloved I will call my beloved.” “You are not my people,’ they will be called ‘sons of the living God.’” Hosea 2: 23. 1: 10. The prophesies relating to the Gentiles accepting Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

Jesus’ fame spread throughout all Syria. . . And great crowds followed him from Galilee and the Decapolis and Jerusalem and Judea and from beyond the Jordon. Matthew 4: 23-25

Thousands of people of all ages followed Jesus.

On one occasion it was getting late in the day when Jesus saw the people’s hunger (5,000 plus women and children) and he had compassion on them. The lad brought to the disciples the five loaves and three fishes and Jesus broke them in to pieces and they were distributed among the people.. The people sat down in groups of fifty and the disciples distributed the food and everyone ate and was satisfied. The left over fragments filled the twelve empty baskets; these baskets may have belonged to the disciples. John 6: 5-14 The disciples had nothing to offer of themselves they gave what they received from Jesus.
At the gate beautiful Peter said to the lame man, ”I have no silver or gold, but I give you what I have; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” And he took him by the hand, and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong, and leaping up he stood and walked.” Acts 3: 6-8

These people in their diversity were all given the same the bread and fishes. The Jewish person would feel unclean associating with Gentiles and eating with them. The Samaritans had grievances against the Jews.
The Gentiles were accepted into the fold, treated equally by Jesus and his disciples.

Jesus on the mountain side celebrated the diversity of people breaking down the barriers of language, religious divide, cultural differences and he healed all who came to him regardless of race, colour or creed.

Paul in his letter to the church at Rome he explains to them how God planned to call the Gentiles into his kingdom, “Those who were not my people, I will call my people.” Romans 9: 25.
A friend of mine told me during her stay at her daughter’s in Northampton she went to a Christian house group and she was pleasantly surprised to find people who had been brought together through their work from across the world, who also shared their belief in Jesus and had come together to study the Bible and pray.
United by the word and the Holy Spirit the cultural differences in their lives did not matter.

After the Second World War the mills in Rossendale had jobs in abundance so many people from the Commonwealth came to work in the cotton and shoe factories. The people coming from the Commonwealth contributed to the growing affluence of the Rossendale Valley. They also brought their food exotic fruits and spices. Curry has become part of the Rossendale diet; it is almost as popular as fish and chips.
(Dishes prepared before hand to sample after the service)

The origin of the Commonwealth (Diverse nations working together)
The nations that made up the British Empire wanted their independence. It was India’s desire to adopt a republican form of constitution while simultaneously retaining its link with the British Empire this prompted a radical reconsideration of the terms of association and so the Commonwealth came into being. The Balfour Declaration of 1926 had established all member countries as ‘equal in status to one another, in no way subordinate one to another’, and this was in turn adopted into law in 1931
After the second world war in April 1949, 8 heads of Government from Australia, Britain, Ceylon, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa and the Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs met in London and deliberated over six days. The outcome was the Declaration of London.

The Declaration also repeatedly emphasised the freedom and equality of its members a ‘free association of independent nations’ but also in their co-operative ‘pursuit of peace, liberty and progress’ 800 million people had access into the UK.

The Commonwealth comprises of countries from all major continents of the world, rich and poor, small and large, consulting and co-operating in the common interests of their peoples and in the promotion of international understanding.

After the end of World War II the Commonwealth became the natural association of choice for many of the new nations emerging out of decolonisation. Starting with Ghana in 1957, the Commonwealth expanded rapidly with new members from Africa, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean and the Pacific.
The creation of the Commonwealth Secretariat in 1965 has expanded number of professional organisations that help to administer human rights development of trade and industry.

After Enoch Powell’s ‘River of Blood’ speech in 1968 were he warned his audience of what he believed would be the consequences of continued unchecked immigration from the Commonwealth of Britain. After great debate over several years in 1972 restrictions were put in place.
Wikipedia ‘Immigration to the United Kingdom since 1922.’

The Commonwealth has now grown from 8 in 1949 to 54 in 2009. The leaders agreed to admit Rwanda as the 54th member at their meeting in Trinidad & Tobago in November 2009.

Queen Elizabeth II the Head of the Commonwealth
The Queen as Head of the Church of England she is the defender of the Christian faith and also ‘of faiths’ including the Commonwealth, this is part of our nation’s commitment to religious freedom. The Queen stated in May 2012 at Lambeth “Its role is not to defend Anglicanism to the exclusion of all other religions, instead the Church has a duty to protect the free practice of all faiths in this country.” BBC News Website 15th May 2012
The Queen as Head of the Commonwealth she does not discriminate against the beliefs of others.
The Commonwealth embraces nations from every continent. Christian ethics and values are at the heart of its conception.
Nearly two billion people now live in the Commonwealth, and half of these are under 25. The future of the Commonwealth belongs with young people, and this is why the theme in 2009 ‘thecommonwealth@60 – serving a new generation’.
Commonwealth Secretariat website.

In the lead up to the Second World War, refugees came from Germany and after the war refugees from the Soviet-controlled territories settled in Britain, Poles and Ukrainians. There was also an influx of refugees from Hungary.
Since the expansion of the EU in 2004, one of the four freedoms of the European Union of which the UK is a member is the right to free movement of people throughout the European Union. Since then because of the number of people wanting to come and live in the UK restrictions have been put in place.
Wikipedia “Immigration to the United Kingdom since 1922.”

Where we were born
We are stewards of our land where we all live, the Lord our God owns the land. History shows us that the movement of people across the world to find employment and safety against persecution will continue.

Jesus Lord of all
The Lord Jesus embraces all people of the world, in his great love for us; he paid the price for our sin against God and our neighbour on the cross at Calvary. We receive his gift of knowing God our Father through the forgiveness of all that stood against us since the separation of the first human beings from their fellowship with God. The Lord, through the power of the Holy Spirit fills us with his love to know the freedom of forgiveness that we have in Jesus, this freedom has no boundaries or fears, and it can be seen being worked out in the constitution of the Commonwealth and Britain’s role in it.

Prayers June 17 2012
Each of us here tonight have been brought together to celebrate the diversity of people in this place called Rossendale and to pray for all who live here.
The trees that once made up the forest have been used to build dwellings: farms, houses, fences and gates. The sounds of rustling leaves in the trees have been exchanged for the sounds of machinery, cars, buses and trains.
The deer have managed some how to survive through the changes and people from across the world have made this land their home.
The disciple’s empty baskets Jesus filled them with food, bread and fishes, later Jesus’ Disciple Peter had no money to give the beggar, but he gave to him Jesus, the bread of eternal life that gives us wholeness and healing.
Father you depend on us, may our Christian witness reach out to make Christ known through living out and sharing Jesus bread, the Gospel in our community.
Lord in your mercy —graciously hear us.

Lord Jesus we lift to your throne of grace those in our community who are suffering because they are different: whether it is in speaking a different language or wearing different clothes, some follow trends or are wearing religious garments or others from their background culture. May they overcome all anxiety and be given tolerance and strength to forgive those who persecute them.
Heavenly Father we pray for peace and tolerance among all the people of this valley, for the help we need to understand each others’ ways.
Lord in your mercy —graciously hear us

The life of the Queen our monarch has been used by the Lord to bring direction, peace and support to the poorest of nations of the world.
Lord, thank you for all who work for the Commonwealth, who use their skills to help poor nations in agriculture to develop systems that provide all year round food supplies. Those who assist in developing Christian based elections and legal structures. And those who help to sort out problems that arises from inexperienced government officials, by the giving of their knowledge to the well being of a national government.
Lord in your mercy —graciously hear us

Whilst we welcome people from other countries to live and work here, since the 1970’s restrictions have been put in place to reduce the number, as a result there are thousands of illegal immigrants who are finding themselves open to abuse: the trafficking of people, the modern slave trade.
Lord of all people we pray for those who have been tricked, manipulated become slaves to those who promised to help them, we pray that the light of Christ would reveal those who are engaging in this slave trade in our valley and that they would be brought to justice. For those who have been hurt and damaged by their experiences may they find the strength to turn to Jesus and find him at their side as he knows the depths of the human heart.
Lord in your mercy —graciously hear us

Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ please heal and bless this land, the former forest of Rossendale. May those who have trodden down the poor be forgiven, and may the paths of the righteous be forever blessed.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen

The Messiah’s Secret – The Septre

The Messiah’s Secret – The Sceptre
“At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” Philippians 2:10, 11.
The anointing that takes place at a King or Queens’ Coronation acknowledges that they are coming under Christ’s authority. 1 Samuel 9: 17.

The Christian anointing is the most sacred part of the Coronation ceremony as it represents divine confirmation of the people’s choice. It was first recorded in 785 AD in England when Egfrith was anointed and crowned King of Mercia. (England)
In the Abbey at Bath a stained glass window depicts the Coronation of Edgar in 959 AD. He is about to be crowned and he is holding the Orb and the Sceptre.

1/ The King’s Crown symbol of supreme authority Jesus King of Kings
2/The Orb represents Christ’s dominion over the world.
3/A Sceptre is a badge of authority it signifies kingly power and justice.

The Sceptre
In the picture the Queen is holding the sceptre in her right hand, it is made of gold surmounted by a magnificent diamond-encrusted cross with an emerald in the centre. Below the cross is a superb amethyst and below that is what is believed to be the largest cut diamond in the world. it is known as the Star of Africa.

The sceptre is a symbol of the rod that God gave to Moses.
“And you shall take in your hand this rod, with which you shall do the signs.” Exodus 4:17.

In our Old Testament scriptures we find that Moses used the rod on a number of occasions. Two of these occasions we find in the book of Exodus. Exodus 17: 1-13

The people of Israel complained to Moses that they were thirsty, they had no water to drink. Moses prayed to God and God told him to take his rod and go and strike the rock at Horeb and water would come out of it. Moses did as God told him he struck the rock and as God promised water came out of the rock and everyone’s thirst was satisfied.
In the New Testament we find that one of Jesus’ titles is God our Rock, the Rock of our Salvation. This water is in reference to the Holy Spirit. On the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles Jesus stood and proclaimed, “If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.’” John the Baptist pointed to Jesus the Messiah as being the one who would baptise them with the Holy Spirit. Through faith in Jesus our spiritual thirst for God is satisfied. The Holy Spirit is available to all who ask in faith and is given to us as a gift. 1 Corinthians 10:4.
The Holy Spirit bears witness to Jesus. We are here this morning because the Holy Spirit has revealed Jesus or God to us. We all have a story to tell as we travel together on this journey of faith.

Following on in this Chapter Moses again used the rod in power, over Israel’s enemies. It is also a picture of the Trinity.
(3 children to act out this story in Exodus)
The Israelites were under attack from Amalek and his men, so Joshua took with him, his men to fight them off. And whilst he was doing this, Moses went with Aaron and Hur and stood on top of the hill. (child playing part of Moses) Moses lifted up the rod, this rod was the same one that God had given to him to strike the Nile and like he did on that occasion he held the rod up with his right hand. When he held it aloft, Israel were winning the battle, but when he lowered his arm Amalek began to win the battle so Moses had to keep his hands lifted up. We read that Moses grew weary; standing there for hours, (the two other children play the part of Aaron and Hur) Aaron and Hur took a stone and put it under Moses and he sat down and then both of them held up his hands, Aaron on one side, and Hur on the other side; and so they stood together as one and eventually Joshua won the battle.” Exodus 17:8-13.

Moses, Aaron and Hur they stood together joined as one this is a picture of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, the three persons making up the whole of God.
In this true account these three men were working together, and as a result it made them stronger and more likely to succeed in their task in upholding the authority of God over their situation, defeating Amalek and his men.(children go back to their places.)

It is the same for us when we have a problem it’s good to ask for one or two Christian friends to pray. We are stronger in unity and our prayers and witness will break through tangled threads of unbelief. Jesus said, “That were two or three are gathered in my name, I am in the midst.”

In the stained glass window behind me there is a picture that illustrates the Trinity; God in the middle embracing the whole with the three names of the Trinity surrounding joined together.

To illustrate the Trinity: I’ve brought with me not a rod but a stick of rock.

This whole stick rep the three persons joined as one.
On the inside of the stick of rock we can see blue lettering and surrounding these letters the white rock and around this is a pink peppermint layer.
Look at it another way the blue lettering which reads ‘St Mary’s Rawtenstall’ representing us, we are the people that belong to Jesus here at St Mary’s Church.
The church family like the Windsor Royal family we united by our blood tie, we are born of the blood of Jesus; we have his characteristics and gifts.
The white part of the rock which surrounds the letters is like the Spirit of God’s love uniting us all together.
The pink coating is like God our Father putting his arms around us, embracing us his church.
The flavour of the rock is peppermint and this reminds us of the church being the bride of Christ. Every bride holds in her hands a bouquet of scented flowers. The church a fragrant bride, pure and holy full of grace and truth.

On the label it says a gift from St. Mary’s. It’s a gift to you to remind you of the Trinity.
The Trinity working together is an example to us and like Moses, he needed the support of Aaron and Hur to succeed in the tasks that God had planned for them to do.
It is the same for us we are strengthened by working together in the purpose of making Christ known in the world.