All posts by Dorothy

Currently, I (Dorothy Newton} am a Street Pastor in Ramsbottom, working alongside Christians who believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah. Christian, visible unity among the churches.

The Messiah’s Secret – The Wedding at Canna 2

The Messiah’s Secret – The  Wedding  at  Cana (2)

Morning Readings:  Isaiah 62 1-5.  John 2: 1-11  

The wine running out. 

Visual Aid: The Puzzel jug:  (the jug refilled itself)
One small jug,  a glass bowl, container with water and fruit juice (red)                                                                                  
From the container fill the jug with water/juice. ( talking as its being poured.)
 On our Christian journey the Lord will cause us to cease from our activities :run out of ideas, plans, money, opportunities or even time.
Pour out water/juice from jug into bowl. The jug appears to be empty.

The Lord will allow us to run out of our own ideas so that we stop and listen to the still small voice in our inner ear. Abandoning ourselves to his love and care.

The Lord wants to give us the new wine of his Spirit that will never run out. Continue to pour more water/juice out from jug. It is as we live out the gospel, the Lord will continue to fill us with his Spirit.  Pour more out from the jug.

Persistent prayer. 
Isaiah was persistent in prayer he did not run out of enthusiasm or conviction that God would bless Israel. In the Hebrew Scriptures God is depicted as the husband of Israel and we understand she has been estranged from her husband because she had turned her back on his ways.  Jeremiah wrote, “Not like the old covenant that I made with their fathers when I took them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant which they broke, though I was their husband, says the Lord.” Jeremiah 31: 32.

Isaiah was appealing to God’s love and faithfulness towards Israel and Jerusalem. Isaiah was looking for a reunion of the marriage between Israel and God. No longer to be called forsaken and her land desolate, instead to be called by a new name, “My delight is in her.”                                                                         

The Jewish people knew that persistent prayer works:  Abraham appealed to God several times not to destroy the righteous in Sodom and Gomorrah. Genesis 18:22-33  

Jacob wrestled with the angel until he got a blessing. Genesis 32: 24-30

Jesus told a parable were the persistent widow came to the unrighteous judge and won through, Jesus making the point that we ought always to pray and not lose heart as God will hear those who come to him and he will respond.. Luke 18: 1-7.

St. Paul wrote, “Continue steadfastly in prayer.” Colossians 4: 2   Pray and don’t give up; only believe it will be answered in due course.

John the Apostles’ Vision  
 “And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband; and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them and they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them.“ Revelation 21: 2, 3.

The Wedding at Cana.
The wedding at Cana took place at the beginning of Jesus ministry, for us, it is no co-incidence when we bring the reading from Isaiah alongside of it. It speaks of the fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecy the marriage that unites God and Israel but also unites with God and Israel the Gentiles through the Jeremiah covenant.” “This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days says the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds, and write then in their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall not teach everyone his fellow or everyone his brother, saying ‘know the Lord,’ for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful towards their iniquities, and I will remember their sin no more.” Jeremiah 31:33, 34.
The writer of Hebrews quotes from this prophecy.Hebrews 8:10. In speaking of a new covenant he treats the first as obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.”                                                                                                                       
I asked myself this question, why did God in the presence of Jesus at this wedding at Cana allow the wine to run out. It had to be for a reason.
After the ceremony everything was going well at the feast until the wine ran out. Mary brought it to the attention of Jesus expecting him to do something. Jesus’ response to his mother These words, “O woman what have you to do with me, My hour has not yet come.”
The two together the wine running out and Jesus saying, ‘My hour has not yet come,’ indicate something was delayed.

Jesus the bridegroom, the Messiah came but found desolation and a land forsaken.
 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her brood under her wings, and you would not! Behold your house is forsaken and desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” Matthew 23: 38.
Jesus in his ministry found that the nations’ hearts were unprepared. Slow to understand, hard of hearing, they were hardened by what they had been taught under the law, The crowd said to Jesus, “We have heard from the law that when the Messiah comes, he will remain for ever.” John 12: 34 
Even his own disciples did not grasp, understand when Jesus said that he was going to be killed.
At Jesus transfiguration he was in conversation with Moses and Elijah and Luke records that they were heard to speak of Jesus’ departure at Jerusalem.  Luke 9: 30,31, 45.

 “Behold, your house is forsaken and desolate.” God was going to leave his dwelling place in the Most Holy Place this was signified when by an act of God the temple curtain was torn in two when Jesus died on the cross. The house would be left desolate empty of God’s presence. The law had run out of time, it had come to an end.

The wine running out was a sign.
The wedding guests we read were not aware of the wine running out. Behind the scenes Jesus was working alongside of the servants as they carried out his instructions, they filled the six empty purification jars with water. The water, was transformed into wine. They took it to the Steward, who in turn took it to the bridegroom declaring that he had kept the best wine till the last. What a result the best wine that they had ever tasted. Jesus’ disciples believed in him when they saw this sign. It was a sign to his disciples that God was in Jesus doing something new.

The wine running out.
The symbolism is mind blowing, the wine running out – the end of the old covenant, the transformed new wine representing the blood and Spirit of the new covenant. Every covenant is ratified with blood, even marriage.

The New Wine
 2,000 years later the Gospel catches people unawares as the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus. It could be described like opening a window and the wind comes into the room blowing all the papers around.
When the Vicar called at the home of Dennis his first reaction was that he would make a quick exit and leave him to talk to his wife. But instead he stayed and listened to the message about Jesus’ “To all who receive him, who believe in his name he gave power to become children of God. Born not of human descent, nor of the will of man, but born of the will of God.” Dennis accepted Jesus as his Saviour and through the laying on of hands he received the promised gift of the Holy Spirit.

The wine running out.
The Lord may remove things from our life will bring us to that point where we come to the end of ourselves like ‘the wine running out’ we can’t do anything to change a situation in our own strength. This were we look to Jesus. 

Filled to overflowing with the new wine.
Christian Gerry was seriously ill in hospital, he thought he was going to die, he turned to the Gideon Bible in the locker at the side of his bed. He opened it up at random to the first chapter of Job. He read how Job had lost everything but he did not blame God, he believed in God. Gerry reading this chapter, he recognised himself and he woke up next day a changed man. Where he felt that ‘the wine had run out’ in fact he had come to the end of himself and turned to the Lord our God and had an encounter with Jesus Christ. Gerry was filled with the Holy Spirit.                                                                                     

Sister Irene Mary Anglican  Nun from Blackburn.
Sister Irene regularly would contact me and place an order for my pottery. On most occasions she would remind me to pray for the Lord’s coming. “We must pray for the Lord’s kingdom to come, Dorothy.” I could see that the Holy Spirit had put this persistent prayer on her heart. When I say the Lord’s Prayer I often think of Sister Irene Mary.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

The Messiah’s Secret – The Wedding at Canna

The  Messiah’s  Secret – The  Wedding  at  Cana.  (1)
Evening Readings following the Lectionary:  Isaiah 60: 1-9. John 2: 1-11.

At the end of John’s first chapter Andrew, Simon Peter, Philip and Nathanael made a commitment to follow Jesus, so they went with him to Galilee.

Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding in Cana. After the wedding ceremony as the feasting progressed, Mary Jesus’ mother informed Jesus that the wine had run out, and it would seem that she was looking to Jesus to do something about it.

Maybe Jesus was caught unawares when Mary called upon him to act. But Jesus was in that place, within himself where he was ready to respond.

Mary saw a need and responded to it. For us too when we see a need we should be ready to respond, but we are not always ready to take action.

Our Advent Course “Not a Fan, but a Follower’ 2012 asked the question are we a fan or a follower of Jesus? Are we ready to respond to Jesus’ call on our life?
 “And Jesus died for all, that those who live might live no longer for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised. From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once regarded Christ from a human point of view, we regard him no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold the new has come.”  2 Corinthians 5: 15-17.
In verse 15 of 2 Corinthians, “And Jesus died for all, that those who live might live no longer for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.”

 On the course, Eric’s Story.
As a fan of Jesus, Eric and his family were members of a church, but they lived their lives only to please themselves, that was until Eric had a heart attack.
At this point –  Eric did not re-assess his life, he had an encounter with Jesus.
I compared Eric coming to terms with the fact that he may die with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus wrestled with his own will of self preservation, His Father was asking him to die on a cross for the sins of others.”Father if it is possible take this cup from me, yet not my will but thine be done.” In these words we realize that Jesus died to himself. He handed himself over to Almighty God, for his Father to determine his life. As a result of his obedience after his death on the cross God raised him from the dead, a new creation, a new order of a resurrected life.

In the story Eric recovered and his life changed.
Just as Jesus was raised up by God, so Eric was raised up, a new creation in Christ. Eric having died to himself, he wanted to live his life to please God, for the Lord to determine his life. He felt led to remove the trappings associated with being a fan: the expensive clothes, the job that was full of deceptions, the status symbol of having a big house. Instead he saw what was really important, it became his priority to show the love of Christ, he was ready to fulfill his calling to the destitute of his city.

In the story some years later Eric had a heart attack that was fatal and he died.
At his funeral service people remembered his kindness, his love for others and his love for Christ. 
This course ‘Not a fan, But a follower ‘ of Jesus is about saying there is something more to a Christian’s life that the Lord wants us to have that will transform the way we walk as a Christian.

The wine running out.
The Lord may remove things from our life that will bring us to that point where we come to the end of ourselves, ‘the wine running out’ we can’t do anything to change a situation in our own strength. This were the Gethsemane experience becomes personal to us, we then realize that the Lord wants us to be dependent upon him and for us to look to him to determine our lives, not as slaves, but as children of God.
Gerry was a Christian he was taken very seriously ill and went into hospital, he thought he was going to die, he turned to the Gideon Bible in the locker at the side of his bed. He opened it up at random to the first chapter of Job. He read how Job had lost everything, but he believed in God. Gerry reading this chapter, he recognised himself and he woke up next day a changed man. Where he felt that ‘the wine had run out’ in fact he had come to the end of himself and turned to the Lord our God and had an encounter with Jesus Christ.

Mary knew that she could rely on Jesus to act, to sort out the problem. 
Mary’s faith caused her act and speak to the servants, “Do whatever he says.” The servants were obedient, they filled the jars up to the brim with water and when they drew the liquid from the jars it was no longer water, but wine. In this we see the transformation of water into wine, like the transformation of a fan to becoming a follower of Jesus and it is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our sight.

“From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once regarded Christ from a human point of view, we regard him no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold the new has come.”  
2 Corinthians 5: 16, 17.

 When we see a fellow Christian in this new wine skin, a new creation, we find that they are ready to respond and serve as followers of Christ.

The wine running out, has another meaning it symbolises the end of the old order and the bringing in of the new order, the new wine of the Messiah’s kingdom.

Jesus’ response to his mother’s request, “O Woman, what have you to do with me, my time has not yet come.”
These words, ‘My time has not yet come,’ these words are linked to the reading in Isaiah. Isaiah 60: 1-9.

Isaiah’s vision.
The time of his coming the eternal city coming down out of heaven. “Belief in a transformed city goes with the belief in a resurrected body.” (New International Biblical Commentary Isaiah by John Goldingay)
Isaiah in his vision portrayed Jesus’ glorification as the embodiment of Jerusalem. The eternal city of Jerusalem being the Messiah.

Isaiah was seeing in the spirit the future time of Jesus’ glorification, the resurrection of Jesus’ body from the dead.

The Light of God
 “Arise, shine for your light has come.” The light is God, the same as in Genesis Chapter 1: 3 where the light was present before the sun, and the moon.
The eternal city of Jerusalem will be lit up with the glory of God’s presence.

“And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine upon it, for the glory of God is its light, and its lamp is the lamb. By its light shall the nations walk; and the kings of the earth shall bring their glory into it, and its gates shall never be shut by day – and there shall be no night there.”  Revelation 21: 23-25.

Transformation of the Gentiles
At the wedding supper of the Messiah, the gathering of believers from every nation. When Jesus was in conversation with the centurion, Jesus marveled at his faith in him. “Jesus said to those following him, “Truly, I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such faith. I tell you, many will come from east and west and sit at table with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.”Matthew 8: 10, 11.
The people in the city and those coming into the city. All the branches of the sons of Abraham will be united. Isaiah mentioned the grandson Ephah of Abraham and Keturah, along with other descendants Midian and Sheba.
Jews and Gentiles are included in the resurrected body, the transformed city of Jerusalem because the church is the bride, the body of Christ. Jesus has fulfilled all things in himself.                                                                                                               

All nations will bring gifts to Jerusalem, these gifts will be greater and more numerous than those gifts brought by the Queen of Sheba to Solomon. They brought cedar, pine, algum-wood, bronze, gold and spices.1 Kings 10 and in verse 24 “And the whole earth sought the presence of Solomon,” verse 25 “Every one of them brought his present . . .”

In Isaiah’s vision he mentions gifts of gold and frankincense to beautify the house of God. As a forerunner to that, the wise men brought gifts to glorify Jesus, pointing to the king of kings, the kingship of the Messiah.                                                                                                                                                                

The Messiah’s Secret – A Slender Thread

The Messiah’s Secret – A Slender Thread

Sunday – Only almost two days to go before 2013 begins.

Keeping a Diary.

Diaries hold information that might otherwise be forgotten, so it is good to have a diary, to keep a record and a reminder of where we have been, people we have spoken to and other things that have seemed worth noting. It is also used to remember appointments and  special days like birthdays.
Jesus did not keep a diary, he did not write anything down about his activities. But later people who knew Jesus: Matthew, and John wrote about Jesus.
 A diary is good for recording prayer especially when we notice they have been answered.

This mornings readings: Luke 2: 41- end.  Colossians 3: 12-17.                                                                                                                                                                          

Lord Roy Jenkins in 2002 wrote a biography about Winston Churchill, it is a written record of Churchill’s life.  Lord Jenkins had personal contact with Winston Churchill as a member of Parliament for sixteen years.
Sometimes we may think of the gospels as being a biography of Jesus’ life, but that is not the case. We have gaps in his childhood and also the years before he started his ministry. The gospels are a history of the Saviour.

 In our reading Luke records the family’s annual visit to Jerusalem for the Passover, when Jesus was twelve years old.

 After the feast was over, Joseph and Mary left for home along with a number of others travelling to Nazareth in Galilee.

On the way, Joseph and Mary realised that Jesus was not with them. It took one day to do the return journey to Jerusalem and two days searching the places that they thought he might be. We are not informed where they searched, common sense would suggest that Jesus might have just missed them setting off, so they might have gone first to his friends house or the relations home where they probably stayed to celebrate the Passover, he could have been waiting there. Maybe they looked at the places where the visitors or a twelve year old lad might visit: the markets, the Pool of Salomé, The Roman Garrison, and the stables where the horses and camels were kept.
The last place they searched is where we would think that they would have looked first. Jesus was found conversing with the Teachers of the Law in the temple.  When Mary and Joseph found him, Jesus was surprised that they had not known where to find him.
God was greatly at work in Jesus’ life, as we read in verse 52 that Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man.
I would think that Jesus had the disposition of wanting to learn, having a hunger and thirst for knowledge of the Hebrew Scriptures. Perhaps he had questions that he needed to discuss with the teachers at the temple in Jerusalem, the hub of learning, that neither Joseph nor the rabbi in Nazareth could answer.

Joseph and Mary were Godly people yet I dared to ask myself the question had Joseph and Mary in their walk with God faded, crowded out by family life. By this time Jesus had brothers and sisters.  Matthew 13: 55, 56.
Joseph and Mary were probably, like us, very busy with work and bringing up their family, this I felt was reflected in their search taking two days to find Jesus.

For us today our faith can be crowded out not just by the business of our lives, but also by the advancement of science that raises complex issues like gene technology it has the ability to intervene in the makeup of plants and political correctness were a nurse is not allowed to pray with a patient.This maybe is reflected in the recent census.

Archbishop Rowan Williams Christmas Day address                                                                                                                                                                
 Archbishop Rowan Williams in his Christmas Day address said this: “Fifty-nine per cent of British people describe themselves as Christians, so the census informed us a couple of weeks ago; twelve per cent down from ten years ago.  There was, of course, great delight from a couple of secularist organisations.  But if I were a member of the British Humanist Association, I might want to pause before I became too excited.  It remains true that three quarters of the public still want to identify themselves as having a religious faith of some kind.  And what the census doesn’t and probably can’t measure is exactly how those who don’t identify as religious think about religion.”
When the Archbishop said, “Those who don’t identify themselves as religious in the census. so what do they think about religion.”                  
Perhaps he is referring to those who once belonged to a church, but one reason or another their faith has faded. Three weeks ago we had a lady call in church on Wednesday Morning’s ‘open door’ she informed us of how she used to attend St. Mary’s and then left. Since that time her faith has declined.
On another occasion in June, during the serving of refreshments to the people who came into church after watching the Olympic Torch pass through Rawtenstall, we noticed in their conversation with us that quite a number of them had once belonged to a church and that their faith had waned.

The reading from Paul’s letter to the Colossians he points out that even though they may have faded back into Judaism, or even the world. He reminds them and us, we have received Jesus as our Saviour and he will never leave us or forsake us.
When we become aware of someone who is hanging on to their faith by a slender thread, It may be useful to have something that we can give them to comfort them, that would just remind them of their Saviour’s love for them.  
 Recently I came a across this: ‘A Cross in My Pocket’ It is something that is simple to make and acts as a reminder of Jesus’ cross. The poem that goes with it, speaks of Jesus compassion, kindness and patience. How he forgave me my sin and having been forgiven by such great cost to God our Father, whose love embraces all who come to him in faith in Jesus and blesses us.
                     A Cross in My Pocket

 I carry a cross in my pocket a simple reminder to me,
of the fact that I am a Christian no matter where I may be.

This little cross is not magic, nor is it a good luck charm.
 It isn’t meant to protect me from every physical harm.

When I put my hand in my pocket to bring out a coin or a key the cross is there to remind me, of the price he paid for me.

It reminds me too to be thankful for my blessings day by day and to try to serve him better in all that I do and say.

It’s also a daily reminder of the peace and comfort 
I share with all who know my Master and give themselves to His care.

So I carry a cross in my pocket reminding no one but me,
that Jesus is Lord of my life,  If only I’ll let Him be.

 Mrs Verna Mae Thomas

 (Each person was given an envelope containing instructions of how to make ‘A Cross in My Pocket’, the yarn, 3 tapestry pieces of canvas, a tapestry needle and the poem.)                          

 The idea is to make the pocket and give it to someone who you may feel would be blessed as they are reminded of Jesus’ love for them.
Happy New Year         


The Messiah’s Secret – The Birth of Jesus


The  Messiah’ Secret –  The Birth of Jesus
    Reading. Luke 2:8-20 
Micah prophesied that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.          Micah 5: 2.              
Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem came about through the Romans putting in place a census for the purpose of future taxation. Herod the king implemented the decree of Caesar, he directed a general registration to all of the people, to go to their own city, and be enrolled according to their tribes or families. Joseph and Mary were betrothed and both were descended from the line of King David, so they travelled from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the census.
Bethlehem could not cope with the numbers of people arriving. When Joseph and Mary reached Bethlehem they struggled to find accommodation in the Inns. A stable was the only place found available to give shelter, rest and warmth and that night Jesus was born. 
The Shepherds
After the birth of Jesus shepherds who were watching their flocks in the nearby fields when suddenly an angel appear before them. The angel told the shepherds of the Messiah’s birth in Bethlehem This would be a sign to them, he was cradled in a manger. A great number of angels appeared and they were all praising God.                                                                                                              
Bethlehem was noted for the flocks of sheep kept near to the town. Lambs were reared for the sacrifices made at the temple. The shepherds who looked after these flocks were not like the shepherds looking after the sheep on the surrounding hills, they had the reputation for not being  reliable.
The shepherds who looked after the temple sheep were observant of the law, they were religious men. The temple flocks were watched all the year round, great care was taken over them as they were inspected for their perfection. Only the best of the flock were acceptable for the sacrifices.                                       
 It was significant that the shepherds looked after the lambs. The angels sang echoing the trumpet blast and the singing took place when the sacrifice was laid upon the altar , ‘Glory to God in the highest.’  “The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah” by Alfred Edersheim.
John the Baptist called Jesus the Lamb of God. Jesus was sacrificed for the sins of the whole world. He was not born to condemn the world but to save the world.
The Sign
After the angels left their presence, the shepherds decided to find the new born babe in Bethlehem.  It was possible that other babies had been born in Bethlehem that night, but it was unlikely that any would be lying in a manger for his bed. This sign was fulfilled when the shepherds found Joseph and Mary and the baby in the manger.
There was great rejoicing by the angels and the shepherds over God’s good will towards the people of the world. Peace on earth has yet to be fulfilled, but the peace in our hearts that Jesus gives to those who believe in him. 

The Messiah’s Secret – Joy to the World

The Messiah’s Secret – Joy to the World

Advent Season is a time of preparation for Christmas.

One of the practical things we prepare before Christmas is the Christmas cake. My aunt started making her Christmas cake in November. The cake ingredients were carefully weighed and mixed together in a large bowl and finally  it was placed in the oven to cook. Days later the brandy was added through a series of holes pierced into the cake, it was left in a large tin to mature. Following that the marzipan was rolled out and put onto the cake. The icing was put on in several layers and in due course the decorations were placed on the top and a decorative band around the cake.

History of the Christmas Cake
Originally people used to eat a sort of porridge on Christmas Eve. Gradually, they began to add spices, dried fruit, honey etc in the porridge to make it a special dish for Christmas.                                                               
Later it was turned into a Christmas pudding and in the 16th century, flour replaced oatmeal and eggs were added. This became known as the Twelfth Night Cake, it was part of the celebration of Epiphany. The spices represented the gifts of the Wise Men from the East.
However, the Victorians changed it from being the Twelfth Night Cake to the Christmas Cake. The cake being made for the celebrations on Christmas Day.                                                                         
On the left is a cardboard Christmas Cake representing the body of Christ. The cake consists of 6 pieces.  Three pieces celebrate the summer events that took place in England. The other three celebrate Christmas with pictures relating to St. Mary’s and  the church in the community and the world wide church. On every piece of the cake I put lots of stars representing Christians along with pictures referring to the topic.
The Queens Jubilee. In June we shared with our Queen in her 60th Celebration of her reign. The Queen being the head of the Church of England every Borough in the land held a Civic Service at a Church. St. Mary’s held it for the Borough of Rossendale. ( St. Mary’s website: news)
The Olympic Torch passed through Rawtenstall. Thousands of people turned out standing and waiting on St Mary’s Way to catch a glimpse of the Torch. It reminded us of John the Baptist heralding the news that Jesus is the light of the world. Our congregation received on that Sunday small torches with the words, “Jesus is the Light and the Way.”
The Olympic & Paralympics Games. Sportsmen and women coming from all over the world to London to compete in the games and were united in their love of their sport.
The World Wide Church. Jesus’ birth being celebrated touches the lives of all nations and people. We also remember the suffering of many Christians as we draw closer to Jesus’ return.
St Mary’s Church celebrates 175 years of being a visible witness and presence in the town. The stars represent God’s people.
God’s promise to Abraham, “Look towards heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them . . . so shall your descendants be.” Through Abraham all the families of the earth would be blessed. Genesis 15: 5,6. 12:3.
Church and Community. In our Valley the churches come together to celebrate Christmas remembering Jesus Christ’s birth: carol singing on the railway, streets and supermarkets along with charity concerts and ‘In Yer Face’ Youth Drama Group.
The Star on the top of the cake Simply says to us, we follow Jesus.

Readings from Zephaniah 3: 14 – 20.   Luke 3: 7-18
Zephaniah prophesied two future events. The coming invasion and the restoration of Israel. These were fulfilled when Nebuchadnezzar invaded Judea and the restoration of the exiles from Babylon through the Persian King Cyrus. The temple was rebuilt by Zerubbabel and Joshua between 520 – 515 BC
Great celebrations followed each event.  Alfred Edersheim in his book  ‘The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah’ page 40 After the return from exile new hymns were written to celebrate and commemorate their return from exile in Babylon.

The expectation of the fulfilment of Daniel’s prophecy was apparent when we read in our reading in Luke 3:15. “As the people were in expectation, and all men questioned in their hearts concerning John, whether perhaps he were the Christ.”
Daniel’s prophecy, 70 weeks of years from the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem to the coming of the Messiah. Daniel 9: 25,26.
The Jewish people were expecting the Messiah to restore the eternal land from the Roman occupation and the Messiah’s inheritance of the eternal throne of King David.
Peter referred to this as, “The times of refreshing.” Acts 3:19.  Another term of reference is the ‘Jubilee’.                                                                                               
Under the Law the Jewish Jubilee took place every 50 years, it commenced on the Day of Atonement. The fields were left fallow and the people were to eat from last year’s harvest. Hired servants who had been working off their debt, their debt was cancelled.
 Inheritances were restored, the land returned to the original owners, and slaves set free. Leviticus 25: 39.
Under Law God’s justice and generosity was a shadow of what was to come with the Messiah’s Jubilee. 

The Messiah’s Jubilee
The Messiah’s Jubilee was referred to as the “Year of Liberty” or “The Year of Redemption” or “The year of the Lord’s favour.”
When Jesus at the beginning of his ministry went into the synagogue at Nazareth he read from the book of Isaiah, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4: 18. 19. Isaiah 61: 1, 2.
Jesus during his ministry was setting people free from all kinds of bondage and bringing them into the glorious liberty of Jubilee.  Jesus parables: the lost sheep the lost coin and the prodigal son, were about restoration and celebration. “Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost.” And in the parable of the lost coin, ““Rejoice with me, for I have found my coin which was lost.”  The parable of the (prodigal) lost son, “Bring the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet and bring the fatted calf and kill it. Let us be merry, for this my son was dead, and is alive again, he was lost and is found and they began to make merry.” Luke 15: 3-32.
The  good news of the Messiah’s Jubilee had significant meaning to the Jewish people.

John the Baptist.
Picture the scene, the news has reached Jerusalem that John the Baptist, the priest’s son, was preaching a baptism of repentance in preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Crowds of people descended from Jerusalem flocking to hear his message and many were baptised in the river Jordan.
In amongst the crowds there were two groups of people analyzing the words of John.                                                 

1)The poor people whose hearts were open to look for a better life in God’s kingdom. Only to find that they were not recognised by the Pharisees.

2) The Pharisees and the scribes who refused to be baptised by John. Luke 7: 30.

St. Mary’s Players Sketch.
In the sketch there was a battle between the two groups of party goers: those who had been invited to Eileen’s party and those who had been invited to Jay’s. The choice between the two came down to the attitude of the host of the party. Jay’s attitude was regarded by most as being a bit aggressive, he thought that everyone should obviously prefer his party. Whereas, Eileen’s approach was a more humble, she hoped that they could make it to her party. The outcome was that everyone went to Eileen’s party.

Jesus would I feel have  identified himself Eileen’s humility and her party goers. He certainly identified with group 1 those who had been baptised by John the Baptist.
Jesus comforted his disciples and followers with these words: “Blessed are the poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” “Blessed are you that hunger now, for you shall be satisfied.” “Blessed are you that weep now, for you shall laugh.” “Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, on account of the Son of man!” Luke 6: 20-22.                                                                      
Jay’s attitude in the sketch reminded me of the larger than life character of John the Baptist, he was strong and defiant, and he spoke out against King Herod. He was popular with the ordinary folk, but the leaders were reluctant to be part of John’s baptism.

Jesus spoke highly of John, saying that he was Elijah, operating in the Spirit and power of Elijah.

The Messiah’s Secret page 44.
“Jesus spoke of John the Baptist being a great man and a prophet and how the people like Zachaeus the tax collector and the outcasts they might be least in the kingdom, were greater than John the Baptist. Through these words Jesus lovingly sought to reassure the poor and the outcasts of their place in the kingdom, because as followers they would not be accepted in the synagogue. The Pharisees did not accept Jesus’ teaching of the Baptism of repentance performed by John the Baptist and Jesus’ disciples.” Luke 7: 30.John 9:22.

Messiah’s Jubilee
Celebrating as we do every Christmas Jesus’ coming into the world, It is also a celebration of Jesus coming into our hearts as our Lord and Saviour.
We celebrate with those across the world who share our faith in Jesus, they like us, who have entered into the Messiah’s Jubilee. Having been released, set free from all that used to enslave us. Our debt of sin has been paid for us on the cross by Jesus, and we have entered into the freedom of God’s forgiveness.
We are Joint heirs with Christ, just as Jesus did a complete work of salvation and entered into the rest of God.  We have entered into God’s rest.
The rest of God has nothing to do with the physical body.  It is resting in God’s favour, the Father loves the child, nothing can separate us from the love our Father God’s steadfast love and in his love he continually forgives us. The Holy Spirit empowers the Christian to be Christ-like.
God’s love created and sustains life, so we are created anew and sustained in the love of God.  We have been blessed with every spiritual blessings in heavenly places. How do we access these blessings? The answer; it is by prayer we access these blessings.                                    

 A prayer for peace in our world (Church of England website)
Make your ways known upon earth, Lord God,
your saving power among all peoples.
Renew your Church in holiness
and help us to serve you with joy.
Guide the leaders of all nations,
that justice may prevail throughout the world.
Let not the needy be forgotten,
nor the hope of the poor be taken away.
Make us instruments of your peace
and let your glory be over all the earth. Amen                                                                             



The Messiah’s Secret – Water and Spirit John 3: 1-17

The Messiah’s Secret – Water and Spirit John 3: 1-17
 The Holy Spirit’s creative power in creation working with the Word of God.
The Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters. Genesis 1:2 Water covered the earth, until the third day when the dry land appeared. The dry land was called earth and the waters were called sea. The earth produced vegetation according to their own kind and produced fruit and in the fruit the seeds. Genesis 1: 9-13.

”When you send forth your Spirit they are created.” Psalm 104:30.

The Holy Spirit bringing forth an abundance of life.
We have the example of water bringing the deserts into bloom. The parched land waiting for the rain to fill the dry river beds and as the rain falls it germinates the seeds on its banks. The water working with the soil and the warmth from the sun bringing forth the vegetation that is needed to sustain life.

Isaiah 32: 15 “Until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field.” 
Jesus spoke of the rivers of water pouring out from the Holy Spirit watering the garden of our inner being. Water satisfies both body and soul. The soul thirsts because of our longing for God.

The Feast of the First Fruits.
The Israelites looked forward to God’s promise of a land filled with milk and honey.  The Jewish farmer looked for the appearance of the fruit on the crops and on the trees; he selected the best of the unripened fruit for the first fruit offering. He then tied a rush around the stems, setting them apart before the harvest.                                        
After Passover the presentation of the ’Omer’ the first fruit of the barley harvest took place on the 16th Nisan. Counting from 
that date on the fiftieth day was the feast of Weeks or Pentecost.
On this day two loaves made from the first fruits of the wheat harvest they were presented at the temple.                                                                                                   
On route to Jerusalem the Psalms of Ascent was sung as the families brought their presentation of the first fruits of their land to the temple.

“Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways. You shall eat the fruit of the labour of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you.     ”Psalm 126: 1,2.                                                                                                              
 Extracts taken from Alfred Edersheim’s book “The Temple.”                
Jesus the first fruit of the resurrection.
“But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.” 1 Corinthians 15: 20.
God breathed into Adam, the breath of life. Adam was created in the image of God, so he had the potential to live forever, he should not have died. But as we read in the Bible death came to Adam as a result of sin, he then fell under the influence of the serpent.
The serpent is identified as Satan. “And he seized the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan.” Revelation 20: 2.

The first man Adam succumbed to the serpent’s deceit leading to sin and death. Blame for his fall is generally taught that it was Eve having tasted the forbidden fruit first, offered it to Adam. But that is no excuse for Adam’s fall from grace. Genesis 3: 8-19 The curses placed by God on both Adam and Eve were blotted out by Jesus’ death and resurrection, through repentance and faith in Jesus.  Acts 3: 19.

Second man Jesus his victory over sin and death won eternal life.                                                                                                 
Jesus spoke of his victory over the serpent to Nicodemus.
Maybe Nicodemus made the connection when Jesus referred to an incident on the Exodus journey. “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.” John 3: 14, 15.

Some of the Israelites had been bitten by deadly snakes that had come into the camp. We read that this had happened because of their sin against God. Moses was told by God to make an image of a serpent in bronze and put it onto a pole. Those who had been bitten were told to look up at the serpent and they would live. Numbers 21: 4-9. 
On the first occasion that I preached on this word, a man sitting on the front row facing me. I saw the word drop from his head into his heart, from his mind into his spirit.
A picture of salvation: turning from sin in repentance to be born again.(See Blog Saved by the Blood)

The Two Loaves.
Two nations in the Bible Jew and Gentile. Under grace the two become one through the cross. 

Under grace men and woman are equal in Christ. 
Male and female under law of the flesh, the man is head over the woman in the family. A man is physically stronger and dominant and the woman bears the children.
Under grace, however, there is no marriage in the kingdom of God between men and women and the woman does not give birth to children. We all are the children of God.                                              
Should women become Bishops?
When I heard the debates in the 1980’s about women becoming Ministers in the church, I had my reservations. But these were soon overturned when I experienced a woman ministering in church, I discerned that there was no difference between men and women in leading worship and administering the sacraments.                                                                                                   
One experience is worth a thousand arguments.
 In my personal experience about eleven years ago, I was in the process of publishing my book, ‘The Messiah’s Secret’ when a Christian man claimed (under the doctrine of man, women are not teachers of the word), but he believed that he taught through me a woman, the words I was speaking were coming from his mind to me.(channelling which is not of the Holy Spirit) He attributed my book to himself, when I pointed out that I did not know him in 1996, he replied, ‘Who was your minister then?’ my response, ‘We were in an Interregnum,’ we had no minister at the time.
I have forgiven this man for what was said, I know that many women have been hurt in responding to the Lord’s call on their lives. (see blog Removing the Veil)   

Male and female are liberated into the freedom of God’s forgiveness through simple faith in these words below;  
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3: 16 “    

“But to all who receive him, he gave the power to become the children of God: who were born, not of blood nor the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” John 1: 12, 13.                                                                                                                                         
“I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh.” Joel  2: 28.
The Gospel swims against the tide of human fallen nature. Men and woman are equal in Christ, and yes, I humbly believe that there should be women Bishops in the church.

(Added to blog)The Church of England’s First Woman Bishop                               
 On Monday 26th January 2015 Rev Libby Lane was consecrated Bishop of Stockport, the service was held at York Minster. “When the Spirit of truth comes he will lead you into all truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare it to you the things that are to come.” John 16: 13
The Wind of the Spirit.
On the Evening of the Day of Jesus’ resurrection Jesus appeared in the house at Jerusalem where he breathed on the disciples the Holy Spirit.  John the Baptist spoke of the Messiah baptizing with the Holy Spirit and fire. The disciples were the first to receive the Holy Spirit directly from Jesus and they were commissioned to bear the first fruit of his ministry.
“Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth that we should be a kind of first fruit of his creatures.” James 1: 18.
“We who first hoped in Christ have been destined and appointed to live for the praise of his glory.” Ephesians 1: 12.

On the Feast of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came in power, like the sound of a rushing mighty wind. The disciples and followers were gathered in the house at Jerusalem, the wind ignited the hearts of the disciples, and they saw tongues of fire on each others’ heads.
That day the fruit of the apostle’s harvest yielded approximately 3,000 people who accepted Jesus as their Messiah.  The wind in them had carried the seeds of the good news of the kingdom onto the streets of Jerusalem where they settled and took root in the hearts of Jews and proselytes.                                                                             

The Holy Spirit gently moves us to respond to the Lord’s calling on our life. Like the wind bends the trees, so we yield our will to follow Jesus Christ. Out of our hearts the Holy Spirit flows out like a river. John 7: 38.
Jesus the living word and the Holy Spirit working together with the love of God. To walk with Jesus in fellowship with the Trinity. God our Father working his purposes out in our lives through our wanting to please the Lord. Trusting that his will, will be done and we can leave it there and let go of doing things in our own strength.                                                                                                                                                                                                   
 Answered prayer: On 14th July 2014 it was passed by the Church of England  for women to become Bishops.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

The Messiah’s Secret – The True Messiah

The Messiah’s Secret – The True Messiah
             Daniel 12: 1-4 Mark 13: 1-8
Robots were invented 35 years ago this robot on the left is called Rodney Copperbottom.
In our Gospel reading Jesus spoke of birth pains but not in the usual way were mum will soon give birth to a baby.
In this ‘Robots’ DVD clip birth pains are in a slightly different way.
Robot Rodney Copperbottom was born in Rivet Town, his father was late for his delivery. A box of robot parts. The only pain involved was in putting the parts together. 
Rodney grew up to become an inspiring inventor. He travelled to Robot City to meet the celebrated Bigweld. Along the way he met other robots, a whole gang of new friends. Rodney found out that the evil Ratchet guided by his mother had taken over Bigweld’s inventions company and was denying the robots the spare parts that they needed. Rodney was a bit like Jesus, he could make the robots better by mending their broken parts and he saved them from the evil robot Ratchet.
 Bigweld takes back his company from Ratchet and the Robots get their spare parts.
 Here in Rodney’s box is Springer pup he is feeling much better now that he has been mended.                                                                              
Can you tell me some of the ways in which robots are used?                                                                                         
We have developed the use of robots in factories doing all kinds of jobs like painting, welding, installing various parts in the production of cars and computers, and even moving boxes around in warehouses. They are used were jobs are dangerous, so to prevent risk of injury to a person a robot is used.
Robots can’t think for themselves and they are not aware of God or the Bible that foretell the future.                                                                                                                                        
Prophesies Fulfilled. Mark records the conversation between Jesus and the disciples as they came out of the temple in Jerusalem. His disciples were admiring the beautiful stonework of the temple. Jesus probably stunned them when he prophesied that the temple would be destroyed. This prophecy was fulfilled nearly forty years later when the Romans invaded and destroyed the temple in 70 AD.
Jesus spoke of birth pains or labour pains, that lead up to the birth of a baby. The birth pains that Jesus alluded to is a period of a time of trouble on the earth. Many theologians who study the Bible say that this birth pain period started one hundred years ago and continues today.                       
What should we look out for? Jesus said that, “Many will come in my name and say, ’I am the Christ.’ There have been many false Messiah’s over the centuries. The most recent Porto Rican preacher Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda, he has an international ministry with a large following. To spread his bizarre doctrine he owns a TV station and has over 300 faithful pastors and he does not hide his intentions, he was reported as saying in a Miami newspaper,
 “My purpose is to close down every church so that the true church can begin.”                                       
Regarding wars and natural disasters. Many Christians believe that the labour pains began with the first and second world wars followed by increased unrest across the world.
Today, as I write this blog, we are sadly seeing and hearing about the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, It is only three years since the last conflict between them.
What came to mind on Sunday morning was the parable of ‘The Good Samaritan” the man who was injured by robbers on the Jericho road, this could be any person suffering from injustice, whether it is a Palestinian, Arab, Jew or Sudanese.
 In the parable the religious men who crossed over to the other side of the road to avoid contact with the injured man, are like many of us, who do nothing to help people who are suffering injustice.
I believe that Jesus portrayed himself as the Samaritan in the parable, he helped the injured man, knowing that the Samaritans were enemies to the Jews.
Jesus taught that we should love our enemies, do good to those who persecute us.  In the parable, the Samaritan said he would return to the Inn and settle the injured man’s account.
I see this, as the return of Jesus, settling with justice, first with the Jewish people, and the church of the tribulation. Following on with the battle against the antichrist and his allies. Luke 10:29-37.
 The Sketch. In our sketch the question of the sequence of events that lead up to Christ’s return were headlines in newspapers, which caused worry and misunderstanding. But one person in the family had wisdom to see that through it all, he believed the words of Jesus telling us not to be alarmed about what was going to happen, but to keep our eyes firmly fixed on him,
Some people would ask why would God put in place prophesy that allows suffering and wars.  At Pentecost the Apostles proclaimed Jesus for the first time as the Jewish Messiah, that was the time for the nation’s leaders to accept Jesus as the Christ, but they missed it. Their leaders of the council were Sadducee who did not believe in the resurrection and the Pharisees who must have despaired at the thought of the Messiah being defiled by the Romans and put to death by them on a cross. God in his justice knew that they had acted in ignorance, it was so that the prophesies concerning the death and resurrection of the Messiah were fulfilled.”For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3: 16.
Jesus in his compassion for us all, hoped to return with the angels within the life time of the Apostles. ” When he (Jesus) comes in the glory of his Father with his the holy angels. Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.” Mark 8:38. 9:1.  John 21: 23.
Peter preaching shortly after Pentecost to the Jews, ”Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus.” Acts 3: 19,20.(’Times of refreshing’  meaning the re-establishing of the land and throne of King David by the Messiah.) God knew in his foreknowledge that the nation of Israel would not recognize Jesus as their Christ at and after Pentecost. They are a stubborn people, the prophesies concerning the end times will bring Israel to the point of extinction, a remnant left, before they look upon the one they had pierced. A difficult birth. Zechariah 12:10. 
Other Birth Pains. We are experiencing the effects of climate change; the increasing intensity of earthquakes and volcanic activity,famine and floods. The changes to our weather patterns are causing disruption to harvests across the world.
 Daniel 12: 4 this verse points to the birth pain period, “Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”  Robots are part of the fulfilling of that prophecy the swift advance of science and technology the speed of communications across the planet.
On the 14th November 2012 it marked the 90th year since the birth of the radio. For many evangelists this was the opening up of the gospel reaching every part of the world, fulfilling Jesus’ words, “And the gospel must first be preached to all nations.” Mark 13: 10.

The birth pains lead to the birth of a baby, The’ baby’ Jesus was referring to the ushering in of the kingdom of God where Jesus will rule over all the earth.(Pre-Millennium Blog Saved by the Blood)
Christians have access into the heavenly kingdom of God now through faith in Jesus  From the time of Jesus’ ministry he put in place his ‘Baptism.’ Water Baptism whether it is by sprinkling or immersing in water, it includes the whole family. Acts 16: 33. It is in making an outward expression, a public declaration, of accepting Jesus as our Saviour for ourselves and our children.
There is a true story in the Bible approx 1500 years before the birth of Jesus. It was a prophecy of Jesus’ baptism.
600,000 Israelites after crossing the Red Sea began their journey towards the promised land of Canaan. After travelling through the wilderness of Shur for three days they had run out of water. When they came to Marah, they found to their dismay, that the water there was bitter and undrinkable. Due to this they murmured against Moses. He cried out to God for his help. God told Moses to throw a tree, that lay nearby into the water and the water became sweet and drinkable.  Exodus 15: 22 – 25.

The bitter water represents sin.
The tree that Moses through into the water, represents the cross where sin was dealt with by Jesus.
The sweet water represents sins forgiven.

It is like washing up, to wash the pots in just plain water the stubborn dirt will remain. However if I put into the water a cleansing agent, it takes off the dirt and leaves it clean.
The water and the cleaner working together is like water and the blood of Jesus’ cross working together cleansing our hearts, removing our sin and its causes. 
Further to that Jesus puts a fizz, a sparkle into the water and that is the Holy Spirit. He stays and lives within our hearts and helps us to know and follow Jesus by revealing him in the words of the Bible or through other people.
This is known as being crucified with Christ and being baptised into his death and raised up in the likeness of Jesus’ resurrection.

If only, I had a robot, so that after the dish washer has washed the pots and pans, it could put everything away into the cupboards.

What Jesus has done for us is a finished work of salvation.
Jesus told his followers that he was going to leave them to be with his Father in heaven, but he would return. As the birth pains increase every Christian is praying for people to realise that the Bible gives us insight into these events that are taking place in the world and that Jesus is the fulfilment of Biblical prophesies. He is the Saviour of the world.  

25th November 2012 We give thanks for the cease fire that is holding between Israel and Gaza.


The Messiah’s Secret – Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

The Messiah’s Secret – Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

Daniel 2: 1-11, 25-48.   Matthew 5: 1-12.   Revelation 7: 9-end

Approximately 600 BC the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem. Jehoiakim the King of Judah, was captured and taken to Babylon.

Daniel may have watched the rifling of the temple at Jerusalem and afterwards taken captive to Shinar in Babylonia to serve in Kings Palace. God gave Daniel and his three friends: Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah of the tribe of Judah, the understanding in all visions and dreams.                          
Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that troubled him. He sent for his magicians, enchanters, the sorcerers and the Chaldeans to tell him his dream and interpretation. They could not deliver the king an answer. The king was not pleased and ordered their execution. Arioch the captain of the king’s guard made the matter known to Daniel about the king’s dream. Daniel asked for an audience with the king to tell him the content and interpretation of his dream.
Daniel consulted with his three friends: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. (These were the names given to them by Ashpenaz the chief eunuch to the king.) He asked his friends to pray for the revealing of the King’s dream and its interpretation. The mystery of the dream was revealed to Daniel in the night. Daniel also known as Belteshazzar went before Nebuchadnezzar and told him his dream and gave him the interpretation of it.
                        First Kingdom Babylonian Empire
                      Head of Gold – King Nebuchadnezzar
Second Kingdom  Persian Empire
     The breast and arms composed of silver.

Third Kingdom Greek Hellenistic Empire
     The belly and thighs of bronze

Fourth Kingdom Roman Empire
     Legs of Iron
Feet – ten toes of Iron and Clay mixed
The stone cut from the mountain, falls and breaks the image
 and the wind blows the pieces away.
The stone fills the whole.

Imperial Roman Empire includes the return of Jesus and the tribulation period.
The title given to the Emperor in Rome – Caesar
In 364 AD Emperor Valentine divided the Roman Empire
East Constantinople and West Rome

The Two Legs
Rome fell 476 AD and the Holy Roman Empire moved its centre to France and later to Germany. The Imperial Kings title – Kaiser or Caesar.
In 1453 AD the Turks invaded Constantinople, the Romans fled to Russia and they set up Roman Imperial Government the Kings were called Zars or Caesar.

Nebuchadnezzar’s statue the ten toes.
The toes are constructed of both iron and clay which indicates weakness and strength.
Daniel’s vision gives us details of the meaning of the ten toes, they are ten kings. Daniel’s Vision Chapter 7:  1-28                                                                                                                                                        


The great sea –  Mediterainium

Winged lion – Babylonian Empire.

Bear-like – Medo-Persian Empire

Leopard-like – Greek-Hellenistic Empire

Fourth beast – Imperialistic Empire

Daniel 7: 1-28 Four of the kings become prominant: Babylonian, Persian, Grecian and Roman. From one of them the Antichrist emerges and subdues the other 3 kings

Signs of the Times
In 2008 I was given a word ‘One World Government’ I knew it was connected with future prophesies. The world is often referred to as ‘the global village.’ Since the introduction of the computer communications across the globe have made the world seem a much smaller place. In the 1970’s six major leaders of countries: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, US and the UK came together to try to resolve the oil crisis, they were known as the G 6. Two more countries have since joined them Canada and Russia making up the G 8.                                                                                                                                           
These leaders have continued to meet over a period of nearly forty years to discuss other problems: climate change, wars, famine and the financial crisis.
This could quite easily become the G10. One of the ten kings in Daniel’s vision emerges with charisma and seemingly has the answers to the world problems. He becomes dominant and will be
idolised by many.

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream the statue was of himself.
Nebuchadnezzar passed a decree that everyone in his realm had to worship the statue.  For Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego it meant swimming against the tide of the king’s authority in keeping to their faith, they refused to worship the statue. As a result Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into a furnace to be roasted alive. But they were miraculously saved from destruction and eventually Nebuchadnezzar had to admit the great power of their God. Daniel 3: 1-30.
Daniel found himself in a similar situation during the reign of King Darius.  He was thrown into a den of lions of because he insisted on worshiping his own God. But again, he was unexpectedly delivered and Darius was forced to accept the supremacy of the God of Israel. Daniel 6: 1-28.

Antiochus set up an image of Zeus in the temple at Jerusalem. The Maccabean revolt followed and Antiochus was defeated.

Jesus’ prophecy concerning the Antichrist.
This statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream also points us to the Antichrist, the counterfeit Messiah, standing in the temple at Jerusalem being worshiped as god.
“When you see the desolating sacrilege spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place.” Matthew 24: 15. 2 Thessalonians 2: 3, 4.

When we hear of these things, pray, look for Jesus’ return and pray for people to come to faith in Christ as we want them to escape the time of the tribulation.

 Scriptures reveal that Jesus calls out the church before the start of the tribulation.
 “Two men will be in the field; one is taken the other is left.” Matthew 24: 40         
 “For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we wake or sleep we might live with him. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up.” 1 Thessalonians 5: 9 – 11.

After the antichrist is revealed we see the start of the seven year tribulation with Jesus opening the seals, each seal is a judgment. Revelation 6

We can identify the Beatitudes in Matthew’s gospel with the tribulation Christians.
Blessed are the poor in spirit.These are the Christians who continue to witness with perseverance, after their message has been rejected. This takes place during the three and a half years when people are turning to the antichrist.
The first seal is the rider on the white horse carrying a bow without an arrow. The rider is wearing a crown and he will go out to conquer and to conquer.
This person is generally thought to be the antichrist, the counterfeit Messiah, who on his first appearance is a man of peace, who will conquer the world with his answers to the worlds’ problems. The world is deceived by him. 2 Thessalonians 2: 9-12

Blessed are those who mourn Those who see the antichrist turn against Israel and the tribulation period begins.
The second seal is the red horse, its rider being permitted to take away the peace. The antichrist turns against Israel and makes war against her and her allies

Blessed are the meek. The humble, obedient Christians who will suffer for the lack of food, maybe it will be because of refusing to have the mark on their right hand or forehead.  Revelation 13: 16, 17.
The third seal is the black horse and its rider depicts the consequences of war; there will be famine on a world-wide scale, because of the scarcity of wheat and barley. But medicines will be available as the oil and the wine are not hurt.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after the righteousness of God.
The fourth seal – the pale horse and its rider. The pale horse signifies death on a massive scale, one quarter of the world’s population through war, famine and the wild animals savaging, searching for food.                                                                                                                 
I understand through study that the horsemen of the apocalypse are imagery. Horses represent speed of which things will happen. The rider, the messenger is revealing the nature of the judgement.

Blessed are the merciful. Christians who always forgive their enemies no matter what the situation is. The judgement belongs to God.
The fifth seal Christians that will be killed in wars of persecution for their faith in Jesus.

Blessed are the pure in heart. The Christians refined by their suffering, as they have died to self.
The sixth seal. Earthquakes and cosmic events, meteor showers, the sun and moon blocked by the dust. People hide in caves to escape the falling debris.

Blessed are the peacemakers The prayers of the peacemaker.

Between the sixth and seventh seal the 144,000 Jews witness for Christ bringing world-wide revival. Revelation 7: 2, 3.
(The Jehovah Witnesses claim to be the 144,000 Jewish descendants of the tribes of Israel. They also claim that Jesus has already returned with his angels, invisibly in 1914. This I believe is not correct)

Blessed are the persecuted.   The Christians who swim against the tide of world evil and as a result are persecuted.

The seventh seal – There will be silence in heaven for half an hour before the great intensity of the tribulation.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
The stone cut from the mountain falls on the image and destroys it. Jesus the stone, returns to Mount of Olives where he is recognised by the few remaining Jewish people.
Jesus comes with the armies of heaven and the saints and battles against the Antichrist and is victorious. The fragments of the stone will fill the whole earth which is Jesus’ kingdom.

In the third reading Revelation 7:9-end the tribulation saints will find that there will be no more hunger or thirst and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.                                                           



The Messiah’s Secret – Entering into God’s Rest

The Messiah’s Secret – Entering into God’s rest.
Joshua 14: 6-14.  Matthew 12: 1-21.
Through the conquest of Canaan the Israelites expected to enter into God’s rest.

The Israelite Conquest of Canaan took place over three thousand years ago.                                                                  
On the first occasion when Joshua and Caleb returned from spying out the land of Canaan, they suggested that all Israel should go up at once and occupy the land. However, the men who had accompanied Caleb spoke out against it saying that the occupants of the land were too strong. The sons of Anak were giants also known as Nephilim.
As a result the people were afraid of entering into the land. On account of their disobedience Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land of Canaan. Numbers 13: 30, 31. 20: 12.
After the death of Moses, God instructed Joshua to go and possess the land that he had promised them. Joshua reminded the people that Moses had said that God was providing them with a place of rest, and he would give them this land. Joshua 1: 13.
After forty years of wandering in the wilderness, Moses’ prophesies were fulfilled for Joshua and Caleb, who were the only two from the original 600,000 Israelites to enter the Promised Land. Numbers 14: 34.
Caleb had wholly followed the Lord his God. He knew in his heart, that the Lord would fulfil Moses’ promise to him, that the land he had spied out and his feet had trod would be his and his descendants inheritance, the city and lands of Hebron. Caleb drove out the three sons of Anak from Kiriath-arba  or Hebron and the inhabitants of Debir and took the land. Joshua 15: 13-19.

The Day of God’s rest.
When Israel entered the land and settled there, that was not the rest that God was referring to. The land of Canaan has been continually fought over right up to our present times. The writer of the letter to the Hebrews wrote, “For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not speak later of another day. So there remains a rest for the people of God; for whoever enters God’s rest also ceases from his labours as God did from his.” Hebrews 4: 8-10.

The Lord’s rest is not found under law.
The Pharisees watched Jesus’ disciples pick and eat the corn on the Sabbath Day which was forbidden; they brought it to Jesus’ attention. In response Jesus paralleled himself and his disciples to David and his men: The disciples were unlawfully eating the corn on the Sabbath day from which the bread was made.
In reference to David, Ahimelech the priest responded unlawfully to David’s request gave him the bread of presence which was only for the priest to eat. The twelve cakes of bread were kept always before the Lord on the table of the Shrew bread in the Holy Place.  1 Samuel 21: 6.

Other parallels.
King Saul pursued David he wanted to kill him because he felt threatened by David’s popularity. Jesus was pursued by the Pharisees in verse fourteen the Pharisees were out to destroy Jesus.

Mercy not Sacrifice
Both Jesus and David brushed aside the rules of the sacred things and were guiltless through the Lord’s mercy.
Jesus went on to say that he desired ‘Mercy not sacrifice’ the understanding of these words is found in Hosea.  “Steadfast love and not sacrifice and the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.” Hosea 6: 6.   1 Samuel 15: 22.
Jesus came into the world not to condemn the world but to save the world.  In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus referred to himself as the physician bringing reconciliation to the outcast, the broken hearted, desiring mercy not sacrifice. Matthew 9: 10-13.
They would not have condemned the guiltless had they know the God’s redemption of mankind through David his descendant Jesus. David was a man of the Lord’s heart. 1 Samuel 13: 14. 

Someone greater than the temple was in their midst. The one who instituted the temple. Jesus the bread coming from heaven, the bread of life.

The Messiah’s Secret.
Jesus the grain of wheat that had to die before he could redeem the people of the earth and all creation. “Unless a grain of wheat fall into the earth and dies it remains alone, but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” John 12: 24.

Rooted in Judaism.
It is important that every Christian knows the origin of their faith in Jesus Christ.
Jesus fulfilled the prophesies in the Hebrew Scriptures concerning the coming of the Messiah or Christ, both names mean the same, ‘the anointed one.’
Moses inspired by the Holy Spirit wrote about mankind’s separation from God through the account of Adam and Eve, their disobedience led to the corruption of the human nature.
The Laws given by God to Moses reveals to all people, God’s nature and how the soul/spirit of mankind strived to conform to them, but failed. The law put in place a means (A blood sacrifice) to atone (cover) mankind’s failure to keep the law.

Jesus taught his disciples the process of coming out from under law. (blog Law and Grace) I realised this, when Mary of Bethany was nourished with spiritual food coming directly from the living Word himself, Jesus. He had removed the veil of the law of Moses from Mary. As she sat listening looking into the face of Jesus nothing separated her from the love of Jesus.
Jesus was looking to beyond the cross when he said to Mary “which shall not be taken away from her.” The cross is the end of the law of Moses. (blog ‘Removing the Veil)

Gentiles need to understand the process of coming out from under law, as we are derived from God’s revelation of himself through Judaism.
Under law for a Gentile means that we try to keep the Ten Commandments as a set of rules. We also try to train our soul/spirit to subdue its longing for contentment: methods of meditation, striving to make it work, but the effects do not last long.

What the law could not do was to transform our corrupted nature of our soul. Our soul’s pride, self survival with all that pertains to it.                                                                                          

Our soul/spirit is discontent until it is transformed by Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, his redeeming work in our soul that brings contentment, peace and rest.  

Hosea prophesied the church.
“And I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love, and in mercy. I will betroth you to me in faithfulness and you shall know the Lord.” Hosea 2: 19, 20.
Prophetic of the New Covenant the relationship between the Lord our God and his bride the church. Jesus paid the dowry for the bride. Jesus loves us, both Jew and Gentiles so much he became the final sacrifice for sin and the causes of sin against God when he died on the cross at Calvary.
The righteous love of God paying the price for our sin that separated us from God. After his resurrection and ascension Jesus sent the Holy Spirit into the world. When we come to Jesus in repentance and faith, his love and forgiveness goes into action as the Holy Spirit transforms our soul/spirit. Afterwards the Holy Spirit gives us knowledge of God, revealing Jesus to us in scripture.                                           

In our union with the Lord Jesus we enter into the rest of God.

“All things have been delivered to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and any one to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. Come to me, all who labour and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11: 27-29.
The rest of God has nothing to do with the physical body.  It is resting in God’s favour, the Father loves the child, nothing can separate us from the love of our Father. God’s steadfast love and in his love he continually forgives us. The Holy Spirit empowers the Christian to be Christ-like.

A young man said to his father at breakfast one morning, “Dad I’m going to get married.” How do you know that you’re ready to get married asked the father, are you in love?” “I certainly am” said the son. “How do you know that you are in love?” asked the father. “Last night I was kissing my girl friend good night, her dog bit me and I didn’t feel it, until I got home.”

This reminded me of in the churches mission. The dog, Satan is snapping at our heels trying to separate us from our beloved Jesus in order to disturb our rest in him. But we know that we have entered into the rest of God, even if we do not always feel it. We have the Lord’s word.  


The Messiah’s Secret – Called by God

The Messiah’s Secret – Called by God.
Hebrews 5: 1-10. Mark 10: 35 – 45.
The children’s spot in the service: we had fun quiz on ‘Good Manners’ based on Jesus’ teaching of showing humility and respect for others.                                
James and John the sons of Zebedee the fisherman, they had firsthand experience of Jesus’ generosity and kindness. Regardless of a person’s background or position in society Jesus would attend to their need.
Jesus was so approachable; James and John were not overawed by him to go and ask directly a request, “Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.”                                                                                                        
Jesus in his reply, he said, “What do you want me to do for you.” His words indicate that he would have responded positively. In his goodness, he wanted to please his disciples. They asked for either one of them to sit on his right and left in his glory.  
Jesus always told the truth, James and John’s request could not be granted, as these positions were for those who God had appointed.

The writer of Hebrews reveals that Jesus had been appointed by God his Father to the position of Intercessor between mankind and God.

James and John were probably disappointed with Jesus’ answer. But when the rest of the disciples heard about their request they were not pleased.

We can understand when we read this account that our prayers are always answered as to what is best for us or for those for whom we have prayed.                                                                                                                                                                                                             
Jesus had been appointed by God to leave his heavenly home and come to the earth, to be born into this world as one of us.
Jesus came from a higher authority, King of all creation not to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.                                                                                  

Jesus’ teaching is relevant for us today.
Jesus had been invited on the Sabbath day to dine at the house of a ruler who belonged to the Pharisees, others had been invited too. 

Jesus had noticed on their arrival they chose to sit in the places of honour.
The most prominent men in Jewish society were the Sadducees, Pharisees, Lawyers and scribes, the members of the Sanhedrin, Rabbis, followed by the business people, the man with the dropsy probably the lowest person present.                                                                                            
The sketch was taken from the 60’S TV show ‘That was the week that was’ they made a joke out of the failed British Class system; the titled aristocracy, the middle class business man and the skilled trade’s man. The upper class looking down on the middle class and in turn he looked down on the lower class who ‘knew his place.’ However, the upper class was revealed as having ‘innate breeding’ but having no money. The middle class was still regarded as being common and the lower class man ‘knew his place.’ The pretense of the upper class of having breeding and no money was the leveling factor.
This class system has been replaced with the super rich, the rich and the less well off. The values of this system are reflected by some of our present politicians. The Tory Chief Whip recently has been brought to account over his comments to a Downing Street Policeman. The Chief Whip humbly gave an apology to all those involved. He has since resigned his office.                                                                                                               
The Lord calls us to be humble in respect of others.
This was reflected in Jesus’ parable to those dining at the Ruler’s house. “When you are invited by anyone to a marriage feast, do not sit down in a place of honour, just in case a more eminent man than you be invited by him; and he who invited you both will come and say to you, ‘Give your place to this man,’ and then you will begin with shame to take the lowest place. But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he may say to you, ‘Friend, go up higher’; then you will be honoured in the presence of all who sit at table with you. For every one who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 12: 1-11                                                                                                                               
The Lord calls us to be humble before others, and so that he can exalt us, he first calls us to die to self interest.
In our reading Jesus said to James and John “Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptised with the baptism which I am baptised?” They said to him, “We are able”. Jesus was referring to the cup of suffering and the baptism of dying for the sake of the gospel?”
Every Christian following Jesus will be asked by the Lord the same question. For all, it does mean dying to self interests and for some it may mean persecution and death.

Jesus taught by example.
 In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus was under great spiritual pressure to save himself from going to the cross. The writer of Hebrews refers to this, “”During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.” Hebrews 5: 7.
Luke records also Jesus’ words, “Father if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22: 42. 

By Jesus dying to the desire to preserve his own life, Jesus gave over his life to God.
In our relationship with God dying to our self interest; it is like when two people get married each loses their independence.  Marriage is made in making an agreement to be joined together, working together in respect of each other and when arguments surface, love gives in to love.  In the kingdom of God there is no marriage between believers and there are no children born between believers. We are the children of God . Luke 20: 27-36.                         
No favouritism with God.
Jesus emphasised his point of seeking the lowest place by indicating there is no favouritism with God, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. A servant works for others, a slave is owned by others. It is a tremendous privilege to be owned by God in his service.
 If you feel that God is calling you to serve him in some way, ask the Lord for confirmation.
I recently heard a well known clergyman’s testimony of how the Lord called him to becoming a Vicar. At the age of 7 or 8 he was asked what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said a ‘Vicar.’ From that time he seemed to be on a conveyor belt, run by other people’s expectations right through school and on to University, where he read theology. On one occasion a fellow student asked him why he did not go to worship. His response was that he did not go to worship, on the grounds that he would be doing it for the rest of his life.                               
He went to Theological College but he was not sure if it was in fact a waste of time, he had doubts about becoming a Vicar. After making these comments to a friend, he attended ‘Compline’ an evening service and it was during the singing of John Wesley’s hymn “O thou who cameth from above . .  Verse 3 Jesus confess my hearts’ desire,” from that moment God spoke through it.
He now knew, that he was doing the right thing in becoming a Vicar. Jesus had called him to this ministry. He went on to say, that he never thought he would ultimately become a Bishop.” 

Through love and obedience for his Lord, Jesus lifted him up from a lower place to a higher position in his service.  I would encourage anyone who is being called by God to respond. It brings an inner peace of fulfilment.
I will, to do your will, my Lord and my God.