The Messiah’s Secret – Blogs from 1 – 176

BLOGS – The Messiah’s  Secret.  
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177 The Messiah’s Secret – Today’s Unemployment in the UK
176. Jesus God’s Son
175. Existence of God.
174. Fasting and Prayer UK Referendum
173. Jesus Walking in His Father’s  Footsteps.
172. Adopted Children of God
171. Pentecost
170. Jesus the Strong Arm of God
169. Jesus at the Centre
168. Easter Reflections
167. Jesus at Bethany  
166. Jesus our Shield and Refuge
165. Numbered with the Transgressors
164. The difference between John and Jesus’ Baptisms 
163. Grace and Truth 
162. Jesus Born in Mary
161. Zechariah and Elizabeth
160. Crooked Paths made Straight
159. The Beatitudes
158. God Appointed Positions
157. Times & Seasons 
156. A Child-like Faith
155. Hidden in God
154. Coming from within Jesus the Word of Truth. 
153. Jesus the Bread of Forgiveness
152. Ecclesiastes 3 Time and Eternity
151 Love for God
150.God’s Timing
149. Holy is the Lord
148. God raised Jesus from the Dead
147. Blog List. 
146. Haslingden Christians Together
145. Jesus’ Prayer John 17
144. Jesus the Perpetual Light
143. The Doors were Shut 
142. Jesus is Alive 
141. Jesus and the Cross  
140. Bethany                                        
139. Discernment
138. Church of England Today in UK
137. The Lighthouse
136.The Refining Fire
135. The Calling of Nathaniel
134.Showers of Blessings
133. Christ Born in us.
132. The Prodigal Son
131. Fulfilment of Prophesies 
130. Jesus Reigns
129. The Great Commission 
128, The Crimson Worm
127. Visions and Dreams. 
126. A Heart/soul Transformed
125. The Wheat Harvest
124. Celebrating the Ascension
123. Who is Jesus.
122. the Tower of Babel and the Gift of Tongues.
121. Our Inheritance in Jesus.
120.The Way, the Truth, the Life.
119. Celebrating 20 Years of the Ordination of Women.
118. The Messiah’s Secret-  The Temple of Jesus Body
117. Shalom – Peace
116. 34 Prophesies Fulfilled in One Day
115. Jesus Heals the Two Blind men
114. James the Brother of Jesus
113. James remembers Job
112. short study of Job
111. Baptism of Tears
110.New Start
109. Jesus the First-born
108. Jesus the Vine.
107. The Samaritan Woman at the Well
106. Advent of the Star of David
105. Mary Chosen by God
104. Updated Book
103.Jesus the cornerstone
102. The Holy Spirit’s Ministry
101. Good King Wenceslas
100. The Rich Man and Lazarus
99. The Lost Sheep
98. The Lord’s Prayer.
97. Treasure in Heaven
96. How Great is our God
95.Jesus the Bridge
94. Jesus had nowhere to Lay His Head.
93. The Woman with the Alabaster Flask.
92. The Surging Crowds.
91. Pentecost.
90. Early Christians and the Essenes.
89. A Stone Rolled Away.
88. A Christian View of Freemasonry.
87. The Resurrection in Christ.
86. Fall & Rise.

85. The Messiah’s Secret –  Isaiah 53
84. Mary Anointed Jesus 
83. Faith, Fasting and Prayer                              
82. What is the Messiah’s Secret                        
81.  The Wedding at Cana 2                                
80. The Wedding at Cana 1                                
79.  A Slender Thread
78.  The Birth of Jesus                                                                                 
77.  Joy to the World                                            
76.  Water & Spirit                                                
75.   The True Saviour                                          
74.  Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream 
73.  Entering into God’s Rest 
72. Called by God
71. Held in the Lord’s Hands
70. Jesus is the Lord our God.                        
69. Jesus is the Christ                                          
68.   Law & Grace                                                 
67. Fire of God.                                                   
 66. Running the Race                                         
 65. Community Issues – Why Does God Allow Suffering.                              
64. True Riches.                                                  
63.  Community Issues –  Diversity of People     
62. The Sceptre.                                                 
61.  Community Issues – Unemployment             
60. Shoe Industry.                                               
59. Treasure.                                                      
 58. Get on Board.                                                 
56. The Vineyard – Christ in You                         
55. The Days of Noah.                                        
54. I AM the Resurrection and the Life.               
53. Transfiguration kept a Secret.                       
52. Morning Star – Christ in You Part 7.      
 51. The Sower – Christ in You Part 6.                  
50. Opening the Scroll.                                         
49. Flight into Egypt.
48. Archangel Gabriel’s Message to Mary
47. A Stone of Offence.
46. Sheep and Goats.
45. ‘Gideon’ Christ in You Part 5. 
44. Render to God the things that belong to God.
43. Christ in You Part 4  
42. Jonah.
41. Christ in You Part 3
40 The Third Temple 
39. Christ in You Part 2.                                      
38. Christ in You.                                                 
37. Jesus Removes the Blindfold.                      
36. Wheat and Tares.                                          
35. Children at Play in the Market Place.            
34. The Ascension of Jesus.                               
33. Mary the Mother of Jesus.                              
32. God the Mathematician.                                 
31. The Lord of the Dance.                                   
30. The Evening of the Day of the Resurrection.  
29.The Sovereignty of God.
28. Faithful Relationships. 
27. Jesus the Light of the World.
26. Faith and Grace    
25. Elijah and Elisha.
24. The Transfiguration 
23. The Way.  
22. Jesus the Physician. 
21. Saved by the Blood.  
20.Lamb of God.  
19. Baptism of Jesus.  
18. Emanuel. 
17. Criminal Saved.   
16. Jesus the King of Kings. 
15. Jesus the Messiah. 
14.  Pray Continuously.  
13. Healing Ministry of Jesus.   
12. Measured by Love.   
11. Communion with God   
10. Removing the Veil.
9. Faith, Justice and Mercy. 
8. Isaiah’s Prophesies Fulfilled.  
7. Jesus the Living Bread.
6. The Two Witnesses  
5. Jesus the King.  
4. Jesus the Son of God.  
3. The Messiah’s Secret Revealed  
2. A Kept Secret 
1. The Imperishable Seed.                                                     

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