The Messiah’s Secret – True Riches

The Messiah’s Secret – True Riches

Child dresses in King’s attire
A king wears a crown and splendid garments. King’s crown Diadem. Christian’s crown Stephanos- victors crown prize for running a race.
Two courtiers hold up instructions to congregation ‘Cheer’ and ‘Clap’
A king commands and it happens.
Scroll: The king reads out his commands: ‘England must win the World Cup’ ‘Cheer’ and ‘Scotland’s Andy Murray must win Wimbledon Men’s title’ ‘Clap.’

Jesus King of Kings
Jesus created celestial beings: angels, seraphim, cherubim and Archangels also the universe and everything in heaven and on the earth, the galaxies, the stars, planets and suns and all living things: the earth with its rocks, soil, grass, trees, the birds and fish, the animals, insects and human beings.

Jesus is revealed to us as the Word, in the beginning the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
Jesus created everything in heaven and on the earth by the power of his Word. “God said ‘Let there be light” and there was light.” Genesis 1:3.
But God told him that he must leave his throne and all God’s riches and go to the earth and be born of a woman and become one of us.

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.” 2 Corinthians 8: 9
Jesus became poor because the people on the earth did not know God his Father like he knew him.

Remove the King’s attire: the crown and the robe.
(Children return to their seats)

Jesus healed by the power of his word when he lived among the people in Israel.
Video Clip ‘Mercy’ by Casting Crowns’ YouTube

In our reading two people came to Jesus for healing. Jairus for his daughter and the lady for herself and both were healed by Jesus

God’s riches are received by faith.
Jesus healed by the power of his word when he lived among the people in Israel. Jairus the ruler of the synagogue came to Jesus in desperation, he feared his daughter was not going to get better, she was very poorly. He asked Jesus to accompany him to his home in order for him to heal his daughter. Jairus came to Jesus openly regardless of upsetting his friends and colleges, many of them opposed Jesus’ healing ministry saying that it wasn’t of God.
The lady amongst the crowd that surrounded Jesus she came to Jesus calculating, if she could just touch his garments she would be healed of her illness.
But Jesus wasn’t happy with the way she approached him for her healing. We can understand why she approached Jesus in the way that she did, as she was afraid of being stopped from going near him by those who regarded her as being unclean. But as a result of her tactics her need was brought out into the open. Jesus could tell someone had touched him and he asked who it was, but no one responded straight away. The lady owned up saying it was her. Jesus said to her, “Daughter your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.”
Jesus wants us to be honest with him regardless of the opinions of others.
Jairus was told that his daughter had died and it was pointless Jesus going to the house. But Jesus went accompanied by Peter and brothers James and John. On arrival the mourners were weeping outside Jairus’ home. Jesus told them that she was not dead but sleeping and they laughed at him. Jesus, Jairus and his wife, Peter, James and John entered the room where the little girl lay. Jesus taking her by the hand said to her, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” She got up immediately and walked. Those present were amazed.

Jairus’ daughter being raised from the dead and the woman healed of the disease these are true riches, they can’t be purchased by money, they were only obtained by their faith in Jesus.

Today it is still by faith in Jesus
Jesus made us right with God, by forfeiting his life by the way of the cross and as a result when we say sorry to God he forgives us and we are accepted into God’s family becoming children of God.
“But to all who receive him, who believe in his name, he gives power to become children of God.”John 1: 12

A man with his family was out on a walk, it was a warm day and they got quite thirsty. Seeing a lady in her garden they decided to stop and ask her for a drink of water. “Certainly,” she said, “Come inside the house, I’ve got something else that I would like to give you.” They followed her into her house, where she gave them all a drink.

Afterwards the lady said to the father, “The owner of this house has asked to offer the contents of each room to someone like yourselves, would you like to choose one of the rooms with its contents for you and your family.” The lady proceeded to open a door, the man and his family gasped as the light caught the gold of a large display of ornaments and vases. “These are worth millions of pounds,” she said,” They are yours if you want them.” Each room had priceless paintings and antiques. The last room door was opened, this room on first glance seemed empty, but as they walked in, near the window there was a cot and in it a baby lay fast asleep. The lady said that this baby was an orphan with no family. She said to them, “Would you like to have this room with its contents or one of the others?”
The man turned to his family and with a glance of approval they said to the lady, “This is the room we would like to have, we will love the child as our own.” “I’m so glad,” she said, “You see the house and all its contents belong to this baby and now every room and its contents are yours as well.”

The story illustrates were Jesus is portrait as a baby and needs the help of the lady to communicate the message concerning the house and its contents, so Jesus needs us to tell others about himself and the love of God the Father.It is then up to that person to freely make a choice to accept Jesus or not.

When we accept Jesus into our hearts, everything that belongs to Jesus belongs to us, to every Christian personally. Paul in his letter to the Corinthian Church revealed to them how by grace: (God’s riches at Christ’expense) Jesus came among his people who knew about God, but who didn’t know God personally.
“By his poverty we might become rich.”

The unsearchable riches of Christ.
Paul pointed out to the church at Ephesus that the Hebrew Scriptures were the unsearchable riches to the Gentiles up until the revealing of Jesus the Messiah and were only searchable through faith in Jesus. When a Gentile found Jesus as their Saviour and through the Word finds the riches of his grace. Ephesians 3:8.

The riches of his glory
Paul refers to “Christ in You” Colossians 1:27.
The presence of the Spirit of Jesus within us, changes our understand about God. We experience a mighty strengthening by the Spirit of God’s love and his love is expressed in us in having a love for the lost, the people who do not know God.
The power of the Trinity working within us is able to do far more than we ask or think. Ephesians 3: 14-21.

So Jesus brings us the knowledge of God and also of his power to heal our relationship with God.
So you can make a choice today for Jesus and enter into fellowship with him and become part of his family of believers. God loves us and pours out his love and blessings.

Grace – God’s riches at Christ’s expense.
G – God’s
R – Riches
A – at
C – Christ’s
E – Expense

Jairus’ Daughter and the Lady Healed by Jesus Mark 5: 21-43
God’s Riches 2 Corinthians 8: 7- 15
All the answers are part of the God’s riches, but one will fit the situation more than the other two.
1/ What are God’s riches? : Money – Possessions –Jesus Mark 10: 30.
2/ How do we receive God’s riches is it through: Sending an email to God – Faith – Patience Romans 10: 8-10
3/ Two people in our Gospel reading acted on their faith in Jesus and received one of God’s riches: Grace – Thanks – Blessing
4/ Jesus was prompted to go to Jairus’ home, but someone delayed him: Man – Woman- Child
5/ How was he delayed, did someone: Speak to him – Touch his clothes – Offer him a drink.
6/Jesus insisted that the person owned up. Another of God’s riches:
Honesty – Discernment – Kindness
7/When Jesus found out who it was, he didn’t get angry. Another of God’s riches:
Joy – love – Forgiveness
8/ The person received another of God’s riches: Healing – Strength – Peace
9/ Afterwards Jesus and Jairus were told that Jairus’ daughter had died and not to trouble Jesus by making the journey to see her. Jesus went anyway and displayed another of God’s riches: Perseverance – Knowledge – Power
10/ Jesus arrived at the house and went in to where the little girl lay and he said to her ‘little girl, I say to you, arise’ and immediately she got up and walked. Another of God’s riches: Resurrection – Miracle – New life.

The Friday Club children concluded the service deaf signing to ‘Awesome God.’

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