The Messiah’s Secret – Held in the Lord’s Hands

The Messiah’s Secret – Held in the Lord’s hands.
The hands remind us of the Lord’s word in the book of Isaiah 49: 16 “Behold, I have graven you in the palm of my hands.” 
Jesus places us in God’s hands to be looked after, loved and cared for by our heavenly Father.

In the recorded words of Matthew Jesus was stood on the Mount teaching the people and gave insight into the ways of God.                                                                                           
Harvest   Matthew 6: 25-33.
We give thanks for our food and clothing as Jesus reminds us that the birds, the flowers that are totally dependent on God. God who sustains their life and ours too.                                                                
Dove/bird – The dove is brought and placed into the cupped hands by a child.
Question –   What do birds feed on?    Answer – Worms, seeds, berries and insects.
What are they are covered, clothed with? Answer –  feathers.                                                     
The dove is a symbol of peace. 
Noah was maybe anxious when the raven returned with no sign that the waters had receded, he sent out a dove and it returned with no sign. He sent out the dove again and this time it brought the good news, dry land had appeared it carried in its beak an olive leaf.  Do not be anxious about anything God will take care of you.                                 .                                                                                                                            
The lily. The lily is placed in the hands by another child.
Jesus said consider how they grow, they don’t have to work to make themselves grow; they simply receive the water and nourishment from the soil. How majestic is their appearance. Jesus compared the lilies splendid appearance, as being far superior to the dazzling, sparkling robes of King Solomon.
God knows we need food and clothing and all these things are provided. Jesus wants us to look beyond food and clothing and to seek his kingdom living by faith and trust in God.
How do we grow in faith and trust in Jesus, we pray in faith believing that God will answer our prayer in what is best for us.                                          
It is like the Freesia bulbs I planted in spring; in due course the stems and the leaves appeared followed by the fragrant flowers. I expected them to grow, I had faith that they would.
I have faith that when I post a letter the Post man will pick it up from the Post Box and it will be delivered reaching its destination.
Do not be anxious about anything God will take care of you.

Jesus touches our lives when we come to him in faith and trust.
My eldest daughter, when she was ten, had a routine school medical were she was diagnosed with having a heart murmur. We were advised to take her to see a consultant. I was anxious, so I asked the church family to pray for her. When praying it’s a good idea to pray for all involved: the person and the medical diagnosis, the consultant, the nurses, the results of any tests.
The consultant paediatrician was very kind and explained what she had was not going to cause her any problems and no treatment was needed.  My husband and I were so relieved and thankful. The prayers were answered and in another way too, within eighteen months the consultant and his family moved into our locality and joined our church.

Jesus is alive and has the power to bring new life were we are worn and strength when we are tired when we feel unable to cope with everyday situations. 
“Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
 If I go to the heavens, you are there;
If I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
 If I settle on the far side of the sea,
 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.”
Psalm 139:10.
Dependance on God. 
Christians who are struggling to make ends meet; God will supply your needs. I remember my sister after her husband left her, the youngest child, (one of seven,) was under one. Her former husband did not pay her any maintenance and the state benefit did not cover basic needs.  Many a time she did not know where their next meal was coming from. My sister depended upon the Lord’s help and support. Out of the blue someone would call and supply their need.
Do not be anxious about anything God will take care of you.

Harvest Appeal
Our churches Tear Fund representative introduced the appeal with a three minute video and placed into the hands items that relate to Tear Funds activities abroad. Following this Gwen (not her real name) who had visited Uganda earlier this year, shared with us her experience. (She had brought with her some items, that she had brought back from Uganda and placed them in the hands.)
Gwen showed us pictures on the screen of how little the people had in their homes, food was scarce and of poor quality. The cycle of poverty was difficult to overcome because it meant that people had to change their way of life. Tear Fund’s representatives give advice and practical help to alleviate poverty and reduce illness by providing new ways to cultivate their land and they teach personal hygiene and cleanliness.
However, Gwen noticed that the Ugandan’s faith and trust in Jesus, shone. It reminds us of Jesus words; the 5 sparrows sold for 2 pennies and not one of them is forgotten by God. Their names are engraved into the Lord our God’s hands.
Do not be anxious about anything God will take care of you.

Paul’s letter to Timothy he encouraged them to pray for the well being of all people especially those who hold high positions.  1 Timothy 2: 1-8
Our leaders need our prayers as they strive to deal with the problems of our day. Today in the UK many Christians are concerned about the slide away from Christianity.
Last Saturday Christians world wide held a day of prayer, we held it at Wembley Stadium, sadly there was no mention on national TV or in the newspapers. Some would say it’s a sign of the times. We hear of the increased unrest in many countries, and the global effects of climate change on the seasons. There is urgency for people to hear the good news and make a decision about Jesus.

Bible teaches choice between – Heaven or hell.
Heaven is a place where those who follow Jesus and witness their faith, upholding his name. They will be forever with the Lord in the light of his kingdom.
Hell is a place where those who reject Christ will be totally separated from the love and light of Christ in complete darkness.

Paul wrote that God would see all people saved. 

(The hands 1 and 1/2 metrs long I made them out of cardboard carpet tubes) 

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