The Messiah’s Secret – The Birth of Jesus


The  Messiah’ Secret –  The Birth of Jesus
    Reading. Luke 2:8-20 
Micah prophesied that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.          Micah 5: 2.              
Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem came about through the Romans putting in place a census for the purpose of future taxation. Herod the king implemented the decree of Caesar, he directed a general registration to all of the people, to go to their own city, and be enrolled according to their tribes or families. Joseph and Mary were betrothed and both were descended from the line of King David, so they travelled from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the census.
Bethlehem could not cope with the numbers of people arriving. When Joseph and Mary reached Bethlehem they struggled to find accommodation in the Inns. A stable was the only place found available to give shelter, rest and warmth and that night Jesus was born. 
The Shepherds
After the birth of Jesus shepherds who were watching their flocks in the nearby fields when suddenly an angel appear before them. The angel told the shepherds of the Messiah’s birth in Bethlehem This would be a sign to them, he was cradled in a manger. A great number of angels appeared and they were all praising God.                                                                                                              
Bethlehem was noted for the flocks of sheep kept near to the town. Lambs were reared for the sacrifices made at the temple. The shepherds who looked after these flocks were not like the shepherds looking after the sheep on the surrounding hills, they had the reputation for not being  reliable.
The shepherds who looked after the temple sheep were observant of the law, they were religious men. The temple flocks were watched all the year round, great care was taken over them as they were inspected for their perfection. Only the best of the flock were acceptable for the sacrifices.                                       
 It was significant that the shepherds looked after the lambs. The angels sang echoing the trumpet blast and the singing took place when the sacrifice was laid upon the altar , ‘Glory to God in the highest.’  “The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah” by Alfred Edersheim.
John the Baptist called Jesus the Lamb of God. Jesus was sacrificed for the sins of the whole world. He was not born to condemn the world but to save the world.
The Sign
After the angels left their presence, the shepherds decided to find the new born babe in Bethlehem.  It was possible that other babies had been born in Bethlehem that night, but it was unlikely that any would be lying in a manger for his bed. This sign was fulfilled when the shepherds found Joseph and Mary and the baby in the manger.
There was great rejoicing by the angels and the shepherds over God’s good will towards the people of the world. Peace on earth has yet to be fulfilled, but the peace in our hearts that Jesus gives to those who believe in him. 

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